War Lord

Chapter 254: Graduation Ⅱ

From encountering the Scythe Insect to the present, the Vanguard Squad has relied on various obstacles. They have been chasing the Scythe Insect for ten hours in the third-tier base. From the initial encounter in the Worm's Nest in the main passage to the other places inside the base, the Pioneer Squad has deviated from its original position by nearly one kilometer.

On the route the Vanguard squad passed, there were countless sickle worms and larvae corpses, as well as the corpses of several of the team members. This is a very cruel battle, and the team is under tremendous pressure at all times. This is also fortunate to Anthony's ability to scan the area, which allows him to always see through the attack route of the sickle bug first, and often can find a hidden place for the team to rest for a short time. Otherwise, the Vanguard squad would have died early.

Now, the ammunition they tried to keep from the beginning is almost exhausted. From the original five members of the team, only Anthony and Luca are left. The fierce battle caused a sharp drop in the team members, and among the team members who died in the battle, Oram died the most tragically.

Anthony couldn't forget the tall figure surrounded by the swarms of insects, and finally detonated a powerful grenade, killing himself and hundreds of insects together.

Now, Anthony's spirit is like a broken string, which may break at any time. And Luca's incomplete sword is now only half of it. If the sickle worm attacks for a while, the two of them will become the worm's belly meal without any suspense. But at such a critical moment, the sickle worm retreated, with a hint of escape.

The entire base is shaking gently, as if an earthquake is happening underneath. Anthony frowned, driving the area scanning ability with his little mental power. It's just that he compressed the scanning method into a line from the surface. When the Tathagata comes, the mental power will become a spiritual thread that is thinner than a needle, with a high degree of penetrating power. In this way, Anthony drove his mental power straight into the ground to perceive what was happening underground.

Naturally, the scanning used in this way is not as detailed as the normal way. Anthony was unable to "see" specific things, but could only perceive some vague light and shadows.

When the spiritual thread penetrated the following four bases and directly entered the fifth base, Anthony saw a vague shadow and two bright energy rays. Just a simple contact, the end of the spiritual thread immediately cracked and shattered. Anthony was shocked, and if the spiritual thread were all shattered, he would become a lunatic.

At this time, the split of the spiritual thread continued, and it collapsed for a short period of time. Anthony immediately stopped scanning, and when the spiritual thread bounced back, he saw another blurred face. Although not clear, he still recognized that it was Zero's face!

When all of his mental energy was recovered, Anthony's whole body was shaken, and two blood mists instantly sprayed from his nostrils. He only felt that a sledgehammer hit his head severely, and the whole headache seemed to burst. Anthony held his head and his identity was shaky, and Luca was watching to hold him next to him, and nervously asked, "Are you okay?"

After a while, the pain in Anthony's head subsided, but his whole body was collapsed, unable to stand still, relying on Luca to support him. Anthony said weakly: "Hurry up, there is a fighting under the ground that is beyond our imagination. The fighting will spread here soon, let's leave!"

Seeing that Anthony, who had always been calm and steady, had a sense of frustration in his words, Luca's face tightened, and he immediately helped Anthony to walk back along the **** path they had killed all the way. On the way to the exit, Anthony, who had been silent, suddenly said: "I'm not reconciled, Luca."

Luca did not speak, eyes silently looking at the darkness ahead. The darkness is not calm, whether it is adult sickle bugs or larvae are running from the ceiling, the wall, or around the two of them, scrambling to the exit. At this moment, the sickle bugs can no longer care about the two humans of Anthony. They even jumped over the two of them without stopping to attack them.

When he came to the rest area, Anthony suddenly pushed Luca away. Without his support, he immediately fell to the ground. Luca ran two steps forward, stopped, and walked back towards him.

"Leave me alone!" Anthony yelled, and he struggled to get up and continued: "Luca, you go!"

"What about you?" Luca asked in a deep voice.

"I'm not leaving." Anthony seemed to have made up his mind and said: "If we go back like this, Oram and their sacrifices will become worthless. Zero and they are also on their way here, I want to try Try. Not reconciled, or for Oram and them, I want to try again!"

"What do you want to do? Sniping on Zero? How do you know that the experiment diary will be on Zero, in case it is not there?" Luca fisted and said, "Enough, there are enough people who died before my eyes today. Listen to Anthony , To be honest, I don’t like you very much, but I don’t want you to die like this."

Anthony smiled: "What if the book is on Zero? In short, I don't want to let go of any possibility. You go, Luca, this is my battle and my persistence, and you don't want to get in."

Luca was silent, and bugs kept passing by beside him. Their speed is so fast that they leave shadows in the air. In this shadow, Luca walked back, but suddenly punched.

A punch hit Anthony's cheek firmly, and Anthony was blown away by Luca. After he fell to the ground, Luca walked up to him and lifted Anthony up again. Looking at Anthony with swollen cheeks, Luca said solemnly: "I can only say that you are a **** and a fool. However, I don't seem to be very smart. Let's do it together, for honor!"

Anthony squeezed Luca's sturdy arm, and said solemnly: "For honor!"

The insect swarm was still flying back, and soon the shadow of the insect covered the place where the two of them were. When he left again, Anthony had been lost on the spot.


"Let me down, Ma Pei, I think I can go by myself."

After Ma Pei carried Ling and ran out of the third-story base passage exit, on the shoulder of the black man, Ling said.

In the fifth-floor base, after the violent Angie Gullit was stopped by Valkyrie and Cario, Zero and Eva and others merged at the exit and quickly left the fifth-floor base. At the exit, Zero saw the corpses of a lot of strange fish. It seems that Eva did not kill few people in order to attract young children like Angie Gullit. In addition to the initial trap, various tactics were used again and again to harvest the life of a tail fish. At the time of zero return, there were hundreds of strange fish that had died under the guns and knives of a few people, plus the initial trap gains, but in just an hour, Angie Gullit had lost more than a hundred young children. No wonder the crypt lord was violent.

Now, everyone has evacuated to the third base. The wailing of the goddess of vengeance continued from the passage, and now the fourth-floor base was also submerged for a half by the groundwater. Following the spread of the groundwater, the youngest son of Anji Gullit also swam onto the fourth-floor base with the water. In this way, the nemesis, who is large and moving slowly, becomes the best target. With the original fast moving speed of the strange fish, coupled with the movement mode that can be accelerated by jet at any time, it is difficult for the Nemesis's biological bomb to hit them. What's more, the strange fish are very smart, they don't gather in batches to give the Nemesis a chance to kill them.

When Zero and the others passed through the fourth floor of the base, they witnessed a scene where a nemesis was besieged by hundreds of strange fishes, and soon bit her body, and the internal organs were being eaten.

In the three-story base, the sickle worms have almost run out. But the human face moth and several nemesis are trying hard to squeeze out the safe passage to escape, a few people are still surrounded by bugs, but now neither the human face moth nor the nemesis have time to pay attention to them.

Zero fell back to the ground and took a deep breath in the helmet. Valkyrie allowed him to regain 5% of his strength. In addition, Ma Pei did his job before, and Zero rested on his shoulders, while regaining a small amount of strength. Although he is still unable to fight, the strength he has recovered is sufficient for his normal sports, at least not slowing down the team.

After confirming that Zero can act by himself, the team moved again. Only when they arrived in the middle of the base, the entire ground vibrated again. It seemed that the battle between the Valkyrie and the Crypt Lord was not easy. Ling frowned secretly, but his pace sped up a lot. They came to the rest area with the stream of worms rolling away in the direction of the exit. As soon as they stepped into this area, they stopped immediately.

A seemingly sense of crisis lurked in this stream of worms, and stretched out the dangerous tentacles towards a few people. Obviously he couldn't see anything in front of him, but Zero's intuition told him that he was approaching in danger.

At this moment, the sense of crisis suddenly intensified. Following a gun flame appeared in the darkness, a fire ray passed through the stream of insects, and all the insects on the path of the fire light were shot through. But at the end of the fire trail ~lightnovelpub.net~ is Ma Pei's broad chest!

Zero, who was standing next to Ma Pei, subconsciously slammed into Ma Pei. The force of the zero one collision was so great that it directly knocked Ma Pei into the air, causing the black man to fall into the swarm. Several human face moths were startled by the sudden disturbance, but they soon changed their directions and flew away. The speed of the insect flow was not affected, and only the zero team was affected.

Zero smashed Ma Pei away, but threw himself on the shooting track. When the bullet plunged into his left chest, Anthony's smiling face suddenly appeared in Zero's mind. In an instant, he knew that this attack was a trap carefully prepared for him!

The kinetic energy of the bullet flew up from the ground, and then fell back. At this time, the sound of the sniper rifle came from a distance. The first few people were definitely Eva's fastest response. Instead of jumping towards zero, she jumped towards the sniper rifle shooting array. The speed of Eva's charge is so fast and the power is so great. So that the moment she rushed out, dozens of human face moths that accidentally hit her suddenly bounced up in the air, and burst into pieces one by one with her body.

Feng Hesu, who was behind him, threw himself back to Zero, who had already fallen to the ground. The Ye Shen tactical suit was torn apart by the sniper shell, and blood was pouring out of Zero's chest. But what is more serious is that when Feng took off Zero's helmet, she found that Zero's eyes were wide open, but the pupils lost their glamour, as if they were about to diminish at any time. Even the golden right eye, the golden flames in his eyes were so dim as to be extinguished!