War Lord

Chapter 261: Rebirth Project Ⅴ (5000 words!)

When the sunlight from the holographic projection shone into this small bedroom of only about five square meters, Eva's head protruded from the gray-white sheet. She half-squinted her eyes, yawned and lifted the sheet. There was a naked body in the sheet, and the sun shone on Eva's wheat-colored skin. As Eva got up, the sun gradually declined.

It glided over the towering peaks, and then continued to fall after staying on a pair of bright red on the peak. The sun passed through the flat abdomen, and finally came to the mysterious triangle. The black forest only let it stay for a while, then fell on Eva's toes along a pair of smooth and slender thighs, and finally stayed on the crystal clear jade toes. superior.

Eva stretched her waist and exposed her infinitely beautiful figure to the air. There were still a few lazy drops of water hanging from the corners of his slightly squinted eyes. At this time, a series of whistles sounded outside the window. Eva looked over, but more than a dozen men in worker attire were whistling vigorously at her. Their undisguised and obsessive eyes made Eva feel in a good mood.

She was not an exhibitionist, but just spent two years underground, facing living corpses who didn't understand beauty and ugliness all day long, even if Eva walked around the base naked, she didn't get the treatment in front of her. The man outside whistled vigorously, and Eva inside was happy to hear it. She pulled the sheets to cover the important parts of her body, and then blew a kiss to the men outside the window.

Immediately, the whistle outside stopped, followed by the excited shouts of the men. Eva left the bedroom with a smile and went to the hall, still hearing the roar of men outside.

The lobby is not spacious, only about ten square meters. Compared to the medical center that Eva occupies underground, the area is pitifully small. But Eva feels good about herself, whether it's the old radio on the table, a bunch of green daisies in the bottle, or the patched sofa and the wall hanging on the wall. I don't know which name it comes from. The painter's oil paintings give Eva a special feeling.

That feeling is called a writer, so although the house is small, Eva likes it very much.

This is a house jointly rented by Feng and his colleagues to Eva, and Eva loves it at first sight. After Feng left, Eva sold the Gemini to an underground merchant in Asgart. Gemini is very valuable in both practical use and research. At least for cities or organizations in the wilderness, being able to obtain semi-finished biochemical weapons like Gemini is enough for them to leave a strong mark in the history of the city's development.

For this reason, Eva got a lot of data coins that can be used in Asgart. The money allowed her to buy the house directly, but the owner did not tell Eva that a black household like her could only stay in Asgart for a week. According to Asgart’s law, when Eva is forced to leave the city, the house will be owned by the owner.

Eva, who knew the truth afterwards, almost didn't kill the homeowner. This is something later, so I won’t watch it for the time being.

Besides, after Eva came to the hall, she was in a good mood while humming, and began to pour warm water into the bathtub in her small bathroom. Despite the high cost of warm water, Eva is not opposed to taking a hot bath every day to enjoy life. She had already planned to stay with Zero and watched the growth of this huge potential companion. For this reason, Eva plans to find a job in the city.

With her talent, even if she does not join the army, it is more than enough to be a biological or biochemical researcher, and her income is not less than that of a soldier. It's just that she, who doesn't know the Asgart system now, doesn't understand that it is impossible for her as a dark household to find a job in the city, let alone a middle-class researcher.

When the bathtub was filled with warm water, Eva threw the sheets under the sofa in the lobby. As soon as she stepped into the bathroom, a voice of Zero sounded outside the door: "Miss Eva, I am Zero, are you there?"

Eva sighed exaggeratedly, and walked to the door in two or two steps to open the door to Zero. Don't run into the bathroom. She said, "You will sit down first, and wait for me to take a shower."

Zero who had just entered the door happened to capture Eva's wonderful back, whether it was her smooth pink back or her straight buttocks, it was full of allure. The zero body temperature rose slightly, but that was it, he walked to the sofa and sat down. In my ears, I heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom and Eva's satisfying cry.

Zero wore a set of ordinary casual clothes, which were originally Maple's clothes. Feng is similar to his body, and fits well in his clothes. Because Zero hasn't officially reported to Doomhammer's headquarters, he hasn't owned his uniform yet. He was discharged from the hospital last night, and he left the hospital early this morning. Zero first went to Asgart’s Ministry of Finance to receive this approved loan. Because he listened to Ben’s suggestion, he planned to bring Victor and Leah blood samples to Asgart for a rebirth plan. The loans were converted into data coins under his name in equal amounts, so that they could be used in Asgart.

Zero felt that he had a lot to do. First, he had to report to the corps headquarters, and secondly, he would find a suitable place for his rebirth plan. Finally, he went to Fury Reef City to take Victor over. But before these things, Zero wanted to get Eva's consent and let her stay in Asgartri as a servant. If Eva agrees, then Zero can handle the relevant procedures in one go today.

After 9 minutes and 07 seconds passed, there was a sound of opening the door in the bathroom, and then Eva, wrapped in a bath towel, walked out. She took out a can of luncheon meat straight from the refrigerator in the corner of the living room, then cut the tin can with her fingers to seal it, and finally pinched a piece of luncheon meat with two fingertips and threw it into her mouth. Naturally, luncheon meat cannot be processed with fake animal meat as in the old days. Of course, Asgartri has slightly mutated cattle and sheep for food processing, but such finished products are expensive. And only for the upper class.

Even if Eva has money and no status, she can't buy such high-end goods. The price of what she eats now is not low, three times the price of fresh bread. But the meat inside is imitated by artificial fibers, and the taste is no different from the real meat slices, but the taste is much worse. Because of the lack of animal muscle fibers, there is no elasticity and toughness to eat, and it is almost lost in the mouth.

But even so, a canned luncheon meat is not affordable for anyone. Look at Eva's refrigerator, at least one layer full of it. It was one of the foods purchased with the remaining money after the house was bought, in addition to artificial milk, biscuits and some chocolates. Although these things are not cheap, the price of Gemini is more expensive, so Eva really became the queen of defeat dogs, and almost the remaining money was turned into food for her.

"Let's talk, what are you looking for me for?" Eva chose a comfortable sitting position and threw herself into the sofa, followed by a pair of long legs that emerged from the bath towel and placed it on the opposite table indecently. The towel on her body is obviously shorter, and the mysterious scenery in the towel can almost be seen from the base of Eva's thigh.

Zero concentrated on his own spirit and said, "I want to ask you to be my servant so that you can stay in this city with a formal identity."

"Oh, yes." Eva replied without thinking.

With a wry smile and shook her head, the woman agreed before he even heard him explain what the servant soldier was, which made him a little headache. But Zero didn't want to take advantage of her, so she told Eva about her servant status and the reasons why she did it.

When Eva heard that the servants had no benefits and that the income had to be distributed from zero to these conditions, she had no response. But when he listened to Zero finally concluded that the status of the servant soldier was only better than that of the slave, the woman's eyes suddenly lit up.

The temperature in the room rose suddenly, and Eva had short hair without wind, like a burning flame!

She suddenly bounced off the sofa, so fast that Zero couldn't react. When Zero recovered, Eva was already sitting on him. Eva faced him, almost squeezing her high peaks onto Zero's face. Her slender and powerful legs encircled Zero's waist, making her tightly close to her body. This very ambiguous posture allowed Zero's body to react naturally. Eva felt a hot object close to her from below, causing her to let out a soft moan from her lips.

Following her face, holding Zero's collar in both hands, she said in a gentle but dangerous voice: "In other words, do you want me to be your slave?"

The last two words increase the volume infinitely. The sharp and sharp sound made the glass on the windows of the house hum and almost exploded.

Zero was almost strangled by Eva's tightly lifted collar. He explained with difficulty: "I know this makes you feel wronged, but you can only stay in this way. Of course, you are only a nominal servant. Soldier. In fact, I will not order you to do anything."

"You have to have that guts too!" Eva gave a severe stare before loosening his collar.

She thought about it, and then said: "Slaves are slaves, but I want to share your income!"

Eva showed a small tiger tooth, and she held up three fingers and said: "I will divide the income into 30%, and you will distribute the rest evenly. Otherwise..."


"Otherwise, I will kill one randomly, and then we will divide it equally, so that's okay." Eva nodded vigorously to emphasize her thoughts.

"You're kidding." Zero frowned.

Eva immediately pressed her face to the tip of Zero's nose, and the micro-pen asked: "Is my appearance like a joke?"

Although she was smiling, the light in her eyes was extremely cold, and she didn't mean to be joking at all.

When Ling left the house of Eva, the two finally made an agreement. Eva can become Zero's servant, but Zero must not order her or interfere with her life. The income must be carried out in the same way as Eva said. As for letting her work, it depends on Eva's mood. Faced with such an answer, Ling felt that he had done a loss-making business.

The following was a busy day. After Zero arrived at Doomhammer’s headquarters, he rushed to the mission hall opened by the headquarters to register his team. At the same time, he also registered Eva as a servant. For this, Zero also needs to pay 50 merit points as a procedure. It wasn't until the evening that Zero finished everything and returned to the single dormitory arranged by Doomhammer for regular soldiers.

The dormitory area of ​​Doomhammer is located on the outskirts of the city to the southeast of Asgart. It is a separate area. The dormitory is ten stories high, with only one dormitory on each floor. The total area of ​​the dormitory is about 50 square meters. For single dormitories, such an area has to be described as luxury. A total of 30 such dormitory buildings are located in an area of ​​nearly 1,000 square meters. There is a road connection between the buildings that can be used for two parallel vehicles, and they are planted with artificial grass and scattered with street lights. It is completely one set. The minor qualifications of the old age.

From the perspective of Asgart's rule that pay equals gain, it is normal for the official soldiers of Doomhammer to have this kind of treatment. Lying on the bed in his dormitory room, looking at the newly painted ceiling and the faint yellow wall lamp at the head of the bed, Ling almost doubted that he was living in a dream.

As if lying down like this, the memories lingering in my mind began to become unreal. What new era, capable people, alien creatures are all a strange dream. He is now lying on the bed of a house in the old times. To wake up tomorrow, there will be a hot sun and a lot of work waiting for him.

So Ling closed his eyes, but the injuries on his body and the clearly sensed evolutionary points reminded him that all this was just an illusion.

After sighing, his thoughts returned to the cruel reality. Zero has already applied for leave from the headquarters. Doomhammer had never had such a precedent. Once he became a full-fledged soldier, he had to start serving. But Ben seemed to have greeted him, so not only did Zero have a fifteen-day holiday, but Feng and the others also got the corresponding vacation because of Zero.

Several people have decided to go to Fury Reef City with Zero, and Zero has calculated the time, if they go fast enough, they can still earn some extra money.

Zero thought of Gunabell, this mutant type ability person was a killer sent by the Parkland chaebol. Zero didn't know how they came to Asgart, but it didn't matter, he would ask to be clear, and settle with Parkland an old account that had been delayed for a long time.

He closed his eyes, and the evolution points gained from this underground base battle flowed into the zero-specified gene sequence like a tide, improving the skills he currently mastered.

The night is deep, but it will always pass. Darkness doesn't cover the world forever, so light comes quietly.

At dawn, the bright red sky in the distance burst out of the clouds, sprinkling the first rays of light on the dark ground. The misty halo kept advancing, thus forming a sharp boundary with the darkness. When the boundary passed, the light continued to compete for the dark territory, and finally the boundary disappeared to the ground, so the morning came.

In the faint morning light, Fury Reef City today is significantly different from three months ago.

Although the city is located in the south, the seawater used to have a constant temperature function, but now it has lost this function. During the turbulent years, the temperature of the sea water remained below zero all year round. The further northward, the lower the temperature of the sea water. In the Arctic region of the old age, it has reverted back to the country of ice. While Fury Reef City was in the south, but was baptized by the raging storm.

Just three days ago, there was a heavy rain here. Thick radiant snow built up nearly three meters of snow on the streets of the city. The Ron Company stationed in Angry Reef City invested a lot of manpower and took a day to shovel all the snow from the streets. But even so, those piles of snow piled on the roof of the building still left traces of the blizzard passing by.

But the changes in Fury Reef City don't stop there. The more significant changes come from the barbed wire that surrounds the entire city almost in a circle. Behind the barbed wire, there are more than a dozen temporary sentry towers. On the sentry towers, soldiers from Ron Company are on duty all day to monitor the wilderness outside the city of Fury Reef and the curved road that connects the main road.

On the guard tower, high-speed guns were erected. These weapons with a firing rate of up to 2,500 per second were sufficient to ensure that it was difficult for people or creatures to cross their blockade within a kilometer of the city edge. These weapons can be said to be the foundation of Ron's company. As a result, Rage Reef City, which was still undefended when it was zero-going, is now fully armed.

Such changes are not surprising. In turbulent years, even if there is peace, it is short-lived. What's more, the vicinity of Fury Reef City cannot be called a safe area, but the wilderness has become more and more dangerous recently, so Ron's company had to work hard to protect the city under their name.

The danger comes from those wild creatures that are evolving faster and faster, and it also comes from people.

Shortly after the wolf thieves dissipated, a group of armed mobs appeared quietly in the wilderness. They don't have the shrewd leader of Biandu Kazuo, so they are as destructive as the wolf thief, but their reputation is three points worse than the wolf thief.

These mobs are like locusts~lightnovelpub.net~ They swept small settlements on the south side of the coastline. Where the armed mobs passed, the settlements were robbed of supplies and buildings were burned. Men are killed and women become short-lived playthings. Kill and discard after playing enough, or become food for the mob to survive the cold winter.

In just two months, a dozen small settlements have been destroyed in their hands. Larger cities in the wilderness, such as Remut and Phoenix, had plans to send troops to suppress them. But as the winter came, the blizzard became a natural barrier for the mobs.

Although there is Ron's company in Angry Reef City, this company is not known for its force. At present, Ron Company can only protect itself.

In such an environment, a ray of sky light climbed onto the bed along the window sill, and then hit the face of a man with a beard. Victor cursed, and could only open his hangover-stained eyes in the brighter sky.

He lifted the drunk quilt, fumbled for getting up from the bed, but accidentally lost his balance and fell to the ground. Victor screamed in pain. He helped the bed next to him stand up, and stomped on the ground with a few feet as if venting his anger.

The ground didn't hurt naturally, but the doctor woke up completely because of the pain.