War Lord

Chapter 234: Transformation (Part 2)

With zero-handed double guns, he rushed directly into the group of living corpses. His speed is extremely fast, sprinting, stopping and rolling without a single pause. He is like a human-shaped whirlwind, passing quickly among the corpses. Every time a living corpse passed, Zero would definitely reward it with a bullet. I saw him make all kinds of dazzling shooting actions. When he returned again, nearly 20 living corpses were shot in the foreheads and fell to the ground.

The wind bursts!

Even with zero physical stamina, after completing this set of extremely fast and high-precision shooting actions, he couldn't help but breathe slightly. At this moment, Feng took his place.

Tang Dao Hanshuang unsheathed, and Feng smiled as he walked into the group of corpses leisurely. In Feng's hands, the cold frost turned into a wave of cold electricity. The cold electricity kept passing by the living corpses, and every time they were hit, the living corpses were separated first. So a headless body fell down, and each head rolled over Feng's footsteps, becoming the cornerstone of his record.

On the side of Su and Ma Pei, the battle was almost over at the beginning.

Ma Pei used the flamethrower that Zero had equipped him, and sprayed two three-meter-long fire dragons from the one on the left and one on the left. A chemical flame with a high temperature of thousands of degrees passed over the living corpse, and the body of the living corpse was immediately roasted and cracked into pieces of coke.

After the black man pushed back some of the living corpses with flames, Su suddenly stood forward. She clenched the alloy giant sword in her hand and made a pose of a baseball hitter. After a simple charge, the giant sword suddenly slashed out with a clear sound. After passing a semicircle in the air, it fell gently to the side of Su's foot.

Suddenly, there was a sharp noise in the air, and a half-moon-shaped air wave emptied and swept towards the heads of the remaining corpses. Immediately, the heads of the living corpses exploded after being swept by the air wave, and their brains splashed all over, covering the walls of the ground with disgusting slurry.

This is a skill created by Su. Under the premise of the swordsman's basic skill, wind pressure slash, a half-moon-shaped shock wave released after accumulating power has a certain ability to kill. Known as the skill of Wind Pressure Half Moon Slash, it can shred 5 cm thick alloy armor within 50 meters of the origin. The armor of the same quality can be twisted and deformed at a distance of fifty meters and within a hundred meters, which can be said to be full of power.

The living corpse was not more than fifty meters apart, just within the maximum power range of Half Moon Slash. Their heads are not strong with alloy armor, and are naturally shattered by the shock wave of Half Moon Slash.

When the last living corpse died, it was not more than five minutes from the beginning to the end of the battle.

At this time, the sound of howling corpses came from the back of the street, and other corpses were coming. Zero made a gesture to tell everyone to retreat. But when he passed the head of a living corpse, he stopped, and then raised the head of the living corpse, before continuing to follow the team members and leaving the alley of fierce fighting.

After half an hour, a few hid in a shop. There was originally a living corpse in the shop gnawing the corpse of a companion. After Feng was silently killed with a Tang knife, the two corpses were thrown into the frozen storage that had ceased operation. Four people came to the food area, and there was not much food left on the food cabinet. After several searches, I found a few cans of canned luncheon meat and some chocolates. Although things have expired a long time ago, how can people who live in this era care if food is expired? As long as there is no radiation, it is enough.

After loading the little food into the carrying equipment, everyone sat down behind the cash register to rest and replenish ammunition. However, Zero took out the head of the living corpse and examined it carefully. If it weren't for a few people to know him, I'm afraid it's a stranger if he is replaced by a stranger.

Zero naturally has no quirks, it seems to be observing something.

Feng asked, "Is there any problem?"

Zero nodded, then put the head of the living corpse on the ground, and then stretched out **** to catch the left eye of the living corpse, and then dragged it out forcefully. Suddenly, a thick liquid spouted from the eyes of the living corpse.

"Uh, it's engine oil?" Su smelled the special smell of engine oil, surprised.

It's no wonder she, whoever sees organic oil in the organs of a living corpse would be surprised.

"Well, this thing..." Ling raised the eyeball of the living corpse, and the end of the eyeball was connected with some pink nerve lines, which was definitely not pleasing to the eye. However, Zero held it and shook it in front of everyone, and then said: "Do you find anything strange?"

The three of them showed thoughtful expressions. Suddenly, Su seemed to realize something, and shouted, "It's the pupils!"

Zero smile and nodded: "That's right, no matter how you evolve the living corpse or other mutant beasts, you can't escape the range of creatures. After death, the pupils will appear dilated. But you can see, this guy's pupils are okay. Then, look at it in the other eye."

The eyeballs on the zero hand, the pupils in it really showed no signs of distraction. However, in the other eyeball on the head of the living corpse, the pupil in it was already dilated. And this was also the reason why Zero Club noticed this living corpse level at the time.

"The eyeballs that won't be distracted, plus the oil in it, I suspect...this is an electronic eye." Zero thought.

"Electronic eye?" Ma Pei shook his head: "I haven't heard of any technology that can install electronic eyes on living corpses. After all, ordinary electronic batteries can't support long-term activities, and the cost of high-energy batteries is too expensive to use on living corpses. Such a waste."

Ling looked at the nerve line behind his eyeball and said, "Perhaps, this is a combination of biological means. The source of this electronic eye is likely to come from the energy of the living corpse itself. Unfortunately, the corpse cannot be retrieved, or an autopsy can be done. , Maybe we will find a foreign organ in the corpse that matches the electronic eye."

"However, who will transform the living corpses of the base. What is the purpose?" Feng put his chin on his hand, and his eyes showed a contemplative look.

"It doesn't matter who did it. The important thing is how we find this person, or whatever." Ling put a smile away, and said lightly: "But no matter what it is, the other party is definitely the best tour guide. Maybe we There is a shortcut to the fifth floor!"

This is the real purpose of Zero.

The ground suddenly vibrated slightly.

"Earthquake?" Ma Pei said in surprise.

Su shook his head: "Impossible, although we are underground. But the underground has long been excavated. Now the ground is made of alloy plates, how could there be an earthquake."

He took a deep breath, dropped his eyes, picked up a pair of guns and said, "The enemy is coming!"

When the voice fell, the wall near the cashier first bulged, then burst into pieces. Nearly a ton of rocks exploded to shreds, and smashed hard for a few minutes.

Several people act at the same time.

Zero bounced, turned back, and landed on the counter with both feet harder, and while leaping to the rear, the two guns fired in succession.

The specially-made bullets with strong kinetic energy fell on the huge figure that broke through the wall like a rainstorm, but the opponent kept moving, and it seemed that the zero bullet rain seemed to have no effect.

Su and Feng rolled towards this figure directly on the ground, the two alloy giant swords and Tang Dao Hanshuang shot at the same time, slashing out two arcs of light and slashing towards each other's calves.

Two sharp blades cut across each other's legs, and the giant fell to the ground with a horrible cry.

With one hit, Feng and Su rolled away to the sides. Ma Pei made up for it, and the black man still exploded surprisingly strange power without incarnate into an iron-clad rhinoceros. He put his hands under the cash register, and Ma Peisheng scratched the metal with a groan. Ma Pei yelled and raised the cash register, and then smashed the giant's head fiercely!

There was a loud noise, and the computers and other objects on the cashier counter were torn apart. Even the entire metal cash register was deformed and burst. As for the cash register, a stream of blood and white brains flowed out. This giant smashed Ma Pei's head abruptly and died!

Seeing that the other party was dead, the four people surrounded them with a sigh of relief. But I saw that the giant looked like an iron tower, and was actually much taller than the sturdy Ma Pei. The giant was full of muscles and sharp edges. The corpse's right hand also caught a strange axe made of iron pipes and a half-moon-shaped piece of steel.

There is no doubt that this is an elite version of a butcher, a living corpse. Looking out from the gap opened by the butcher, it was dark, but Zero felt a little uneasy. He put on his helmet and saw through infrared vision, but saw living corpses rushing out of the street in the distance, rushing in their direction.

At this time, two living corpses dressed as soldiers in the corpse group raised their machine guns and pointed them in the direction of a few people.

"Get down!" Zero yelled, and threw Su who was standing beside him down. Ma Pei and Feng also knew that they were lying down on the ground, and they just touched the ground, and the roar of the machine gun rang.

Bullets poured in through the gap in the wall with fire light ~lightnovelpub.net~ The rows of metal cabinets behind the cash register were cracked and crackled.

Zero was not idle. After letting go of Su, Zero made two precise shots, exploding the calf of the shooting corpse. When they fell, a few more shots hit the forehead of the living corpse, harvesting their lives. Feng and Su used the machine guns in their hands to form an imperfect fire blockade. The metal torrent pouring from the muzzle prevented the living corpses from entering the shopping mall within a hundred meters.

While the two were suppressing the group of living corpses, Ma Pei took out a high-powered grenade, pulled down the safety plug, and threw it into the group of corpses. When the grenade was thrown into the group of corpses, suddenly a figure flashed out of the group of corpses, followed by hanging his hands on the ground, leaning forward, and rushing towards the mall at an unbelievable high speed.

At this time, the grenade exploded in the corpse group. The orange flames exploded, engulfing countless living corpses into the sea of ​​fire, and illuminating the figure at the same time.

This is a living corpse dressed as a nurse, but unlike ordinary living corpses, a row of chilling bone spurs grows on its back, and its palms and toes are mutated and giant. Like the claws of a dinosaur, it charged with a bad wind.

"Damn, it's the tearer, everyone be careful!" Dangji, Feng roared.