War Lord

Chapter 260: Rebirth Plan IV

At nine o'clock, Tyre said goodbye and left. In just a few minutes of conversation, the man who is known as the God of War has given a few words about the difficulties of the West Front. But I can still hear that the advancement of the golden battle axe has been completely stopped. At present, the battle situation in the west has entered a state of stalemate.

In a gorge three thousand kilometers west, the golden battle axe encountered a joint attack from four to five alien races. In the special terrain of the canyon, the golden battle axe cannot take advantage of the number of soldiers to conceal the hostile alien races with human tactics. At this time, the foreign race's familiarity with the geographical environment and the tougher character than human soldiers finally came into play.

Under Tyre's command, the golden battle axe divided the entire army into several teams. Each team takes turns to attack, and when the front team loses energy, they are ordered to retreat and follow the follow-up team to make up. In this way, the golden battle axe still advances in a tenacious posture in the not-so-wide canyon space. However, this process was not so smooth, thinking that the killed alien, when the soldiers passed its body, they would suddenly jump in and give a fatal blow to the back. It wasn't until the soldiers at the back made up a knife or fired a shot that these stubborn lives were truly killed.

In such a situation, the soldiers have to allocate more time and more power to kill every alien race they can see, and at the same time beware of them being dead and not stiff. Although there are specialized personnel in the golden battle axe to dissect the alien species found, analyze their physiological structure and find out their weaknesses.

But after all, they are of different races, even if they are alien races with very close territories, their body structure is also in a different state, so it is difficult to find the common weaknesses between the different races. And the human race has obvious weaknesses, and the heart and head are almost common fatal points. High-level capable people may be able to modify their internal organs to make it difficult to be killed. But there is almost no way to speak of the head, once beheaded, even the strong person above the tenth rank can hardly survive.

And even if you survive, you will inevitably have to pay some huge price.

However, different races are different. They may have multiple hearts in their bodies, or their hearts may be wrapped in keratin, which makes it difficult to enter with swords and guns. And even if their heads are cut off, some alien races can stretch out their fleshy teeth at the severed head, and then form fleshy limbs that can be crawled quickly over short distances. Once these aliens escape, as long as they absorb enough nutrients, they can regenerate their bodies out of thin air.

Under such circumstances, faced with more and more incredible alien races in the depths of the west, the difficulty of the golden battle axe is evident.

As expected, in addition to hearing that Valkyrie and Cario were injured when Tyr came back this time, the more important reason was that Asgart was able to send more troops. Tyr meant that he hoped that the Doomhammer led by Thor could be dispatched. And it’s best to have Badr’s Shield of Dawn accompanying him. The Shield of Dawn is not only good at defense, but some of the skills of the light elements have skills that can restore the soldiers' vitality in a short time or restore some common injuries.

It can be said that with the shield of dawn, the casualties of soldiers will be minimized.

I could understand Tyr's thoughts, he had the hammer of destruction, which was good at attacking fortifications, and the shield of dawn, which was famous for defense and protection. The golden battle axe was equivalent to possessing the sword responsible for destruction and the shield for protecting the enemy. Under the joint hands of the three legions, the alien line of defense will be breached in a short time.

It is not surprising that Tyre, the leader of the Western Expeditionary Army, had this idea, but Ben also had his own concerns.

First of all, the departure of three of Asgart's five major legions will create a vacancy period for Asgart's own soldiers. Although the Hall of Valor and the Dark Council are currently in the armistice period, if they receive this news, it is difficult to be sure that as their old opponent, Oglock, the speaker of the Dark Council, will not suddenly attack.

In fact, if only Valkyrie's victory spear was left, and Loki's dark blade tip. Asgart's power is not enough to defend the dark council that is attacking with all its strength. Whether it is the number of high-level capable people or the average level of soldiers, there is a considerable distance from the scarlet knights of the dark council.

Second, Asgart is a semi-democratic city. Although Ben is the most powerful person in this city, he doesn't have the final say on everything, especially the dispatch of the other two legions. Under this book, there is a council composed of representatives from various aspects of the city, including Asgart’s nobles, politicians, merchants, etc., in addition to the main hall.

The Senate can participate in major decision-making in the city and decide whether the proposal will be passed by means of a referendum. Although he had the final decision, public opinion was a factor he had to worry about. After all, the cornerstone of Asgart's establishment is inseparable from the support of these people.

Therefore, he couldn't make any promise to Tyre immediately, but promised him to put this proposal on the agenda of the Senate as soon as possible.

Undoubtedly, Asgart's power system prevented Ben from acting as arbitrarily as Oglock, and seemed to be restrained everywhere. However, Eternal Night City seems to be the only one Oglock, but it is because the entire city is shrouded by the wings of Oglock and the Dark Council. Once the Dark Council is weakened, Evernight City will immediately fall into the turmoil of power struggles.

But Asgart was different, Ben had considered this issue very early. Concentrating power on the individual is indeed convenient, but it is destined that the cornerstone of the city is not stable enough. Release part of the power to allow some important people in the city to participate in its construction. In addition to increasing these people's sense of belonging to the city, it can also ensure that if Ben is not there, the city can still continue to operate under the leadership of the Senate.

Even though this will also bring about turbulence in the transfer of power, this turbulence is controlled within a small area after all, and will not affect the survival of the city.

This is the biggest difference between Ben and Oglock. He is willing to put a yoke on himself so as not to be unconstrained.

Called the secretary Julie and told her to draft a plan of Tyre's proposal and send it to the council's agenda with priority, asking the council to discuss the resolution as soon as possible. After Julie left, Ben turned on her personal brain, and a transparent screen rose from the edge of the desk. After a brief startup, a working window appeared on the screen.

At the lowest level of the window, a file icon is flashing, and a red number above the icon indicates the number of files. These documents are submitted to Ben after being screened and classified by Secretary Julie, who needs his approval today. The scope of the matter is very wide, from the funding of biochemical research to the purchase of materials for new tanks, or the needs of the construction of the city, and some new systems that have been discussed and approved by the Council of Parliament, and so on.

Actually, one day's work is quite cumbersome, and the things he needs to deal with involve a wide range of things. And his decision is related to the development of Asgart, so Ben has to work more hours a day than anyone in this city.

While he was attentively instructing the files one by one, the icons of the camera on the light screen suddenly flickered. That was because someone requested video communication. Putting my finger on the icon of the camera, a box immediately popped up. In the box is Badr's smiling face.

Ben also smiled, clicked on the icon, and pressed the light key that agreed to the communication.

A rectangular window appears in the center of the screen, and in the center of the window is a link progress bar. The progress bar was quickly completed, and as the window flashed, Badr's handsome face appeared.

Badr, the **** of light, always looks gentle. If it is the old age, then Badr's character is undoubtedly the best. This handsome man is so gentle on the outside and inside. He has a tolerant heart for things. Barthes is fair and kind, and he is very much loved in Asgart. It is a pity that he is in a turbulent new era, and gentleness and kindness are sometimes pronouns for indecision. Tyr, who is determined and courageous, is more suitable to be the pioneer and creative work of an era, so he would assume that God of War is his successor.

But all this does not prevent Ben from liking the child on the screen. He smiled and said, "What's the matter? My child."

"Dear father, please forgive me for wasting your precious time." In the window, the handsome God of Light said politely: "I have dealt with Cossacks pretty much. Angel Gullit went into deep sleep, except for underground In addition to a small number of living corpses on the second floor, other alien creatures have already traveled to the wilderness in the southwest. Loki’s dark blade has determined that these alien creatures will not linger near the Jurian Mountains, and I will calm the alien creature clusters as soon as possible. The impact. But, there is one more thing I have to trouble my father for your instructions."

"Is it about zero?" Ben asked casually.

"Yes." Badr nodded and said, "After the Windrunner team left the military base, Zero needed medical treatment because of serious injuries, so his equipment was temporarily kept by us. In addition to their mission items found in Zero's carrying equipment, In addition to an experiment diary. I also found a very special weapon, which is a hand cannon, but my technical engineers could not analyze its structure. During the two days of hospitalization, my people used the instrument Assist to analyze this weapon without destroying it, and conclude that its driving system is completely different from the technology we currently have. The technology represented by this hand gun is one to two levels higher than ours~ lightnovelpub.net~ Its materials, structure, energy loop, core system, etc. are all things of research value..."

At this point, Badr stopped talking. Ben smiled, he had already guessed the child's mind before him. In short, the hand cannon is now in Badr's hands, and he wants to stay for research purposes. From the earlier situation of the Ministry of Finance's payment for goods, Zero has been discharged from the hospital. Then Zero will naturally ask Badr for the equipment. If it is someone else, he will naturally refuse as Badr.

But because of the relationship between Ben and Zero, the God of Light had to ask Ben's meaning specifically.

"Return the kid's equipment, and don't ask how he got the weapon." Ben said lightly: "Then issue a weapon recovery task in the name of the headquarters. If the change is needed, he will hand over the gun. For you."

Badr's eyes lit up when he heard it, and Ben's few words made him understand the difference between reluctance and willingness. He immediately nodded in agreement and cancelled the video communication. After the window was closed, Badr's words reminded Ben of Zero. I can remember that when Zero came back from the military base this time, he brought back not only a weapon that excited Badr, but also a woman.

A woman with an ability of at least level eight or above!