War Lord

Chapter 247: Lord II

Feng grabbed the corpse of the insect casually, and a half-moon-shaped gap appeared in the abdomen of the human face moth. I didn't know what was bitten off by something. The wound of the corpse showed uneven tears, and most of the organs and nerves in the abdomen had been lost. The body length of the human face moth is Michel, and its abdomen occupies about 80 centimeters. This bite off its abdomen. A large half-moon-shaped wound occupies almost the entire abdomen. Apparently the murderer has a big mouth and sharp teeth.

For some reason, when he saw this wound, Feng thought of the Ocean Overlord Shark. The wound on this human face moth resembles being bitten by a shark, but the wound area is a bit wider than that of a common white shark. And something that can bite off the small half of the human face moth will never be smaller than the human face moth.

In this way, Feng really didn't know what killed the hapless human face moth. In the information provided by Cario, there is no monster that meets the characteristics in front of him.

Could it be that a special situation has occurred in the fifth floor base. Are there other alien creatures invading, causing all the human face moths to migrate? In Feng's mind, thoughts flashed through one by one.

There was a sudden sound of water around, but Eva came over.

Eva directly provoked the body of one of the human face moths with the epee and looked up and down carefully. It's just that the more she looked at her face, the worse she looked. In Feng's sight, when Eva put down the corpse of the worm, her brows were already frowning.

"Leave quickly!" Eva said, then raised her voice and emphasized: "Go now, there is something wrong here. If I guessed correctly, maybe..."

Suddenly, Feng stretched out his hand and gently covered her mouth. Eva was about to get angry, but when she saw Feng compare with her mouth with her finger, she made a silent gesture. Eva understood that as soon as she calmed down, she immediately heard the inaudible sound of running water in her ears.

There was a faint sound of running water from a distance, as if something was snorkeling in the water. The sound was very faint at first, but gradually increased the volume, until finally the sound of the water was loud and rustling.

"Three o'clock!" Su shouted a warning, while raising his alloy sword.

Feng and Eva, who were prompted, looked in the direction Su said, only to see two curtains of water flowing out of the originally calm water. The water curtain lined up to the left and right, and a black shadow rushed towards the three people at high speed in the water!

"Be careful!" Feng yelled, and at the same time he shot out the bullet from the machine gun in his hand as if he didn't need money. The muzzle of the machine gun jumped with flames, and a row of bullets hit the water, exploding water jets. The water column continued to extend, facing the unknown object that was swimming at high speed.

The thing didn't evade and rushed directly to meet Feng's line of fire.

Generally speaking, things that do not put the firepower of the old age in their eyes are either amazingly defensive, or do not know what a firearm is at all. Obviously, this thing belongs to the latter, because when it rushed into the line of fire, a blue liquid immediately jumped into the air. Following that, the wounded anger also sounded.

A huge splash of water with a diameter of more than 100 meters suddenly exploded on the surface of the water, and a streamlined black shadow popped out of the water, leaping towards Feng in the sky.

In the night vision mode in Maple's helmet, he clearly saw a strange big fish. This big fish is at least one meter long, and has an equally large mouth extending to the gills on both sides. On both sides of the torpedo-like head of the strange fish, there are three scarlet fish eyes arranged in horizontal lines. The fish’s eyes shoot out many IPs, and as the six eyes look at the space from different angles, the IPs also bounce into the space and disappear.

Feng had never seen this kind of strange fish, nor knew what kind of monster it belonged to. But he knew that the IP projected from the monster's eyes was an ability to release biological energy. When he senses and analyzes this ability, he gets hints of data and space. Obviously, this is a special way of perceiving monsters. The six strange eyes looked in different directions, gathered the spatial data they observed in their heads, and finally outlined a complete space.

There is no room for dead ends!

A great way to observe. Feng said in his heart, but he was not idle. The muzzle was raised, and the red trajectory marked by the bullet cut through the air, chasing the strange fish and strafing past. But when the strange fish was about to be shot, two long waves of water suddenly spurted from both sides of the strange fish's tail. The strange fish suddenly accelerated under the pressure of the water, and opened its huge mouth to bite Feng fiercely!

A black shadow suddenly shot into the air, and after passing by the strange fish, it quickly fell into the water ten meters ahead. Eva landed in a half-squatting posture, and the impact of the landing caused the nearby water to drain around, revealing a circle with a diameter of three meters. After a while, the stagnant water poured back, and the circle was refilled.

As for the epee black dragon in Eva's hand, the flames around the blade were fading away, like an evil dragon retracting its fangs.

The strange fish still in the air appeared several interlaced red lights, and with a crash, the strange fish burst into pieces. The pieces of meat, blood, and broken bones showered all over Feng's body. The strange blue fish blood flowed down Feng's body, through his legs, and finally poured into the water, and then quickly dyed, turning into a faint light blue and overflowing with the water.

Feng reluctantly watched that his whole body was soaked with blood, and even a few pieces of fish were still hanging on his body. He swept the meat crumbs on his body into the water in disgust, and at this moment Eva dripped back and said in a deep voice, "Go ahead, before the ghosts find us."

"What the **** is this?" Feng asked.

Eva's expression was cold, and she replied extremely reluctantly: "Descent of the Crypt Lord."

Maple made an exaggerated expression. Of course, no matter how exaggerated and wonderful the expression of the face in the tactical helmet is, it is difficult for people to see clearly. He said: "That kind of thing will have descendants?"

"Why not?" Eva said impatiently: "The Crypt Lord is strictly considered marine life, oviparous. They belong to the hermaphrodite, and they can lay eggs without mating. Each ovulation reaches one million. , Even if the survival rate of the descendants of the huge alien creature is extremely low, but even if the survival rate is only one in a thousand, there are at least a thousand strange fish of the kind just now in this base. Damn, now I know why the human face moth will Fighting to move, I'm afraid there are no creatures in this base who like to live in the same room with the descendants of the Crypt Lord. Besides, they are far from friendly!"

Feng made a gesture, greeted Su and walked back together, while looking at Eva and said, "I can't see that you are so knowledgeable."

"Before I became an experimental product, I was a Doctor of Biology and Biochemistry!" Eva stretched out **** and gestured fiercely in front of Feng's eyes.

Feng was taken aback and stopped. Eva straightened her body proudly and strode past Feng. Looking at her red hair that was still dazzling in the dark, Feng couldn't help swallowing heavily.

"I don't know if those two groups of things are so interesting." Feng said softly with inexplicable malice.

The Eva in front suddenly stopped, and when she turned her head, she glared at Feng angrily. Feng slapped his spirits, wondering why this woman's ears were so sharp.

Behind him, a familiar sound of water suddenly sounded. Feng looked back, but saw a curtain of water spraying up a few hundred meters away. Followed by the second and third...More and more water curtains appeared, and they swept towards the three people in a semicircular shape. I don't know if it is an illusion, Feng actually heard the sound of grinding teeth, which made him get goose bumps, winked, and stepped up to the exit of the safe passage with the other two.

Feng didn't breathe a sigh of relief until he walked up the stairs. Looking down again, the water level seems to have risen again. And some dark figures are swimming like sharks under the water!

In the living area of ​​the second floor base, a butcher held up his crude metal warhammer, and then smashed it down. Immediately, the head of a living male corpse burst into a paste. Dark red blood mixed with gray brains flowed out from under the hammer. The butcher raised his warhammer, sticking out his thorny tongue out of the homemade simple protective cover, and licked it lightly on the surface of the hammer.

The blood and brains on the hammer surface were immediately swept away, and the butcher let out a heavy breath, then threw the war hammer away, and lay directly on the living corpse. It holds up the pulp remaining on the ground from the living corpse with its hands. For the butcher, the brain fluid of the living corpse is much more nutritious than other parts of the body, and it can provide the energy needed for the survival of the butcher. According to the classification of energy levels, the brain fluid of living corpses has the highest energy, followed by blood, and further down, muscles and bones.

Living corpses don't like to feed on the same kind, but when food is scarce, they won't mind turning the same kind into their own nourishment. Just like the butcher in front of him, he is too hungry. Although the taste of the same kind is quite uncomfortable, but as long as it can survive, the butcher doesn't mind.

But just after swallowing the brain and flesh of the living corpse into his stomach, the butcher suddenly smelled a wonderful smell. It was the smell of powerful energy. The butcher let go of the living corpse and stood up, so under the simple iron shield, the butcher saw two humans.

They are two people, one man and one woman, the man is short and the woman is tall. From a human aesthetic point of view, the wordless woman has the beauty of a catastrophic level, but to the butcher, she is no different from the short man. In the eyes of alien creatures, there is no difference between beauty and ugliness, only the difference between strength and weakness. This is true for living corpses, and so are other creatures.

From a certain perspective, alien creatures are a purer existence than human beings.

Now, the butcher saw that these two humans contained powerful energy. It's just these two people, it is obvious that the light of energy of the human female is relatively dim. So the butcher made a decision. It picked up the warhammer at its feet and ran towards the little man like a tank.

For the butcher, the short man is simply a big meal. It's a pity that in terms of the butcher's almost lack of intelligence, it doesn't know how to measure the power gap between the two. At the same time, I don’t know that when facing the strong, we must avoid it, not meet up like moths to the fire!