War Lord

Chapter 268: Only benefits (2)

At the moment less than six in the morning, an off-road vehicle drove straight into Parkland’s territory from the open road. It drove through most of the city along the highway that runs through the central axis of the city, and finally stopped in front of the Tulip Building. Several people jumped off the car, headed by Master, and several so-called assistants. A total of five people went straight to the 16th floor through the elevator of the building, and finally, led by the Parkland family butler, Bai Ni, came to the hall dedicated to the family's internal meetings.

The hall is very spacious, nearly 500 meters square. The furnishings in the hall are relatively simple, except for the necessary tables and chairs, there are no other extra decorations. For a large family, this is relatively simple. But the design of the hall is restrained and generous, which is in line with the calmness that a chaebol should have. The only decoration in the hall should be the huge portrait of old Brandt hanging on the wall facing the other side of the podium.

It was a gift presented by the collateral members of the family on the 50th birthday of the old Brandt, to show the highest respect to this important member of the family.

But now, the old Brandt sitting on the rostrum no longer shines. His face was as gray as death, like a twilight old man, there is no half of the majesty of the Patriarch. On the left side of the table, all the important figures in the Parkland chaebol were seated. They are not only the cousins ​​of the old Brandt, but also the directors or senior executives of various departments in the operation of the chaebol. To the right of these people, the number of people is very small and pitiful, as if there are only four people.

But even so, the members of the Parkland family sitting on the left have ugly faces. Although they are now in their family's territory, these people are more like lambs to be slaughtered.

This is what Master saw when he walked into the hall.

During the two turbulent hours last night, the important members of Parkland knew exactly what had happened. Within two hours, the Parkland chaebol suffered the most severe test in history. But it did not stand as it used to be, like a reef in the violent winds and waves. This time, as the territorial group of soldiers was almost broken up and the capable were all destroyed, Parkland, the reef that had stood on the edge of the abyss for 35 years, was finally shattered by the wind and waves.

Only four people caused this disaster.

In the old days, this is unbelievable. But in this era, four Tier 5 capable people can indeed do this.

When the night quietly receded and the light spilled on the earth, the Parkland family lost the dominance in their own territory. I'm afraid, nothing is more ironic than this.

Now, under the eyes of all members. Master and the others, who would normally be classified as the poor by them, sat beside the zero class with a high posture, and looked at each member with the eyes of a superior.

The hall was unusually quiet and the atmosphere was depressing. The old Brandt sitting on the rostrum watched all this listlessly. Then, with zero gaze, the old man coughed and said, "I'm sorry to call you all at this time. I believe what happened last night. It’s very clear, then I won’t be ambiguous here. Simply put, these gentlemen and ladies, including Zero, used their extraordinary strength to get me to submit a special application to participate in the operation and operation of our family business. , It needs to be emphasized that we have no bargaining chip to refuse. So today I am here to announce that these few, represented by Mr. Zero, will have 50% of the controlling stake in our chaebol. The agent appointed by this gentleman will join Come to the action management of our chaebol, I hope you will cooperate with their work in the future. That's all I want to say!

In the last sentence, Old Brandt gritted his teeth, as if he had made some great determination. And his words also made the family members who had been prepared psychologically, finally couldn't help making a noise.

One of the fat belly guys stood up and shouted, "Why should we distribute our wealth to these greedy dogs!"

When he said nothing, one of Master's assistants took out a pistol, and simply shot the fat man's eyebrows with a black bullet hole. The fat man fell to the ground with his gun, his eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe that he was dead like this.

With this shot, the noisy hall became quiet again. At this moment, Zero slowly stood up. An icy, inorganic light shot from his golden right eye, passing across the faces of the members of the Parkland family. These people who were extremely excited just now shivered as if they were showered with cold water as soon as they came into contact with Zero's sight.

"I know, you will definitely think this is unfair, and the truth is also true." Ling Leng said coldly: "But you can't help you choose. Either cooperate with us or die here. There is no third possibility!"

This is a naked threat, a method that was completely unworkable in the old age, but it is the most effective shock technique in the new age where the individual is strong. The weak are dependent on the strong. In these two roles, the weak have no right to speak. Putting it another way, they only asked for half of the shares instead of all of them, which is a great blessing for the members of Parkland. Therefore, after experiencing the initial excitement, and then after the zero shock, they calm down and can only accept the fate imposed on them obediently.

Next, there is a series of rights settlement transactions. These things are not the director of zero, so he gave full authority to Master's agent. Master is now truly an agent of zero in the wilderness, entering Parkland's commercial kingdom for him. Master will participate in the entire operation in this kingdom, and will divide Parkland's annual profit by half and confirm it as zero profit. And in this income, according to the agreement drawn up with him before zero, he will be allocated 7% of agency fees.

It seems that 7% is not much, but for the agent, it is already a huge fortune. No one would refuse such cooperation, especially the moment behind Zero is the Hall of Valor. Even if Master doesn't dare, many people are willing to become his current role.

The delivery of power, the construction of transaction chains, effective communication and the timing of funds transfer are not a matter of overnight. It can be predicted that Master will stay in Parkland territory for a long time, and people who belong to him will gradually join Parkland's circle. Starting today, the management of this chaebol is no longer an internal issue. In the near future, it will have many more managers outside the family.

And even if the Dark Council forcefully takes over this chaebol, it cannot change the fact that Parkland has decentralized power.

In order to ensure the safety of Master and others, but also to make the old Brandt obediently. Zero they did another measure, which was to take away the two men, Hein and Johnson. Hein is the most respected son of the old Brandt. Now that Sauron has passed away, Hein is almost the legal heir of the old Brandt without any choice. As for Johnson, although the family status is far less than that of the uncle in Shanghai, he is the only young person in the direct line of the family.

He represents the future and hope of the family, and he is also a person the old Brandt can't give up.

With a little casual hand, they took these two important figures as their hostages to hold Parkland, which was unexpected by the old Brandt. Originally, he had also considered the issue of hostages, and was preparing to send Jester who had done nothing. Unexpectedly, Ling was so familiar with Parkland's family members, but in fact, this information was provided by Master.

But no matter what, the old Brandt can't save the situation. So under his helpless gaze, he could only watch the two cars go side by side to drive out of Parkland territory through the highway. The two off-road vehicles are naturally a few people and Master. And in the back seat of Master's car, there were Hein with an unwilling look and Johansson who was shrinking into a trembling ball.

The off-road vehicle traveled south along the road in the Blue Ridge Mountains. When it was about 30 kilometers away from Parkland's territory, it suddenly turned to the west and drove into the bumpy wilderness. Finally, after another half an hour, two cars stopped under an abandoned electric tower.

"Let's say goodbye here~lightnovelpub.net~ As for Parkland, I will trouble you." Ling said lightly.

Master smiled and said, "You trust me that way? Don't you worry that I will fill my pockets?"

Zero thought for a while, and said: "You shouldn't be so stupid."

After a moment of silence between the two, there was a zero smile, and Master was already out of breath with a smile. He pointed to himself and said: "Of course, I will not be so stupid that I can easily wipe out the power of a big chaebol. After all, you know too much about me. If you want revenge, there are too many things for you to choose. ?"

"So, it's better to be a friend than to build an enemy." Zero added.

"Yes, that's it." Master patted Ling on the shoulder vigorously, and then whispered, "Let me give you a little more politeness."

His voice fell short, and two shots sounded immediately. After a daze, he looked at Master's car. In the back seat, one of Master's assistants was putting away the gun. Both Hein and Johansson had been shot in the head and died!

"Why do you do this?" Ling said with a cold look.