War Lord

Chapter 184: Struggle

In the previous first shot, Zero already knew about Rhein's toughness, and the distance between the two was no more than 20 meters. But at Colt's muzzle velocity of nearly kilometers per second, Ryan was still able to block the bullet with a one-handed sword. At that time, Zero could hardly believe his eyes. Now he only hopes that Ryan can come closer, maybe Zero can surprise this powerful blood rider.

There are only two sniper shells left, and there are not many chances of zero. When the sniper shells were used up, Zero was left with only a handful of bare teeth that could threaten Rhein. Looking at the appearance of Ryan with a sword in his hand, Ling knew that his superficial fighting skills could not threaten the blood knight of a swordsman.

"It's really troublesome to get out of the phone only twice." Zero spit out a mouthful of blood and whispered to himself.

In his eyes, Ryan was walking in his direction. The silver hair fluttered gently in the wind, making Ryan look so dazzling. Zero took a deep breath and discarded all thoughts out of his mind. The mind is concentrated from an unprecedented height, and the zero brain is like the most sophisticated computer, collecting all the data of Rhein's movements and analyzing it to find the best mobile phone meeting.

Ninety meters, eighty meters...The distance between the two is slowly shortening, and Ling only hopes that Ryan can get closer. But at about fifty meters, Rhein stopped. Zero sighed inwardly, knowing that he could only create opportunities on his own.

In Jin Jin's right eye, the silver silk pattern on the edge suddenly concentrated towards the middle. Zero blinked, and the silver streaks had all gathered in the center of the pupil, forming a silver vertical pupil like a beast.

Zero opened her mouth and exhaled a bit of hot air.

In Rhine's perception, zero biological energy suddenly grows. It felt like a light suddenly turned into a spotlight. The energy level continued to rise, and the feeling that zero gave Ryan became a little dangerous.

Of course, it's just a little bit.

Zero movement, after starting the "runaway", he took out the afterimages and rushed towards Rhine. But only rushed out about ten meters, stood still, moved horizontally to the left, and then slammed forward. In an instant, a cyan light slashed diagonally and passed by Zero.

"Huh?" Ryan made an unexpected voice, and some didn't believe that Ling had evaded him from such a short distance.

Ryan didn't know that Zero also fired the bullet time in the perception domain at the same time. Bullet time speeds up the calculation ability of the brain area, so that by predicting the movement of Rhine's shoulder and arm, a wind blade flashes like a miracle.

Ten meters further in, and when the two of them were only about thirty meters closer, Ryan made another wind blade.

At this time, the first wind blade smashed a building not far from the street and headed towards the rear block!

Zero's eye corners and nostrils overflowed with blood. Originally, the time of the bullet used in the first wind blade has reached the time limit of ability, but zero has not yet withdrawn from the state of slowing down the speed of all things. The overloaded use has made him feel that his brain is stabbed by a needle. He almost wanted to scream. But at the same time, Zero also knew that once he exited the state of bullet time, he would not be able to predict Rhein's movements at the high speed of running away.

When the second wind blade was about to rise, Ling suddenly lay down on the ground, allowing the beautiful but deadly blue light to pass over his back. After avoiding the second wind blade again, Zero finally could no longer maintain the state of bullet time. He retreated, but the state of running away was still there. So the palm of the hand was on the ground, and the person rose in the air and came to the top of Rin's head.

The distance between the two at this moment is less than ten meters.

Qiqi Kong spilled blood, but he ignored it. Colt aimed his gun at Lein's head, and he pressed down the trigger.

At the same time as Colt's muzzle burst out, a cyan whirlwind suddenly blew up around Ryan's body. Lingzhijue's eyes were full of green wind, and people were involuntarily thrown away by this rotating wind. He crashed into the window of a bungalow next to the street, and Ling continued to cast off. After knocking over tables and chairs and other things, he was finally hit on the wall to announce the end of the journey.

He fell to the ground, then braced himself with difficulty, then sat down against the wall and gasped for breath. Zero didn't know what the result of that shot was, but judging from the wind roaring outside the house, it was estimated that Ryan was still alive.

In the next second, a green light entered from the other side of the room, and lightly passed over the top of Zero's head. Then, amid the continuous loud noises, the house split flatly, and fell to the back while holding its head to the ground.

A violent vibration followed, and after a few seconds, the vibration stopped. When Zero sat up straight again, a thick layer of lime fell on her body. Outside the house, Ryan was still standing with a sword, but a faint blood stain appeared on his cheek.

"Now I kind of understand why you, a wilderness mercenary, can kill one of our low-level blood knights." Ryan took a step forward, blocking the obstacles in front of him, whether it was a wall or a debris. The green breeze emerging from the edge was blown into powder. Ryan walked into the wreckage of the house without any hindrance, and came to Zero.

"Your ability is not just as simple as Tier 5 Agility. The speed of breaking through the sound barrier is definitely not what Tier 5 Agility can provide. Moreover, your biological energy level just broke through the conventional peak. In other words, you can improve in a short time. The skills of combat effectiveness. Then there are amazing predictions and rich combat experience. If someone like you has the opportunity to conduct professional training, it is likely to become a high-level capable person. But it is a pity..." Rain raised I took a one-handed sword~lightnovelpub.net~ and sighed: "That's it!"

Zero smiled bitterly, he still had a bullet. But after overloading with bullets and running away, he didn't even have the strength to lift a finger. Even if I want to save the last bullet to myself, I am afraid I can't do it now.

It is said that when people are about to die, they will think of past experiences. But Zero's mind was empty, even Leah hadn't even thought of it. Zero is not afraid of impending death, but has a sense of relief. He lost some of his past memories, awakened in the hibernation barn, and suddenly jumped into this turbulent age with the cognition of the old century. To Zero, he is like an outsider. Even two years have passed, Zero still cannot fully integrate into this world.

So he will value Leah and sympathize with Monnie. This seems so out of place in the new era of self-centeredness, and it caused all of this to happen, but because Zero has spanned decades of time, he has not experienced a catastrophe, even if he has a variety of abilities. But strictly speaking, Zero is still an old man.

It is this different worldview that makes him in this turbulent age as if he is in a strange country. Leah once awakened some familiar feelings to him. When Leah died, Zero worked hard to bring her back to life. In addition to being in love with Leah, there are more or less other reasons. For example, when she is with Leah, Zero will have a feeling of going back to the old days.

And now, Rhein is like a mountain that cannot be crossed lying on the road ahead of Zero, as if telling Zero that his end has come. Zero birth feels tired, maybe it's a kind of happiness to be able to die like this.

In his eyes, Ryan's one-handed sword pulled out a cold light and waved down at him. Zero did not evade, and he could even see the smile on his face on the opponent's sword!