War Lord

Chapter 102: Night attack

"800 yuan, really can't have more guests. You see this is an old-time locomotive, although the performance is good, but now few people are willing to buy it. If you don’t believe me, go to other stores and see who is willing to take you. This thing. Except for me Schweder, guest. My price is very fair, but you can't find it with a lantern."

After leaving the information center in Phoenix, Zero went to the business district in the city. In turbulent times, the business district mainly operated weapons and equipment. Of course, there were also many shops selling and buying locomotives. Zero intends to sell the heavy locomotive, and the heavy locomotive will not run faster than two legs on the next journey. What's more, the intricate topography and road conditions of Death Mountain are not suitable for heavy locomotives.

Unless a caravan like Campbell has been developed from a trail developed by adventurous merchants like them for many years, but the target is too obvious, and it is easy to be the target of many abnormal creatures or guys with ulterior motives.

If you sell the heavy locomotive, Zero can use the money for other supplies. As for the issue of transportation tools after Death Mountain, Zero has not considered it for the time being.

But when I visited several motorcycle shops in succession, all I encountered were black-hearted profiteers. He bought this locomotive at a price of 1,800 yuan, but the purchase price offered by the merchants was less than half. The price of this thin and tall driver is already considered high. Before Zero met a guy who only drove 500, he almost shot the gangster with a gun.

"1200!" Zero insisted. He is not good at bargaining, so he will only kill a number.

Schweider slapped haha, shook his head and said, "It's a pity, guest. It seems that this business is impossible to do. You might as well go shopping in other stores and then think about it."

The businessman used the tactics of wanting to get caught. He knew very well that Zero would never get this higher purchase price. Those engaged in their business have their own set of secret rules, and the price difference will never exceed 300 yuan. As for goods such as heavy locomotives, Schweider is indeed offering the highest price in the industry.

If Zero really wants to sell this locomotive, the merchant is not afraid that he will run away. He could foresee that he had to return to his store after a full circle, and Swade might be able to keep the price down again.

"This is a good car. The body is sturdy and the engine usage rate is less than a year. Good guy, it also carries a weapon rack. It seems that it has been carefully modified. Let me say that the price of this big guy is 1,200. For too much."

A rough voice was inserted between the zero-sum merchants, and a Phoenix officer who was as strong as an iron tower came over. Zero recognizes him, this man is George who strikes up with Campbell at the checkpoint.

George lifted his stubborn chin and said to the merchant, "Swidder, don't think I don't know what you are doing in private. Buy low and sell high, bullying the market. The past few years have done a good job, the arms business in Phoenix. It’s about to give you a monopoly. But I remind you, it’s better to give me some restraint, otherwise, I always have a way to get you profiteers to get out of Phoenix."

Svid bowed his head and said, "Yes, yes, Chief George taught him the right thing."

He turned to zero again and said, "This customer, your locomotive is accepted by our store, so how about it at the price you said."

Zero nodded, and then the locomotive was driven away by the store staff. And he and Shiweide went to the store to go through the handover procedures. When it came out with 1,200 yuan, Zero found that George was playing with a few machine guns in the shop.

Seeing zero coming out, George blinked his eyes and said, "Look, I'll make a sale for you. Should you buy me a drink?"

Twenty minutes later, the two appeared in the "Blue Enchantress" bar in Phoenix. The bar uses dark blue as the main color and heavy metal as the decoration style of the whole bar. Here, there are more officers and soldiers from Phoenix, and there are very few civilians coming and going. So when George took him into it, many soldiers watched him.

Some soldiers even cast ambiguous glances at George when they saw Zero's handsome face. But soon, these eyes slapped George's fist back.

"This is the Soldier's Club in Phoenix. The wine is not very good, but the price is fair. Believe me, sit in another bar for a while, and you will cheat those profiteers so that you can even **** your pants."

George asked for two cognacs, and he almost roared to zero amidst the loud music of the bar.

Ling drank the wine silently, and after taking a sip, he said, "Why help me?"

"Because it's not pleasing to the eye." George drank the wine in his arms in one breath, and then asked the bartender again.

"You don't know, I watched this city grow out of nothing. To me, it's like my child." George stopped drinking and pouring wildly. This time, he just took a sip and put down the wine. Pregnant. He made a helpless expression and said: "But you have also seen that the city has developed, but its taste has changed. At the beginning of the construction, whether we soldiers or citizens, everyone was full of it. The enthusiasm of the heart. But now, I only smell the smell of copper. Those hateful businessmen are like greedy army ants. They come from all directions, yes, because they have developed rapidly in Phoenix in recent years. But at the same time~ lightnovelpub.net~ The nature of the city is also changing. But what can we do? This city I love, now I can only helplessly watch it transform from an innocent child to a merchant businessman. "

After speaking, George took another sip.

Zero sees the helplessness in the middle-aged officer's heart, but in the turbulent years, who can live according to his ideals. Not to mention this era of the weak and the strong. Even in the old era, everyone has more or less helpless reality that is incompatible with ideals.

We either live or be lived, don't we?

Ling drank this bosom with George, doing the **** bosom for their respective helplessness!

"Listen, I'm not usually such a sentimental person. But seeing you is pretty good, don't tell me you are just one of the many guards of Campbell's fat pig. Hey, it's not that simple. I have poisonous eyes, you It's not like he wants to be a guardian." George smiled, and gestured his eyes with his fingers.

Zero smiled and chose to remain silent.

George didn't ask, everyone had a secret in their hearts, and Zero didn't want to say, he wouldn't ask. After all, the two are just passers-by, maybe by tomorrow, no one will remember who.

After drinking all the wine in the zero glass, he asked the bartender again. For him, this has exceeded the usual amount. But for some reason, he especially wanted to drink tonight. Perhaps George's helplessness also evoked the melancholy in his heart.

But in the dark, it seems that he is destined to drink nothing tonight's second pregnant woman. The sudden sound of the siren not only made it impossible for Zero to drink, but George also changed his body. The frustration and frustration of his body was swept away, replaced by the rigor and determination of the soldiers.

George immediately pressed the communicator on his shoulder and shouted, "What happened?"

Gunshots came from the communicator, followed by a soldier yelling, "Assault, sir! The wolves of Moline City suddenly attacked us!"