War Lord

Chapter 196: treat

The problem of racial discrimination has been around for a long time, even in ancient times. But in the new era, determining the level of ability depends on genes and potential, rather than skin color and race. This is a well-known truth, but there are still some deep-rooted and decadent concepts that extend from the old times to the present day.

The human races on the Central Continent are dominated by the British and American races, in other words, the white-skinned races account for the vast majority. Therefore, it is not surprising that there will be discrimination issues, but the cities that Zero has stayed in before are all in the wilderness. The flow of people in cities in the wilderness is large, and it is difficult to form a sense of belonging in the city. But Asgart is different. Ben firmly attracts people living in this city through a special system.

These people have developed a sense of belonging to Asgart and are proud of being legal residents of the city. Under such circumstances, there is rarely a situation of personnel turnover, and once most of the fixed personnel have formed the same atmosphere, discrimination will inevitably arise. Because of the particularity of the new era, this phenomenon will more often be manifested in the military.

Veterans look down on recruits, and white soldiers despise people of other skin colors. Although these behaviors may seem irrational, they are real.

Just like the three people in front of him, Zero suddenly realized that he would be assigned to this dormitory. Perhaps it was not because he simply wanted him to integrate into the army as soon as possible. Perhaps it was because of the allocation of Zero to other dormitories, he might not get other white fighters. Accept.

"Okay, let's not talk about this." Feng clapped his palms and said: "To celebrate Zero's joining, let's go to the tavern to celebrate. Their fried veal steak is done well, how about it, let me treat you!"

He patted his chest vigorously, but it was a pity that Feng was not that kind of tall man, so instead of looking bold, he looked a little funny.

Subai glanced at him and said, "Do you have so many merit points to squander?"

"Not much. After putting Rankine and his team together last time, the reward was just enough for us to splurge. Let's go!" Feng said involuntarily, and immediately pushed the black Ma Pei out.

In this way, Ling followed them to a tavern near the camp. The tavern is opened by the military headquarters of Asgart, and there will be one in almost every barracks. In the barracks, soldiers are not allowed to drink or hide alcohol. To drink, you can only drink at the military tavern. But here, it is necessary to consume merit points, and it is twice the charge of the outside pub.

Such a tavern, on the one hand, provides a place for soldiers to dissipate their excess energy, and on the other hand, it reclaims the merits of the soldiers, thereby stimulating these soldiers to complete their tasks more desperately, which is just killing two birds with one stone.

Naturally, the military tavern cannot be as lively as other taverns, after all, not everyone has a large amount of merit to spend so much. Therefore, when the three people of Zero and Su walked into this tavern, although it was already night, the tavern was sparsely populated, and they were not as popular as the taverns in the wilderness city.

The ceiling fan on the ceiling of the pavilion was spinning weakly, and the jukebox in the corner was playing distressing country music. The dim lights are mostly concentrated in the center of the saloon, so the surrounding corners appear dim. In these dim corners, soldiers in twos and threes were drinking and eating. But when a few people came in, most of them raised their heads and cast unfriendly glances at them.

Zero naturally wouldn't take these eyes to heart. Under Feng's leadership, he came to the bar. Behind the bar, an old bartender with pale hair was wiping a list of empty wine glasses on the bar. Feng threw his identity card in front of the bartender and said, "Hi, old Henry. Give us a bottle of whiskey and four fried cows. Grilled."

The bartender Henry silently picked up Feng's identification card, then swiped it across a scanner on the bar, and then said to Feng lightly: "Young man, your merits seem to be insufficient to cover the cost."

Feng's smile immediately froze on his face, he jumped up and said, "Old Henry, you didn't see clearly!"

The bartender said blankly: "Although I am old, my eyes are not flowery."

What else Feng wanted to say, Su had already removed his identity card and moved it to the bartender's eyes and said, "I'll use mine."

Old Henry silently took Su's identity card and swiped it, then returned it to Su after a glance, and then shook the bell on the bar. Soon a young bartender came over. Old Henry quickly wrote down the menu and sent him to the kitchen. Then he took out a bottle of whiskey and four wine glasses from the wine cabinet, and finally put them on a plate and moved them. To the front of Zero Four.

"I wish you a happy meal." Old Henry said lightly.

Watching him turn around and leave ~lightnovelpub.net~ Feng pointed his **** to him, and then filled four wine glasses.

"Come on, let's have a drink and celebrate the joining of Zero!" Feng said loudly.

With a smile, Ling picked up her free arms, touched the arms of the three of them, and drank again. In the course before this, although there were all kinds of companions around Ling, in general, they were fighting alone. But at this moment, when watching the four wine glasses collide together, Zero suddenly realized that in the days to come, he would have three more comrades-in-arms.

Perhaps it is time to end the life of the lone wolf. In his heart, Zero said to himself.

The glass was put down suddenly, and even the black Ma Pei, who had been quiet, smiled after drinking it. Wine is indeed a good thing to bring men closer. After a few cups, Ma Pei had a conversation with Zero. In the dialogue, I learned that Ma Pei was also a mercenary before. As a result, the two people have more topics in common.

Before the main course came, Su went to the bathroom. Because of the whiskey, her cheeks are red, which makes Su look more beautiful. Su was a little excited, no one knew Zero's ability better than her. At that time, the scene of Zero ending Raf's life with two shots in the wilderness is still vivid. With the addition of a sniper like Zero, the team will be able to handle more battles.

Like all soldiers in the boot camp, Su aspires to become a full member of Doomhammer. In this way, she can receive more tasks, get more rewards, and even use it to purchase the precise information she needs. The success of graduation depends on the team's total score.

After zero joins, Su believes that their team will be able to achieve better results.

After washing her face, she left the bathroom and walked past the dark corner of the tavern. However, when passing a table, one hand touched the so-high buttocks under the dim light.