War Lord

Chapter 275: tear (3)

Ling turned his head and suddenly saw Sauron's body beside him. This abrupt picture almost made him jump up, but fortunately, Sauron's gray-white body did not have any energy aura, telling Zero that he was indeed dead.

"So far, I haven't seen a capable person who can completely transform his body structure. I think that the old guys in the biochemical base of this guy's corpse should be willing to buy it for a high price for research, so they got him up too. "

A lazy voice came, and Feng Yasu generally leaned out of the front seat of the car. It's just that the two of them are sitting in the same place, as if they are moving, their bodies will inevitably rub against each other. Of course, Feng had a look of enjoyment, but in the next moment he was almost beaten out of the car with a furious Su punch. The two quarreled like this, listening to their voices, Ling felt very calm inside.

But when he saw Sauron's body, Zero's brows frowned again. Sauron was obviously killed by him, but after a few months, he appeared in front of Zero again as a disorderly person. This made Zero feel a little uneasy. He remembered that when he faced Hans who had also transformed into disorder, the man mentioned that he had been transformed artificially.

So, is this the same for Sauron? Even, the same person who transformed Hans did?

From Sauron, Zero is already very clear, once transformed into a disorderly one. The destruction caused by the capable is far more than that of ordinary people. If the disorder can be mass-produced, then the person who has transformed humans into disorder should have a powerful monster army in his hand!

———————— I am the dividing line, click, click——————

The location of Yongye City is already the far north of the mainland. Going northward is a seemingly endless polluted sea area. After the cataclysm, the continental plate changed, from the original five pieces spliced ​​and merged into the current three plates. In addition to the Central Continent, there are two other continents besides the east and west. The mainland is separated from the mainland by polluted waters, making it difficult for birds to cross.

In the old days, people could use airplanes and ships to travel between different continents. However, in the new era, the thick radiation clouds in the sky and the continuous strong radiation emission lines in the polluted seawater form strong interference sources, rendering all electronic instruments useless in the sky and the ocean. As a result, the three major sectors can hardly communicate with each other. Only those super powers who reach the twelfth level can form an anti-gravity field with their own strength, and they can fly freely between different continents.

But traveling to and from the mainland requires a vast amount of energy, and if there is no need, no Tier 12 powerhouse is willing to do so. In this world, there are already few strongmen of Tier 12, so there are even fewer exchanges between continents. And the information between the continents is also very blocked. Take the dark council and the Hall of Valor, the most powerful in the Middle Continent, they can't know exactly how the other two continents are developing, how many capable people, and so on.

But one thing is certain, no matter which continent it is, the top leaders on it must know one thing. That is, in addition to the three major sectors, in fact, there is a fourth civilization in this world.

From the location of Yongye City all the way north, it is a vast ocean. But the sea also has an end. If someone can fly over this sea area, they will find that in the far north of the earth, the Arctic region of the old age still exists, and the frozen area is even wider, with a total area of ​​about 40 million square kilometers. This is a land of extreme ice, frozen for thousands of miles, in this day, the temperature is minus 80 degrees, and the temperature in the late night is as low as minus 140 degrees.

This is almost the lowest temperature in the world. On this vast white land, only the most tenacious plant Frozen Fir can barely grow. Therefore, frozen fir became the last green in the Northland. But on this frozen continent, it is not without life.

Blizzard bears, the giant beasts transformed by polar bears, are one of them. Their weight is about twice that of polar bears, and they are up to five meters tall. Blizzard bears are born with extremely ice-compatible sub-element abilities, which allows them to survive in this extremely cold environment. And their huge power has become the nightmare of another kind of alien beast sword sea lion in the polar regions.

Sword sea lions are much smaller than common sea lions in the old days, and they are only the size of puppies. The head is pointed and the tail is pointed, and the belly is round. It has four claws and sharp edges and corners. The sword sea lion has a very thick fat layer, and it is also the food that Blizzard Bear loves for ten minutes. If a Blizzard bear eats two sword sea lions, then within a month, this giant bear can no longer eat.

At this moment, at the edge of the southeast side of the Extreme Ice Land, a blizzard bear rolls lazily in the snow. But it's not that Blizzard bears are entertaining themselves, but Blizzard bears are using their body temperature to melt the thinner ice on this edge. Soon, the ice layer gradually turned into water flowing to the lower terrain on the four sides. In the eyes of Blizzard Bear, only a thin layer of ice remained like a mirror.

At this time, a cloud of shadow drifted from under the ice. The Blizzard Bear suddenly stood up, followed by a pair of front paws and fell heavily towards the ice. The ice burst into pieces, and almost the upper body of the Blizzard Bear was submerged in the snow and ice. Its claws in the water scrabble for a while, as if to grab something. But at this time, a black shadow jumped out of the ice water very flexibly.

This is a sword sea lion, which is drenched with water. The ice water gathers drops of water on its thick fur, and quickly forms ice crystals. The sword sea lion swung its body abruptly, and immediately ejected all the ice beads all over the body, and then slid with its four claws, using a slippery belly under its round abdomen, causing the sword sea lion to quickly go away on the ground like ice skating.

Only then did the Blizzard Bear react, and it let out a loud roar, then turned around and chased the sword sea lion. But the speed of the sword sea lion is much faster than it, and after chasing one kilometer, there is no sword sea lion in the vast land. The Blizzard Bear uttered a cry of unwillingness, but he had no choice but to turn around and walk towards the edge.

The sword sea lion that survived the disaster continued to slide towards the hinterland of the extremely ice land in a panic. This animal has always been timid, a little thing that has just escaped from the claws of a Blizzard bear, is still terribly scared. So when it saw a huge ventilation duct protruding from the ground, the sword sea lion slapped its four claws on the ground, and its body suddenly bounced up and fell into the ventilation duct with incomparable accuracy.

Inside the vent pipe is a vertical metal pipe wall that is so deep that there is no end in sight. The sword sea lion bounced into the ventilation duct and immediately slid down the duct wall. After a long time, the sword sea lion still did not stop sliding. The little thing panicked, scratching it with its four claws, but couldn't catch anything. It wiped out a little spark on the wall of the tube in vain, and made sharp noises. But after a while, the slipping gradually slowed down, and after a few more minutes, the sword sea lion finally stopped. At this point, the pipe has changed from vertical to horizontal, otherwise the sword sea lion would not stop.

But the darkness all around made the little thing very uneasy, so the sword sea lion rammed around in the tube wall. The sword sea lion used the sharp thorns on its forehead to plunge into the tube wall. These tube walls were just ordinary alloy. The sword sea lion stabbed in a mess, but it was stabbed through by its edges and corners. From the other side of the edges and corners came the touch of ice water, and the sword sea lion was happy, arching its head hard, and let the edges and corners expand the cracks in the tube wall.

After 20 minutes of hard work, a gap enough for the sword sea lion to pass was dug out by it with a sharp thorn. Immediately, ice water poured into the pipe wall. However, the sword sea lion cheered for a while, and slapped its four claws, and then jumped into the ice water from the gap.

Back to the familiar ice water, the sword sea lion breathed a sigh of relief. But suddenly, it found that the ice water seemed too bright. It must be known that it was born in the sea of ​​ice, and the world in the sea of ​​ice is dim except during the day. But even during the day, there is no such bright flash. The sword sea lion looked in the direction of the flash, it was a large piece of strange things that appeared under the seabed. They have sharp edges and corners, and they are shining with lights of various colors, and they are not like the reefs in the sea that sword sea lions are familiar with. What's more, there is no reef that stretches for thousands of miles like these strange things in front of you!

Sword Sea Lion does not know ~lightnovelpub.net~ The so-called strange things it sees are in fact a huge city under the sea. This city has an area of ​​about 10,000 square kilometers, and there is a layer of light film in the three-dimensional space around the city. This layer of optical film is actually an isolation force field, generated by tens of thousands of force field generators all over the edge of the city.

The isolation force field can absorb the impact of energy, and at the same time it also plays a role in isolating the ice and water in the sea. Seen from this huge force field light film, it is a city with complete facilities and many roads.

It's just that it's different from ordinary cities. The most buildings in this city under the sea are not towering buildings or residential buildings, but factories!

From food processing plants to weapons arsenals, from war machinery assembly lines to large-scale nuclear power plants, countless factories, the towering smoke pipes are constantly emitting white smoke, all highlighting the city of industry vitality. The whole city is like a large factory that works day and night. Those dazzling flashes in the ice sea are the lights that never go out in this city!

The crazy city of industry, its full name is Asmodeus, but people who know it are usually referred to as Asmo for short. But not many people know that Asmodeus is the lord of the nine levels of hell. According to legend, the king of **** is the oldest and most evil existence in the world. The city named after it means the city of demons!