War Lord

Chapter 226: Prehistoric civilization

Still the hut full of aristocratic atmosphere.

The flames of the fireplace were still burning, and the pine branches in the furnace seemed to last forever, and there was even a faint rosin floating in the air in the room. In fact, the holographic projection system constructed by the laser generator and the force field device, as long as there is energy supply, it will not be a problem even if the pine wood in the fireplace is burned for 10,000 years.

The difference from last time is that the oil painting of "Mona Lisa" has disappeared, replaced by the famous Miller's work "The Sower".

In this oil painting, hard-working farmers are sowing seeds in the desolate wheat forest, hoping for a bumper harvest in the coming year. However, in the sky of the picture, there are flying birds circling. These hungry birds stared at the seeds on the ground, waiting for the chance to prey.

The oil painting depicts the subtleties, showing the relationship between man and nature just right. But for Oglock, what he saw was another world. To him, he is like the hard-working sower in oil painting, sowing the seeds of civilization on the turbulent ruins of the new era. But there are always some people who are like the greedy birds, who prey on the seeds that have not sprouted, making Oglock's hard work go to waste.

This thought reminded him inevitably of his former comrades-in-arms and the enemies of today. In the report on his desk, there are more than a dozen pieces of information about the recent Hall of Valor. It is not difficult to see from the relevant information that the Hall of Valor has moved frequently recently. The enemy of the Dark Council seemed unwilling to be lonely anymore. From this information, Oglock saw that his old opponent ordered a large number of tank parts at some company bases in the wilderness, as well as recycling, hoarding nuclear waste and high-quality uranium.

Thirty years ago, these two organizations had a war that affected the entire coastline due to their different ideas. At the end of the war, the two parties signed the "Peace Treaty." In the statement released to the public, it was pointed out that both sides are aware that the continued development of this war will destroy the very few civilizations left by mankind. But in fact, both Oglock and Ben knew that it was only driven by interests.

After all, if two evenly matched organizations fight the war to the end, they will only end up with the same end. Neither Oglock nor Ben was willing to see this situation, so the "Peace Treaty" came into being.

In that war, the weapons developed by the Hall of Valor side using technology partially derived from the Holy Relics attracted Oglock's attention. After the armistice, Oaklock sent the spies who infiltrated the Hall of Valor and brought back news about the holy relics, which shocked the Speaker of the Dark Council. It is precisely because of this that the Dark Council has moved to the area surrounded by primitive forests and continuous mountains on the southwestern side of the land.

The public announcement is naturally another feat of the Dark Council to open up Xinjiang. In fact, it is to find places similar to holy sites.

After the cataclysm, the appearance of this planet has undergone earth-shaking changes. Although some cities and bases of the old era have been preserved, more have disappeared in the disasters of the day of the catastrophe. The terrestrial plates are split and spliced; volcanic eruptions, tsunamis; land sinks, seabeds rise, and so on. All kinds of disasters buried the civilization of the past, but let some unknown relics quietly surfaced on the surface of the world.

Through the development of the southwestern land in the past ten years, the Dark Council has also mastered the remains of an unknown civilization. Now, nearly one-third of the resources of the Parliament are devoted to the study of that site. And in that huge research team, there are more than ten human civilization research scholars. In the long process of deciphering, Oglock knew that the civilization represented by the ruins had actually existed on earth.

No matter the totem culture found in the ruins or the symbolic text signs, it means that they originated from the earth, not from outer space. Recently, Dr. Julian, who presided over the entire research work, made a bold guess. This unknown civilization is very likely to be the Atlantis civilization that suddenly disappeared in the history of the earth.

Regarding Atlantis, countless experts and scholars were very interested in it as early as the old age. Some cultural relics unearthed at that time show that Atlantis was once a powerful empire. Their level of civilization was far above the average level of humans at the time, but such a civilization suddenly disappeared in the history of mankind, becoming a civilizational fault.

The conclusion drawn from the old age is that Atlantis disappeared because of some kind of extinction disaster. However, there are different opinions on what kind of disaster it is. Some people say that it is a tsunami, some people say that it is an earthquake, and some people say it is a volcanic eruption. Although the guess was correct, there was no final conclusion.

The reason why Dr. Julian guessed that the ruins they found were the relics of the Atlantis civilization, because in addition to the large number of concentric circles found in the ruins, there is also a pattern of three buildings no matter what. These two things are the most representative symbols of Atlantis, and with other things found in the ruins as supporting evidence, Dr. Julian will come to this bold conjecture.

Oglock knows very well that as Julian, who is comparable to Dr. Shona, he has made great contributions and cognition to the research of human civilization. Since he can make such a guess, he is not far from the truth. And in many descriptions of the civilization of Atlantis, the same commonality exists.

That is, Atlantis was a very powerful empire at the time. They are very wealthy and technologically advanced. Atlantis has conquered the sky and the sea. They have an extremely advanced energy system. They use a six-sided spar called magnetite, which absorbs sunlight and converts it into energy for the city. In the old age, in the 1968 era, two stone buildings were indeed found under the sea near Bimini. They were the remains of the Atlantis civilization that was few surviving in the world at that time.

Judging from the relics discovered now, the descriptions and conjectures about the civilization of Atlantis in the old age are not wrong, on the contrary, they are too underestimated. In Dr. Julian’s report, the research team found that not only were there an incomprehensible light energy system in the ruins, they even found a building similar to an airport. This means that the Atlantis civilization already had the ability and tools to go to the sky at that time.

If Oglock knew that Zero had found an Atlantis spaceship in the ground of the big crack, he might be shocked more than that.

Currently, the research team is analyzing and replicating the technology and technology of this prehistoric super-civilization in the ruins. Oglock knew that the same work was underway in the Hall of Valor, and it had surpassed the Dark Council for nearly two decades. This realized that the Hall of Valor may have been ahead of the Dark Council in some areas, which was something that Oglock could not tolerate.

And in the recent report on the movement of the Hall of Valor, it is not difficult to see that his old opponent may have another breakthrough in some areas. Oglock had a hunch that the war would start again soon. Therefore, before that, there are many things he needs to do.

For example, weakening the power of the Hall of Valor.

While closing his eyes and thinking, countless plans and plans were generated in Oglock's mind. With computing power comparable to artificial intelligence computers, Oglock analyzed and compared these plans. So in a short while, dozens of plans were rejected, and the rest were marked with the stigma of pending. In such a short period of less than ten minutes, Oglock has already decided on the strategy and direction of dealing with the Hall of Valor from now on.

At this moment, the humanoid butler simulated by the artificial intelligence said respectfully to Oglock: "Sir, VIP number 5 begs to see you."

Oglock opened his eyes, and there was a dark flame passing by in his pupils. This VIP No. 5 is an important piece of his in the Hall of Valor, and even Oglock doesn't know his true identity. But Oglock knew that his background was not small, because this person was quite clear about some of the secret information in the Hall of Valor. At the same time, this is also an ambitious person. The credibility he gained from the dark merchants through the sale of intelligence over the years has not changed. As far as Oglock knows, it is already a huge fortune.

Its huge degree is enough to pay the dark merchants for a small but decisive war.

And Oglock likes ambitious people, because such people represent that they can be moved by interests.

"Let him in." Oglock said lightly to the electronic butler.

After a while, the VIP who still covered their appearance with a gorgeous mask walked into this Oglock dedicated hospitality room.

"How can I help you, sir?" Oglock asked with a smile looking at him.

The masked man gave a deep smile and said, "I'm here to fill in the lack of information last time~lightnovelpub.net~ and sell a few pieces of information that may be of interest to you, Dear Hades."

"Oh, is that the information about zero?" Oglock asked.

The masked man nodded and said: "The final assessment of the new barracks will be held in three days. The location of the assessment is an abandoned base more than a hundred kilometers west of Asgart."

While speaking, the masked man reached out and clicked in the void. With the movement of his fingers, the brain terminals scattered throughout the room recognize the man's instructions and perform corresponding operations. As a result, a translucent map appeared between the man and Oglock. The masked man moved and expanded with both hands. The next moment, the location of the Cossacks base clearly appeared on the map.

As the man waved his hand in the direction of Oglock, the map floated towards Oglock. Oglock stretched out his hand and made a zooming out and folding action, and the map was saved.

The speaker of the Dark Council nodded and said: "I have accepted this information. I think the Parkland family will need this supplementary information from you."

The masked man said happily: "Then let's talk about some other pieces of information, I think you will be interested in buying them!"