War Lord

Chapter 150: Unknown civilization

After giving herself 5 minutes to rest, even if she was tired and exhausted, Zero still struggled to get up. This underground space seems to be in no danger for the time being, but even sea dragon fish can appear in the underground waters. God knows whether there will be other abnormal beasts in this underground. Zero dared not be careless, but before leaving, he had to deal with his wounds.

Looking at the bullet hole on the right chest that had been soaked in water, Zero was thankful that the Parkland Killer used only a standard sniper warhead, not an armor-piercing projectile or a bursting projectile, otherwise his injuries would not only end there.

After evaporating the moisture on his body with the ability to form the first-order fire element at high temperature, Zero took out the remaining disinfectant spray from the marching rucksack to disinfect the wound. Without extra bandages, he had to put the one in his tactical suit. The sleeve was removed, then cut with a saber, and then tied to the body to fix the muscles around the wound from tearing due to body movement. After doing all this, Ling held the light stick and probed into the dark part of the cave.

From time to time in the wet caves, mutated insects as large as tail-fingers drill through. These small insects mostly feed on sand. But there were larger earthworms taking them as food. When Zero passed by, he saw a few thick-arm piercers burrowing out of some pores in the cave, and then rolled up these small insects and swallowed them.

The metamorphic insects hidden deep in the ground are extremely sensitive to light sources, and for them, the low light will be as dazzling as sunlight. So after feeling the light source of the glow stick, the piercers went back to their home, which allowed Zero to put down the 500 revolvers and move on.

Going deeper, the cave branches more and more, looking like the nests of some large earthworms. In this labyrinth-shaped cave, if you go the wrong way, you may never get out. But there was a breeze blowing in the cave from time to time, and Ling raised a small flame between his fingers, judging his way forward based on the direction of the flame swaying. In this way, the labyrinth of caves can't stump Zero, and the wind faithfully guides him in the right direction.

Silently calculating his steps, when he counted to 1045 steps, his eyes suddenly opened up.

He had already walked out of the cave with the complicated branch road, but in front of his eyes was a larger natural cave. How big the cave is, it's hard to judge from the faint light of the glow stick. But Zero walked along the edge for about 10 minutes, still unable to see the end, he had to give up searching. Judging from the sound of the wind that whizzes through the cave from time to time, I am afraid it is the size of a football field.

Zero raised the light stick again, and under the dim yellow light he saw the rocks above his head and the irregular stalagmites. The width of the cave is extremely wide, but the height is limited, only about five meters, forming an abnormal sense of oppression. From time to time, ice-cold water droplets drip onto the stalagmites, which means that there may be groundwater flow on this layer of rock vines.

When there is water, there will be an exit, but the question is how to penetrate this layer of rock. He walked aimlessly towards the depths of the cave, hoping to find a hole like a water outlet. But I couldn't find the water outlet, but there was metal reflection in the light of the light stick. Where did the metal come from in the cave? Could this be a mine, zero thought.

The metal reflective light is in the dark place ahead, and Zero speeds up his steps. This time he didn't go very far. After about ten meters, he kicked a strange metal object on the tip of his toe.

Zero squatted down. There was only a thin piece of metal, and it was molded into the shape of a feather. There is a negative etching process on the metal sheet to engrave the lines similar to the circuit crystal board, and a black and purple spar embedded in the end shows that it is not a natural product.

When the glow stick approached the metal plate, he saw that the spar embedded on it suddenly flashed with a faint brilliance. As the silk brilliance flowed through the lines on the metal plate, the whole metal plate quivered slightly in an instant, like a living thing.

Looking at all this in surprise, from the dim light source of the glow stick, the black and purple spar actually acts like a solar panel and can absorb the light source and use it as an energy source. Judging from the vibration of the metal plate, this feather-like object contains three systems: light source absorption, energy conversion, and driving.

The process of using solar energy as the main energy source, transforming it and driving it, is not unattainable at the current level of technology. But that requires a systematic unit and structure. No matter how sophisticated the processing level is, it is absolutely impossible to organically combine the three systems on this sheet of metal with a length of only 1 meter and a thickness of no more than 5 mm.

And judging from the thick dust on the metal sheet, it does not know how many years it has been lying in this dark cave. As far as Zero knows, among the energy research results published by the Dark Council, the most representative magnetic energy motivation group can only support its own energy operations for only about ten years without additional energy supply.

However, this piece of metal, Zero believes that it will definitely exist in this cave for more than ten years, or even longer.

So, what organizational masterpiece is it? Is it a product of the new era, or the crystallization of technology from the old era? But Zero believes that even if the resources of the old age were abundant, there was not enough scientific and technological support to produce such metal flakes.

Going forward, there are more and more such thin metal sheets. They are scattered all over the ground, just like the wings of some kind of prehistoric giant bird.

In the end, after 100 meters from the first thin sheet, Zero stopped, and a huge wing covered with this thin metal sign fell weakly on the ground, and those thin metal sheets fell off from this wing~www. lightnovelpub.net~Zero even saw the metal bracket after the sheet fell off. The metal wings, which imitated the wings of Asuka, reminded Zero to think of a term.

Bionic technology!

Although bionic technology has been dabbled in the old age, it still can't reach the level of craftsmanship of this metal wing, let alone the subtle system on that piece of wing. Regardless of the limited number of light sticks, Ling took out the rest of the light sticks, and after making them light up, Ling threw the light sticks in different directions.

As a result, a picture that he couldn't believe appeared in his eyes.

What appeared in front of Zero was a peculiarly shaped aircraft. It is about the size of a ship in the old days, with a U-shaped front end and a streamlined body design at the back end. The whole aircraft was covered with sludge, and part of it was submerged in the rock formation above, as if it was stuck in a cave by the rock.

The sides of the aircraft were loaded with three huge metal wings, and they were all hanging weakly on the ground at this moment. But after being exposed to the light from the glow sticks of Zero, the light source absorption system on the metal wing naturally moved, but the metal wing only vibrated slightly and then became quiet again. At the same time, all the zero glow sticks are extinguished because the light source is absorbed by the metal wings.

Zero took the last glow stick and carefully moved away from these big wings, so as not to even disappear the last light source.

He was almost certain that neither the aircraft itself nor the metal wings were a product of the new era or the old era. So which civilization does it belong to?

Is it an alien civilization? Or is it some unknown relic of civilization in the history of the earth?

For a time, this aircraft was far more attractive to Zero than leaving the cave. He seemed to be standing in front of a huge mystery, and Ling couldn't wait to solve the mystery right away.