Wang Family’s Peasant Woman: Raising kids and Making wealth

Chapter 329: Grandpa is leaving

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Chapter 329: Lord is leaving

"Sister-in-law, although I am the daughter of Gu's family, I am also a woman." Gu Chunzhu took Bai's hand to his eyes and said: "Just as the **** Gu Chunyang has wronged you for so many years, now it's hard to leave With this humiliated person, you should also consider your own happiness."

Gu Chunzhu's words made Bai's body startle, which she had never thought of. At the beginning, she would rather have been left by Gu Chunyang and leave Gu's house because she was thinking of breaking the ship and sinking into a boat. She was ready to live alone for the rest of her life.

"This man is unmarried and the woman is not married. The third son can't pursue you." Gu Chunzhu snickered with his mouth covered.

She felt in her heart that Bai's should be somewhat fond of He. Otherwise, instead of coming to explain today, I asked myself to help her get rid of He Boss by waving a big mallet.

Some words made Bai's face reddish, her soles rubbed the ground, embarrassed: "I'm not the same as you said, I have to wait for Xiaohu to go home after saying this.

"Xiaohu also hopes that you will have a good life. Look at how well Xiaohu treats An'an, and I hope you will give him a sister to play with!" Gu Chunzhu said smoothly, Gu Xiaohu is a good boy , She really is not worried.

"You..." Bai Shi was so ashamed to hit Gu Chunzhu, still waving his arm twice, and still didn't move. Now Gu Chunzhu has a baby lump in her stomach and she is afraid to scare her.

Bai fears that Gu Chunzhu will persuade her to be more confused, and she will leave when she pulls her leg. "I don't tell you why!"

"Sister-in-law, you haven't finished this sauerkraut cake yet. You can take it home and you can drink some hot water for dinner." Gu Chunzhu looked at her and explained to herself that she didn't even take a few bites. Thousand-layer meat pie, Gu Chunzhu hurriedly chased it and stuffed it into her hand.

Bai's took over a thousand layers of meat pies, Gu Chunzhu's apricot eyes slightly changed: "Sister-in-law, don't be too harsh on the third son, he is a solid person. If he likes you, you will give him a chance." See how hard he is."

"You!" Bai Chungu really talked differently, pushed the door and left.

Gu Chunzhu looked at Bai's, if He Lao San really can bring Bai's happiness!

In the evening, when Su Wangqin came back, he talked to Gu Chunzhu about the progress of the small shop house in the school. The family ate a full meal, and even this day passed.

Early the next morning, Su Wangqin's father and son went to the school and went to work one by one.

Gu Chunzhu stayed at home and opened a small stove in An'an. She made a multigrain pancake with a multigrain noodle. I smeared a batter on the hotplate, knocked an egg while the batter had just solidified, sprinkled with a handful of chopped green onions, and brushed with a large amount of sauce.

"My mother is delicious, crispy and fragrant." An An took a bite of the multigrain pancake and handed it to Gu Chunzhu's mouth. Gu Chunzhu was also hungry and took several bites.

"Snap—" There was a strong knock on the door outside.

Gu Chunzhu's heart tightened, and it wouldn't be another scourge, knock this door so loudly.

"Who?" She left An An in the room and walked to the door by herself. She asked who it was before she sneaked a peek into the door. Now that she is a pregnant woman with limited combat effectiveness, she is very cautious.

"It's my grandfather, and it's all awkward to open the door. Your little stingy woman can't do anything." Long Boss has called out outside.

"Why are you here?" Gu Chunzhu mumbled and opened the door.

She looked at the sullen face of Long Boss, thinking that yesterday she had broken the small secret of Long Boss, and took a step backwards to welcome Long Boss.

Boss Long walked into the yard and sat on the bench with a buttocks. After sitting firmly, there was a little sadness on his face. He rubbed his chin and sighed, "Oh, Lord is leaving!"

"Go, where are you going, this lotus town, but your chassis is not ready to ask for it?" Gu Chunzhu wondered.

"Uncle, are you a guest at our house?" An An held a small head in the kitchen with the multigrain pancakes, revealing a line of Xiaomi teeth and saying hello to the boss.

The nose of the dragon's nose moved, strange! He got up from the bench and went straight to the stove.

Gu Chunzhu also followed, watching Dragon Boss stooping and staring at the multigrain pancakes in An An’s hand. An An stinged back the multigrain pancakes behind her. She couldn’t help but say, “Don’t you want to grab the baby’s food? ."

"Yeah is that kind of man. He is hungry and gives him one." Boss Long sat directly on the Sifang table and poured himself a pot of hot water like a host.

Gu Chunzhu made multigrain pancakes for him on the hotplate, and asked, "You haven't said how to go?"

These words awakened the boss's resentment at once, and Gu Guzhu was severely counted several times, not to blame her for revealing her secret to his old lady.

He also raised one foot on the bench and said deliberately: "Yeah is rushed to Jinzhou by my mother now. If I die there, I will turn into a ghost and go back to find you here."

"Uncle, dirty!" An An's small hand snapped painlessly on Dragon's lap, indicating that his leg soiled the stool.

"Just your little broken family has a lot of rules. Sooner or later, your little girl will become as annoying as you." Long Boss had to put his feet down in a pretentious manner, barely correcting his sitting posture.

Gu Chunzhu rolled the multigrain pancakes, wrapped it in oil paper and handed him over. He glared at him by the way and saw if he could stop his mouth!

"When are you going?" she asked standing beside.

"Today, what else will the Lord do!" Long Boss went down with a big bite, and the multigrain pancakes were gone for half a year.

Gu Chunzhu looked at this posture and made another one. She made a second move before Long Boss finished eating. She thought of Cheng An Xiufang's achievements and went to the back room to get money to prepare for Long Boss.

Looking back, An An and Boss Long sat opposite each other, and An An sat on the bench with their little feet shaking, and the two were still talking seriously.

"Little girl, if your father is really dead when the father comes back, I will help your father take care of you and your mother."

"No, father An'an won't die!"

"Cut, it's boring, I see your mother's craftsmanship is not bad, if I marry a wife, I'll marry this way!"

"But my mother married my father... well, what should I do?"

Gu Chunzhu listened clearly outside the house, fearing that the boss Long said more and more outrageous, this guy always curses the hope of death, but also makes her teeth tickle!

"Cough!" The door of her cooker coughed and interrupted them.

"This is the cents of Cheng'an Xiufang. The last batch of goods received two hundred and two silvers. Here is forty-two. It's your share." Gu Chunzhu took two twenty-two silver tickets and took them on the dragon boss. before.