War Lord

Chapter 253: Graduation Ⅰ

Crypt Lord Angel Gullit is very angry now!

It is one of the first generation of giant alien creatures after the Cataclysm. After reaching adulthood, Angie Gullit returned to the land from the deep sea and came to this Cossachs underground base to build itself out of this instinctive control. Of the lair. When the six-story base and above were destroyed by Anji Gulite, they used their own energy to raise the temperature of the crypt, so that the veins of the ground that had frozen through here flowed again, and finally filled the entire crypt. Litte also entered a long hibernation period.

And on the head of this tyrannical existence, various alien creatures also quietly occupy all levels of bases. They settled in the base and formed their own territory. Originally, alien creatures can continue to live in peace for ten, twenty years or even longer. But not long ago, Angie Gullit woke up from sleep because it also entered the breeding period.

Unlike the short breeding period of other creatures on the base, Angie Gullit’s breeding period is very long. It takes at least a year for the process from the birth of young eggs in the body to the time when the young eggs are formed and can be discharged out of the body. As far as the reproduction cycle of all organisms in the new era is shortening, the reproduction cycle of Anji Gullite is already quite long. Not only it, other giant alien creatures are the same, and the survival rate of larvae is lower than other alien creatures.

This is the law of nature, even if Angie Gullit possesses almost endless biological energy, he cannot change his own situation.

Therefore, Angie Gullit cherishes his reproductive opportunities very much. This is the only way to pass on his own race. After Angie Gullit carefully spent the year-long reproductive cycle, it finally ushered in the ovulation period. In order to avoid the appetite of seeing many lives, and to increase the reproduction of offspring, Anji Gullit opened the outer wall of the five-story base and poured groundwater into it to transform it into an environment suitable for the survival of the larvae.

When tens of thousands of mature fish eggs are discharged into the fifth-layer base, it is a disaster for the human face moths living in the fifth-layer base. The eggs began to rupture within two hours after being discharged from the mother. At this time, because of the special genes of the alien organisms, the larvae’s vital signs collapsed one after another. Densely packed fish eggs filled the space behind the base, and among the millions of fish eggs, only about a thousand larvae survived.

Angie Gullit’s larvae were only the size of a puppy when they broke out of their shells. Like other oviparous organisms, they instinctively eat the egg shell that envelops them after birth to absorb the abundant protein and other nutrients in the egg shell. After eating up their eggshells, they enter their first sleep. The sleep time is only 24 hours. During this time, the larvae will evolve for the first time. They will grow larger, from a puppy to the size of a wolfdog. They will grow sharp teeth and give birth to two pairs of compound eyes side by side behind the original pair of eyes. However, these two pairs of compound eyes were only covered with a gray and white flesh film during this period, and they could not be opened immediately.

The larvae at this stage are the most hungry. They left the roe area and swept the entire base along with the groundwater poured into the five-story base by Anji Gulite, to hunt down other creatures in the base as the nourishment for their own survival.

After three days, Angie Gullit’s young son entered the second stage of evolution. Except that the body shape will be further enlarged, the fleshy membranes of the other two pairs of eyes of the larvae fall off, and the obtained data can be overlapped by observing the surroundings to generate a panoramic vision of the spatial three-dimensional model. The tail of the larva will generate a pair of spray organs, which can be accelerated by spraying when needed. This variable speed movement mode is also a favorable means for the larva to catch prey.

Originally, in Angie Gullit's estimate. After 5 days, the ground water will rise to the basic water level for the larvae to enter the fourth base. Then, its larvae can enter the fourth-tier base to hunt. And 20 days later, it will let the entire underground base soak in water, thus becoming a paradise for the survival of larvae.

After half a year, nearly a thousand larvae will be left with about two hundred larvae. At this time, these offspring will usher in the third evolution. After the evolution is complete, they already have the embryonic form of the Crypt Lord. They will be the size of a ship, and they will grow predatory whiskers on the surface of their bodies. At this time, they have rare natural enemies. In another two years, through gladiatorial fights, there will be one larva. This surviving larva will enter the final stage of evolution. The fourth evolution will allow it to completely transform into a real crypt lord, and its size will be as huge as the mother of Angie Gullit. Each fleshy whisker will generate countless energy storage organs and power nodes, and the whole body will produce pieces of hexagonal biological armor pieces. In addition to being the protective shell of the crypt lord, these pieces are also important energy. Loop.

When the young Crypt Lord appeared, Angie Gullit would leave here. It has completed the task of breeding offspring, and then it will return to the deep sea. Maybe it will settle forever in a certain corner of the endless sea, or it may die in the mouth of other giant marine creatures, who knows?

But no matter what, it will not be the current situation of the base.

Just after Angie Gullit’s larvae completed the second stage of evolution, it sensed the arrival of humans. If they only operate on the first and second floor bases, that's all. But Angie Gullit noticed that these humans were coming towards the fifth base. However, the biological energy of these humans is not strong, so the Crypt Lord did not pay attention to it.

What really made Anji Guli especially concerned about was the two humans outside the base and the woman who had disturbed it from sleeping two years ago and finally settled on the second base. For this powerful neighbor, Angie Gullit cared much more about her than the other two outside the base. In this woman, what Angie Gullit smelled was not human.

Although in this new era of rapid change, human beings are completely different from their counterparts in the old era. But no matter how much human beings evolve, they will never become other creatures. But in this woman, Angie Gullit did smell something that was not human. The taste comes from blood. In Angie Gullit's eyes, this woman is simply wearing a human coat, but inside it is the blood of a monster!

Shortly after the appearance of the alien human, the human that Anji Guli cared about also came to the fifth underground base. There is an invisible boundary between tyrannical creatures, once crossing this boundary can be regarded as provocation. The boundary of Angie Gullit was at the entrance of the fourth floor base, but whether it was a foreign human or the woman, they crossed the boundary set by it unscrupulously, which made Angie Gullit very angry.

What made it even more angry was that the woman accompanied other humans to kill a large number of its larvae. At this time, one of the humans had already touched the depths of the base. Angie Gullit shot angrily, but the two powerful humans who had stayed outside the base not only entered the base, but also prevented it from killing. This has exceeded the bottom line that Angie Gullit can tolerate.

For the sake of one's own descendants, or for one's own dignity, one should not provoke him. The angry crypt lord finally broke through the water and slammed into the fifth base.

Suddenly, the entire base shook violently. The magnitude of the vibration even spread to the surface, causing the snowdrifts on the ground to teeter.

The ground of the five-story basement underground rose sharply at first, and then suddenly tore apart. A huge gap with a width of more than a kilometer was torn open in the center of the entire base, and water suddenly poured in, and the water level of the base suddenly rose. The sudden rush of water brought out countless strange fish hiding in the corner. They desperately tried to stabilize their bodies in the water, but found that the waters they were familiar with had now become unfamiliar. No matter how hard the strange fish work, they still fluctuate with the current, unable to be on their own.

As for the two of Valkyrie and Cario, their own methods remained intact in the sudden emergence of the rapids. Valkyrie simply inserted the gun into the ground of the base that had not been torn apart, and no matter how rushing the current, he could not shake her a bit; while Cario maintained the energy ripples that envelop his body, the ripples of the guide. The guiding function allows the oncoming rapids to naturally split in front of him into two, passing by the upper and lower sides, and then merge into one behind him.

In this way, the rapids in the water gradually disappeared after a quarter of an hour, and the waters that had occupied the entire fifth-story base and spread toward the upper-level base suddenly became quiet. Then, a ripple spread in the water. As soon as Valkyrie and Cario swept across Ripple, they immediately felt as if they were being watched by something. They immediately understood that their position had been exposed.

With this thought, dozens of fleshy beards suddenly broke through the water. Squeezed by dozens of tons of huge force, the groundwater was immediately drained away, and the strong rapids of the pre-existing debut, dragging countless fragments to the Valkyrie together.

The battle gun in Valkyrie's hand lit up with a milky white flame, and the dark red energy rays of Cario's ripples became more and more prosperous. In the end, two groups of red and white lights lit up in the bottom of the water, and then slowly rose up, and then greeted the fleshy whiskers drawn by Anji Gullit together. At the moment of contact ~lightnovelpub.net~ with red and white energy light bands swept across the entire waters, suddenly a nearly ten-meter high water wall was spread and oppressed away!

The entire base shook violently again, causing Ling who had just rushed out of the entrance of the fourth floor to lose his balance and fell to the ground.

Unexpectedly, his waist tightened suddenly, followed by Ling's body into the air, and then steadily fell on Ma Pei's shoulders. But Ma Pei caught him in time and carried Zero on his shoulders. In this way, Ma Pei rushed to the exit of the fourth floor base with the zero follower and the team. Follow them to escape from the base that has become a battlefield, as well as other alien creatures. The human face moth and the Nemesis also joined the ranks of escape.

The battle that erupted in the five-story base was no longer a level they could intervene, and being caught in inattentively would be the destiny of destruction. They dare not stay on the edge of this battlefield anymore, and the creatures in other bases also feel the battle underground. Whether it is the breath of the Crypt Lord, or the power of Valkyrie and Cario, they are pressing their nerves tightly like natural enemies.

As a result, a large group of attacking sickle insects suddenly stopped, and then they only dispersed like a tide, exposing the prey they were besieging.

Anthony was bloodstained, feeling the vibration of the entire base, and wondering: "What's going on?"