War Lord

Chapter 187: Asgart

"You can't see your own weakness, and such a person can't find a strong direction!"-Goddess of War Valkyrie

The coastline of the Central Continent is undoubtedly synonymous with prosperity. Various settlements of human beings formed by large and small companies and bases, connected by a long coastline highway, make it possible for commercial trade to be realized in danger. Living here, although it is true, but the breath of life is everywhere. However, after leaving this golden link, as he continued to deepen into the west, what Zero saw was loneliness and desolation.

This is a real no man's land.

There are no settlements, no companies, or even larger alien creatures. Lying in front of Ling was an endless wilderness. At a glance, there were no obstacles in the distance to the horizon, only scattered stubborn plants adorn this desolate land.

Occasionally passing by the ruins of one or two cities, they are far more damaged than those in the coastline area. The city is almost completely levelled, and there is no redundant building debris for the habitat of the alien creatures. The previous high-temperature destruction caused these ruins to die completely, and there was no need for reusable resources and reconstruction. Compared with the abandoned cities on the coastline, they are the real ruins.

The off-road vehicle jumped and bumped, carrying Zero and Valkyrie through the maddeningly silent land, bypassing the devil's desert that can stop any vehicle, and passing by the dry riverbed of the Nabisius Grand Canal. At dawn on the fifth day, Ling saw the Julian Mountains inserted high into the sky among the thick radiating clouds.

Zero's upper body was covered with a sterile bandage, which was taken from the simple medical kit on the off-road vehicle. In fact, the medical kit carried by Valkyrie is much simpler than the same type of kit sold in any city along the coast. In addition to disinfecting bandages and hemostatic spray, there is only one general-purpose first aid needle. It can be seen that Valkyrie never thought that he would be injured. And Zero also knew that once someone with a high-level ability like her was severely injured, it would not be able to be saved with a mere medical kit.

Therefore, the things in there are cheaper, and when he leaves the shadow capital, he has only a colt and the only remaining bullet on him. He doesn't even have a decent tactical uniform, and the wound given by Ryan is contracted by him to prevent deterioration, but after all, Zero can't maintain this state for a long time. After the off-road vehicle drove out of the Shadow City, Ling took out Valkyrie's medical kit to clean up his wounds, and finally fixed them with sterile bandages to prevent them from getting worse.

In the next five days, zero spent almost all of his time in the car. In addition to the necessary physiological needs, zero feet rarely have the opportunity to step on the ground. Valkyrie didn't seem to have to rest, she drove the car day and night like a robot. Zero occasionally falls asleep. When he wakes up, whether it is day or night, the off-road vehicle is always in a Mercedes-Benz state.

After a few days, Zero has confirmed that this seemingly ordinary off-road vehicle must have undergone some modifications. Otherwise, with such continuous driving, the car components have already heated up and burned out, so how can it be driven day and night without stopping.

But no matter what, the journey finally reached the end. When he saw the Yurian Mountains, Valkyrie's expression changed slightly. Although his face was as cold as before, there was a hint of gentleness in his eyes that was not easily detectable.

"Here we are."

In the past five days, the two talked no more than ten times. Obviously, Zero and Valkyrie are not talkative people. If gender and ability are discarded, they are actually the same kind of people. All wrapped themselves in coldness, and faced the world with indifference.

The difference is that Zero will care about people. For example Leah, or Monnie or Atessa. Leah is waiting for him to come back to life, while Moni and Girutan embark on another journey of life. As for Atessa, I am afraid that she has returned to Death Ridge and is working hard to reorganize the Semitic tribe.

No one dares to think about the future in turbulent times, but Zero still hopes that at some point in the future, everyone can meet again at the intersection of life. Just like a gathering of friends in the old days, at a certain sunset, sitting quietly together and confiding in various experiences.

His thoughts fell in a mysterious space, until there was a loud "bang" in his ears, and Ling was awakened like a dream and returned to the cruel reality.

The off-road vehicle was parked in a corner of the Julian Mountains, and in front of Zero was a cliff high in the clouds. Although the mountain wall is not without edges and corners, it seems that it is composed of large, smooth walls. If you want to climb such a mountain wall, unless you have special abilities, you can only use targeted equipment. Of course, no matter how you look at the off-road vehicle, you can't climb it.

But it didn't have to climb up the cliff, because in the special rumbling of heavy hydraulic machinery, the cliff blocking the off-road vehicle was slowly separating from the center and retracting toward both sides. Although it was not fully opened, Zero had already seen a huge door. It has a height of 500 meters and a width of at least 300 meters. There is no doubt that its use for off-road vehicles is a trivial matter. Judging from the scale of this gate, when necessary, large warfare equipment can be transported out through this gate to reach the battlefield directly.

When the gate opened wide enough for off-road vehicles to pass, it came to a halt. As soon as Valkyrie stepped on the accelerator, he drove the off-road vehicle into the gate. Inside the door is a dark world, but there are red lights flashing on the road, marking the passage in the dark. The off-road vehicle was driving in the dark under the guidance of the lights. After a while, the light from the exit was already seen in front of Zero ~ lightnovelpub.net~ But in a flash, the off-road vehicle drove into the light. Ling closed his eyes slightly, and when he adjusted to the light outside the exit, he opened his eyes and saw a magnificent city.

This is a miraculous underground city. A bridge made of steel connects the exit and the city in the distance. There is rushing underground water flowing under the bridge like the Yangtze River. At the entrance of the city, a tall golden gate was erected. On both sides of the gate were carved two bronze statues of hundreds of meters high. The bronze statues are warriors draped in complex armors, their eyes are flat on the steel bridge, and they hold a magnificent giant sword in their hands. Its sword is held flat, as if it had guarded the city behind him since ancient times.

Behind the bronze statue of Golden Gate, is a prosperous city.

Many tall buildings constitute the main body of the city, and the flashing lights in the buildings indicate that they are not the decoration of the city. Clean and open roads connect all areas of the city, allowing fresh blood to flow through the city like blood vessels. At the edge of the city, there are various factories. Those factory buildings with simple appearance include various plants such as water purification plants and nuclear power plants. They are not only another scenic line of the city, but also provide unlimited power for this underground city.

The mountain walls of the entire underground city are embedded with holographic image projection panels of ten meters square. They three-dimensionally wrap the city, projecting images of the blue sky, white clouds, distant mountains and the sea. This makes the people living in the city suspiciously return to the unpolluted world in the old times. It can be said that living here is like living in heaven.

Ling Shen was deeply shocked by the city, and Valkyrie sitting next to it also said in a nearly dreamlike tone: "I am very moved. Every time I see this city, I am proud of being able to live in it."

"It's called Asgart, meaning the city of miracles!"