War Lord

Chapter 141: Fu Sha

After seeing Atessa, Zero also saw Moni. It's just that Moni seems to be injured. She is lying flat on the sand, with a bandage on her left calf. There was a slight blush on the white bandage. Lala was beside Moni, and the little beast rubbed Moni lightly with her body.

Perhaps because of the dryness, Zero licked her lips. Then his face changed, and a faint smell of rust came from his lips. He knew that it was blood, and it was human blood. Then, there seemed to be something left in the cavity of his mouth, and he stirred it with his tongue, and touched a piece of meat with the tip of his tongue. It's just a simple contact, but a lot of data flows into Zero's mind. So he knew that, like blood, this piece of meat also came from human body tissues.

Looking at Monnie's injured left leg again, Ling seemed to know something.

Atesa, a few meters away, clearly felt Zero's body exudes a high temperature. The scorching air even swirled around him slightly, fluttering his dark broken hair gently.

At this moment, there was even a hint of wind on Death Mountain.

After a while, the air currents and heat waves disappeared. Ling walked to Monnie in silence and sat down, took a look at him, then flapped his fat wings and flew to Ling's shoulder.

Zero got down and let herself get close to Moni's face. He leaned against Monnie's ear and moved his lips slightly.

No one knows what he said.

At night, Moni also woke up. His face pale because of the loss of blood, there was a faint trace of blood in the campfire that Atessa raised. After eating the mutant rabbit meat roasted by Atessa, Monnie began to smile on her face.

It seemed that with some strength, Moni began to talk, sometimes praising Atessa for her good craftsmanship, and sometimes said one or two inferior jokes from the drinkers in Angry Reef City. Zero occasionally inserted such a sentence or two, but most of the time, he was as quiet as Artesa.

After solving a piece of breast meat, Zero said that he was full. There seemed to be a tacit understanding between the three. No one mentioned the injury of Zero and Moni. It seemed that it was a wound that he didn't want to touch. Although this wound will always scar, but it will never go away.

"After 10 minutes of rest, let's hurry. There has been too much time, so we have to hurry up." Ling said.

Atesa said quietly, "I have no problem, but you two?"

"I have almost recovered, even if I do it with people now, there is no problem at all." Zero knows his body very well, and he will not force himself to do something beyond the limit unless it is necessary. But now it's just a hurry, not to mention that he still has some time to rest after arriving in the downstream area, and he can adjust to his best condition before the Parkland Killer appears.

Moni also raised her hand and said, "I don't have any problems, but I might need a crutches."

Artesha said without raising her head, "No, let me walk with you behind my back, so hurry up."

So the matter was set, after eating and drinking enough, the remaining rabbit meat was carefully preserved by Atesa. Such herbivorous metamorphosis beasts are rare, and even Artesha, who grew up on Death Mountain, has not seen many in a year. The fragrant and delicious meat of herbivores is a rare delicacy. Naturally, Artesha would not waste it. Although there were a lot of mutant beasts on Death Mountain, there were very few of them upright and edible. Leftover rabbit meat, if you save a little bit of it, you can last for about two days.

After packing up and clearing the traces of the bonfire, the three began to go on the road.

Because it is already close to the Ramathon River, the land here is already relatively moist. That's because the rhizomes of various plants that are hidden deep in the ground and shrinking complexly continue to ask for water from the Ramathon River. When the plants absorb enough water, the excess will be discharged, so the water makes the originally dry ground slightly damp.

The three of them walked through the wetland downhill, directly into the woods under the mountain, and then came to the river. But they didn't dare to get too close. There were no extra shelters on the beaches of the river bank. There were only a few bushes strewn on the edge of the unstable river bed. In fact, the vicinity of the Lamasen River is not suitable for the growth of plants. Megalodon will use these plants to sharpen their teeth, and the triangular jaws will rub their huge bodies against the plants in order to grind away the dirt on their bodies. The mutant beasts in the Ramathon River made mutant plants retreat, let alone ordinary trees.

Therefore, within ten meters of the Lamason River, Zero can hardly see a decent plant. On the contrary, giant tooth fish jumped out of the water in groups, and the triangulated jaws bite and fight each other in the water from time to time.

Trying to lean on the river bank as much as possible, but chose to advance on the edge of the woods. In this way, when the time came around the early hours, they had already reached the downstream area. The river in this area is thousands of meters wide, and the river water rushing from the upper reaches here is slammed on the towering and sharp reefs, making loud noises~lightnovelpub.net~ The downstream river flows rapidly, from time to time. Waves of more than ten meters high rose into the sky, and then wet the sandy land within a hundred meters of the river bank.

So far, there are no abnormal beasts, and neither the megalodon nor the crocodile will approach this water area. All because of going forward, there is a big crack that lies across the Death Mountain. When the Lamason River reaches it, it will flow down like a waterfall, and after converging into a bottomless abyss 1,000 meters below, it will pass through the river into the endless polluted sea outside the coastline.

The zero choice of this place as a sniper position is not without reason. First of all, the geographical environment here is very complicated. Not to mention the vast woods behind the river beach, it is the chaotic boulders in this area that are more than a dozen meters above the natural. Cover; secondly, the uninterrupted river impact around the clock makes the entire area loud and loud, and the sound of the water waves will interfere with the judgment of the Parkland killer, and also provide an excellent cover for zero snipers.

Zero's plan is simple. First, let Artesa lie in ambush in a corner and fight with the killer when the killer appears. As for Zero herself, she chooses a commanding height to wait for an opportunity to kill. This is exactly what the killer used against Zero when he was in Phoenix, using the ability of the fighting domain to stalk the prey at close quarters, and then use sniper methods to find the right opportunity to kill with one blow.

This method is not suitable for dealing with more than one prey, but if the opponent is alone, it can often achieve miraculous results. Especially when the other party doesn't know that Zero still has Artesa as a helper, the chance of success will be very high.

However, what surprised a few people was that Parkland's killer did not appear within the time they expected. It was not until sunset the next day when Zero reached the downstream area that Artessa saw a raft that was almost torn apart from the distance of the Lamason River and approached the river bank under the control of a man on the raft.

The prey has finally arrived!