War Lord

Chapter 262: Return to the wilderness (1)

Outside the window is a misty streetscape with a faint red light. From this bedroom of Victor, one can see that the roof of the neighbor’s fat Sander is missing a corner. And if the line of sight continues to move forward, you will see that the buildings in the town are more or less broken, with traces of scorched black. These damaged buildings are mostly concentrated at the front end of Fury Reef City, and even on the snow-cleared streets, there will occasionally be a shocking pit.

The white snow and the black scars constitute the ferociousness of the war.

Just before the storm came, Fury Reef City was attacked twice. The attack was the troublesome armed mob who called themselves the "dk" Corps. dk is the English abbreviation of the mob leader Dekas. Led by this mob leader with the third-order ability of fine ventilation element and fire element, the dk regiment left only fragments of ruins.

Looking at the scars on the buildings outside, Victor remembered clearly. That day was the same as it is now. The sky just got bright, and when he was still unwilling to get up under the covers, the attack suddenly happened.

First, a cannonball dragging the flames fell from outside the city into the house of the blacksmith Liwei in West Street. The explosion destroyed the three-story building that Liwei had just repaired a year ago, and at the same time killed the fashion in the dream. The Liwei couple and a pair of children in China. After that, there were continuous gunfire. The dk corps came in directly from outside the city gate, and soon occupied the entire West Street area. Fortunately, Ron’s and Master’s people reacted quickly, relying on their familiarity with the environment and the advantage of their forces to drive out the mob. Angry Reef City.

Since that attack, Ron's company began to deploy a warning wind outside the city of Fury Reef, and set up a surveillance tower. After that, the dk regiment launched another attack, but this time, the well-prepared Fury Reef City made them return without success.

After the second attack, a blizzard came. The wind and snow not only became a natural barrier for the dk corps, but also restricted the activities of the mob. No one believed that the dk corps could fight in this environment. After all, they are mobs gathered for profit, not elite troops of a certain organization.

Victor stretched, he walked out of the bedroom and came to the clinic downstairs. The snoring in the clinic fluctuates one after another. In addition to many citizens whose houses were destroyed in the two attacks temporarily staying in Victor's clinic, there are also some wounded soldiers from Ron's company.

Since Zero left, Victor's clinic has also reopened. Master also sponsored him a batch of medical equipment for this, plus Victor's medical skills, even if it is not as good as a big hospital, but in the small place of Nujiao City, Victor, who can complete the operation of the mutated tissue by himself, has already He is a good doctor loved by the public.

After the attack by the DK Corps, Victor was even more responsible for treating some seriously injured soldiers. Although Ron’s company has its own medical soldiers, they are far better than Victor in medical skills. Therefore, some seriously wounded soldiers were sent to Victor by Ron's company. To this end, Ron’s company specially sent a six-person team to protect this rare place and provide Victor with two female medical soldiers to serve as nurses.

When Victor came downstairs, he smelled a faint fragrance. That is the taste of barbecue. Although it is artificial food, it also has a beef-like taste when heated at high temperature due to the addition of flavors. Victor greedily took two more breaths of meaty air, and then turned into the kitchen that had not been used for many years.

When Victor's wife, Kailin, was still alive, the kitchen was his wife's world. After Kailin was taken away by the wolf, the depressed Victor naturally did not have the leisure to use the kitchen again. After that, because of zero, Victor cheered up again. However, most of his food is purchased from outside, and the doctor himself does not know how to cook, so it has been idle for a long time.

Until the arrival of two medical soldiers, one of them was an Asian woman named Hui Na who was very good at cooking. Not only did Hyena take care of the meals for the citizens and wounded soldiers in the clinic, but she also cooked all three meals for Victor. Hui Na's cooking techniques are indeed clever, the same ingredients can make different tricks like a trick in her hands.

On the third day Hyena arrived, Victor liked what she made. And if Hyena leaves after the crisis is resolved, how will she spend her next three meals?

Under the guidance of the fragrance, Victor could touch into the kitchen even with his eyes closed. When he walked into the kitchen, he happened to see Hyena busy in the morning light. Hui Na is only about 1.60 meters tall, which is relatively short in terms of the average height of women on the Central Continent. But she is better than her symmetrical figure. Like most Asian women, Hyena's **** are not big.

However, the double peaks in the shape of jade bamboo shoots are extremely strong, and without the aid of any special clothing, they can prove their pride to the world. Every time he saw Hyena, Victor couldn't help thinking that there should be many men dreaming about holding the twin peaks with their hands. Of course, Victor is no exception. If you didn't meet the doctor before Kailin, you might pursue Hyena fiercely. But now Victor can only hold a woman in his heart, so he doesn't plan to find a new mistress for his clinic.

Seeing Victor coming in, Hui Na smiled sweetly and said: "Mr. Victor, breakfast is almost ready. Could you please go and wake others up?"

Victor glanced fiercely at the cute chest, then smiled and said, "I'm happy to help, ma'am."

Hyena and another companion smiled at each other, and then continued to work.

Just as there was a faint and warm atmosphere in Victor's clinic, Jeter, the soldier on the outpost tower outside the city, was enduring the icy cold. Although the sky started to light up, the snow stopped. But during the day, it is the coldest in the early morning. Jeter is in his thirties and has been working in Ron's company for ten years. He is considered an experienced soldier.

After sighing warmly with his trembling hands, he reached out to touch the hip flask at his waist. The jug was light and fluttering, letting Jeter use it to shake the jug, he didn't want to shed a drop of wine. The pot of spirits had been drunk as early as when he was standing guard all night. If it hadn't been for this pot of spirits high enough to burn people, Jeter would have been frozen by the cold wind. But now, although I only take a small sip each time, the spirits in the pot are finally drunk.

Jeter sighed. He rubbed his body with his hands vigorously, hoping to wake up his numb limbs. Then go back to the dormitory to sleep well after the change of guard at 7 o'clock.

At this moment, the reflection of something lightly pierced Jett's eyes. Although it was just a moment, it was enough to attract Jeter's attention.

He immediately picked up the telescope hanging on his chest and looked in the direction of the reflection.

It was a snow hill, and under the blizzard raging a few days earlier, one by one such snow hills piled up on the wilderness. It is also this kind of thing, which greatly restricts the activities of the mob, otherwise Rage Reef City will not be so calm these days.

There is no doubt about a snowy hill. Jeter just thought he was dazzled and wanted to put down the telescope. Suddenly, he saw the snow mound move.

The tremor appeared on this snow hill, from the slightest. Following a piece of continuously rotating black iron sheet appeared from the snow hill, it continuously "swallowed" the snow, and sprayed high from both sides. A special vehicle was roaring and working in the blowing snow waves.

Snow shovel!

Jeter is no stranger to this kind of vehicle. Ron’s company has two such snowplow trucks, and they clean up the snow in Angry Reef City. But now, the same snow shovel drove a passable road in the wilderness of the snow.

Moving the binoculars quickly, Jeter looked further away. Sure enough, behind the snow shovel truck was a curve, extending to the snowy road on the coastline road. On this snowy road, Jeter saw three modified four-wheel drive off-road vehicles and a large number of modified motorcycles with tire chains wrapped around them.

On one of the off-road vehicles, Jeter saw a flag. The color of the flag is pitch black, and a skull logo is painted on it with gray paint. And under the skull, "d·k" is written in English with red paint.

dk Corps!

There was a chill in Jett's heart before he was about to warn him. At this moment, he saw a man with a sniper rifle facing him in the binoculars. The next moment, the muzzle of the sniper rifle shot out a long tongue of fire.

This was the last picture Jeter saw. The moment the sniper rifle expelled flames, his whole body shook violently.

A large sprout of blood spattered from the back of Jet's head with a small skull, splashing the ground of the guard tower with blood red. After a while, Jet's corpse with wide eyes fell into his own pool of blood.

After he fell, the sniper rifle shot sounded. The rough gunshots suddenly tore through the tranquility of the morning, followed by a few sharp howling sounds in the wilderness. Several firelights drew a perfect arc in the air, and fell into the guard tower outside Fury Reef City indiscriminately. The fire light kept flickering, and the shock wave of the explosion blasted these makeshift guard towers and the soldiers inside to smash!

At this time, the remaining guard towers began to counterattack, which opened the curtain of the third attack by the dk regiment.

"Damn, when will armed mobs have such extravagant things as snow shovel!"

An age of about forty years old, the body can not be called strong, but very well-proportioned. The height of 178 centimeters is not considered tall, and the white face is more of a scholar's breath. But such a person is full of swear words, and even savagely carrying a high-speed machine gun that needs to be fixed with a bracket to move in the open space outside the city, and the hot metal stream pouring from the muzzle cuts the opponent's car. Array.

In the short instant of speaking, three motorcycles had already exploded by the fuel tank he had swept away. However, in the thick smoke and flames rising from the snow, more modified motorcycles rushed out of the flames, and the knights carrying the cars did not slam into the defense line of Angry Reef City.

"Rother, come back to me!"

There was a loud roar from the guard tower behind, the roar was as rough as the roar of a wild bear, and even the ground shook slightly. The middle-aged man named Rother heard this sound, and after another fierce fire, he ran back carrying the high-speed machine gun.

He just turned around, and there was a sharp howling in the air behind him. Rosser's face changed, he recognized that it was the sound of a shoulder-carried missile launching. The dk regiment’s armament is beyond everyone’s expectations, so the snowplows, which are now very rare, don’t matter. What is shocking is that they even possess destructive weapons dedicated to positional warfare.

The shoulder-carried missile is just one of them, and the other weapon is the electric oar grenades. Unlike common high-explosive grenades, electric oars grenades will generate a strong electric oar current of up to one million volts when they explode, covering an area of ​​100 meters square in a jumping circular motion. In addition to having terrible lethality to ordinary soldiers, it also destroys electronic equipment and paralyzes the driving system of the tank, causing unparalleled destructive power.

Neither shoulder-carried missiles nor electric grenades can be easily obtained. In addition to ordering them from an arsenal that specializes in the production of these weapons, they also require high costs. Judging from the situation of the settlements that the dk regiment has attacked, these barren settlements cannot provide the dk regiment for the cost of purchasing these weapons of war.

This is where the problem arises. An armed mob group in the wilderness has weapons that even the army of an ordinary company can't afford. This only shows that there is a larger organization behind them that supports it. It's not hard to guess. The difficult thing is, which force is supporting the dk corps and what is its purpose?

But now, Rosser obviously has no time to think about this issue. The missile had clearly locked on him and blasted towards him at a very fast speed.

Rosser is a person with Tier 5 strength and defense ability. He has not advanced to the ranks himself, but has only the most basic abilities. But even with a fifth-tier defense, it is not enough to face the bombardment of missiles. At the same time, he lacks agility reinforcement and cannot retreat when the missile hits. So no matter how you look at it, he is dead in the lock of the missile.

Only Rosser knew that he could not die, as long as the person on the sentry tower was there, this kind of weapon that relied on data positioning could not kill him.

Sure enough, when the missile flew for a certain distance and began to descend, it suddenly swayed like a drunk person. After that, the missile dropped its head and landed on the position of the DK Corps.

The motorcycle team that was accelerating and advancing immediately exploded. The knights hurriedly controlled the locomotive to escape in the direction of the missile's landing point, but the missile came so fast that they had just turned the front of the vehicle and the missile had fallen.

The earth shook violently. In the flames soaring into the sky, countless snow was brought up, and then it was vaporized into water vapor by the high temperature of the explosion at high altitude. Moisture mixed with thick smoke, enveloping the spitting flame and forming a mushroom shape in the sky.

After Rother almost crawled back to the defense line of Raging Reef City, he sat down on the snow, looking at the black cloud in the distant sky and really wiped his cold sweat. Suddenly the figure shook in front of him, and Roser received an old punch just as he raised his head.

For Rosser of Tier 5 defense, the power of this punch didn't even have the qualifications to tick him, but he still "rolled" in coordination. Rother touched his cheek and stood up, his gaze fell on the tall white man in front of him. This person has a head higher than Luo Qin, and his chin is covered with black scum. He bit a cigar, wore a beret on his head, and a tight-fitting black military uniform, which made him look like a soldier who has been battled through the battlefield.

His name is Tunguska, and Rosser is a partner. The two founded the Ron Company to hunt foreign creatures and make specimens for sale. Sometimes, Ron's company also took over the business of defense and escort. But in general, Ron's business scope is not wide, which is mainly limited by the number of their soldiers.

Ron’s company has fewer than two hundred soldiers, and the only capable ones are Tunguska and Rosser. In addition to Rother, who is a capable person in the fighting domain, Tunguska is also a capable person in the perception domain. Similarly, he has not developed the ability to advance, and his good abilities are mainly fourth-order energy interference and mental transmission.

The missile just now collapsed its positioning system by the interference of Tunguska’s energy, and finally fell into the enemy’s camp and detonated. Teleportation can allow Tunguska to travel a short distance in space, but this distance is too short. The limit of less than three hundred meters determines that this is a tasteless skill. Such a short distance, not to mention capable people, even ordinary soldiers with guns can threaten Tunguska.

Fortunately, during this ability, no means can detect the breath of Tunguska, so it is impossible to predict where it will fall, allowing Tunguska to gain a small initiative.

But in many cases, Tunguska rarely uses this ability.

In fact, Rosser was quite envious of his ability. It is true that if the capable person in the fighting domain cooperates with the teleporting ability of teleportation, the power will rise in a straight line. It's just that everyone's talents are different, and Rosser is only envious.

Tunguska grabbed Luo Qin's collar in one hand and roared, "Next time I'm going to waste my time, I'll go out and die. Just wait for someone to collect the body, bastard!"

Rosser confessed his mistake with a grin, anyway Tunguska said so every time, but every time he helped out, Rosser got used to it. Suddenly, Tunguska's face changed slightly, and he threw down Rosser.

As soon as Rother wanted to shout that he did not have a strange sexual orientation, he saw a sandbag gap that was temporarily erected in front of the barbed wire, then passed through the barbed wire, and finally passed the thick back of Tunguska~lightnovelpub.net~ A long bloodstain was plowed on the big man's back.

Following that, the sound of a sniper rifle sounded from a distance and spread far away.

Tunguska cursed with a dark face: "Damn, the shooting distance is at least 1,500 meters, they have a great sniper!"

While Tunguska was speaking, a man in a cowboy hat put down his sniper rifle on an off-road vehicle more than a thousand meters away from the battlefield. He bit a piece of hay in his mouth and wore a dark red leather jacket. Inside the jacket is a gray shirt, and under the collar of the shirt is a black tie. The tie was blown by the wind and slapped on the man's face.

He was swearing indiscriminately, hurriedly removing the tie that was blocking his vision, and vomiting the grass roots in his mouth by the way. The hay fell to the ground, but still growing hairs on the roots. The whiskers work hard to catch anything that can fix themselves.

"Leo, what the **** are you doing. Damn you, aren't you claiming to have a good gun? I paid a lot of money to invite you. You can't even put a leader of the other party! If you can't do it, get out of here!"

Another off-road vehicle drove over, and the man with a dark red flame tattoo on his left face yelled at the sniper.