War Lord

Chapter 217: crazy

Zero removes the carrying device behind it. This carrying device that looks like a small safe is the standard equipment of Doomhammer. There are a number of sonars, time-lapse bombs, and fragmentation grenades in the carrying equipment. Other spaces can be matched by users according to their own needs. Carrying equipment like Zero is loaded with five benchmark units of Barabam special ammunition, as well as 100 rounds each of the standard bullet and armor-piercing ammunition used by Colt. In addition, there are simple battlefield medical accessories for emergencies.

Take out two magazines filled with Barabem's special ammunition from the carrying equipment, and replace them with a pair of Browning pistols that have been empty. Then he put the carrying gear on his back again, and Zero was ready to fight again. While the new enemy still hadn’t appeared, Zero pressed the communication button on the left breastplate of the Night God tactical suit on his body, but there was a blind tone from the pocket communicator on the breastplate, indicating that the communication could not be connected. .

Ling frowned. He was in the mine now, and with the radiation dust on the surface, it made sense that the communication could not be connected. After all, the limited range of this battlefield communicator was only about 3 kilometers, but according to Zero's estimation, the supporting troops should now enter the mine anyway, but he did not hear any movement.

In the previous plan, Zero was responsible for going deep into the enemy camp, the most dangerous link. According to the plan, ten minutes after the zero tracking signal is turned on, the support troops will secretly follow in order to carry out fire strikes after the violent bandit base is determined.

But now, the outside mine is too quiet, and the support troops have obviously not arrived yet, which is far from the time expected in the plan. It is necessary to know that the time of each military operation is accurate to the unit of second, like the phenomenon that has been delayed for several minutes or even longer, so that zero feels wrong.

Zero couldn't help thinking of Rankine's sullen face when Cario appointed him as the main person in charge of this operation, and Anthony's disapproval. Zero seemed to have guessed something, and at this time, footsteps sounded from the mine tunnel. Judging from the sound, Zero can imagine that a team of at least twenty or thirty people is heading in his direction.

He took out the pistol silently, and then dived deeper into the mine tunnel.

An army boots stepped on the sleepers of the mine railroad tracks, and Kazuo Bianto used a warhammer to open Sander's **** corpse with a sullen face. At the scene of the explosion, Kazuo Bianto found the horror of the delayed bomb. Judging from the traces of the explosion, it is clear that Sanders rushed into the trap carefully arranged by the other party. The high-temperature flame produced by the explosion at that time covered the space where the team was located, and Sanders instantly roasted them into incense. pig.

Less than 50 meters from the explosion, Kazuo Bento saw several more corpses. They are also members of the embarrassment. These veterans on the battlefield have now become immobile corpses. On the forehead of each corpse, Kazuo Bianto found the deadly bullet hole.

The warhammer hit the wall fiercely, and in the ghostly fox's horrified eyes, a thrilling crack appeared on the wall of the mine tunnel. After that, Kazuo Bianto's voice rang: "Zero, I know it's you! I don't know who you are here for, but I want to tell you. You are dead, I won't let you go!"

The Dongying people opened their mouths and yelled, frothing in the mouth, eyes bursting, and they were obviously very angry. But I can't blame Biandu Kazuo, he finally made such a team, and planned to use this as a prototype to create a brand new team of wolf thieves. Unexpectedly, when Zero One came, he would kill the newly formed team by three times and two divisions. Kazuo Biandu felt that his hard work was in vain, and he couldn't help being extremely angry.

He picked up the ghost fox and roared: "The one who called you will chase me, even if it consumes me, he will kill him."

Indeed, there is only one person at Zero. Although he carried a lot of ammunition, he could not withstand long-term consumption. Kazuo Bento's plan was simple, using wolf thieves as bait to consume zero ammunition. When this man was furious, he also refused to commit danger with his own body, which shows the depth of Kazuo Biandu's castle and his insidious character.

Hearing what the new leader meant, Guihu had the intention of letting himself and other old men be cannon fodder. He was naturally unwilling, but Guihu knew that if he had plans to leave. Without the enemy firing, Kazuo Bento would kill himself immediately. So the ghost and fox could only call out to the wolf thieves behind: "Go, let me go..."

Halfway through the conversation, a fire suddenly appeared in the darkness on the other side of the mine. As the ghost fox shook his whole body, a bullet hole clearly appeared on his forehead.

Only then did the gunfire come.

The back of the ghost fox's head resembles a watermelon shattered by a stick, and the skull and brain burst out, splashing Kazuo Bianto's face. But Kazuo Bianto silently estimated the distance of the fire, and after a while, he found that it was at least nearly a kilometer away. In other words, the opponent used sniper equipment, but it was still able to accurately hit the target kilometer away in the dark mine.

At the same time, Zero's shot dispelled all his anger. He knew that if he could not calmly deal with Zero, an enemy more difficult than wolves, then he would not only lose an elite team today, but he might even have to take his own life.

The ghost fox's body fell to the ground with a plop.

Seeing the terrifying appearance that the second half of his head was almost completely opened by bullets, a wolf thief screamed, then turned and ran.

When the rest of the people still didn't react, they just heard a huff, and Kazuo Biandu's warhammer smashed and threw it, hitting the wolf thief's vest. The wolf thief let out a scream, and his whole body was torn to pieces. When he fell to the ground, he was already dead.

"Whoever dares to be a deserter, he will end!" Biandu said coldly: "Give it to me. If you want to survive, kill the mouse for me. Otherwise, you will all die."

So ~lightnovelpub.net~ Under the threat of Dongying people, the wolf thieves had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush towards Zero.

Gunshots kept ringing in the mine tunnel, and the tongue of fire from the muzzle illuminates the mine tunnels that have been abandoned for an unknown period of time from time to time.

With zero hands, the muzzle of the Browning pistol flashed. Fifty meters away, a wolf thief fell down. But at the same time, Zero jumped up, and then fell into a minecart parked on the edge of the rails. Following the large flares of fire falling on the shell of the minecart in which Zero was hiding, Zero took advantage of the trend and directly overwhelmed the minecart to the ground. One more leg, the second-tier enhanced power exploded, causing this minecart with a weight of about 200kg to rub the ground and smashed into the direction of the wolf thief.

The wolves didn't care about shooting anymore, and jumped away on both sides, but one of the hapless guys who couldn't avoid it was hit by the minecart. The self-respect and the strength of the impact directly caused the wolf thief to fly out. When he fell to the ground, his chest collapsed, vomiting blood and died.

But the rest of the wolf thieves didn't stay, and they opened fire while pushing toward zero pressure, like crazy.

Behind the wolf thief, Kazuo Bento dragged the warhammer. The metal sledgehammer rubbed a string of sparks on the ground, and the Dongying people unhurriedly walked along the channel opened by the wolf stealing his life in the direction of zero.