War Lord

Chapter 112: Evolution Frenzy

Seeing that the king-slashing team headed by Nathan and Kazuo Biandu had eaten the wolf king to death, they began to search for traces of Lala. Although this game hall is not clear at a glance, except for the wolf king and the wolf corpse king who are trapped in the field, zero did not find any trace of Lala.

Could it be that Lala has been eaten? This idea emerged in Zero's mind. This is not impossible. After all, it has been more than 12 hours since Lala was captured. Such a long time is enough for many things to happen.

But before seeing Lala's body, even if it was just a piece of flesh, Zero didn't intend to give up.

The king-slashing action in the field didn't require him to take action. From Zero's point of view, Phoenix did have a unique vision. In this action against the Wolf King, the abilities they selected included melee masters, hidden experts, remote assists, and cursed wizards. With such a luxurious lineup, no matter how powerful the Wolf King is, he can't escape the Five Finger Mountain of these killers.

Even if there are more zeros, it is just icing on the cake.

Without saying hello, Zero quietly walked away. His departure only gave Jenny a faint glance, but no one came to stop him from acting alone.

Zero walked around the game hall, Lala was caught by the Wolf King, and the Wolf King was here. If Lala is not dead, then it must be hidden by the Wolf King. Out of the unknown value to Lallana, the Wolf King would definitely not hide Lala too far from its line of sight, so Zero used a carpet-like search method to eliminate them one by one.

When he came to an audience passage to the southwest, Zero noticed a trace of anomaly.

The wind blowing from the end of the passage has an unnoticeable smell.

The smell of Fenry wolf!

Zero couldn't help but wonder, except for the Wolf King in the stadium, all the other Fenry wolves went outside to fight with the army. Why are there other Fenry wolves in the stadium?

In addition to the smell of Fenry wolves, there was a faint smell of blood in the air, as if a group of Fenry wolves were biting and fighting.

Zero's heart beat hard, and for some reason, the scene of gold swallowing bugs swallowing each other flashed in his mind. Could it be said that Fenry wolves also produce new life forms through tearing, fighting and devouring like gold swallowing bugs. As a result, from the beginning, some knew why the wolf king would take Lala.

Because Lala is a new life form of the gold swallowing bug, its genes may help newly created organisms to correct certain genetic defects. At the same time, Zero also guessed the reason why the Fenry wolves have migrated all the way here. The reason is to give birth to new life entities. When animals give birth to offspring, they often choose to stay away from the same kind of place because of their instinct to protect their offspring.

In the same way, this wolf pack will not hesitate to leave its homeland, and the reason for migrating to Moline City should also be to protect the new life form. If this conclusion is true, then the migration of corpse wolves that Zero encountered before, and the large-scale migration of living corpses in Silvertree City have all been reasonably explained. These wilderness lives, whether it is a coincidence or some inevitable reason, are all preparing for the new form of life that is about to be born.

The life form of the entire wilderness is about to undergo a large-scale evolution, and Zero can't imagine what kind of scene it is like. Only know that the human beings who are still standing still, after this large-scale evolutionary wave, the status of the land hegemon is bound to be affected.

This kind of crisis awareness has been there, but it has never been as clear as this time!

Zero took a deep breath, suppressing the excitement in her heart. He knew that fifty years after the day of the cataclysm, the second huge impact was about to take shape. And this time the impact did not come from outside the sky, but from the countless creatures on the surface. Strictly speaking, this is an evolution of life, which should have been a good phenomenon. But compared with humans who have not made significant evolution, at least for humans, this is definitely a disaster.

Only now, Zero has no time to bother. Even if it is a disaster, it is left to the human ruling class to worry about.

He expelled distracting thoughts out of his brain, carefully and cautiously, groping and sneaking towards the source of the **** qi.

After a while, Ling stood outside the gate of a basketball training ground.

The door was closed tightly, but there was heavy breathing from inside the door. Ling quietly removed the communicator and camera from her body, trying to keep her body as free of electromagnetic fields as possible. It should be known that out of hunting instinct, abnormal creatures are sensitive to biological electromagnetic fields. What's more, these industrial electromagnetic fields fall into the eyes of deliberate monsters. It is as obvious as a lighthouse under the dark night.

Holding his breath, Zero tried to converge all his information, and then quietly opened the door.

Inside the door is a dark world, and there is almost no light source in the indoor training ground. But as soon as the door opened, the **** smell was immediately as strong as the substance, and went straight into Zero's nostrils.

Zero lifted the blindfold of his right eye, the golden right eye gleaming with golden luster in the dark. Zero closed his left eye, and the image in the basketball training ground appeared in Zero's eye in a faint light.

This is another function of the golden right eye, low light vision, found in zero chance.

It seems that the golden eyes can emit a faint light, so that Zero can see something even in a dark environment where there is no light source. Naturally, this visual ability is far inferior to infrared vision in the perceptual domain. The limit distance that Zero can see is only three meters, and because of low-light imaging, the scene is more blurred in Zero’s eyes. Light and shadow as a performance ~lightnovelpub.net~ but this does not prevent Zero from seeing the outlines of countless wolf corpses.

In this training ground, there are full of wolf corpses lying down!

A revolver came to Zero's hands, he had instinctively sensed the huge danger lurking in the training ground. The danger is naturally not from the dead body, but from the unknown, heavy breathing.

The corpses of these wolves lying on the ground are in a strange state of death. But from their various irregular wounds, it can be seen that the wounds of giant wolves are mostly torn apart by sharp claws, or directly bitten by fangs. No matter how you look at it, it is their own kind who kills them. And judging from the missing flesh and blood or organs on the corpse, as Zero guessed, the giant wolves in this scene had killed each other once, and there were traces of devouring the flesh and blood of their companions.

Zero just walked among the wolf corpses, his toes could always fall accurately on the clearing, so as not to trip over the wolf corpse and make any noise that shouldn't be made. After groping towards the center of the field for a while, strange chromatographic light appeared in the low-light vision. Zero immediately closed his blindfold and opened his left eye.

In the left eye, a faint green light overflows from the side of the dark training field.

Zero hurried forward.

It was a basketball rack, and Lara's chubby body was being stuffed into the rack. The little beast seemed to be fainted, but the diamond-shaped coat of arms on his forehead glowed with green fluorescence. Zero quickly climbed up and pulled Lala out of the blue frame. Zero's movements made Lala regain a little consciousness, and the little beast opened her eyes with difficulty, whispered when she saw Zero, and fell into a faint again.

Zero instinctively felt that Lala's life characteristics were very weak, and at this moment when danger lurked in the unknown, it was really not appropriate to stay in the training ground for long. So Ling gently slid off the blue ball stand, but when he was about to leave, a strange blue light suddenly appeared behind him.

Looking back, Zero saw a cloud of blue ice flames!