War Lord

Chapter 122: Chief

In a simple sentence, Lan Qi knows where he is exposed. People who are born to death for many years will always carry a strange breath on their body. Ordinary people can't detect this kind of breath, but don't want to hide it from someone who has had the same experience. And Lan Qi himself had long been accustomed to this kind of breath, and instead left out such a key factor.

In fact, if it weren't for such a slight flaw, Lan Qi could almost be successful.

Although he had guessed early in the morning that the killer from Parkland would never give up so easily, except for a few days when he was unconscious, the next few days remained calm. The vigilance was zero, and he almost thought that the killer would give up and continue to do it in Phoenix. Until yesterday, Dr. David, who came to visit Zero for follow-up, had a slight abnormal breath on his body.

This breath is not easy to detect, but if you want to check on Zero's body, the two inevitably have to get in close contact with each other. This is what Zero has noticed. Zero learned from this that Parkland's killer did not give up. And from the perspective of being close to Dr. David, he is ready to do it.

If it is a common smell, Lan Qi can cover it up with various powders. But the lifelessness on the body cannot be concealed by props, unless it is a high-level ability in the perception domain, who can do it by creating a barrier on the surface of the body to isolate any perception. It's a pity that Lan Qi is not an expert in the perceptual domain, so he fell short.

The bald eagle made a decisive decision. When it hit the wall, its body trembled. Several scalpels hidden in the doctor's uniform for emergency shot out immediately. In order not to attract the attention of Phoenix, Lan Qi did not carry a gun in and out of the hospital, otherwise it would not be a few scalpels and bullets that greeted zero this time.

The scalpel is naturally less difficult than zero, so he just leaned back and let all the knives fail. But when he pulled back his body, the Whitehead was missing. Exclamation and scolding came from outside the ward, followed by a sheriff and three soldiers into the ward. The fighting in the ward naturally alarmed them, but the killer had already left, and the sheriff also took the people away after a simple questioning.

Knowing such a trouble, Parkland's killer shouldn't want to stay in the city anymore. In other words, in the next few days, he can rest comfortably.

His body has almost recovered, the worst wound on his chest has healed, and even the pierced breastbone has grown back. But the brief violent fight just now caused his chest to split again, so that Zero would have to stay in the hospital for a day or two.

The high temperature during the day makes the earth silent, especially at this moment near noon, no creature is willing to be exposed to strong ultraviolet sunlight. An overlord scorpion arched out of the sand. This mutant scorpion was only the size of a fist, but it had two scorpion tails. The Overlord Scorpion is colorful throughout, and the venom produced by its venom sac can poison a violent bear to death within 3 minutes.

Because its toxin is comparable to nuclear waste, this small scorpion is highly dangerous in this biological system, so it has the name of the overlord.

The scorpion climbed onto the highway after leaving the sand pile where it was hiding. Nothing else, just for the tall human corpse on the highway.

Human corpses are not only food for Overlord Scorpions, they can also be used as their own nests. Small and delicate creatures like the Overlord Scorpion sometimes like to nest directly in human corpses. It is convenient to eat, and the skin sac of the corpse provides a natural protective layer for the mutated insects, which is exactly what kills two birds with one stone.

The Overlord Scorpion soon came near the corpse. This was a tall man with red hair like a flame. His fairly fresh muscles made the Overlord Scorpion drool, and the worm crawled to the face of the corpse, and the big mouth seemed to invite the Overlord Scorpion to enter.

The scorpion was about to crawl in, and suddenly the black cloud was overwhelming, and it still couldn't figure out what happened. A heavy piece of metal hit it, and the Overlord Scorpion was good at toxins, but its body was as fragile as its ancestors in the old age. He couldn't resist the heavy pressure of metal at all, and immediately declared himself torn to pieces.

When the light yellow scorpion fluid was left under the metal hammer, a pair of feet appeared beside the metal hammer. Then the owner of these feet knelt down, and he supported his body on the ground with one arm, so that he bent down and stretched out his tongue to lick the scorpion fluid on the ground.

The scorpion fluid with a sour taste is not delicious, but there is no extravagant water source in the wilderness. Therefore, Kazuo Bento, who had been walking for almost a day, couldn't care about this. Before the heat of the earth dried up the rare water liquid, Kazuo Bento licked the scorpion liquid with his tongue. Then he took away the metal sledgehammer and carefully fiddled with the almost shattered body of the scorpion.

The hard-shelled and toxic substances were picked out by him, and then the scorpion meat that did not even have 2 grams was swept into his mouth by Bian Du. The meat of the Overlord Scorpion is not delicious, on the contrary, it has a fishy smell. It was quite disgusting when eaten raw, but Kazuo Bento tried not to vomit it out, and swallowed them into his stomach as soon as he gritted his teeth. But this was not enough for Kazuo Bianto to extinguish the hunger in his body, so he turned his gaze to the tall male corpse beside him.

In turbulent times, in order to survive, human cannibalism is nothing new. What's more, now Kazuo Bianto just wants to eat this corpse, and he has done things a hundred times more evil than this, so hesitating about the so-called morality. But Kazuo Bianto did hesitate, because of the huge bullet holes in the corpse and the fatal wound on the center of the eyebrow.

Kazuo Bento is also an experienced mercenary. He carefully inspected the body and found two distinct bullet marks on the body.

The bullet marks on the corpse's arms and shoulders were much larger in caliber than other ordinary bullets. Its lethality is beyond doubt, as can be seen from the scars in these two places on the corpse. This man's wounds are almost all skin and flesh. If this bullet is hit at the vital point, then I am afraid that only the overspeed regeneration provided by the high-level defense enhancement in the fighting domain can survive.

But the fatal wound of this man came from the center of his eyebrows.

The bullet hole at the center of the brow is fine, and the area around the bullet hole is smooth and smooth. This shows that the opponent used armor-piercing bullets and fired with a sniper rifle. Only the kinetic energy provided by the sniper equipment can leave such bullet holes.

In other words, at least two people can kill this man. Because the two completely different bullet marks on his body clearly came from different firearms. The former is a weapon similar to a large-caliber revolver, while the latter is a sniper equipment. The two are close and the other far away, and it is impossible for one person to operate at the same time.

Judging from the man's use of a ferocious metal sledgehammer, the opponent is a capable person in the fighting domain. And from the traces of the battle on the road, it is easy to judge that the distance between this man and another capable person with a powerful pistol at that time was definitely not more than ten meters.

As we all know, no matter how smart the gunner is, he has to stay away from the enemy to have an advantage. Once you get close, and your opponent is still capable of fighting, it is simply a nightmare for gunners.

However, the scene before him subverted the common sense of Kazuo Bianto. Judging from the corpse left on the highway, the gunman who fought him at close range survived. Of course, the sniper who fired a shot at the man's eyebrows was the biggest hero, but he was able to survive the short shots of a combat domain capable person, and the gunman's skill was already terrifyingly brilliant.

Kazuo Bento frowned, but he couldn't think of anyone he knew who met this condition. However, when he gave up thinking, Zero's figure appeared in the mind of Dongying Swordsman.

Could it be him?

Kazuo Bianto thought of Zero. If there is any power around Phoenix that best meets this condition, it would be none other than zero. When he thought that Zero actually possessed such a skill, and with a broken arm, he could no longer use the previous two-sword style, Biantou inexplicably hated Zero's overly beautiful face.

But now, Kazuo Bento's hunger is overwhelming. He was building sharp weapons around in order to deconstruct the corpse to facilitate eating. When a saber inserted from the waist of the corpse was found, the Toyo Swordsman happily pulled it out~lightnovelpub.net~ Kazuo Bento unlocked a leather jacket on the corpse and ordered a knife from him. When he plunged into his chest, a magic wolf tattoo on his chest stunned Biandu.

He burst into laughter suddenly, and the laughter was full of surprises.

"The leader of the wolf thief? It turned out to be you, Red Wolf?" Bian Du Kazuo laughed wildly, and this discovery made him give up eating the corpse. Or, at least the head of the red wolf should be preserved.

Because the leader of the wolf thief can bear a full 100,000 mainland currency as a reward. That was a bounty issued by Titan City a few days ago, immediately setting the value of Red Wolf to a historical record. It can be said that Kazuo Biandu holds the head of the Red Wolf, and he can exchange it for 100,000 tokens in Titan City. Such a good thing was picked up by him like a pie in the world, even when he was so depressed.

And Kazuo Bento's good fortune seemed to go beyond that, when he was laughing wildly with joy. The roaring engine pierced his ears. Kazuo Bianto squinted his eyes and watched several off-road vehicles full of men approaching from a distance and surrounded him.

On one of the off-road vehicles, a tall and thin man stood up, pointed his gun at Kazuo Biandu and screamed, "Who are you? You killed our boss?"

Kazuo Bian Du looked at these men, their tattoos were the same as the red wolves, and the Eastern Swordsman immediately grasped their identities. Kazuo Biandu suddenly thought of a good idea. With a tiptoe, the metal sledgehammer of the Red Wolf fell on his one arm.

"My name is Kazuo Bento. From today, I will be your new leader!"

"Just because of your disability?" The thin man laughed, and the wolf thief on the other off-road vehicles also laughed at the same time.

Only Kazuo Bianto didn't smile. He raised the hammer and sneered: "Yes, just rely on me. Even if I only have one arm, it is enough to take care of your trash!"