Virtual Evolution

Chapter 507: Yulei

The taste of Sky Thunder is not acceptable to ordinary people, and Le Yuan is also afraid to take his own life to try the sourness, even if his own reactance ability has made great progress with the help of Belu, but watch Seeing that a lightning bolt so thick in the sky split down, the thoughts were instantly dissipated.

Regarding the full output of Emperor's Supreme Power, Le Yuan is unknown. After all, no one can fully use it. The original little emperor is too young to use at all, and although the clothing is well controlled by the electronic body after the revision, the energy source conversion does not reach the maximum output. .

Therefore, when Le Yuan acted as a backup battery, he poured the power of the cosmic cube into [the supreme power], and the power that was released was really beyond his imagination.

I saw the golden lightning falling from the sky and the red laser rising from the ground collided in a kilometer of air in a short moment. At that moment, the energy fluctuations spread from the contact point to the surroundings, and the powerful force of destruction shrouded everyone. Mind.

The human power is exhausted, but Yuan Luzhi ’s attack is like endless. Although Le Yuan fully infused the energy of the Rubik's Cube into [the supreme power], this energy transmission was passed on Le Yuan ’s own body as a pass In terms of materiality, Le Yuan does not have the ability to support it all the time, coupled with the death power of [The Highest Force], the energy of the ark reaction furnace is constantly declining during the attack.

The confrontation between the two sides finally declared a turning point with [the supreme power] first, and saw that the red pillar of light was continuously pressed down by golden lightning from the sky, and Le Yuan could even feel the breath of death.

"Dad, you leave first, and I control [the supreme power] to block this blow for you!" Jie Yi saw that he and Le Yuan were about to be devoured by the attack, and shouted in a spiritual connection.

It's not like Le Yuan hasn't done such an escape, but he has to prevent his “daughter”, and he can't do it alone. You should know that although the electronic body of Yui is immune to most damage, once it is hit by this devastating lightning, there is only one ending-death.

"Want me to die? I need to be ready for tooth decay, asshole!"

Le Yuan's hand pressed on the Supreme Emperor's Tool suddenly released, and the Attack of the Supreme Emperor's Tool dropped rapidly after being released, and it would be defeated in less than half a second. In less than half a second, Le Yuan made a series of moves and tried to make a final resistance.

I saw that when his hand left the Supreme Emperor Gao, he took out the eternal gun, and at the same time, his body quickly stood up, and then he stirred up the strength of the whole body and concentrated his own energy in this blow. Headed deep into the dark clouds.

The red death laser was eventually defeated and lost the backup energy support provided by Le Yuan. [Supreme Power] soon entered the dormant cooling, and the eternal gun also had a blow of endless destruction. After coming into contact with lightning, the sky was rushing into the sky.


After the black thundercloud was drilled out of a huge hole by the eternal gun, the painful sound belonging to Yuan Luzhi sounded throughout the world. It seems that the attack from Leyuan not only destroyed his attack, but also caused him to suffer. No small hurt.

But Le Yuan's strike was not without cost. Although the Eternal Gun successfully defeated the huge lightning, it did not mean that all lightning had disappeared at that instant.

The huge pillar of lightning was scattered into countless parts immediately after being defeated by the Eternal Gun. The energy contained in it was large or small, but without exception, it was extremely violent and destructive.

After losing the **** of Yuan Luzhi, these unmanned lightnings instantly became indiscriminately damaged barrage attacks and scattered around, of course, most of them struck the [Highest Power]. Stopped by it.

At this moment, Le Yuan was overwhelmed. To know that he was standing on the head of the supreme power, and more importantly, he returned to his hands after the eternal gun defeated the lightning.

Metal is conductive, which is something that as long as people with common sense can understand. Although the eternal gun in Le Yuan's hand is called an artifact, it still has a major feature of ordinary metal objects-conductivity.

Although the most powerful place under the feet is also metal, but who is the place where Le Yuan stands? He can't hack anyone this day if Lei does not split, but Le Yuan, who is already emptied by the power of ninety-nine, can only support his body, first using the skills added by the cosmic cube to supplement his own power to fifty, and then All defenses are used.

The chaotic time and space energy plus Le Yuan's body is too empty, which makes the original simplest way to avoid space movement impossible. It can only be supported by hard resistance.

After Le Yuan's first hit in Tian Lei, Le Yuan felt nothing but pain in his bone marrow. The radon shield is invalid, the magic shield cannot be blocked at all, and the ghost shadow wrapped around the body surface persists for less than 10 seconds and is penetrated by an endless sky mine.

Until this time, the attack from the huge thunderbolt that was defeated has only surpassed about half. However, Le Yuan ’s methods have been almost exhausted up to this point. Tian Lei landed on the surface of Le Yuan ’s body stiffly. At this moment, the “black hole effect” has been fully launched under Le Yuan ’s will. How much, then energy feedback to nourish the damaged body.

The undead man is also operating in overload, and ordinary people will definitely be attacked by ash. Le Yuan will rely on flesh and blood to support it. Although the skin on the surface has become horrible, at least the human form is still there.

Le Yuan's side was temporarily supported, but the group of people underground had no such good luck.

If it is someone from another world, at the same time it becomes stronger, more or less physical resistance, vitality will also increase simultaneously. But only in this wonderful world, in addition to launching the Warriors Flurry, the promotion at other times is extremely limited.

This situation has led to the following army of more than 100,000 people, who are able to withstand this indiscriminate attack directly.

A speed-type general such as Xingcai can't be said to be as fast as lightning after launching Warriors Flurry, but he can still avoid such attacks. As for the other people who can't escape, they can only rely on the greatly improved resistance and defense ability when Wushuang Flurry is launched.

Wushuang military generals have this treatment. It is difficult for ordinary people to survive under the bombing of Tianlei. After the bombardment of mad thunder, there is an extra scorch on the ground, and 30,000 people have died in this time. Assault, as long as the soldiers who were directly hit died without exception.

After the thunderstorm this time, everyone has n’t returned to God for a long time. The great changes that happened in a short period of time are incredible, whether it is [the supreme power] Dafa Shenwei, or [the supreme power] and Yuan Luzhi. Fighting is far beyond the scope that ordinary people can understand.

The tragic state of affairs on the battlefield today is simply an example of the suffering of immortals fighting mortals.

"Damn, Brother Le, he'll be fine!"

After avoiding the bombardment of Tianlei, Xingcai immediately wanted to climb to the [Mighty Power] that was already silent to find out.

However, Lu Qiling was holding her back. Although Lu Qiling was also very worried about Le Yuan's current situation, the Supreme Emperor Gao was not so good. Although the residual current above is no longer fatal to Wushuang Generals, it is still an impossible task to climb up.

"All we can do now is to protect this place and stop everyone who tries to invade. As for Brother Le, we can only trust him now."

Lu Qiling comforted, and then re-arranged the line of defense with everyone.

Le Yuan, who is at a height of 100 meters, can be said to be the most miserable. The Supreme Emperor with iron armor under his feet was scorched by Tian Lei. Le Yuan's body was completely black, let alone hair, and there were no organs intact throughout the body, and his eyes were completely destroyed.

But Rao is so, Le Yuan's body has kept alive. The set of Xiaogao Xianpao up to a level was not a fake. At least the Tianlei power that fell on him was blocked by nearly 40%. And the remaining 60% was offset by the "black hole effect". In this case, Le Yuan could barely bear the attack of Tianlei.

Reluctantly holding back does not mean that Le Yuan can survive. Although 40% of the sky mines are not enough to kill Le Yuan directly, successive attacks continue to destroy his body little by little. [^ 妙 ~ 笔 ~ 阁 *]

When the last hundred roads of the thunder attack that day fell, Le Yuan was already at the end of the crossbow. He should have died under this attack, but when he thought he was going to die ~ ~ Huang Rong rescued he.

In the world of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", the two d-level concentric pendants awarded by Taohua Island after the contest of recruiting relatives, the "couple concentric" attached to it, even Le Yuan himself was about to forget. When the opponent receives a fatal blow, he can transfer half of the damage to himself and be invincible for 10 seconds (priority 32).

Just when Le Yuan was about to encounter a fatal blow, Huang Rong chose to actively help Le Yuan to take the remaining half of the injury, which barely saved Le Yuan a lifeline. For this reason, Huang Rong, who lacks strength, has consumed most of her elixir in the alchemy room, but in her opinion, it may be very worthwhile.

"Woohoo--dad, are you okay?"

Jie Yi flew out of the [Mighty Power] rather embarrassedly. Although she blocked Tian Lei with the power of [Mighty Power], she suffered a lot of damage at a glance while the Emperor was wounded. It is not easy for her to float out now, and it is no longer realistic to continue to manipulate the Supreme Power.

Seeing the tragic appearance of Le Yuan, Jie Yi, who had not yet passed the expiration date, cried even more sadly. As the protagonist of the incident, Le Yuan is now in a very delicate state. The destructive killing of Tian Lei, which fell from the sky, has passed, and the energy of Tian Lei absorbed by him and stored in the body is 40%. And these 40% of the thunder force are constantly stimulating the power of thunder that belongs to Le Yuan itself while destroying his body.

Originally, the hollow eyes of the thunderbolt had been completely destroyed. At this time, a blue lightning jumped out. The lightning looked extraordinary in the empty eyes. Not dead yet.