Wang Ye is a Demon (Prince is a Demon)

Chapter 57: Brothel

As soon as the voice fell, Gu Yining was stunned. Where else would he care about whether the woman was a chick or not, there were only those places with beautiful scenery...

She opened her eyes strenuously, struggling there with all her strength.

Suddenly, the carriage door curtain was lifted up, and in front of her was a gorgeous woman with thick and pompous makeup on her face. Behind her was a constant stream of guests—a brothel.

"Really a good-looking girl." The woman said, a smile that made Gu Yining tremble appeared on her face-this is probably the old bustard, right?

Beside the woman, there is a burly man with a rough look, his chin is full of scum, and there is a not deep scar on the right cheek.

Gu Yining struggled to say something, but when all the words came to his lips, there was only a muffled sound of "umh".

"Why did she wake up?" The man was a little unbelievable. Seeing what she wanted to say, he mercifully pulled out the strip of cloth from her mouth.

Gu Yining lay there strenuously, her consciousness gradually waking up: " are so courageous."

Lying in front of him was the imperial concubine of the Eighth Prince, but he abruptly described him as the servant of the Eighth Prince's Mansion.

His eyes tightened. After listening to her, his face showed obvious discomfort, worrying that Gu Yining would struggle and uncooperatively after waking up. He again covered her mouth and nose with a white handkerchief, not leaving her A chance to be sober.

She faintly plunged into the darkness, and vaguely heard the old bustard's distressed voice: "Such a beautiful girl, don't treat her like this! This is our lucky tree!"

When Gu Yining woke up again, there was no one around her. She was weak and sore, and the wound on her shoulder was faintly painful. She struggled to prop up her body.

The hemp rope has been untied, and the red mark strangled by the hemp rope still remains on his arm. The clothes on her body had long since been changed--a revealing suit suddenly made her feel a little disgusted.

Outside the door, there were licentious laughter, which made her feel distraught.

Gu Yining struggled to get up from the bed and walked around, wondering if there was a place to escape.

The furnishings around are very simple, only a bed, a table, a dressing table, and a wardrobe.

Gu Yining just wanted to take advantage of no one to sneak out of the window when the door was pushed open.

What came in was a gorgeous woman, her gorgeous costume was even a bit dazzling, "Yo, are you awake?" The voice was a bit sharp, which made Gu Yining a little uncomfortable.

"Where is this?" Gu Yining asked timidly. She knew that this was a brothel, but she still held the last lingering hope - looking forward to uttering words other than brothel from the woman.

"This is Yichun Tower!" The woman looked at Gu Yining with a smile.

Yichun put it bluntly, it was the brothel, Gu Yi sank, and the last trace of hope was also shattered at this moment.

"By the way, what is your name?" The old bustard continued to ask.

Gu Yining did not respond, but just stared at the front in a daze-who brought her here? Who is instructing behind the scenes?

"When Daniel sold you, he said you had no name. Would you like your mother to get one for you?"

Seeing Gu Yining not speaking, the old bustard continued: "This is the seventh day of the new year, so let's call you Xiaoqi!"

"Little Qi, can you pick up guests tonight?"

The old bustard's question suddenly pulled Gu Yining's thoughts back. It didn't take long for the old bustard to think of her name?

"No," Gu Yining promptly rejected her, "I don't sell myself."

"It's okay if you don't sell your body, or you can do an art." The old bustard enthusiastically planned for her. She looks so good-looking and doesn't worry about making money.

"Not doing art." Gu Yining said coldly.

"You don't sell yourself or sell art, why do you come to our Yichun Tower?" The old bustard's face showed a trace of displeasure and puzzlement.

"You are really courageous, but I..." Gu Yining said, and suddenly stopped. If he said that he was the Eighth Princess, no one would believe it and would treat her as a lunatic.

The clear eyes gradually dimmed: "Forget won't believe it if you say it..."

"Either sell yourself or sell art. If you don't choose, then mother will choose for you." The old bustard's tone is obviously a lot harder. How can such a good cash cow be used as a decoration?

"I have an injury..." Gu Yining is anxious and she doesn't know how long she will stay here, but she can postpone it for a while, "I will give you an answer tomorrow, okay?"

The old bustard looked at her suspiciously, and it took a long time before he spit out a good word from his mouth.

Seeing the old bustard walked out of the room, Gu Yining was also relieved, she quietly walked out of the room, and outside the door was a drunken fan.

The lights illuminate the dark night, loud noises, laughter, and coquettish sounds of women who want to refuse. All the sounds pushed her ears like waves at high tide, making her ears a little bit loud and uncomfortable.

She walked in the corridor looking left and right. Both men and women would look at her intentionally or unintentionally when passing by. She was so shameless that it was hard not to attract others' attention.

No one knew that she was the Eighth Princess, in everyone's eyes, she was just a beautiful...prostitute.

Shutting through the crowd, Gu Yining felt an unclear sense of loneliness in her heart. The more lively everything around her, the colder her heart became.

Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in front of her eyes-a long and tall body stood out among the greasy decadent body, a clean white robe, still embedded with gold silk.

If it weren't for the purse dangling from his waist, how could Gu Yining not have thought that the person in front of him was...Mo Jianchen!

At this moment, the heart has been cold for a long time, and a dignified eighth prince will come to such a beautiful land.

No wonder I saw the scratches on his back before, but I didn't expect it to be left here.

Gu Yining was stunned, this Mo Jianchen... was such a dirty person! Those who stood up and helped him before, those who seemed to have something and didn't, now in her eyes suddenly became disgusting and unbearable.

Thinking about it, Gu Yining raised a bitter smile at the corner of her mouth. She was laughing at her own stupidity. She couldn't think of how she would fall in love with such a dirty man.

She followed him silently, trying to see which woman he was living with.

Passing through the crowd, Mo Jianchen came to a brightly lit room. He buttoned the door twice, then gently pushed it open.

The smell of fragrance spreads all over the room, the light is bright, but it makes people feel mysterious. In front of them, there are curtains made of beads, and behind the curtain is a woman.

Slender fingers tapped the table rhythmically, with a certain look.

"You finally came." The woman's voice came from behind the curtain, soft and mysterious.