War Lord

Chapter 210: survey

Ling's whole body suddenly tightened, but he gave George a firm hug. Although Zero is not short, George is more like a hill. Zero stood with him, but it was no more than to the chest of the Phoenix officer. George was hugged tightly now, and Zero's face was almost pressed against his chest, and Zero could hardly breathe.

After a while, George let go of Zero with a laugh, and threw a palm on his back, making Zero almost unstable. The heroic officer said: "I can't see it, Zero. You kid is quite capable. I haven't seen you for more than two months. You have been in the Hall of Valor from the wilderness, and you are still the person in charge of this mission. Damn, you must buy me a few drinks tonight."

Recalling the scene of the two drinking in Phoenix that day, they smiled knowingly. He said: "No problem, but let's do business first. Before that, let me introduce a few people to you."

Then, after Ling introduced Anthony and Rankine to George, he also introduced Su and others in his team.

Rankine has always been dissatisfied with Zero's role as the head of the operation. This time, seeing that the Phoenix officer seemed to be very familiar with Zero, he was even more disdainful. So he didn't show George a good face. What's more, in Rankine's view, George, who has no special ability, is no better than those refugees in the wilderness, and he is not worthy of his respect at all.

George didn't care about it either. He saw a lot of people who looked down on ordinary people like Rankine. In all fairness, Rankine's attitude could not be considered bad.

As for Anthony, this perceptual person is quite polite. There is always a gentle smile on this white young man’s face, that smile is full of sunshine and warmth. Zero always thinks that he wears a priest’s robe is much more suitable than this tactical uniform, even though Anthony doesn’t seem to believe it. The Catholic one.

Anthony's abilities are very special. His profession is a "Explorer", and his main abilities are "Area Scan" and "Mind Chain". The former can perceive the movement of the entire area within a thousand square meters, and play a role of reconnaissance and deployment; the latter uses the power of the soul to construct a spiritual rainbow bridge, ignoring the distance of the area to achieve zero barrier communication. With Anthony's current ability, the limit for constructing a spiritual Hongqiao is five.

It can be said that Anthony does not have outstanding offensive capabilities. However, the ability of these two perception domains makes him an excellent auxiliary attacker, and the consistent fighting style of the pioneer is based on these two abilities of Anthony to achieve efficient and flexible tactical arrangements on the battlefield. In the previous simulation actual combat, since the Pioneer did not know Zero's ability, he was killed by the petty "ping pong ball" first, which paralyzed the Pioneer's entire command system. Otherwise, the Windrunners will not be able to advance smoothly.

There is no doubt that in actual combat, Anthony's ability is often more important than a purely offensive capable person.

After getting acquainted with the more important people in the zero team, George took their three captains to the vicinity of the material truck and the off-road vehicle. The off-road vehicle was stained with blood and full of bullet holes, one can imagine the fierce fighting situation at that time. As for the material vehicles, they were relatively intact, except that the tires were almost all blown out. In the vicinity of the two cars, there were large blackened blood stains on the ground, which made people imagine how the members of the two cars ended up at that time.

Zero walked around the two cars, and then asked George, "Have you cleared the ground nearby?"

The reason he asks this is because the ground is too clean. Not only was there no bullet case, but there were no traces of footprints and all other things.

"On the contrary, apart from bringing the bodies of the victims back to the city for cryopreservation. The area around here is surrounded and protected by us. We haven't moved anything at all." George gave a wry smile and said: "In fact The robbers in this incident were very cautious. When I arrived, I had done a preliminary investigation, but nothing was found. They cleaned up all traces of information that might be exposed. They were really cunning."

When George finished speaking, the two captains who inspected the off-road vehicle and the material vehicle separately got out of the vehicle. Both the smiling Anthony and the stinky Rankine shook their heads at Zero, which shows that there is no trace left in the car.

Ling turned his head and said to Su, "Su, call someone else. With the incident as the center, conduct a carpet search of an area of ​​500 square kilometers, and don't let any subtle clues go."

The soldiers in the new barracks are all trained in tracking and searching, and their average abilities are around Tier 3, so they are naturally better than ordinary soldiers in Phoenix for this job. After laying out this order, Zero said to George: "Let's go back to the city and see if there are clues on the corpses."

So George personally drove an off-road vehicle to bring Zero, Anthony, and George back to Phoenix.

In the mortuary of the Phoenix Medical Center, eight rapidly frozen corpses stood side by side in front of a few people. George also took out a tactical board and called up a set of photos. The photo was taken when the body of the team member was found, and the body was kept in its original position without any changes.

In the list of the dead that got zero, three firemen including the captain of the guard Sam and the soldier O'Neill, the driver of the guard car, Skok, and a driver and two other soldiers on the material car were included. Now, these eight corpses are all in front of them. Ling took the tactical board that George handed over, and first looked at the photos taken from the off-road vehicle.

In the photo, in the driving position, the driver Skok was lying on his back on the steering wheel with a clear bullet hole on his forehead. In the position of the co-pilot, Soldier Oni lay on his side toward the door of the car. On O'Neill's body, there was a saber stuck in it.

George added: "When we found the body, judging from the situation at the scene, the murder weapon on this soldier should belong to the driver. The bullet hole in the driver's head was given by one of the soldiers in the back seat. In this case, it should be the people in the car who started fighting. Maybe the driver was a ghost, and he was only killed after being discovered by his companions."

After listening to the zero ~lightnovelpub.net~, he shook his head: "It shouldn't be a big possibility. From the perspective of the robbers' methods, they acted very cautiously. If the driver is really a ghost, the probability of his exposure is very low. , There is not even a risk of exposure. From the photo, he is more like a sudden attack on the soldier named Oni, and then he was shot and killed by his companion in the back seat. Also, look in his eyes."

Zero zoomed in on the photo, so Scock took up the entire screen with one face.

Others gathered around and said, "You didn't realize that the eyes of the deceased were too calm, can they even be said to be sluggish?"

In the photo, Scock's eyes are as Zero said, so calm and almost without emotion. This is impossible, especially after Skok killed O'Neill and was killed by his companions, there was neither anger nor fear in his eyes. But there is nothing, even if a person’s pupils expand after death, the emotions before death will freeze in the eyes.

However, from Scock's eyes, he had no emotions before his death.

"It's a hint of the mind." Anleni said: "One of the abilities of the perception domain can turn the target into a puppet in the hands of the ability through the hint of the mind. The puppet has no feelings, and will unconditionally obey the ability within the time of the ability. Order. This driver was under control at the time!"