Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 130: Enthusiastic

Murong Shanshan immediately spent another 5000 oceans and a system notification: The first guild of the "Hengheng" "Sword and Rose" will recruit members at the East Gate Plaza of Yinyue City. Oh, all 35 and above, well-equipped players come to register! We have set 5 recruitment points, and we are waiting for your arrival sincerely!

Do n’t worry, the whole server must be sky-high now. The guys in South Korea and Europe have been clamoring to establish the first guild. Unfortunately, this time it is still preempted by Chinese players, and the guild is still a small and cute MM, I don't know what those guys who think they are perverted like shemales will think.

For the time being, foreigners don't say that it is not them who are most angry now, but the red blood that has spent 400 million to buy a group certificate!

This time the blood red will definitely be upset, and the investment of 400 million funds will lose at least half of its value!

Unsurprisingly, Xuehong also issued a system announcement shortly after Murong Shanshan finished the message, with only two words-"shit!"

Xu Lin and I smiled. After lunch and tea at noon, I used a hotel computer to check. He is a big boss and a well-known good temper. He has always upheld the belief that he will serve people with virtue!

It is said that there is a very beautiful young department manager in the blood-red company. She once pointed at the blood-red nose at a high-level meeting and scolded him for despicable and insulting female employees. When everyone thought that the manager was definitely finished, the blood-red was just reported With a slight smile, the matter was pushed to private treatment under the pretext that it affected the harmony of society and the family.

Even though blood red is so good-tempered, it finally broke out after spending hundreds of millions of unjust money!


"Blood red is definitely not sleeping well tonight!" Xu Lin smiled happily.

I helplessly glanced at the glamourous beauties. Now that the loot distribution has been completed, I should go back to the city to repair the equipment. After the high-intensity battle just now, the durability of the equipment is not much left.

I clapped my hands and said, "I'm going back to the city to see Murong Shanshan's income from the guild. How about you?"

Xu Lin looked at Xinyu and Lu Xuehan and said, "We are going back, too, and let's go to Yinyue Mountain to level up. How about it?"

Both Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan nodded in agreement, so the next four of us returned to the city together.

The point I set to return to the city is the East Gate. I was taken aback by the sight before I entered the city. Silver Moon City is the most magnificent main city in China. His architecture is quite magnificent, and it is only at East Gate Square. It is enough for nearly 10,000 people, but even so, I was still crowded towards the center of the square. Fortunately, my strength is relatively high, otherwise I can't help myself anywhere I want to go.

The performance of the players is quite crazy. The first guild and the guild formed by the beautiful beauty Murong Shanshan in China, there are not many people who come to join the club.

Regardless of whether everyone ’s motivations are pure or not, Murong Shanshan has achieved great success this time. He has established a guild in front of blood red, so that he can **** many high-level players. This human wealth is very important to blood red No one who can rush ahead in the first month of the game will be a fuel-saving lamp. These people will also be the main force in future guild battles!

"Hoo ~!"

A powerful hand fell on my shoulder. Although I knew very few people in the city dared to be malicious, I was taken aback. Looking back, it turned out that the mage was "young and frivolous." I used to woo him during the Brave Challenge.

"Hey! Why not join the club?"

I froze slightly, and then smiled and said, "Who are we, don't you want to squeeze with these guys?"

The young man gave a slight smile: "It's the same, but really, if Murong Shanshan can pull you into the meeting, she will really strengthen her momentum, now you are the highest level player in Silvermoon City."

"Oh, now it's difficult to upgrade, everyone's level difference is not big, don't you also reach level 39?"

"That is, I only sleep for 6 hours a day. If the level is not high, I will not see my brothers." The young man gently touched his nose and smiled, and said, "Yes, when you introduced me Can you open a back door for me and my brothers in the guild of Murong Shanshan? "

I pointed at the crowd in front of me, and said with a smile, "Well, just sign up in front of you. Are you afraid that others will not accept it at your level?"

The young and light man showed a look of surprise: "You wouldn't be kidding me, so many people, my weak little mage might have been intestines before being squeezed into the green ..."

I laughed, intuition that the young man was very frivolous, and at least a few meetings did not make me feel disgusted.

"Let ’s go. Let ’s see how many people your brother has and how good are you?"

The young man smiled slightly, and said: "A total of nearly 500 people, including my brother's friends, are pretty good *, most of them have passed the 35th level, and the equipment is also good. Most importantly, these are all It is an old bird playing online games. Others dare not say that it is absolutely practical for playing guild battles. "

This guy spoke very directly. I thought for a moment and said, "So, let your brothers all gather in the cathedral. I'll contact Murong Shanshan for her reception!"

"Don't need to investigate?" The young and frivolous were a little surprised. It stands to reason that the guild's income needs to be carefully examined, otherwise it would not be good to collect the spy.

I nodded: "That's the program, but I definitely trust you brother!"

The young and frivolous worked hard to pretend to be very moved ~ ~ without a few tears: "Then, I let my brothers gather at the cathedral."

So I immediately contacted Murong Shanshan: "Shanshan, to help you win over 500 masters, send someone to the cathedral to receive it."

"What master?"

"Last year's frivolous, remember? He brought 500 of his ashes players to join the club, you don't want it, it's not like your personality!"

Murong Shanshan said firmly: "Okay, it's the cathedral. I'll be right here, and I will collect it myself!"


Almost everyone gathered in the square, but the cathedral seemed quite deserted, and only a small number of players learning the priest skills would come to this place.

After a while, a group of about 100 players gathered in the church. When they came over, they greeted me and the young madmen, and they were the young madmen.

Murong Shanshan quickly squeezed out of the crowd. When she appeared in the church, the young and frivolous people looked stunned ...