War Lord

Chapter 274: tear (2)

Driven by instinct, Sauron yelled and raised his hands, clasping his palms against the energy light front of Guangfang. The sharpness of the bare teeth is beyond doubt, even Sauron's crystallized body can be easily cut, let alone Sauron's palm. But it was not Sauron's palm that clamped the blade, but the energy of the fire element that covered Sauron's palm.

This is a confrontation between two different sources of energy. Sauron's energy comes from his own body, while the energy of Lightfang is used for daily energy storage through the spar on it. At the instantaneous peak, the light tooth stabilized Sauron's head, but Sauron's energy was better than continuity. In the initial contact, the energy in Sauron's palm was immediately torn apart by the light teeth, and even deep cracks appeared in the crystallized palm. But as the energy gushing out of Sauron's body, the advantage of Lightfang was gradually leveled.

So in the eyes of Zero, Sauron just stopped with his palms lowered by about 5 centimeters, but Guangfang couldn't make any progress. However, Zero made a move that surprised Sauron, and he even loosened his bare teeth.

Even now that his sanity is lost, only the crazy Sauron knows the value of light teeth. It can be said that if this light energy dagger falls into the hands of a strongman in the fighting domain, its power is comparable to missiles. It's a pity that in Zero's hands, the light tooth is probably equal to the power of a heavy artillery. Even so, the value of the light tooth is also very huge, at least it can not fall into the enemy's palm.

Almost at the moment when Zero let go, Sauron urged the energy in his body to pour into the physical structure of Guangfang to destroy the weapon that gave him a great crisis. But the light tooth is not a modern creation. The technology it represents is far beyond the current level of civilization. The seemingly thin physical structure was instantly poured into the high-temperature energy of meltable gold and iron in Sauron, but there was no movement at all, only the surface temperature increased.

Sauron was surprised, but at this moment, his left chest shook slightly.

He lowered his head and saw that Zero took out a pair of Browning automatic pistols in the holsters on the outer thighs of both sides. Now, the jet-black metal muzzle was against his chest. The energy flames covered on the surface of the body have begun to raise the temperature of the metal on the surface of the pistol, but the speed is not enough to prevent zero-fire shooting.

Zero crossed his hands and kept firing two pistols against Sauron's chest. Although the power of the Browning pistol is not comparable to that of the m500 revolver before zero, it is enough to penetrate rocks when fired at a distance of 0. Obviously, Sauron's crystallized body is not much stronger than rock. Sauron's whole body shook violently in the tongue of fire from the muzzle, and the crystal fragments continued to splash. The bullets pressed into his body one by one, and bombarded a fist-sized spar in the chest.

This spar has a perfect six-sided shape and is covered with red crystal filaments. The energy flame visible to the naked eye is formed at its center, and it is continuously pumped to all parts of Sauron's body like blood. There are no human blood vessels, bones and muscle tissues in Sauron's interior. These things are all replaced by spar, and the silk thread in spar is the fine blood vessel. The difference is that it can carry more energy and is denser. This is the main reason why Sauron can directly advance to Tier 6.

But now, when the first bullet is advancing hard in the crystallized body, and finally reaches the energy core of the hexahedron. This energy core is far less rigid than the crystals on the surface of Sauron's body. It was only lightly touched by a bullet, and an imperceptible crack appeared, and the energy flame sent to the whole body was also stopped.

When more bullets were poured into Sauron's chest, such cracks appeared more on this energy core. The sense of crisis he had before and after made Sauron no longer care about destroying Guangfang, he let go of this energy weapon, and instantly hit Zero's face with a punch.

The fist wrapped in the high-temperature flame immediately blasted Ling away, Ling's head violently tilted back, and blood flowed from his nostrils and mouth at the same time. He just felt that he had a splitting headache. If there were no accidents, cracks had appeared in his skull. But even so, Zero is still like a cold machine, calmly calculating all data.

At the same time as being drawn into the air, Ling fished in the air, caught the bare teeth released by Sauron, and then fell heavily to the ground, rubbing a distance of about three meters before stopping. In his right eye, the silver vertical pupil had disappeared, and after the runaway state was lifted, all body data was fed back to Zero's brain crazily in a hundred times the amount. From it, Zero Pain almost fainted, but he also understood the condition of his body.

The overall energy level is currently only about 27%, and the body suffers from extensive burns. In addition to a few penetrating injuries, the serious injury also wrapped Sauron's face-to-face punch that rewarded him. As expected, three cracks in his skull, soft tissue fractures in his nasal bones, contusions in subcutaneous tissues, capillary bursts and other minor injuries are negligible.

And this injury, in exchange for the energy core in Sauron's body, was slightly damaged. But the biggest benefit of zero is not so, but confirms Sauron's weakness.

If there are weaknesses, they can naturally be killed.

Zero got up, the process was so painful that he knelt on the ground, and his entire body fell to the ground, so that Sauron couldn't see his expression. But this does not prevent Sauron from jetting out an angry flame from his instinct. Just now, Sauron has touched the edge of death. That is death in the true sense. If the energy core is defeated, then Sauron's energy will lose its restraint and quickly drain.

Losing energy is like a human being without blood, Sauron will truly die, even if he absorbs more fire elements from the space, it will not help. At this moment, Sauron's chest wound was flowing out of iron juice, which was because the bullet in his body was melted. The iron juice had no chance to drip to the ground, and it was evaporated to invisible on the surface of Sauron's hot body.

When all the bullets were expelled from the body, the wound on Sauron's body closed automatically. After doing all this, he looked angrily at Zero who was still lying on the ground, and strode over.

Cracks have appeared in the core. If you use too much energy to attack at this time, the core may not be able to withstand it and burst. But it doesn't matter, even if he can't use an attack like Pyroblast, Sauron believes that his iron fist is enough to crush Zero's thin body!

When he came to Zero's side, Sauron grabbed Zero's head with a palm full of flames. He wanted to kill Zero in the cruelest way. But for some reason, when the palm of his hand was about to reach zero, Sauron's five fingers were empty.

Ling lowered his head slightly, not much, but just enough for Sauron to take advantage of it. At this moment, Ling suddenly raised his head, and the silver vertical pupil in his right eye appeared again, blasting a crazy light.

Second runaway!

Zero bounced from the ground in the state of running again, so fast that Sauron could not catch it. When he reacted, Zero was already on his body. Ignoring the flames on the surface of Sauron's body, the zero collision made Sauron unable to maintain his balance, and the whole person fell backward. Zero had no extra energy to adjust his posture, he just pressed Sauron like this, using his body to overwhelm him. At the same time, the energy blade of Lightfang was pressed heavily into Sauron's chest!

The energy blade cuts into Sauron's body more unhindered than a bullet, and the crystal tissue blocking the blade before it is like butter, allowing the light teeth to pass through without hindrance. At the moment Sauron fell to the ground, Lightfang had plunged into Sauron's energy core. If you have a microscope to observe at this time, you can see that countless crystal filaments in the core are broken, rolled, and dissipated!

On the surface of the core, with the blade as its origin, countless cracks spread out like spider silk, instantly covering the entire core.

Sauron let out an earth-shattering roar, and at the same time raised his fist, and slammed into the zero head!

At the same time, the energy core in Sauron's chest suddenly burst, and suddenly shattered into crystal powder. With the disappearance of the core, the fire element loses its restraining organs and dissipates quickly and naturally. In Sauron's eyes, the pitch black color gradually faded, and finally turned into a dull lime color. The fist that fell eventually hammered on Zero's head. It was just the force that should have smashed Zero's head with one punch, but now it was just knocking Zero out hard.

Before his consciousness plunged into darkness, Ling saw that the flames on Sauron's body continued to extinguish, and the hot crystalline body also cooled down. All the crystal filaments in the crystal were turned into ashes, and the dark red spar also turned into the color of lime like eyes. Gray spread quickly across Sauron, and while Zero was completely unconscious, Sauron's whole body was gray and white, like a stone sculpture.

My thoughts slipped into the darkness ~lightnovelpub.net~ but soon, Lei felt the icy cold to the bones. He opened his eyes hard, and the first thing he saw was Mapei's black face, and secondly, the silver frost on the floor. Then, Zero fainted again.

When he was awake again, he saw the vast sky covered by radiation clouds. The sky is not static. In Zero's eyes, it moves at the speed of the naked eye. The sky won't move naturally, so the one who moves is the zero self. When he realized this problem, he heard the sound of the off-road vehicle engine and a strong sense of vibration. The tremor originates from the bumpy ground. There are no flat roads here, but only uneven wilderness.

Countless data flowed around the body like a tide, and I thought of sitting up, only to find that my whole body was wrapped in layers of sterile bandages. Judging from this not-so-skilled technique, it should be from Su's subordinates. When this thought started, Su's voice rang in his ears.

"Zero woke up." Su paused, then said: "Don't move, you have multiple burns all over your body. I have given you simple care, but the specific injury treatment has to be returned to Asgart. Way to proceed."

Ling found himself lying on the back seat of the off-road vehicle. The seat had been removed, allowing him to lie flat in the carriage. Su stuck out half of his body from the front, and Ling could see that Su was also covered with a bandage like him, and it seemed that he was unclearly injured.