War Lord

Chapter 246: Lord I

In the dark and complicated passage, countless thorns are flying. They criss-cross, interspersed with stabs in an extremely complicated way, piercing holes in the metal wall. Zero shuttles among these dangerous and dense thorns and vines. He is like an elf, moving in a flexible and unpredictable way. He was more like a black fog, the fog gathered and scattered, and with the thorns so dense, he would not be able to capture his figure.

Gunabel's eyes were already red, and if he was killed by him early in the morning, if he was not in the underground base but on the ground, how could he be alive and kicking like he is now. In the environment of the underground base, Gunabell can use the data of thorns to model three-dimensionally in his consciousness, so as to capture the opponent's activities. But there is still a little difference between visually and data modeling. After all, it is like a brain. The thorns on the vine feed the data back to Gunabell's brain, and there is a transmission delay in it.

With Gunabell's computing power, this delay is at most one hundredth of a second, which is completely negligible. But such a subtle time difference is enough to make Zero make some subtle movements, so that Gunabear will either miss or miss the point with the additional attack.

So this battle that should have ended early has continued to the present.

Suddenly, in Gunabell's three-dimensional model, Zero's figure suddenly stopped. He avoided a thorny vine that had been pierced from his head, and squatted on the ground facing Gunabel. Gunabel was very happy. In his opinion, Zero's physical strength was almost exhausted. This was a good opportunity to kill him.

Gunabelle was smiling, and Zero was smiling too. He didn't run away anymore, because it was no longer necessary. He has led Gunabell to this straight passage about five hundred meters in length, where there are no unnecessary obstacles, and at the same time, Gunabell's head is exposed to the air.

Gunabel is not indestructible, even though he can transform into thorny vines in other places, his head keeps the appearance of a human from beginning to end. After all, plants are not like living things. They don't have an intelligent center for data operations. Although Gunnabel can be planted, he is not a real plant. He wants to kill the enemy and think. Therefore, he needs to keep his head.

And Gunabell's head is his weakness! He can be planted anywhere in his body, and the only thing that cannot be planted is his head.

On the training tank, when Gunabell's head was exposed to Zero's muzzle, Zero really felt the fear from his heart. And now, Zero wants to turn his fear into reality.

In the right eye, the silver fine lines scattered around the pupil suddenly gathered in the middle. They condensed into one point, and then suddenly expanded to form a vertical pupil like a beast. When the right eye changes, Zero's body temperature soars, which is a sign of a geometric increase in biological energy. If there is a thermometer, the high temperature of Zero's body now hidden under the tactical suit is enough to explode any thermometer.

Zero exhaled, a thick gray-white steam spit out from Zero's mouth.

At this time, a few vines were swept or pulled towards zero.

Zero inhaled again, and a long golden flame spurted from her right eye. At this moment, he disappeared. Not only disappeared in the same place, but also disappeared in Gunabelle's three-dimensional model.

That was the result of the zero speed exceeding Gunabell Thorns' data transmission speed for the first time!

After activating the runaway skill, the basic data has risen to zero. Originally, there was only Tier 5 agility enhancement, but now it has reached Tier 7. The agility of Tier 7 is no longer the speed that Gunabel can keep up with. Gunabel panicked. He no longer relied on data, but based on his intuition, staggering hundreds of vines around him, and constantly weaving a net of heaven and earth that could cover the entire cross-section of the passage.

At the same time, Gunabel also knew that the battle between the two had finally come to an end. After this blow, it's time to decide the winner!

Not knowing what was going on, less than a second after Zero disappeared, his figure reappeared in Gunabel's consciousness. But the strange thing is that after Ling Yihuan, another figure was separated. The two figures are just like this, still running on the wall at a very fast speed, trying to bypass Gunabell's big net and attack his body.

Gunabelle gave a cruel smile, and his opponent had already appeared, and passive defense was naturally unnecessary. The weaving rattan net suddenly dispersed, but separated from the two sides, each with hundreds of thorns and vines piercing the two figures like fierce beasts. However, this action seems to be a simultaneous attack. In fact, there is a difference in speed.

Using the different speeds of right-hand speed and left-hand speed, Gunabell hopes to be able to distinguish which is the true body of zero.

In his three-dimensional model, the vine on the right quickly hit zero. The hundreds of vines were like a speeding train. Not only did they hit zero, they also crashed into the wall. The crowd broke countless cables. In the model, the figure belonging to Zero flashed and disappeared.

The real zero is on the left!

Gunabel shouted: "I've caught you!"

As a result, the vine on the left suddenly accelerated, and bloomed from all directions like a piranha, covering the space within ten meters of Zero's body, and the vine was firmly nailed into the wall. Seeing from the three-dimensional model, Ling was pierced upright, and his body hung on the wall.

Gunabelle finally couldn't help but laugh, but the laughter started but stopped abruptly.

"I don't know what you are happy about."

Zero's voice suddenly came from the back of his head, and Gunabell suddenly felt a hot sensation in the back of his head. It seemed that there was a sea of ​​fire behind his head.

He suddenly looked towards the wall on his left, the figure nailed to death by the vines was disappearing.

That figure turned out to be fake!

This is Gunabelle's last consciousness.

A group of bright lights lit up in the dark passage, and there was a turquoise light carrying solar terms, traversing the passage at a muzzle velocity of two kilometers. In the center of this emerald green light was a blazing white flame, when it touched the wall turning around the corner. The metal wall silently opened a gap equivalent to the light ball, and the cables inside also melted silently.

When the obstacles melted, the green light on the outer layer had disappeared, while the white flames inside burst out suddenly.

The entire base shook suddenly, followed by a burst of white light. The light flame carries an aura of destruction, and any matter that is caught by it crystallizes, which is the result of the instantaneous destruction of the internal molecular structure. The flames came and went fast. They took the center of the explosion as the origin, and then retracted after extending a range of a hundred meters, and finally disappeared.

Ling looked at the muzzle with remaining warmth, he was quite satisfied with the weapon presented by Eva. The power of the invaders is no less than that of tank artillery bombardment, and the penetrating power is stronger. It's just that the shooting range is not as far as the artillery, and the shooting range is relatively narrow, but its power is enough to make up for these shortcomings.

Gunabell’s entire head has disappeared, and the ultra-close-range blow behind his head turned Gunabell’s head into powder. The light bombs fired by the invaders, the outer layer of aquamarine light with a strong corrosiveness. . Melting Gunabelle's head only consumed less than half of the energy of the corrosive light, and even the inner white flames could not be triggered, and the Parklan's assassin was ruined in Zero's hands.

As soon as Gunabell died, a green glow ignited every vine. Suddenly, hundreds of vines lit up the same amount of fluorescence. The faint green flame passed over the vines, burning the vines to black ashes. For a time, the burning of the vines made them look like a river of heavens crisscrossing the universe, beautiful and incomprehensible.

In this beautiful scene full of the smell of death, Ling sat down on the ground.

In the short but intense battle just now, Zero used runaway and at the same time entered the acceleration state of the bullet time calculation. In order to attract Gunabel's attention, Zero used the Phantom Incarnation of the skill of Tier 5 Agility. And this time, he successfully differentiated another phantom. It was this double afterimage that deceived Gunabell, and Zero came behind him and launched a fatal blow.

However, all of this caused Zero to pay a huge amount of energy. Zero had to sit down and rest, and took out all the nutrients from the carrying device with trembling hands and ate them one by one into his stomach.

When the eighth nutrient was swallowed into the stomach, Zero stopped. This is equivalent to the normal nutritional needs of ordinary people for three days, but they ate it with zero breath. After the nutrients enter the stomach, they are digested into pure nutrients and quickly absorbed by the body. Only then did Zero breathe a sigh of relief, and closed his eyes to rest.

"What was that just now?" Feng stopped abruptly while walking, and glanced in the direction where Zero and Gunabel were fighting.

Under his feet is the corpse of a human face moth. The wings of this human face moth had shattered, which was the result of being shot by Feng with a machine gun. But the fatal wound was a shallow wound on the face and forehead of the strange insect. If you compare it, you will find that it matches Feng's Tang Dao.

On the left side of Feng is Su who is holding a large alloy sword. Su this large sword is covered with insect fluid, and there is a slight gap in the edge of the sword. The great sword is no longer sharp anymore, but in order to corrupt this great sword, the Human Face Moth paid thousands or even more.

Behind Su is Ma Pei, the black man is holding a machine gun, and the jet behind him has long been missing. The fuel in the injector has been used up in the previous battle, turning into a big, useless piece of iron. In order to lighten the load, Ma Pei threw it away and instead picked up a machine gun as a weapon.

The three of them are somewhat embarrassed, but Eva's short red hair is still as bright as ever. Even in the darkness, it flutters gently in the windless base like a blaze.

Around the four of them, the corpses of human-face moths lay, among them there were more than a hundred half-worms, and even two nemesis!

When Su pulled out the big sword from a corpse of insects, it represented that the last wave of insects near the entrance was cleaned up by them. Feng used a tricky method. Although he avoided several waves of insects, when he got near the entrance, Feng's method no longer worked. After two dead archers who were trying to distract the insects were found, they were killed by the half-worms and thrown into the insects. They were gnawed clean by the human face moths, and there were no bones left.

When Feng, who found the solution failed, was about to hide everyone, a goddess of vengeance crawled from behind them. The nemesis did not directly attack them, but used a biological bomb to attack the human face moth ahead. As a result, the human face moths attracted by the goddess of vengeance swarmed immediately, pulling the team crowded between the two monsters into the whirlpool of battle.

Now, this wave of insect swarms have been completely wiped out under various tactics such as the team's enticement, division, and storming. But the team also paid a lot of losses. Although the four of them did not suffer casualties, except for Eva, the other three suffered no less than a hundred injuries. And Eva's Biochemical Corps also officially declared bankruptcy. Except for Gemini, all the other living corpses were killed. As for Gemini, only half of his body is left now. If it were an ordinary person, this kind of injury would have died a long time ago.

Although the Gemini can still move, but the combat power has fallen by more than half, and now it is not as good as an ordinary butcher.

Hearing Feng's words, Eva smiled triumphantly and said, "That's the fluctuation of the invaders, it's done with Zero. Well, it's not bad, I didn't see the wrong person."

"Get it done?" Feng said, "You mean Zero killed that guy? You deserve to be the captain, and you can kill a guy with a higher level of ability than him."

Eva listened, but smiled without saying a word. But I thought in my heart, if Zero killed the guy with thorns all over, it would be tantamount to saying that he had no eyesight. Fortunately, Zero killed the guy. So far, this "companion" is still qualified.

"Then shall we wait for zero to reach, and then move on." Ma Pei asked.

Feng lifted his feet from the corpse dripping with insect fluid, frowned and said, "No, let's move on. Although Zero killed that guy, he must have consumed a lot of physical strength and was even injured. If we stop now, It wasted his efforts. So, let's go. Target, the experiment diary in the fifth floor base!"

Seeing Feng walking towards the entrance with an indomitable momentum, Su looked at Ma Pei with surprise. After Zero is gone, Feng's performance looks so different from his usual. Although I can't talk about killing the courage, but every decision is so decisive, and it is more like a captain than zero.

But when she just thought about it, Feng in front of her suddenly slipped to the ground. Although he bounced in the next second, Feng couldn't help but cursed at the corpse that tripped him, and even kicked the corpse away with his foot. Looking at such a maple, Su Xin thought, it must have been her own illusion before.

"What an acting guy."

The last Eva sneered, and the twins next to her looked at her suspiciously, but Eva did not respond. But when walking towards the entrance of the fifth floor base, Eva took the epee black dragon behind her back and held it in her hand. You know, even in the fiercest battle just now, Eva was just a punch from the East and a kick from the West, and the black dragon was not used at all!

The safe passage is very quiet, as quiet as a tomb, without any trace of life activity. As the base on the fifth floor continues to approach, the oxygen content in Maple's tactical helmet panel is getting lower and lower, while the content of toxic substances is constantly increasing. When the flashing skull head pattern appeared on the icon representing the toxin, Maple raised his hand to stop the team.

"Ma Pei, the bottom is full of poisonous gas. You don't have a tactical suit anymore, so why don't you wait for us at the exit." Feng said tactfully.

Among the four, only Feng Hesu can use the filtering function of the tactical helmet to separate toxins in the air. But Ma Pei not only lost his tactical helmet, but even his tactical uniform was badly damaged in previous battles, and he could no longer wear it. Such him is equivalent to being naked and exposed to toxins. Although the anti-toxin ability of the supernatural beings is much higher than that of ordinary people, the toxin level in the five-layer base has exceeded the level that Ma Pei can resist.

Feng's words were entirely out of good intentions. When Feng's gaze swept over Eva, who also didn't have a tactical uniform, he said from the helmet: "As for you, if you want, you can stay on it. After all, this is not your job."

Eva flicked her dazzling short hair, stepped over Feng Feng and walked down the stairs indifferently, and said: "I don't want to stay on top and be a fool."

Seeing her immersed in the darkness under the stairs, Ma Pei pointed at himself and smiled bitterly: "It seems that I can only go up as a fool."

Feng patted his shoulder and said, "Man, don't compare it to a pervert."

Before he finished his words, Eva's angry voice came from the darkness: "Who is perverted!"

Feng shrank his neck and made a helpless gesture.

In the end, Ma Pei retired. Feng was right, there was a huge power gap between him and Eva. This means that Eva can drill into the poisonous gas without caring, but he can't. As far as Ma Pei knows, the reason why high-level abilities can ignore the poisonous gas is because they can mobilize cell-level power to separate and dilute the toxins in the air when they breathe in the poisonous gas, and finally become harmless to the body. s things.

And Guan Eva is not afraid of toxins, which shows that her strength is at least Tier 8, or even higher.

There are very few natural substances that can kill them, so it is not an exaggeration to call them metamorphosis. In the world of high-level abilities, those who can kill the capable are also the only capable!

With a click, one foot stepped into the cold water, and Feng's brows were instantly twisted together. Just under his feet, the extremely cold ice water covered his knees. The water is still flowing slowly, which shows that the water level is still rising. Although the speed is very slow, it will not take long before the fifth floor base will be submerged by ice water that does not know where it comes from.

This may be the reason for the migration of the human face moth clan. Feng made a careful gesture and walked out to the exit first. The five-story base was immediately reflected in Feng's eyes. The entire base had been covered by water, with fragmentary objects floating in the water, and even some corpses of insects. The corpses were pushed to the wall by the water and piled up in the corner of the wall. Looking at the distance of the base, there are still corpses floating over, and the atmosphere is weird.

Feng and the three looked at each other, wondering how these human-face moths died. If they were drowned, Feng did not believe anything. Although the human face moths can't swim, they won't drown in water, but now they are dead. God knows what killed them.

When a corpse of an insect floated by Feng's side, Feng saw strange marks on the abdomen of this human face moth.