War Lord

Chapter 191: surprise

"The emergence of the holy sites has made it possible for our initial purpose to find a feasible way for all mankind to continue to live. And through the research on the holy sites, we have also made considerable progress in solar technology. And breakthroughs. Whether for civil, industrial or even military warfare, the development direction of the entire Hall of Valor is towards pure light energy." Ben gradually showed a fanatical look, and the old man said excitedly: "However, the harvest in the sacred site It's not just that. At that time, I personally participated in the mid-to-late excavation work and caught a special kind of fluctuation. From this, we discovered the secret research institute built under this city."

Ben swept the palm of his hand into the light screen, and a yellow light formed a new model below the city. From the appearance of this model, it looks like a squashed egg. Dozens or even more independent spaces are decomposed, and new signs are generated, respectively marking the functions of these spaces. Of course, this is just a unilateral guess from the Hall of Valor.

Pointing to a room in the underground research institute, Ben said: "I have to say that this unknown civilization is not only ahead of us in the technology of light energy, but even the technology of biogenetics is beyond our reach. Right here, We found it. It was a giant sealed in a vessel like a culture tank, a giant of light!"

"The giant of light?"

"Yes, it is so beautiful. In it, I saw the universe and the galaxy. Unfortunately, when we discovered it, the light on the giant quickly disappeared. And those flowing in its body, like blood in humans After the light disappeared, the giant quickly withered. Now that I think about it, it is because it deliberately sent out fluctuations to attract our attention, and thus discovered its existence." Ben said with regret: "If we discover earlier, or the giant It can also support the previous year's words, maybe we can find alternative energy sources to keep it alive. No matter what, it is still dead. However, when we use its slices for research, we found that this giant has a nearly perfect genetic sequence. It has a nearly perfect genetic sequence. It’s a perfect creature, zero, it’s not an exaggeration to even call it a god. That’s right, God is the definition we give it. Apart from God, there are other creatures that have completely flawless genes."

"But it eventually died." Ling said lightly.

Ben disapproved, saying: "Mortals are mortal, and planets are destroyed. Gods are no exception. No matter how perfect the gene is, once the energy supply is lost, he will still die. But these are not important. The important thing is, There are the same fluctuations in this world. Although they are very weak, they at least give us a hope. For this reason, we developed an instrument that can receive and locate the fluctuations of God. And it has made me discover you, zero !"

With zero pupil dilation, the heart suddenly missed a beat. Having said so much, I finally talked about the key points.

"Although I don’t know why, I received such fluctuations a few months ago, and because of this, I went to Remute and met you. But at that time the divine fluctuations in you were still very weak. I didn’t even I'm sure. But until recently, as your ability improves, this volatility seems to have become stronger. So, as you can see, this is the main reason I invited you to join the Hall of Valor, and it's your value!" Ben said solemnly.

"In other words, are you going to slice me for research?" Ling asked.

Ben laughed and said: "That would be too violent, zero. I only want you to cooperate with our research, such as providing some blood samples, or receiving a comprehensive medical checkup every other time. In short, we will not treat you. ’S body caused any trauma. At the same time, we can pay you a sum of money for this. Although not much, it is enough to start the rebirth plan. And, don’t you want to figure out why you have the fluctuations of God on your body , Why would you have a relationship with that unknown civilization?"

After all, Ben was not in a hurry to let Zero agree, he just looked at the young man quietly.

Zero has not been considered for too long, or there is no need to consider it. Whether he wants it or not, Ben will definitely not let him leave Asgart easily. Regardless of Ben's huge reward, or figuring out the relationship between himself and the unknown civilization, these two points are something that Zero cannot refuse. Therefore, he nodded heavily.

Standing up, Ben smiled and said: "Then I, on behalf of the Hall of Valor and Asgart, welcome you to join. However, although I like you, what kind of height can you be promoted to, what kind of power and rewards you can get, It still depends on your own efforts. After all, the rules I set cannot be broken by myself."

"This is natural, I only hope you have enough work for me. To be honest, I am very short of money." Ling said.

Ben haha ​​smiled and said: "Don't worry, just continue to penetrate the western land and build strongholds and supply lines, and you will have more work to do."

After that, the old man pressed a light button on the desktop and said, "Let Valkyrie come up."

After a while, the blue-haired Valkyrie walked into the lobby from the elevator. The old man beckoned to her and said to Valkyrie: "Bring Zero to the new barracks of Doomhammer. He should have no problem in actual combat, but he lacks a systematic understanding of the ability domain. In this regard, I hope you Able to take the time to popularize the knowledge of Zero's ability domain, and provide an evolutionary suggestion and plan based on his talent."

"I see, father."

After Valkyrie answered ~lightnovelpub.net~ Ben said to zero again: "You and Valkyrie will report to the boot camp first. There, I think you will find a little surprise."

Zero stood up, nodded towards Ben, and took the elevator out of the lobby under the guidance of Valkyrie. Ben drank the unfinished wine in one sip, he played with the wine glass, and his old face was reflected in the wine glass.

He didn't tell zero everything, or only part of the truth. For example, the so-called **** was not found under the holy site, although an underground research base was indeed built there. The information about God came from other places and an experiment. I didn't want to let Zero know too much, but to avoid unnecessary variables.

After all, for the study of the gods, the cooperation of Zero is still needed at present. I didn't want Zero to have any accidents at this time.

Asgart’s military zone is located on the western edge of the city. On the way to the military zone, Zero learned from Valkyrie’s mouth that Doomhammer is the most elite legion in Asgart. Among them, the **** of war Tier commanded. It can be said that the zero who joined this corps, even if they are only entering the new barracks now, are far brighter than the soldiers of other corps in terms of their future.

After passing through the outposts and registering a series of cumbersome information, Valkyrie finally came to the recruit camp of Doomhammer with Zero. On the square of the camp, nearly a hundred recruits are undergoing actual combat training, roaring and shouting endlessly, and the familiar atmosphere of the barracks rushes toward the face. It seems that in a certain memory fragment that has been forgotten by Zero, he has also stayed in a similar place.

At this moment, a cry of surprise rang: "Zero, why are you here?"

This is the woman's voice, slightly hoarse. Looking at the sound source of Ling Chao, he saw the female swordsman Su who had met in Remut. At this time he began to understand what the surprise was.