War Lord

Chapter 236: Similar (medium)

(I’m very sorry to everyone here. I have caught a cold in the past two days. I always feel dizzy and want to sleep after eating white and black head. I can only change it temporarily and see if it can recover on Sunday. Please subscribe again, subscribe sincerely. Not much, I hope everyone can support me as much as possible and give me a meal! At the same time, I would like to thank my friends who voted for my monthly pass. Thank you.)

Outside the shop, the odd-looking two-headed living corpse used its two heads to look in different directions. The four eyes on the two heads are constantly shining with bursts of light, and countless data are read, compressed, and then transmitted to the information processing terminal. Wherever its eyes go, the corpses and bullet marks on the ground have become a set of data. At this time, a faint footprint on the ground attracted its attention.

By analyzing the data, the living corpse found that the owner of the footprints was accelerating at a speed of more than 60 kilometers per hour and headed for the shop ahead. After comparison, a chart of the ripper popped up in the window of the living corpse. It was determined that this footprint belonged to a female tearer. And it seems that a fierce battle has taken place in the store, only because from the space in the store, the living corpse found traces of violent energy movement.

As a result, the tall living corpse walked towards the shop and got into the shop through the gap.

In its four eyes, it reads various pictures in the store, and through comparison and filtering, it finally forms several images of constantly moving and attacking figures. The images that were not originally clear, after the living corpses scanned the damage traces of the store floor, ceiling, metal cabinets and other objects, these images were all converted into data and filled with the blurred image.

As a result, the image is constantly clear, and a three-dimensional model is formed. In this three-dimensional model, there is a detailed process of fighting between two human figures and a living corpse. Its accuracy is as if a living corpse had witnessed it with his own eyes.

This group of three-dimensional models and the process of their battles were also packaged by the living corpses, compressed into data files and then sent back to the information terminal for later analysis.

Finally, it collected the ripper's corpse fragments, followed by rushing out of the store, and striding away. Every time a living corpse settles, the span is about two meters, and it leaves deep footprints on the ground. Even the surface of the alloy made of it has footprints with a depth of about 5 centimeters. At this speed no less than that of a galloping horse, it sank into the darkness of the base.

As soon as the living corpse left with their front feet, Ling and the others got out of the freezer. Zero made a gesture, and the four of them walked out of the shop with their waists down, and chased them all the way along the footprints of the living corpses on the ground.

After passing through two residential areas in this way, the Windrunners followed the strange living corpse to a hospital in the medical area. The hospital with the "Comprehensive Disease Medical Center" sign flashed a red guard light on the top floor. And a window on the third floor of the hospital also had lights coming out of it.

This is simply impossible. It is necessary to know that the power supply of the base has been stopped, unless the power generation is used, or where the power will come from.

What surprised even a few people was that there were dozens of living corpses wandering around the hospital building. Almost all of these living corpses were dressed in soldier uniforms with guns in their hands. Among them, there are even a few butchers and tearers, this is simply a small biochemical army.

The figure of the two-headed living corpse disappeared in the hospital gate for a moment. Looking at the other living corpses constantly moving along a specific route, they seemed to be patrolling.

Everyone was secretly alarmed, if the living corpses could be cultivated into an army, then there would be no soldiers cheaper than them.

"It seems that we have found a living corpse training ground. How about it, Captain, let's rush in?" Feng whistled softly and said.

Zero They are now shrinking behind an abandoned ambulance in front of the hospital, almost three hundred meters away from the hospital. From here, you can see the front entrance of the hospital, which is a suitable surveillance point.

Hearing what Feng said, without waiting for a zero answer, he glanced at him plainly and said: "You think the combat power of the four of us can be about fifty gun-bearing corpses, plus seven or eight butchers and rippers. Offline breakthrough?"

Feng Sun replied: "I'll talk about it."

Zero made a silent gesture and said, "There is a situation."

Sure enough, the lighted window on the third floor of the hospital suddenly became dark. Then the corpse of living corpses outside the building seemed to have received some order, but they all assembled. They gathered at the gate of the hospital, and several tall butchers came to the forefront. These guys with various weird appearances and huge weapons in their hands were undoubtedly the best thugs and meat shields.

Watching them put on a fighting posture, a few people knew that they had been discovered.

"Retreat first." Ling said immediately. There were only four of them, and it was really unsuitable to face the biochemical army under the hospital.

Unexpectedly, his voice fell, but a woman's voice came from the corpse legion.

"You are a guest from afar. Now that you are here, why bother to leave. I have pure drinking water and delicious food here. Why don't you come in to rest and rest. No one or other things will disturb you in the safekeeping."

A few people moved around, but stopped again. It stopped not because of a mere word from the opponent, but because there were more than twenty living corpses and two or three butchers in front of them. It seems that they have been spotted a long time ago, and while they were still looking at them secretly, they had already arranged a small team to cut off their retreat.

These two dozen living corpses are naturally impossible to stop a few people, but with the addition of three butchers, they are at least qualified to entangle them. As long as they are entangled by these living corpses, once the small army behind opens up, even if a few people can escape, they will have to pay a considerable price.

The sound of footsteps sounded behind him, and every time the other party settled, the ground would shake lightly. It can be seen that this woman is a capable person in the fighting domain, and a person who majors in the power line, otherwise it is impossible to walk around at will, but it brings such a huge movement.

The four turned around and saw her.

She emerged from the army of corpses more and more, and she didn't seem to worry about being attacked by a few people at all. This woman seems to be around twenty-five or sixty. Her short red hair is very flamboyant, making her beautiful face look dazzling under her short hair. Less than m tall, but better than perfect proportions. She was wearing a decently tailored striped shirt and a short black western skirt under her. The feet with perfect curves extending from under the skirt are wrapped in flesh-colored silk stockings.

The legs with high heels staggered, and it seemed that Feng was about to swallow his tongue in his throat. Especially the woman's full chest and the shirt was about to split apart, which directly caused Feng to support the yurt.

Except for being shorter than usual, this woman is perfect. Especially the red lips with lipstick, people can't help but want to bite and taste.

It's hard for such a big beauty to imagine that she would live with some corpses for a long time. When Feng raised this thought, the flames in the lower abdomen quickly extinguished.

He has no necrophilia.

"I am Zero, the captain of this team." Zero walked forward and said: "We are performing a task. If I disturb you, I'm very sorry, we will leave."

The woman chuckled, her watery eyes narrowed. From the narrow eyes, icy light shot out. She smiled and said: "The captain, I don't think you heard clearly what I said just now. I asked you to rest in my place, but I didn't say whether you agreed. Do you understand?"

"Understood, that is to say. Even if we don't want to, you will'please' us in and rest!" Ling Kui smiled.

The woman nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, that's it!"

Under the eyes of dozens of elite monsters with no fewer than ten living corpses, a few people could only "accept" the woman's invitation.

It's just that women seem to have no malice towards them, otherwise, they don't need to waste their tongues at all, just do it directly. Under the leadership of the woman, the four of them passed through the passage made way by the army of corpses. When passing by these living corpses, even Ma Pei got goose bumps. The feeling of being stared at by these inhuman monsters with cloudy eyes is definitely not pleasant.

Walking into the hospital, you can hear the sound of the generator working faintly. Sensor street lights were installed in the hospital, and the lights came on when a few people passed by. The lights went out one after another after Zero and the others passed, making the boundary between light and dark so obvious. The lights went on and off, extending from the veranda downstairs to the third floor of the hospital. The elevator has stopped working, and although there is electricity in the hospital, the women seem to use electricity elsewhere. In addition, other places only supply in accordance with the minimum standard.

Damages can be seen everywhere in the hospital. Even if the electricity is repaired to a certain extent, many rooms are in a half-damaged state. As for the remaining available equipment, it is even rarer. Zero they came to the third floor through a safe passage, and the woman took them to an operating room. The original equipment in the operating room has been cleaned up. A bed, an old wardrobe and a refrigerator have become the only "furniture" in the room.

It seems that this should be a woman's room, and even though this hospital is called her own territory, her daily life is completely different from the identity of the "lord".

"Just sit down, I'm sorry I don't have a chair. But as I said earlier, there is still something to eat." The woman pointed to the floor of the room and said with a smile. Out of frozen beer, and some canned luncheon meat.

"These are the food reserves of the base, how can you find these?" Feng asked in amazement, and quickly took the beer handed out by the woman.

The woman nodded and said: "Yes, these things are food for the base supply staff. My baby found them, and it seems to be hidden by some selfish people. In short, if only I eat the amount of food, Then it’s more than enough to eat for ten years. So, you are welcome."

Feng was not polite at all. He took a beer and drank, then opened the can again, took out a piece of luncheon meat and threw it into his mouth.

Looking at Feng's disdainful eating, Zero retracted his gaze and fell on the woman's face and said quietly: "Who are you? Why do you want to greet us."

"My name is Eva." The woman pointed to herself and said, "Didn't you say that you are performing a mission? Now if you are outside the base, it is already night. Since you have to perform the mission, you must have enough rest to maintain sufficient physical strength. Isn’t it? Besides, I’ve lived in this underground world for two years, and I feel bored every day with those who can’t speak. It’s rare to meet a few of you living, so I can’t help but invite you in."