War Lord

Chapter 233: Transformation (Part 1)

Panting like a beast appeared in the dark alley, and about seven or eight living corpses used their noses to draw air in. Air is a dispensable thing for them. The alienated body does not need oxygen supply for a long time, but the air has the favorite smell of living corpses, blood!


Sticking out his tongue, groping towards the source of the blood like a dog. Eventually, a living male corpse found it.

This is an oval object with blood on it. The living corpse stretched out the fleshy tongue and licked it. The tongue that could have licked the concrete under the layer, brushing this little thing only brought up a faint blood. Although the living corpse felt strange, other companions in the back had already rushed to grab the "food" in its hands, and the remaining intelligence made the male living corpse make a decision.

It threw the contents of its hand into its mouth, and then swallowed its stomach vigorously.

Turning around, the male corpse was just about to leave. Suddenly, it felt very hot and swollen in its stomach.

The belly of the living corpse suddenly swelled, followed by a bright yellow light under the skin. The next moment, the living corpse suddenly exploded, and along with its body burst, there was also an orange flame and a loud noise resounding through the second underground floor of the entire base.

The flames of the explosion swallowed the nearby living corpses, and then curled up in this lane. The light of the flames was clearly visible within kilometers. So as the light gradually fell, more living corpses gathered in this direction.

Zero took off the helmet, used his eyes to determine the flames rising from a hundred meters away, and then made a forward gesture.

It was a simple trap he set up, using grenade and blood stains to attract a small number of living corpses, and then waited for the flames from the explosion of this high-powered grenade to attract more predators on the second floor of the base. Although Zero's equipment is sophisticated, their ammunition is limited, and they can't fight hundreds or thousands of living corpses. What's more, they still need to go deep into the fifth floor of the base. On the way, I don't know how many monsters are waiting for them.

Therefore, saving ammunition is very necessary.

The second basement is the living and medical area. Judging from the scale of this base, the food reserves in it are enough to allow the base to survive for a longer period of time. Moreover, the supporting medical facilities in the living area can further reduce the occurrence of diseases. It can be said that if the living area is not occupied by the living corpses transformed by the base personnel, this is indeed a good place to live, especially after comparing it with the harsh world outside, it is almost like heaven.

In order to facilitate management, the living area is divided into three major areas: a, b, and c. The three areas are divided into six units. Among them, area a is a living area, mainly for employees to rest, the building complex also includes facilities such as a street park, and the environment is not inferior to the garden-style community of the old era; and area b is a medical area, an underground base There are no fewer than 3,000 permanent doctors, nurses, and logistics personnel, providing medical security for all personnel in this huge base; as for the last area, the grain storage area, various large warehouses are built here. Provide food needs for base personnel on weekdays.

Naturally, the area of ​​these three regions is not evenly distributed. In fact, zone a is equal to the sum of the areas of zone b and zone c.

Currently, the four members of the zero line are still in the a2 area. They must pass through area a, cross area b, and finally reach the safe passage of c6 to the third underground floor. This is not an ordinary task. First of all, the distance between the two areas is more than two kilometers, which is full of buildings and many obstacles. The main road cannot be walked, the spacious road is full of living corpses, and walking on the main road is simply stuffing oneself into the living corpse’s mouth. This is one of them, and the other is that there are too many living corpses. Judging from the size of the base, it is not difficult to accommodate a population of 20,000 to 30,000. Except for those who died of accidents, starvation, or disease, as long as half of the remaining people become living corpses, there are tens of thousands of such monsters in the second layer.

Think about it, with four people facing a corpse of nearly ten thousand corpses, there is no chance of winning in such a battle. When the power gap between the two is not obvious, the corpse sea tactics are enough to easily kill four people.

Therefore, a few people had to create some small traps to deceive the group of living corpses on the way forward, and then carefully go around. As a result, the speed of advance is naturally not fast. It has been almost four hours since entering the second underground floor, but it is not unreasonable for them to be still wandering in Area A.

Finding a small villa with a collapsed top floor and sneaking in, the zero four people eliminated the danger from the three-story small building. After confirming that there were no living corpses, the four regarded this as a temporary foothold. Ma Pei was in charge of vigilance, while the other three rested on the spot and took out compressed food to eat. Every four hours of marching, a regular rest is held to ensure the physical strength and combat effectiveness of the team members.

During this 15-minute break, the players try to relax as much as possible to relieve tension and fatigue.

Ling silently put a piece of compressed biscuits that had no taste but was rich in nutrients and calories into his mouth. He chewed the biscuits to fully secrete saliva in the mouth to help the stomach pouch better absorb these foods. Although he believed that with his digestive system, even if the whole biscuit was swallowed in his stomach, the energy in it would be absorbed without any remaining.

Just doing this makes Zero feel more like a person than a machine, so he likes this way of eating.

After eating the biscuits, Su Kan said to Feng, "Frankly tell me, where did you go when we entered the second basement floor. Don't tell me to go to Xiaojie, it's okay to cheat the children."

Feng looked at Zero wrongly and said, "I didn't lie, the captain can prove it to me."

Zero originally closed his eyes and slumbered, opened his eyes when he heard the words, and said seriously: "He is not going to explain."

"I asked Feng to make some trouble for the Vanguard team." Ling added.

Su's eyes widened and said, "Didn't the Vanguard squad go ahead of us?"

"No, they are hiding in the basement level." Ling looked at Feng and said, "When we entered the basement level, Feng found one of their members."

"It's Bridge." Feng put away his dangling expression, and a cold light flashed in his calm eyes: "He should be the one who is responsible for monitoring us. It's ridiculous that he thought he was hiding very secretly, but I just walked in. He smelled the stench on the ground floor."

"Are you a human or a dog..." Su said sarcastically.

Feng was speechless.

With a zero dry cough, if he doesn't interrupt, the two should confide in their mouths again: "I can understand the actions of the Vanguard Squad. With Anthony's city and intelligence, it is impossible for him to not know the unrestricted words of the Chief Instructor. Meaning. If I were him, the easiest way to do it would be to stay at the exit and wait for the other teams to get back the mission items. It’s not surprising that they would hide on the first floor and watch us.”

"Now, Bridge should be over. I can lead a ripper and no less than a hundred corpses to make trouble for them." Feng said with a sneer.

Ling said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, as long as the vanguard squad's abacus doesn't work. According to our previous plan, we will create obstacles and problems for the other two teams while moving forward. It must be us who successfully complete the task."

When the voice fell, Ma Pei, who was in charge of the guard at the window, suddenly stood up and shouted: "There is a situation!"

When Ling came to the window, after the helmet activated the infrared vision, he saw hundreds of living corpses downstairs bypassing the street park and approaching the villa where they were. Ling immediately made a retreat gesture, and the four of them were not allowed to go downstairs, and quietly bypassed the villa and retreated into a residential area with streets extending in all directions.

But just after walking through two streets, suddenly dozens of living corpses bumped in from the corner in front of the team. Zero immediately made the team back, and turned around when he didn't want to, and the same number of living corpses blocked from behind. For a time, the four people were surrounded by nearly two hundred living corpses.

"What's this, close the door and let the corpse go?"

Feng was still in the mood to say a cold joke, but no one could laugh. Ling's face was full of solemnity, and the surrounding situation of living corpses was a coincidence or intention. If it is the latter, it means that the living corpses in this base already possess wisdom.

Nothing is more terrifying than the evolution of intelligence from metamorphic creatures. After all, in the human group, supernatural beings only account for a small part. And after the cataclysm, human beings can survive in harsh environments and dangerous alien claws, relying on wisdom.

If other mutant beasts know how to outflank walls like the living corpses in this base ~lightnovelpub.net~, the living space of human beings will be even smaller. And the wisdom of the alien creatures further evolved, thus forming the social structure, and then learning the division of labor, making weapons, then the end of mankind is not far away.

But now, Zero has no time to think about such long-term things. What he was trying to avoid finally happened. Since fighting is inevitable, he must be quick to feel it. Otherwise, if the living corpses in other areas are rushed, then a few people will probably not even have the chance to escape.

Zero stretched out his right hand, opened his palm, and squeezed it firmly. He made a gesture of full combat.

At this time, the corpses of the four people were found, and they rushed up yelling. Among these living corpses, there were several living corpses holding automatic pistols in their hands. Looking at the uniforms on them, they should have been ordinary guards in the living quarters before they were alive. But the guns in their hands told a few people one thing, and Feng's guess had become a reality. Among the living corpses with the instincts remaining in their lifetime, there are indeed individuals who can use firearms.

Without hesitation, Zero drew out a pair of Browning pistols and fired several shots instantly. The flames of the muzzle suddenly went out. As soon as the gunshot sounded, the living corpses with guns in their hands were shot in the brows and fell to the ground.

Just finished all this, the ordinary living corpse has already rushed. Fighting will happen at any touch!