War Lord

Chapter 231: Insect sea (bottom)

It was extremely quiet in the dark, and the safe passage seemed to be covered by a layer of black fog. Even if it was seen by the infrared vision mode in the helmet of a few people, the visibility was no more than ten meters. In the helmet, a few people can only hear their own breathing, and the atmosphere is depressing to make people crazy. The darkness is like a prison. You can't see what's outside the prison. You only know that no matter how far you go, you still can't get out of this prison.

If it weren't for a few people with excellent psychological quality, they would have gone crazy on this seemingly heartless road when they were replaced by ordinary people.

Compared to a few people, Eva's expression is much more relaxed. Had it not been for this woman with a black epee on her back, she would have looked as laid back as if she were walking. It's just that if someone looks carefully at Eva's eyes at this time, she can find that her pupils are constantly switching various colors. It can be seen that Eva has no less visual modes than Zero's tactical helmets, and has more functions.

Switching between the pupils of these different chromatograms, Eva can capture all the traces of energy activity in the safe passage to construct a three-dimensional model. At the beginning, the stereo modeling in Eva's eyes was just a fuzzy outline. As more and more data was filled into the model, it gradually became clearer. The twins also have this ability. The difference is that the computing power of the twins is based on the help provided by the brain, while Eva relies on the wisdom center of her own brain to perform calculations.

If the brain modeled by Eva at this time is regarded as an intelligent brain, then the Eva under full calculation is equivalent to a comet-star intelligent brain, capable of huge data calculations.

Soon, the three-dimensional model was formed in Eva's eyes, and following the energy flow trajectory, she began to simulate the scene of a certain time in the safe passage.

Through this three-dimensional model, Eva saw a large number of sickle worms entering the base on the second floor from the middle of the safe passage. They seem to have gone through fierce battles, and many insects have suffered various degrees of damage. But they managed to bring back some food.

Living corpse!

More than a hundred alive corpses gave the sickle corpse their sickle feet through the body and brought them back to the safe passage like skewers. But these big bugs didn't eat the living corpses, and there was a small green whirlwind in the passage. These sickle-worm evolved versions of the insects used their sharp forelimbs like a scalpel to cut open the chest of the living corpse, and then lay on the living corpse like a parasite, contracting rhythmically with the body, as if sucking something.

When the green whirlwinds finished sucking, their bodies swelled up. These fat insects left the corpses and flew back to the third floor of the base. The corpse of the living corpse was cleaned up for the sickle insects.

This is a set of scenes deduced by the three-dimensional model based on the energy changes in the channel. Although there will be some gaps with the facts, Eva is sure that the error rate is not more than five percentage points, which means that it is not far from the facts. Those scenes of Green Cyclone sucking on living corpses made the woman wonder. She had lived in the underground base for two years and had captured other insects and monsters as research objects, but she had never seen Cyclones behave like this.

Green cyclones evolved from sickle bugs, they eat biological brains. These insects have a round mouthpart. When eating, they use their sharp feet to pin the prey, and then the mouthparts are opened wide, and a hole is made in the head of the prey with broken teeth in a circle in the mouthpart. , And then **** the brain paddle in the head of the prey into the mouth and swallow it.

But the green whirlwind in the three-dimensional model is obviously not eating. They are more like sucking something in the body of a living corpse, and then leave as transport workers. Just looking at the three-dimensional model, I don't know where the "cargo" is sent by Green Tornado?

A faint trace of anxiety passed through Eva's heart, and soon, this trace of emotion was captured. After analyzing it into various data, and then combing and analyzing it, Eva found that her anxiety came from the quietly changing three-story base. Judging from the anomaly of Green Tornado, I am afraid that the bugs in the third-tier base are no longer the ones she was familiar with before.

Is it another evolution?

Eva thought silently, and gestured carefully to a few. She does not have a tactical helmet and cannot communicate with a few people through the communication channel in the helmet, so she can only communicate through simple gestures.

But everyone can see the seriousness on Eva's face, knowing that she must have found something, and everyone is paying attention.

When walking down the last step and the fire door was in sight, Eva suddenly raised her hand and made a stop gesture. A few people stopped immediately, the fire door of the exit was wide open, and the two rippers who had acted as spies were gone.

Although these two tearers are high-level living corpses, they will not act without authorization under the orders of the Gemini. What's more, judging from the large puff of dark red blood by the door and a trace dragged out by the blood on the ground, the tearers are more like being dragged away by something.

The Gemini showed slight anxiety, and the ordinary living corpses were no longer as quiet as before. Even the butcher kept panting, holding their weapons tightly in his hands, looking nervous.

"Open the way." Eva said indifferently, as if she could not see the vision by the door, she ordered the twins.

Gemini immediately nodded more than a dozen zombie shooters with his hands, and let out a low growl at them. Although the named living corpse was unwilling, but under the power of the Gemini, he could only stand up obediently, and then walked outside the door in a posture that he could shoot at any time.

These zombie shooters were soldiers of the base before they were alive, and they retained a certain amount of instinct during their lives after they were transformed into living corpses. Although they can't judge the battle situation on their own, under the orders of Gemini, they can also block the enemy with the weapon in their hands.

After watching the zombie shooter being submerged by the darkness outside the door, Eva walked first, and a few people were unwilling to fall behind, and the zombie army led by the twins walked out of the fire door in file. Outside the fire door is a deep passage. According to the instructions of the electronic map, this passage will lead to a rest area on the three-story base. There, there are various passages extending in all directions to every corner of the base.

Starting from the three-tier base, there are various weapons and biochemical research departments. According to the information held by a few people, the base had been operating for half a century before the cataclysm. Therefore, below the three-tier base, it is difficult to say that there are no dangerous weapons or biological weapons. But more, it should be radiation and biological gene templates, these things are the main source of abnormal creatures in the base.

After the cataclysm, although the underground base did not suffer a devastating blow, the shock caused by the impact of the meteorite damaged some instruments, including culture tanks and various utensils. Among them, the emergence of radiation caused the death of a large number of creatures in the base. But the lives that survived in this environment have quietly changed from the genetic level, so there are sickle insects, human face moths, nemesis and other insect monsters.

Zero and his party walked along the passage to outside the gate of the rest area. As they walked along, bloodstains continued, and they sank into the gate of the rest area more directly. Several people nodded and showed their weapons at the same time. Eva held the hilt of the epee in her hand, maintained a posture that could light the sword at any time, followed her long leg with a kick, and landed on the gate.

The force of this foot reached nearly a ton, and the heavy impact force broke the door bolt, and the door made of alloy fell into the world inside the door with a whistling.

A loud noise echoed throughout the base. The crowd rushed into the resting area under the cover of the living corpses. This area is nearly a thousand square meters wide, just like a square. There are not only various smoking areas, but also coffee houses, bakery and restaurants, and even a movie theater. It is conceivable that the base personnel in the old days will become the only place for them to have fun outside of work.

Only now, not only is this place abandoned, there are also some human corpses scattered in the square, but it is not clear whether it is the old base personnel or the living corpses dragged into the base by the sickle bug.

The blood marks left by the tearers extend to under a lamp post outside a restaurant. The two tearers have become a pile of incomplete corpses, among them, at least half of their bodies are missing, but they don't know which monster's ration they become. The team moved to the lamppost, and Eva knelt down and found that the tearer was now torn to pieces by other things.

Judging from the traces of the flat incision, it should be the work of the green whirlwind. The size of this bug is much smaller than that of the sickle bug, but the sharp blades of the feet and limbs are more than inferior. Even if it is alloy armor, everything will be flatly divided into two halves by the green cyclone.

Suddenly, Gemini made a warning whistle. Eva stood up immediately and looked to the left side of the restaurant. A few people also looked over, only to see a bug in the shape of a hunting dog flying out of the shop window. It flapped the four insect wings on its back and made a buzzing sound, but it was able to hover in the air like a bee. The worm opened its round mouthparts, its stomach bulged, and something chubby fell from its mouth.

Everyone looked carefully, but it was the head of one of the tearers.

When everyone found it, the bugs also found them. The scarlet worm eyes flashed with greedy light, and the worm immediately flew towards everyone at high speed.

"Be careful~lightnovelpub.net~It's a green whirlwind!"

Eva cried, and almost at the same time, Gemini had ordered the dead archer to greet the bug that was coming at everyone. Almost all the dead shooters in the legion opened fire together. The roaring gunfire built the base, the tongue of the muzzle jumping was still visible hundreds of meters away, and the metal torrent of nearly fifty machine guns, even with the hard shell of the green whirlwind Unstoppable.

At first, the bullet could only leave a faint white mark on the outside of its shell. But with hundreds of blows in one second, the impact of the bullet finally broke through the insect's defenses and sank into its body. So the green whirlwind flew halfway, but it had been shot into a hornet's nest by the machine gun, and fell to the ground to flop twice. When he was about to prop up his body, a butcher came out more and more, using the heavy hammer in his hand that was rough-welded by the water pipe with a large iron tuo to smash the front half of the green whirlwind into a thin body. When the green-yellow insect sap overflowed from under the hammer, the butcher raised his warhammer high and roared loudly.

But a few people had no time to be happy, and they heard countless rustling sounds, like something rubbing the ground. After a while, countless scarlet light spots appeared in the darkness of the rest area. Looking through the helmet, Zero saw only a car-sized mantis appearing in every corner of the resting area like a praying mantis magnified hundreds of times.

There are so many of them that the densely packed figures look like a sea of ​​insects!