War Lord

Chapter 120: compete

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

A one-armed man shrank on the corner of the bed, shaking all over, trying to drill under the bed. However, two strong male nurses pulled him out and forcibly pulled up his sleeves so that the doctor could inject a tranquilizer into his hand.

The man gradually calmed down, but when he was put on the bed, he kept saying "Don't kill me". If Zero was here, he would recognize this lunatic man, not who Kazuo Bento was.

In a completely dark room, a picture of Kazuo Bento's ward was displayed on a huge light screen. On the left side of this light screen, there are five small light screens reflecting the appearance of Kazuo Bento from different angles. There are different data beating under each light screen, and each row of data represents the physical condition of Kazuo Bento.

A man stood straight in front of this huge light screen.

The man is wearing a straight military uniform, with a golden phoenix badge on his chest. He is not young anymore, and Yinshuang tells his age from the other side. But even if he is nearly 70 years old, the brilliance in the eyes of this man is not much inferior to that of the young, and even sharper.

A rectangle of light suddenly appeared in the dark room. In the light, George walked in. When the rectangular alloy door is closed, the room is dark again, only the light from the front screen is still on.

George walked behind him and looked at the man respectfully.

His name is Morgan, and his rank in Phoenix is ​​General. General Morgan is the founder of Phoenix. Even though Phoenix now has an additional executive branch of the board of directors in addition to the military department, General Morgan is still the highest authority in Phoenix. His iron-and-blooded style made the gang of merchants on the board of directors also have to look at his face to speak.

"Is there no news of werewolves yet?"

George lowered his head and faced the general's question, he said solemnly: "It's a pity, General Morgan. The new life form of the Fenry wolf seems to have left Moline. We have conducted a carpet search, but found nothing."

The general suddenly sighed slightly.

"You must find it, George. It is important to us."

George nodded and said, "We will do our best, General."

Werewolves are very important research objects for Phoenix, as General Morgan said.

After the cataclysm, the genes of all creatures on the earth have undergone earth-shaking changes. Living things are evolving all the time. However, it is an extremely rare example of a fundamental change in the form of life like a werewolf.

After solving the most basic problems of food, clothing and survival, the gradually developed base cities began to pay attention to the research of life genes. The most representative in this respect is naturally the Dark Council, which is far ahead of other cities in genetic research. Phoenix's research in this area began twenty years ago, but due to resource constraints, the research has been lengthy and seldom achieved.

As we all know, in turbulent times, whoever masters the secrets of genetic evolution is the overlord of the earth. The Dark Council has proved this statement with ironclad facts. The genetic technology far ahead of other cities has allowed the Scarlet Knights of the Dark Council to produce low-level abilities almost in mass production. Of course, abilities above level 7 cannot be promoted by means of potions, but the victory lies in the ability to produce a large number of abilities below level 5, allowing the Dark Council to secure its position as a giant in the Central Continent.

In the records of a few large companies and cities, only the mysterious organization Hall of Valor can contend with the Dark Council.

The strength of the Dark Council naturally benefits from the mysteries of life continuously discovered in their genetic research institute.

General Morgan paid so much attention to the evolution of the Fenry wolf, also because this evolution will help Phoenix make a qualitative breakthrough in genetic research. At the moment when the evolutionary body has not yet been discovered, Kazuo Bento, who has a record of head-on battle with the evolutionary body and survived by chance, is an important target for the scientists in Phoenix to understand the evolutionary body data from the side.

After all, in order to survive, humans and mutant beasts are out of competition. There is also an inevitable competition between humans and humans, such as Phoenix, and the emerging city of Remut.

Unfortunately, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible for Kazuo Bento to provide more data.

Looking at the light screen disappointedly, General Morgan shook his head and left the room. After the general left, the lights came on, and George looked at Kazuo Bento in the light screen with his hand held down. Later, he gave an order for the general.

"Throw this waste out of the city." George said to the communicator.

This is a realistic and cruel age~lightnovelpub.net~ Since Kazuo Bianto has no use value, it is naturally impossible for Phoenix to provide him with all survival guarantees. So half an hour later, an off-road vehicle drove out of Phoenix and kicked Biandu out of the car like throwing garbage in the desolate wilderness. Watching Kazuo Biandu toss and roll on the ground, the soldiers of Phoenix drove back to Phoenix indifferently.

But after the soldiers in Phoenix moved away, Kazuo Bento, who was rolling on the ground, slowly stood up. After taking a cold look in the direction of Phoenix, he grasped the only hemp cloak on his body, and then walked in the direction of Moline City.

At this moment, Kazuo Biandu has a stoic look, and he doesn't look like a lunatic.

In fact, his madness was pretended. But Kazuo Bento was really almost crazy to fool the doctor and the equipment. He had to do this. From the time George was rescued back to Phoenix and sent directly to the army command post, Kazuo Bento had vaguely guessed what Phoenix was thinking.

If Kazuo Bento doesn't pretend to be crazy, then he must stay in the command post. And even if Phoenix found the werewolf, out of the principle of not leaking the secret information, Kazuo Bianto would eventually kill him secretly. So he pretended to be crazy because of being overwhelmed, in order to make Phoenix take the initiative to abandon him.

Just like now, he was thrown out of the city as rubbish. Now, Kazuo Bianto can only leave before Phoenix knows it. He didn't want to return to Moline City, God knew if the werewolf was still in the city. But unless Kazuo Bento wants to climb Death Mountain, Morin City is his only habitat right now.

In turbulent times, everyone has to rack their brains in order to survive. Although Kazuo Bento successfully left Phoenix, Morin City was not likely to survive easily, especially at the moment when the Eastern Swordsman had broken his hand and was unarmed.

But like many people, sometimes, you don't have too many choices!