War Lord

Chapter 162: fight against

It completely violated the gunman's principle of seeing distance as his life. The two people who moved almost at the same time drew their pistols or revolvers and raised their muzzles to the opponent's head.

The moment they completed this action, both of them pulled the trigger at the same time. But the head suddenly shook in different directions, but the opponent's bullet was shot in the empty space. It’s just that Zero and Lan Qi didn’t mean to separate, so Zero took the saber in his thigh and pierced Lan Qi’s stomach. Lan Qi took out the mad eagle behind his back, used the sniper rifle as an iron rod, and used the **** to fiercely. Sweep towards Zero's head.

In the end, Zero's saber changed direction, turned his face up to meet him, and blocked the sniper rifle that swept his head. At the same time, like a juggling, the M500 came out from under the armpit of the arm holding the saber and raised towards Lan Qi's chest.

Lan Qi jumped up, and kicked it **** Zero's shoulder.

Zero couldn't keep his balance right away, and when he fell backward, he kicked out and kicked Lan Qi, who was adjusting the muzzle of the crazy eagle at him.

The two landed at the same time, and then bounced up instantly, their muzzles pointed forward, but neither one scored a point faster than the other.

Keeping the posture of pointing each other's heads like this, the two slowly stood up straight.

Lan Qi smiled suddenly, his upper body remained motionless, but a piece of dust was swept away from under his feet. Zero immediately slapped to the side and fired a shot in Lan Qi's direction just now.

Two gunshots sounded instantly, but at the same time there was a crisp sound when the bullet hit the metal, and it was obvious that no one could hit anyone.

This smoke screen seemed to have become a kind of opportunity, his body shape skyrocketed, and after rushing behind the metal machine tool with pieces of afterimages, the continuous burst of shots almost followed his heels all the way. The jumping sparks marked the shooting route, and the other party's shooting came to an end until Ling hid himself behind the cover.

Zero's feet were covered with shards of glass, which had fallen from the side window. He picked up a slap-sized piece, and then quickly threw it away. As soon as the debris flew out of the machine tool, it was shot into powder. But in that short moment, Zero had already seen Lan Qi's location through the reflection of the glass. The moment the glass was shot, Zero bounced from behind the machine tool, and the pistol pointed towards Lan Qi's location.

There was a flash of fire in the gloomy building.

After firing the gun, he drew back into his body without seeing the result. After he heard a series of footsteps and headed towards the second floor, Ling immediately emerged from the cover, and Tianhao saw Lan Qi's figure disappear at the end of the stairs on the second floor.

He catted at his waist, and under the cover of obstacles and angles, he trot all the way to the direction of the stairs with blind spots that Lan Qi could not shoot. When he arrived near the entrance of the stairs, Ling saw a small blood flower on the wall. He touched it with his finger, and the blood was still warm. It was obvious that Lan Qi had been injured. No wonder he was going to the second floor. It was to buy time for himself to simply treat the wound.

Lan Qi may be an excellent sniper expert, but Zero is certain that he does not have the ability to heal quickly like himself, which means that Lan Qi's endurance is not as good as zero. Even if the smallest wound is not treated in time, it will become the last straw that will overwhelm the camel in this ever-changing battlefield.

Zero naturally won't give him time.

Tier 5 agility was fully activated, and he made a squatting movement, and he appeared at the top of the stairs the next moment. A total of about twenty steps of stairs can be passed through in just 1 second at his speed. However, his figure appeared, and in his eyes he saw a grenade dropped from the second floor.

After the grenade, Lan Qi was squatting halfway on the ground, the muzzle of the wild eagle and the grenade were just in line!

At the moment when the muzzle of the sniper rifle burst out, Zero crossed his hands to cover his head and chest, while jumping back sharply.

The grenade exploded!

There was a loud bang in the building, and the impact of the explosion made the building tremble slightly, and countless dust fell from the floor, causing a gray mist in the space on the first floor.

Zero was bounced by the shock wave, fell to the ground, and immediately made a protective action of tumbling. After rolling into a machine tool under the cover of smoke, outside, the sound of sniper rifles rang four times in succession. On the zero-rolling track, four bullet holes the size of a bowl appeared on the ground. Although the appearance of the smoke made Lan Qi unable to see Zero's figure, he calculated the trajectory of Zero's evasion almost exactly based on his rich experience.

It's just that the speed of zero was so much higher than his calculations, and Cai Lanqi's attacks were all in vain.

The blood ran down the arm, and when it came to the fingertips, it was curled up by the petty tongue, and then brought to the mouth. He rolled up the sleeves of his tactical uniform, with seven fragments stuck in his arms. If it is not zero to make a protective action in time, then it is not the arm that is injured at this time, but the face and chest of the zero.

But even so, Zero's left eyebrow was still rubbed by a fragment. The blood from the wound on his brow covered his left eye. Zero simply closed his eyes, and then took off the blindfold of his right eye. After the golden pupil of the right eye expanded and contracted several times in succession, Zero had already seen the surrounding environment firmly in his eyes.

Lan Qi's attack can be said to be full of improvisation. He didn't deal with the wound in time as Zero had predicted, but instead used Zero's misjudgment to attack him. If the non-zero agility enhancement has reached Tier 5, the grenade that exploded just now would be enough to damage him severely.

There is only a fine line between life and death~lightnovelpub.net~ A wrong judgment, enough to kill you!

"You are too impulsive, but young people are like this..."

Lan Qi's voice came from above his head, and the voice was far and near, showing that the other party was constantly moving, making it impossible for Zero to grasp his exact location.

Ling quietly dismissed Colt, and pressed an armor-piercing projectile that had been blessed with the fire element into the barrel of the gun.

"A seasoned hunter should be good at calculating. Obviously you haven't done enough in this area."

Lan Qi was still talking, knowing that he was testing his reaction. If Zero can't help but make some noise, Lan Qi will be able to control his position, thus formulating a new round of offensive. The 10 cm thick concrete layer becomes a natural barrier between him and Zero. Lan Qi is not afraid that Zero will lock the position and attack based on his voice. Unless it is a missile-level weapon, even a sniper rifle and an armor-piercing projectile cannot penetrate this thickness of soil. But even so, Lan Qi is still doing a movement to confuse the enemy, which shows how cautious he is.

However, Lan Qi miscalculated two points.

One is that the petty sniper rifle is not an ordinary sniper rifle, but a handmade Colt. Compared with ordinary sniper rifles, Colt's firing speed is faster, giving the bullet more kinetic energy, and even Lan Qi's Mad Eagle is slightly inferior. The second is that the zero-use armor-piercing bullet is blessed with fire elements, which makes the bullet explode when it hits the real object.

There is only zero that is proficient in the first-order fire element, even if the fire element blessed on the bullet causes an explosion, it cannot be compared with the grenade. But Zero doesn't need this bullet to be able to shoot Lan Qi, as long as it creates a little chaos for itself is enough.

So when Lan Qi's voice appeared on the trajectory that Zero had predicted, Zero pressed the trigger.

Colt let out a dull roar, and in a half-meter fire tongue, an armor-piercing projectile wrapped in a faint red light blasted towards the target instantly!