War Lord

Chapter 235: Similar (Part 1)

Like the butcher, as an elite version of the living corpse, another variant of the monster, the tearer is far more troublesome than the butcher. Their stature is much thinner than the butcher, and their strength is far inferior to that of the butcher. The claws and speed of the Ripper makes it more terrifying than the butcher. It's more like an assassin's ripper, who will use their advantage to dissect the prey alive.

At that time, if Ling encountered a ripper instead of a butcher in Silver Tree City, then he would probably never be able to get out of the entrance of the hospital's basement.

Now, even if Zero and the other three players are all able to advance, they don't want a Ripper to approach easily. But the ripper's body is more flexible, and he is much more sensitive to danger than the butcher. The single shot and a hundred shots finally failed on it, and several shots were all shot into the air. The ripper evaded the zero shot with a z-shaped movement trajectory. As for the two machine guns Su and Feng, they couldn't even touch the corners of their clothes.

Both of them are not specialized in shooting, and they have machine guns in their hands, and they can only be used to block the movements of ordinary living corpses. Even the trajectory of the tearer can't be captured, so **** it.

After several turns, the Ripper crossed their firepower cordon and approached the store in a blink of an eye.

"Step aside!"

Ma Pei yelled, and the man held a flamethrower in the gap. The fingers were suddenly pressed down, and immediately, a long fire dragon was shot from the jet towards the ripper.

However, the tearer dressed as a nurse suddenly became short, and then in a sliding shovel posture, he dodged the fire dragon, and slipped into the shop from Ma Pei's step.

"Oh shit!"

Feng cursed, throwing away the machine gun, Tang Dao unsheathed, and Frost slashed at the tearer like lightning.

The tearer suddenly bounced up, and the black and sharp five fingers caught the Frost's blade like a sharp blade, and actually wiped out a sparkle, and made a toothy sound.

While catching Tang Dao, the tearer also caught Feng's face with one claw. If you catch it, Feng's head will probably explode. Although Feng was not shocked, Tang Dao shook slightly, but with a wonderful force he shook the tearer's claws open. Frost slashed back and slashed to the other hand of the tearer's wrist.

These few fights were all completed at the fingertips, from Feng taking the initiative to attacking, to Tang Dao being restrained, and then to the current Frost Slashing back, only two seconds passed.

Cold electricity ran across the tearer's wrist, and Feng slashed the monster's palm off with his wrist. Dark red blood spurted from the broken wrist, and the ripper made a sound of injury. It just wanted to fight back, but it seemed to notice something and suddenly moved sideways.

At the same time, gunfire sounded.

The bullet passed by the ripper, passed by Feng's ear, cutting off a few hairs, and finally shot a hole in the wall behind them. Behind the tearer is Zero who makes a shooting action.

Feng gave a shock, if the bullet deviated a little, it would definitely explode the smaller half of his head.

On the other side, Zero didn't have time to pay attention to Feng. The two guns in his hand fired continuously, forcing the tearer to keep away from everyone. I saw the bullet burst out sparks from the ground to the cabinet, climbed to the ceiling, and finally landed on the wall on the other side of the mall. It shows the trajectory of the ripper. This monster can always get a line faster than the zero shot, so it is lucky to avoid all the bullets.


The two guns were empty, and Ling didn't even have the time to replenish the bullets, because the ripper seized the opportunity to pounce on it again. I saw this monster land on his hands and feet like a beast, and arrived in a blink of an eye. It rushed towards the zero, and the remaining three paws, hands and feet, moved towards the zero.

Unexpectedly, Zero threw away the two guns. Slightly shaking his shoulders, he bounced Colt who was hanging behind his back, and he caught it with both hands. The barrel stretched out and moved slightly to the right, but it happened to aim at the tearer.

A cruel smile appeared on Zero's face, and at the same time he pressed the trigger with his finger.

At the moment when there was a flash of fire in Colt's muzzle, the Ripper's right foot suddenly stepped on Zero's body, and while kicking Zero, it also instantly changed its direction and moved towards the left volley.


The tongue of fire from Colt's barrel passed the tearer, and the impact of the bullet directly wiped off a large amount of blood on the right chest of the monster. The tearer's clothes burst immediately, and flesh and blood flew, but it finally didn't shoot it straight, panting and falling back to the ground.

It was too late to be happy, and a sharp voice came into his ears.

The tearer suddenly turned his head to look to his left, and the figure of Maple rushing with a knife was reflected in his eyes.

Hanshuang suddenly disappeared from Feng's hand, but when it reappeared, it turned into three blades of light in a hook shape, staggered across the body of the tearer like eagle claws.

The strong movement made Feng and the tearer pass by, and finally slipped three meters before stopping.

With a bang, Tang Dao returned to its sheath. And three terrifying cracks appeared on the rear ripper, and these three cracks cut the ripper into pieces of meat. It wouldn't understand until death. Zero's muzzle moved slightly to the right just to make the tearer hide to the left. On the left, it is where Maple is.

Facts proved that Feng directly cut the monster into pieces with a skill called "Eagle Claw" as a fencer.

The eagle claw is a blade that makes three consecutive slashes at a very fast speed, and at the same time releases a shock wave similar to the wind pressure, and greets the opponent from different angles and times. If the opponent is unable to parry, then the ending will become pieces of meat like the ripper.

Although the tearer was mutilated, he still did not die for a while. The mouth on that face kept opening and closing, and it was so gnawing up the ground. Zero walked over, picked up the pistol on the ground, and fired a shot at the back of the monster's head before it came to a complete stop.

In the shop, Zero and Maple's cooperation solved the tearer. Outside the store, the remaining corpses were also dealt with. Su launched a "savage collision" towards the few remaining corpses, and all the corpses on the trajectory where she arched her shoulders and charged all the way, all fell to the ground and threw them away. These living corpses are immortal and can't get up again. Su's brutal collision is no joke. After full launch, the impact is no different from a speeding truck. Being rubbed by as much as a ton of force, the living corpses were all cracked and broken.

After confirming that there were no more living corpses standing at the scene, a few people breathed a sigh of relief. The four left immediately, but after walking a distance, Ling stopped them and turned back again.

The four sneaked back into the shop, lying on the ground and looking out through the gap in the wall.

Looking at the dark streets outside the gap, Ma Pei asked puzzledly: "Captain, what are we doing?"

"An assumption." Zero said something confusing, and then explained after him: "I'm assuming that our encounter with the living corpse is not a coincidence, but a human operation."

"Think about it, is the wave of street fighting that we encountered before is a bit too coincidental, with the dull perception of the living corpses, how can we be divided into two groups to stop us before and after. Just like this raid, we just rested in the mall. But half an hour, they came to the door. You must know that half an hour ago, there was no living corpse nearby, how did they know that we existed?" Lei said: "And this time, attacking our living corpse There are also elite monsters such as Butcher and Ripper. It seems that we have taken care of our combat power in the last encounter, so this time we have improved our configuration."

"When you say that, it's like someone is testing the combat power of the living corpse." Feng added next to him.

"If it weren't for the living corpse with electronic eyes, I wouldn't have made such a guess." Ling Kanxiang Feng said, "Your guess is not impossible. You must know that the living corpse is the number of known abnormal monsters. The largest population. If you can control them, it is equivalent to mastering a biochemical army. If you find mass production methods for elite monsters such as Butcher and Ripper, I am afraid that except for the Hall of Valor and the Dark Council, the rest of the cities will be affected by this. The army was overwhelmed."

"Assuming that the purpose of the manipulator behind this is to master a biochemical army, then the necessary combat power test is inevitable. And a team like ours is a perfect testing tool. For combat power testing, data must be recovered. Even the corpse specimens on the battlefield. If the other party does this, then we have the opportunity to pick out the manipulator, and perhaps make him or them serve us. In that case, our task will be much simpler."

After listening to Zero, the other three people suddenly realized. It turned out that Zero intends to find the manipulator. If the other party really has the ability to control the living corpse, then they can use the living corpse to go deep into the fifth floor of the base and fetch quest items for them without personal risk.

"But there is one thing I can't understand. If Asgart does a project like controlling living corpses, then they shouldn't let us come into contact with such classified research projects. But if it's not Asgart, then Who is so capable and turned the Cossacks into his home court." Ling smiled and said, "I'm really interested. I want to meet each other~lightnovelpub.net~, Su suddenly warned: "Don't speak." , Something is coming. "

A few people immediately saw through the gap, and under infrared vision, a monster appeared at the edge of the battlefield.

Said it is a monster, it is impossible to classify it with the abnormal creatures known in the base. Judging from the appearance of the human form, it should belong to the category of living corpses. But it has two heads, all covered with cloth strips, blindfolded. But on the chest of this humanoid monster, a huge eye was rolled up. Various colors of light flashed continuously in the giant eyes, as if the same intellectual brain was working.

The monster has two arms, one long and one short. The long arm almost touches the ground. The whole arm is wrapped in iron sheet and covered with rivets, just like a mechanical hand. Behind the shoulders of the robotic arm, three exhaust pipes protrude, and white smoke will be emitted from the nozzles from time to time. On the other side, the short arm was covered with bone spurs like a tearer, and the front of the palm was as long as claws, making it daunting.

This humanoid monster has legs with anti-joint structures. It supports the monster's body and quickly approaches the battlefield.

"Damn, what is this. Is it a new breed in the living corpse?" Feng muttered in his helmet.