War Lord

Chapter 136: Life and death 1 line

The earth is shaking!

The hill-like body of the filthy devourer occupies the horizontal space of the entire canyon. As it continues to advance, it rubs against the mountain walls on both sides, causing debris to fly, and the earth trembles again and again. The Devourer is like a high-speed bulldozer, constantly digging up mud and stones and death flowers from the ground, and pours them into its bottomless pit-like belly.

The speed at which it advances seems to be unsatisfactory, but when it comes to that huge body, the speed is quite astonishing. But in a blink of an eye, from the entrance of the canyon, it has come to the corner of the area where a few people are. From a distance, you can see the Devourer's body, which is constantly flowing muddy under the light of the death flower, and the big mouth that opens almost half the height of the canyon.

"Run!" Atesa yelled, and the girl speeded up and moved towards the exit.

Zero also followed her silently, and the two of them had been unable to save their energy, they just wanted to stay as far away from the Devourer as possible. Otherwise, once the Devourer is killed, it won't care whether the monkeys dangling on the vine are to its liking. For the Devourer, even if a few people are not its main course, it can still be used as a dessert.

A chase just unfolded in the canyon.

The swaying mountain wall caused the vines to vibrate endlessly, which caused a lot of trouble to the movement of the two people. Atesa is okay, but Zero has almost fallen off the vine several times. Behind them, the Devourer kept chasing, and it was faster than the two. In the constant pursuit, they were getting closer and closer, and the stench on the Devourer had begun to desperately burrow into the nostrils of the zero trio.

Zero leaped forward and reached out to hold a section of the vine. I don't want my palms to sweat and become slippery, but I can't grasp this grip firmly, and the whole person swings forward. Fortunately, the other hand did not let go, otherwise he would have to fall. Looking further back, the Devourers are already very close, and the distance between the two is no more than one kilometer. Seen from this direction, countless sands on the canyon floor are flowing back into the Devourer's mouth. It is indeed a giant beast with the name of the land scavenger. The Devourer has no intention of filling up his stomach and stopping to rest.

Zero physical strength has fallen to the bottom. He silently estimated that he could only move about two kilometers at this speed. But after that, the speed will drop, and it will even fall to the bottom of the valley. The Devourer's speed has not slowed down. At this speed, it can safely catch up before zero reaches its limit. In other words, zero can't escape anyway.

Although Artesha's situation is better than him, it is also extremely limited. If the Devourers can't stop, they don't want to pass through the canyon.

But it is not easy to stop the Devourer, this behemoth has a huge appetite. As Artesha said, it would not give up unless it cleans up the flowers of death in the canyon. And the two of them did not possess the weapons or abilities that were sufficient to stop the Devourer. Whether it was Colt of Zero or Artesha's wheel saw, it would only be a joke before the huge body of the Devourer.

To stop the behemoth like the Devourer from moving, at least strategic weapons of war are needed. But at this time, tell them where to find such weapons of war.

Zero keeps on moving, and keeps thinking about feasible strategies in his mind. But after he came up with one method after another, he quickly denied it. Combining their current environment, the equipment they carry and their own abilities. After all these were replaced with data, there were no feasible methods that could be supported by enough data.

It moved about another kilometer, and the Devourer was close to them by a distance of about three hundred meters. The worry-free thing finally happened. As their physical strength and speed dropped, the constant speed maintained by the Devourers had gradually narrowed the gap between them. If this continues, they will be overtaken by the Devourer in less than half an hour.

Zero glanced back again, and when his gaze passed over the gleaming death flower in the Devourer's mouth, he suddenly thought of a feasible but dangerous way.

"How far is it from the exit?" Ling asked.

Artesha didn't know what he was going to do, but still replied: "There is still more than three kilometers away, but I'm afraid..."

"I have a way." Ling Chao shouted: "No matter what, even if I try my best, I have to speed up. I want to draw a distance and time that I can attack!"

"Are you crazy? There is no way to stop that big guy!" Atesa called.

Zero roared: "Try again anyway. Unless you want to die here, or else, don't you want revenge?"

Atesa's face changed, and she stopped talking. The black girl clenched her teeth and no longer calculated her physical strength as Zero said, but used them all. Suddenly, Atessa's moving speed immediately increased.

Zero took a deep breath, and put all the damage to the body out of his mind. Regardless of whether the body will collapse due to this, the petty uses the fifth-order agile speed. Immediately, he not only caught up with Artesha, but also surpassed her and moved fast among the vines without any reduction.

In this way, the two of them moved almost desperately, passing half of the distance in a blink of an eye, and Zero also managed to open a distance of about 1,200 meters from the Devourer.

He stopped suddenly, and zero suddenly turned up, hooked the vine with his feet, and fell down.

Colt came to his hand, and Zero simultaneously took out a sniper shell. The red light visible to the naked eye flowed from his finger to the sniper shell. When the sniper shell emitted red light all over, he pressed the blasting bomb blessed with the fire element into the barrel of the gun.

Artesha was almost out of strength, and she didn't have the strength to ask Zero what she wanted to do. Zero's condition is worse than her. The wounds on her back have all cracked. The blood and sweat mixed together to wet the bandages and tactical uniforms. But even so, Zero's gun-holding hand is still as stable as ever, even if his body is already trembling slightly.

"Don't worry about me, don't look back, you just have to keep going until you leave the exit!" Zero yelled, her voice uttering indescribable majesty, which did not allow Artesha to question.

Atesa listened and obeyed, and instantly passed by Zero, heading towards the far exit of the gorge.

Zero, who was hanging upside down in the air, shook, letting go of his feet as he swung his body toward the mountain wall as much as possible. Immediately, Zero slammed into the direction of the mountain wall. In midair, he turned around and adjusted the direction of his body facing the Devourer. As soon as he was about to hit the mountain wall, Colt's muzzle was in line with the Devourer's mouth.

Depress the trigger with zero weight.

The next moment, under the dark red night sky, a fire cloud suddenly rose up in the faintly blue canyon. It was quiet and beautiful, like a coquettish flower blooming in the canyon. It wasn't until the flower leaf was fully comfortable that it showed its own ferocious and violent.

The sound of the explosion concealed zero gunshots. Huo Yun first shrank slightly to the inner layer, and then suddenly rolled away in all directions. The raging fire waves immediately spread along the two ends of the canyon, and the death flowers remaining on the ground were wiped by the flames, and the radiation source on them immediately became the strongest combustion-supporting agent, continuously accelerating the speed and power of the fire waves.

As for the Devourer, he wailed in the explosion and stopped. Zero explosive bullets directly hit its body, immediately igniting countless death flowers in its body to explode. The small half of the Devourer's body was blown to ashes, although the behemoth's strong vitality did not die immediately. But it can no longer move, and in the sea of ​​fire that envelopes the entire canyon, it can only choose to dive underground.

Although the crisis of the Devourers is lifted, the lives of a few people have not been guaranteed. The fire waves rolled in their direction at an extremely fast speed, and they were already close at hand almost at the moment the fire light flashed.

At this time, Zero had already hit the mountain wall.

He took a deep breath and spit out again. Zero's eye mask silently cracked as the hot gas ejected from Zero's mouth and nostrils. The silver silk pattern in Jin Jin's right eye suddenly converged toward the center, and then suddenly unfolded, forming a dragon-like vertical pupil.

Zero heavy kicked on the mountain wall, his body jerked forward. It was as if the sticky sensation came from being in the water, zero drinking, and the huge kinetic energy pushed him out of the water. The air burst, and Zero's figure suddenly appeared three hundred meters away, and then there was a series of muffled noises in the air.

At the moment of life and death, Zero has already spared it. He used the "Runaway" skill to immediately push the fifth-order agility ability to the seventh-order, in exchange for the speed to break through the sound barrier.

The waves of fire rolled wildly, but they were always slow by one beat. Zero gritted his teeth and rushed, his figure left intermittent afterimages on the mountain wall, he was actually running on the sloping mountain wall! But zero ~lightnovelpub.net~, who was already seriously injured, now used a runaway, and the injury worsened even faster. It could have maintained a runaway state for 12 seconds, but after zero use for 6 seconds, it felt like it had reached its limit.

There is still 1 second!

The exit of the gorge was in sight, but Artesha's physical strength had reached its limit. Behind the scenes, the fire waves rushed into the sky, and Artesha felt the devastating heat, and her hair was slightly curled up. She swayed further, but finally did not have the strength to grasp the vine on her head. Amidst Monnie's scream, the two fell together.

The fire wave has arrived.

Suddenly, Atesha's body was shocked.

Looking back, the **** Zero suddenly rushed from the side. He hugged Artesa and Moni tightly, and blasted out towards the canyon exit with all his strength.

The fire wave almost chased them and rolled out of the exit, but at the moment when they encountered Zero Back, they were unwilling, and eventually rolled back into the valley due to the exhaustion of the explosion.

In mid-air, Zero's back was lit by fire, but they ended up out of Death Canyon!

The three of them fell to the moist mud and rolled into a ball. Finally stopped, Atessa lay on the muddy ground, staring blankly at the night sky with dark red radiation clouds floating in it, unable to believe that she was alive.

If it weren't for the zero last flutter, they might fall short. The flame was ignited by the radiation material on the flower of death, regardless of the heat or the hazard, it was above the ordinary flame, and it was even highly poisonous. Artesha can still breathe the air outside the canyon, and that's thanks to Zero.

However, with the power and speed shown in Zero's flutter, Artesha felt an ominous smell. That seemed to be the exchange of petty own life, and it did not belong to his own ability.

When she got this idea, Moni's scream rang beside her: "Zero, what's the matter with you!"