War Lord

Chapter 245: Weakness

Although Nemesis’s attacking power is full, there are too many human face moths after all. In Nemesis’s continuous attacks, the production speed of biological bombs gradually cannot keep up with the needs of attacks.

Gradually, sporadic human face moths crossed the line of Nemesis's fire. They pounced on the big worm, flapping its wings continuously to sprinkle the neurotoxin powder hidden in the worm's wings, and enter its body through the skin pores of the Nemesis, and finally disintegrate its brain's control over the body.

It's just that the Nemesis's anti-drug ability is not weak, and a few human face moths are not enough to bring it down. So it shook its body wildly, and the huge shock force lifted the human face moth on its body, only hitting the wall. At such a close distance, if the Nemesis uses a biological bomb, it will inevitably affect herself. But its attack method is by no means only biological bombs, that huge body, whether it is collision or wild swing, carries no less than the strength of Tier 5 enhancement.

The human face moth that was thrown on the wall by the big worm had no time to react, and saw the Vengeance crashing over like a train. The human face moths panicked suddenly, but the speed of the Nemesis's full impact is extremely fast, the human face moth just swooped on its wings, but the big insect has already hit. In the passage, a black shadow hit the wall hard. The metal wall immediately groaned and sunk, but the human face moth in it had already lost all blood.

But after such a delay, more human face moths rushed over. They hang on the nemesis like a large specimen, and fix themselves with their claws and fangs. In this way, the nemesis will not be so easy to get rid of them. However, within a few minutes, there were hundreds of human face moths continuously spreading poisonous powder at the nemesis. From a distance, the nemesis with the human face moths on its body can no longer see a little of its own body!

More human face moths swarmed, but at this moment, a faint blue glow was seen in the body of the nemesis.

The blue light expanded rapidly and turned into a blue halo. But the human face moth that originally hung on the big insect was frightened, and only flapped its wings and flew up. Unexpectedly, before they had time to retreat, a blue flame of electric snake jumping suddenly swept out. The curtain of fire not only swept over the human face moths that were too late to retreat, but also engulfed other strange insects within a hundred meters of the body.

The human face moth caught by the flame felt cold all over, but the place that was licked by the tongue of fire was burned by high temperature, and the bristles on the body first curled up and burned. The fat layer on the body surface melts like hot butter, exposing the internal organs of the human face moth to the air. The blue flames are as viscous as slurry, and their body surface covered with human face moths refuses to leave, and after the human face moth wound expands, they burrow into the body.

As a result, the human face moths were poured into the body by the blue flame, and bursts of flames flowed out from the body, and then only fell to the ground and died.

In the dark base, the blue flame shrank, and finally merged into a flame column and sprayed on a high place, melting the ceiling above the base into a hole, exposing the complicated circuit cables inside. In the base, the human face moths were burning with blue flames and fell, like a blue fire rain.

Although the disadvantage was temporarily resolved, the Nemesis also paid the price of high burns on 60% of the body surface. In order to get rid of these human face moths, Nemesis detonated a biological bomb on her body. The flame of the bomb explosion not only killed the human face moth, but also engulfed it itself. At this moment, the flesh on the back of the Nemesis was roasted black. When the scorched skin splits, you will see the squirming muscles and nerves in the Nemesis body.

The nemesis howled in pain, and the anger made it lose its reason and became the embodiment of rage. Regardless of his own serious injury, the big insect changed its direction and launched a charge towards the remaining human face moths. And on the body, one by one biological bombs are taking shape. It's just that some sarcomas develop on the injured body, and the process is so painful that the nemesis wants to commit suicide. As soon as the biological bomb took shape, the worm immediately urged the biological energy to recharge the bomb and threw it out one by one.

For a time, at least twenty biological bombs were thrown at the nemesis, and at the same time, masses of deadly blue electric fires were generated!

In the melee between Nemesis and Human Face Moth, there were sudden gunshots. Hearing from the intense gunfire, it was a machine gun with a very fast rate of fire. The metal torrent of the machine guns slammed into the battlefield of two bugs. There were dozens of bugs cut into pieces by bullets, but more firepower fell on the nemesis, especially its injured back. A lot of care has made the already scorched skin and flesh blurred.

The Nemesis suddenly sent out a shock wave of air in the shooting direction. After the wave swept over the obstacle, the data was fed back to the Nemesis's brain. So a blunt figure appeared in Big Worm's mind. It was this figure with a machine gun and became a third party on the battlefield.

Judging from the movement of the figure, the nemesis remembered the living corpse entrenched in the second floor base. In the eyes of the Nemesis, the living corpse, like the human face moth, is a cannon fodder monster with a large number but almost negligible combat power. Except for the butcher and the tearer, the ordinary living corpse really didn't let the nemesis look at it, even if the living corpse knew how to use human weapons.

But even the creatures on the second floor invaded their own territory, but they made the nemesis extremely angry. For a while, the anger of the big insects against the living corpses even overwhelmed the human face moth. So the Nemesis turned and rushed towards the living corpse, and behind it, followed by countless human face moths.

The behavior of this living corpse was also quite strange. When the insect swarms pounced, the movement of the unintelligent living corpse suddenly stopped. Then, as if receiving some instructions, he suddenly turned around and ran away to the left side road. Its speed is not fast, because Nemesis can clearly sense its existence. At the same time, its speed is not slow, because the insect swarm always keeps a distance of about 500 meters from it.

In this way, the swarm of insects that had fought into a group just now made the living corpse not know where it was attracted. When the cross-shaped passage was quiet again, it didn't take a moment for the sound of fragmentary footsteps to break the tranquility of the passage.

Seeing the electric fire escaping far away, Eva stared at Feng fiercely and said, "You owe me 50 yuan, so don't let it go!"

Feng solemnly said: "Please don't worry about this, Miss Eva, I have never recorded credit!"

Hearing these words, Su and Ma Peiqi bowed their heads. They knew very well that Feng still owed old Henry a large sum of money for wine.

After zero lead to Gunnabel, the team moved forward through the main passage, which made many turns. The route is based on the information provided by Cario. Although there are three safe passages for each base, some passages are far away, and some have been damaged. In the information on the Cariona floor plan, the channel situation has been marked in detail for the players to choose.

After zero left, Feng assumed the temporary command of this team. He chose a closer entrance, but part of the route needed to pass through the battlefield of Nemesis and Human Face Moth. In response to this situation, Feng made a suggestion. That is to use the living corpse controlled by Eva to distract the swarm. This method is simple and feasible, and Eva herself has no objection. But looking at the declining number of living corpses, this woman also showed her stingy side and demanded to sell them at a price of ten yuan per living corpse.

Feng promised in one fell swoop, but in terms of his credibility, it is still unknown whether he will pay Eva's account.

Seeing the team approach the entrance of the fifth floor base, Feng gradually put away his smile. The handsome face in the helmet slightly wrinkled both eyebrows.

It seems that the pocket time is a bit too much. Feng thought.

A dark shadow appeared on the cultivation tank as high as 20 meters. The black shadow cat was holding her waist, carefully shrinking her body. In the dark space, there is a little golden light like fire.

Zero squatted on this remaining cultivation tank, which had been severely damaged. The base was tilted, the glass cover shattered, and there were moldy green patches on the ground. I don't know what kind of culture medium was contaminated. This inclined culture tank will immediately fall to the ground as long as a slight external force is applied. But zero was motionless, like a leaf, as if it had no weight.

There were many damages in the Yejin Tactical Uniform, and all the scars on Ling's body came from Gunabell's masterpiece. The man's thorny vines were like a sharp saw when they pierced and twitched. With the particularity of the materials of the night **** tactical uniform, it is also unable to defend against Gunabel's attack. Fortunately, Zero did not leave Gunabear with a fatal flaw, so he can still squat here and wait for an opportunity to counter the mutants of this plant system.

Looking at the exit in front of the cultivation tank, Zero's muzzle had already been aimed at that position. As long as Gunabell appears, Zero can surprise him. According to the calculation of zero, Gunabell should have appeared long ago, but now there is no one at the door.

There must be something wrong. Little thought, at this moment, he heard a strange sound.


Like something lightly rubbing on the ground, Ling suddenly tightened his whole body, and the signal of danger was extremely strong.

Before thinking about it, he took advantage of the situation and rolled down from the top cover of the cultivation tank. With his body moving, more than a dozen thick vines burst out of the wall behind him. The sharp thorns on the vine and the speed comparable to a pistol bullet, the vine that instantly wiped from behind zero brought a **** mist.

In the darkness, a tongue stuck out, just to catch a few zero blood. Gunabell swallowed fiercely, and his head came out of the wall!

Gunabell's whole body has turned into a group of vines that are constantly twisting, even his clothes are torn, and he no longer maintains a human shape. This was forced out by Zero. Before, Gunabell had maintained a partial humanoid state, but not to mention killing Zero, he was constantly counterattacked by him. The annoyed Gunabell finally took out his strongest fighting stance. Except for the head, all other parts of the body are planted.

Gunnabel in this state has a combat radius of kilometers and can fight in a complex environment. It can be said that when Gunabelle abandoned his human form, he changed from a thorny shot to a thorny one. Within a kilometer, they are all his home courts!

Drilled out of the wall, and brought out countless broken cables by the way. With a cold smile on his face, Gunabelle ran across the top of the cultivation tank and continued to chase Zero. But as soon as Gunabell passed the top cover, he had to stop, because a black barrel was pressed against his forehead.

It's zero!

Zero is like a bat, hooking the concave edge under the top of the culture tank with its toes. His helmet had fallen to the ground, and blood flowed from his back to his shoulders, dripped on his chin, and then slid down his cheeks to his forehead, leaving an incomparably thick red on Ling's face!

Colt pointed to Gunabell in Lingningding's hands, and at such a close distance, Gunabell's horrified expression was reflected in Ling's right eye.

Press your finger on the trigger.

The horror in Gunabel's eyes suddenly disappeared, replaced by joy.

Zero Meng felt wrong.

The toes stand up, and the concave edge is released, and the zero falls. At the same time, a few thorns pierced in from the top cover and pierced the position where Zero was just now.

Gunabelle couldn't help but uttered an angry curse, but in his eyes, the black muzzle suddenly burst into dazzling light!

The assassin immediately raised his entire head, and saw a faint red light grazed vertically from the tip of his nose and blasted directly to the ceiling. Gunabell only felt the tip of his nose hot, followed by a sharp pain in his eyebrows, and something hot came down from his forehead, dripped through his nose, and dripped onto the top cover of the culture tank.

With a click, the thing bloomed a delicate red flower on the dusty metal cover.

is blood!

In the darkness, the sound of the sniper rifle continued to sound. Zero shot another blow at the moment he landed, but this time Gunabear was already prepared, and his whole body was surging, using layers of thick vines to catch Zero's bullets like an octopus. When Gunabelle shook suddenly, the vines dispersed, and a sniper shell fell onto the top cover through the remaining temperature. However, zero has gone.

Gunabell let out a roar in the darkness, and hundreds of thick vines all moved up and down, making him walk quickly on the wall, chasing after Zero.

Zero sullen his head and ran wildly, but there was a smile on his face.

Gunabell is not unkillable!

The fifth-order speed is fully opened, and zero is so fast that it leaves a piece of afterimage in the air. When he passed by, there was an astonishing sonic boom in the air.

Gunabell is not slow, but he can't control like zero. Gunabell is not so much about running as it is appropriate for him to throw himself forward. His movement method is very special, using the grip of hundreds of vines, and pulling forward at the moment of grasping the fixed object, thus creating a steady stream of power for Gunabell. It's just that this way is fast, but he can't control the direction freely, and he ran into the complicated passage of the branch road. At every corner, Gunnabel almost hit the wall with his entire "person", so he could change direction after suspending his movement.

Although Gunnabel's physical stamina, such an impact is not a big deal, but it is indecent after all. Especially those with abilities like Gunabel can be regarded as damaging to their dignity in the face of Zero, whose ability rank is lower than their own. Gunabell could even imagine that Lingzheng looked at himself with disdain. This made him more eager to catch Zero this bug.

It was another turning corner, and Gunabel cursed fiercely, not slowing down but fast, and threw himself against the wall fiercely. At the moment of stopping, Gunabear was about to change direction, and Colt's barrel pointed at his brow again.

Gunnabel's pupils narrowed slightly.

Zero slammed down the trigger almost when he was holding Gunnabelle. But at the same time, his wrist was tightly lifted, a shot that was enough to hit Gunabelle, but shot into the air above his head. Look again, it was originally a few thick vines hanging down from above, curling Zero's hands and pulling them up, thereby changing his shooting trajectory.

"Idiot, do you think I will make your same strategy succeed twice?"

As Gunabel laughed, he flicked the vine and slammed the zero against the wall. At the same time, the other thorns stab towards zero. Unexpectedly, an arc flashed in the darkness, and the thick vines that Gunabell had wrapped around his wrists broke. Zero made a weird horizontal movement on the wall, causing Gunabell to chase down to the empty space.

It was Lightfang that cut the vines, and the energy dagger brought out from the six-winged spacecraft once again made great achievements and released Zero's bondage. But while moving, the front half of Colt's gun body was cut off by Gunabelle's vine, but it was no longer usable.

Zero that fell back to the ground could only throw Colt to the ground. This is a good gun, to be honest, Ling quite likes it. Although purely based on power, the invader Eva sent him was far away from Colt. But the unique smell of metal and gunpowder on Colt's body bears the shadow of the old age, which is why Zero likes it.

Although it is a pity, Zero has no time to mourn Colt. The aggressor who was fixed under the carrying gear with a pendant was taken down by Zero, and the large muzzle pointed at Gunabell with a fierce murderous intent.

For a moment, Gunabear had a mistake, he seemed to hear the roar of an ancient monster!

A drop of cold sweat slipped from Gunabell's forehead, and his intuition told him that this strange hand cannon must be very powerful. If you hit it there, I'm afraid, he will really die.

But at this time, he saw Zero smiling.

In Gunabell's impression, Zero has always been that indifferent. As if he would be killed in the next moment~lightnovelpub.net~Zero would not frown. In Gunaber's eyes, Zero is like a piece of ice, he will never reveal his emotions at any time, and he will be so calm at all times.

But now, he is actually laughing?

"What are you laughing at?" Gunabear said grimly.

Ling slowly put away his smile and slowly said, "I laugh because you are dying."

"This is really the biggest joke I've ever heard. To be honest, I think the one who is dying is you." Gunabel laughed.

"Perhaps." Ling said lightly, the light in his right eye suddenly lit up, bright as flames!

"But, I already know your weakness. Fatal weakness."

Hearing these words, Gunabell's smile suddenly froze!

"Weakness? What a joke, you say I have weakness?" Gunabel laughed loudly, and the vines all over his body twisted. He finally stopped his smile and shot a cold light from his pupils: "This joke It's not funny at all, so I decided to kill you now!"