War Lord

Chapter 146: Into Hell (Part 1)

It was already an hour later when Ling carried Moni on the suspension bridge connecting the two sides of the big crack.

Moni was zeroed in, and strong winds continued to flow upstream from the depths of the big crack, causing the cable bridge to sway slightly. It’s not a good way to run across the cable bridge. The wind blowing up from under the big crack is variable. When it is weak, it can only make the bridge tremble slightly, but when it is strong, it is enough to make the cable bridge sway slightly from side to side. . If you suddenly encounter strong winds when you run across the bridge, the rising air currents will make you lose your balance. A bottomless abyss that is not easy to fall under the bridge is not a fun thing.

If there is no off-road vehicle, crossing the bridge will be relatively easy. The weight of the vehicle itself is enough to resist the strong underground wind, and the chassis of the vehicle will also fix the center of gravity on the bridge body, and it will not be blown over. In fact, this suspension cable bridge was designed for cracks and was built for the purpose of vehicular traffic. The designer himself did not consider pedestrians passing by the bridge, so it created a little for the passage of a few people. Difficulty.

The three of them walked along the center of the cable bridge as much as possible. When they came to the center of the bridge, a magnificent scene appeared in their eyes.

Looking east from the big crack, you can see the shimmering sea at the exit of the crack. That is the polluted sea area east of the coastline. This sea area is so wide that it cannot be measured. It's just that the water that was supposed to be azure blue, but turned into a dark red color because of pollution, presents a desperate and poignant beauty to the world.

The endless seas are also not peaceful, as far as the coast is concerned, there are no fewer than a hundred species of abnormal fish found. As for the deep sea area, there are more than ten species of large-scale mutant beasts like the Defiler. It can be said that the polluted sea is far more dangerous than the land. But at both ends of the sea, there are two other continents. They are slightly smaller than the Central Continent, but there are many traces of civilization on them.

It is only because of the ubiquity of radiation clouds in the sky that all aviation equipment will be disturbed to varying degrees, so even if the aircraft of the old era is repaired, they cannot be put into use. This makes people to travel between the continents, can only use the ship as a tool. Some scholars once predicted that when capabilities and technology continue to develop and exchanges between continents become more frequent, the world will usher in an era of great navigation, which means that wars and conquests will be staged in every corner of the world.

But no matter what, the sky and the sea have always been fascinating. Even if it is zero, looking at the sea area outside the big crack, he can't help but feel the urge to go out to sea. Naturally, impulse is just impulse and will not become a reality.

Therefore, with a zero dry cough, Moni and Atesha's minds were pulled back from their imaginations. Moni was better. After all, she had spent some time in Fury Reef City, not far from the sea, but Artesha had never seen the sea. Although Gunat had mentioned this mysterious world when imparting her knowledge, it was the first time Artesha saw the sea today.

"On the other side of the sea, what's there?" Atesa asked in a nearly dreamy tone.

"I don't know, it may be war or freedom." This world is no longer the era that Zero is familiar with, and he doesn't know what the other two continents are like.

After a short sigh, the road continued to rush. But when Zero was about to turn around and set off, a bit of cold suddenly appeared in the center of his eyebrows.

The hairs on his whole body were immediately erected, which was the feeling when he was targeted by a sniper.

It's Parkland's killer! He is back again!

But when Zero was about to make an evasive action, the icy cold between his brows disappeared. But Zero clearly felt that the killing intent was shifting.

"What's wrong, Zero?" Moni asked in surprise when she saw Zero's face changed drastically.

When Ling was about to warn, she suddenly discovered that the murderous intent had fallen on Moni, right behind her head, and Moni was still in the mood!

The sniper bullet is like the death **** in the dark night, it comes suddenly. When Ling looked at Moni, he also saw the metal warhead shot from the direction of Death Mountain. It spins at high speed in the air, rubbing the air to produce a faint arrogance, and shoots straight at the back of Moni's head with a fierce murderous intent.

Roaring, Ling smashed Moni away under the instinct, causing her to fall to Artesha next to her. But after smashing Monnie, she moved the zero position, but put herself on the shooting track of the sniper shell.

In an instant, he understood that the killer's target was still himself, but the other party cleverly used the weakness of others, so that the sniper, which had only half the chance of hitting, jumped to 100%!

Zero can no longer hide.

He can only grit his teeth, cross his hands in front of him to block important parts such as the head and chest, and then use his full defense to strengthen. The rush of time made it impossible for him to even use rampage to avoid this fatal blow.

Therefore, when Moni just hit Atessa, Ling walked away from the ground and flew out.

Time seems to have pressed the stop button at this moment~lightnovelpub.net~ Moni and Artesha's eyes opened wide. They clearly saw the sniper shell dragged a translucent trajectory through Zero’s arm, and then penetrated into his right chest, then brought out a blood line and scattered pieces of meat from behind, and finally disappeared in the bridge. another side.

When Zero Heavy fell on the bridge, the violent sound of the sniper rifle came from the direction of Death Mountain.


"Get down!"

The voices of Moni and Zero sounded at the same time, the latter's voice was loud and obviously not fatally injured, Moni breathed a sigh of relief.

"Damn, it's really lucky!"

In the dense forest of Death Mountain, Lan Qi, who had just completed a sniper movement on the cedar trees, scolded fiercely. In his calculations, the sniper projectile should have hit the zero heart. Unexpectedly, at the moment of shooting, a strong wind blew from the crack, causing the cable bridge to shake and interfering with the trajectory of the sniper projectile, causing Lan Qi to miss the shot. .

But he still had a chance, Lan Qi showed a cold smile, changed his gun, but aimed at the steel cable on the bridge.

In fact, this is his biggest killer move.

Zero took a deep breath and contracted the wound with his muscles. But he didn't have time to deal with this gunshot wound immediately. His right forearm was rubbed by a sniper bullet, and a deep wound was severely plowed. There was even more penetrating damage to the chest. Fortunately, the bones and nerves were not injured, otherwise Zero would not want to move this time.

Staying on the bridge would only become a target for snipers, so Ling asked Moni and the two to stick to the bridge as closely as possible, and then quickly climbed across the bridge. But they moved, the suspension bridge suddenly shook, and then the sound of the sniper rifle sounded again.

Zero Yi was stunned, the target of this attack was obviously not any of the three of them. However, there was a frightening tearing sound above their heads. When they looked up, they saw a partial gap in a suspension cable. And at that gap, the steel wire hidden in the cable is not breaking!