War Lord

Chapter 276: tear (4)

Looking down from a high altitude, you will find a circular grassland in the middle of this submarine city. .+?(.+nbsp;\\s*The artificially cultivated greenery is in the shape of a circle, and a white channel is spread on this greenery in the shape of a cross. Just in the middle of the cross channel, a square is erected. The spire. The spire is a hundred meters high, and it is engraved with Siberian characters. The light of energy passing by from time to time in these characters makes the spire is full of mystery.

Taking the obelisk as the origin, in the direction just south of it, there is the tallest building in the entire city. The building is triangular in shape, wide at the top and at the bottom, like a sharp knife pierced from the ground and pointed directly at the sea above the city. On the surface of the building, there are alloy plates shining with metallic luster. Each alloy plate is ten meters square, and they are neatly arranged and put together. On these three metal walls, there are still crystal trough-like things spreading on the outer walls. They follow a certain mysterious law and trend. From a distance, the wall of the building is like a huge electronic board, and those crystal trough-like objects are circuits on the electronic board. This entire building has no windows.

Just because there are no windows, it does not mean that people in the building cannot see things outside.

Just like Andre, this purple-haired man is embracing his chest with his hands. Still wearing the punk-like leather pants, with a seemingly non-existent smile on the corner of his mouth, Andre looked towards the front wall and a rectangular electronic window emerged. The view in the electronic window is provided by thousands of laser monitors all over the building. At the same time, they are connected to the internal probes of all Asmo buildings. Just input a simple command, and Andre can see the city from any angle at will.

Now, the busy scene of day and night work in all Asmo factories is reflected in the electronic window. The picture in the window is rotating horizontally, allowing Andre to see the entire city scene. He smiled and stretched out his hand. After typing a series of simple commands on the light keys of the console, the brain immediately connected him with the internal probe of a certain area, and a laboratory-like scene appeared in Andrei's eyes.

In this laboratory, a row of barrel column culture tanks are working. There is a man in each culture tank, and these are people cultivated by cell base fluid and nutrients. They are not naturally reproduced, they are more like robots with programs set up in the morning. These biochemical people have the potential of Tier 4 abilities at birth. All they need is that the laboratory authorized by Andre fills them with abilities as needed.

With a perfect and beautiful genetic medicine, as long as Andre is willing, he can cultivate an army of Tier 4 capable people, and besides the rule domain, the ability of the other four domains can be cultivated at will. These biochemicals are Asmo's third-generation magic soldiers, and the capabilities of these three-generation magic soldiers have reached a critical point. With Asmo's ability, they could no longer increase their strength even by the first order.

Next to the training trough, there is a woman wearing a white robe with long millet hair who is constantly registering the biochemical human data in the tablet brain in her hand. As if sensing Andre's gaze, the woman turned around in the camera. So a beautiful face appeared in the center of the screen, but if you look at it for a long time, this beautiful face will make people feel chilling.

If you use an instrument to measure it, you will find that the left and right faces of a woman are perfectly symmetrical, and their fineness will not deviate even for an eyebrow. As quantifiable beauty itself presents a kind of cold beauty, at least Andre can't look at this face and feel pleasing to the eye.

"Master Andre, peeping is not done by a gentleman." The woman in the picture said coldly.

Andre shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said, "Dear Tiss, I'm sorry I didn't notify you in advance. As for peeping or something, this crime is a bit serious, right?"

Titian wears a pair of plain glasses, even if there are lenses blocking, people can clearly see that she has a pair of beautiful eyes like rubies. In these eyes, there will be a burst of energy from time to time, like boiling magma, revealing formidable power. Anyone who stares at these eyes for a moment will probably not feel happy. Now, Tice stared at Andre tightly with these blazing eyes.

Even Andre stared at her uncomfortably for a while, and her skin felt irritated.

"Well, I take back what I said before. Then, Lord Andre, may I ask what you do." Although he called an adult, Tiss's expression was definitely not respectful. She is proud and her tone is very rude.

But in the city of Asmo, Tiss was indeed one of the few people who didn't have to respect Andre. In this regard, Andre has long been accustomed to this woman's tone. His gaze fell on the training slot behind Tiss, and asked faintly: "I just want to know when the third generation of magic soldiers will be officially put into use. And higher-level magic generals, don't you know if you have a mature plan? "

"There is good news, and bad news." Tiss asked mechanically, "Which one would you like to hear?"

Andre unconsciously used his tail finger to poke out his ears. Every time he listened to Tiss’s honorific words, the woman’s voice was always like a sharp needle and a burning flame, always letting him go. He felt harsh. He said indifferently: "Whatever you want, any one is fine."

Ties didn't answer when she heard the words. Instead, she lowered her head and continuously typed some commands on the tablet brain in her hand. Then, a picture popped up on the electronic screen in front of Andre. It was a three-dimensional model of a muscular man. Next to the model was a diagram of the genetic makeup. Andre recognized these gene composition maps, which was the final plan of the three generations of magic soldiers.

At this time, the genetic makeup map is constantly rising into new data. They made the genetic map more complicated, but the generation of data quickly stopped. Judging from some blank places, there is still a lot of data to be completed. With the generation of new data, new modules appear on the human body model. The new modules are spread all over the body like biological armor, but its changes do not stop there. With the emergence of new modules, corresponding changes occur inside the human body, and finally the entire model is filled with the same modules inside and outside.

"This is a complete change?" Andre tried to ask.

The picture on the electronic screen changed again, and Tisse appeared again. Tiss lifted the frame with her straight fingers, and said, "You guessed it for the most part, which is very blessed to you. Just yesterday, one of your toys had a signal feedback, and to my surprise, this toy was completely inside. The posture of the disorderly person turned out to be to change his own genes, transforming the human body into a form that is more convenient for energy circulation and energy storage..."

On the screen, a window suddenly appeared. The window expanded, and there was a photo inside. In the photo, Sauron is crystallized.

"Oh, this is the first time I have seen this form of disorder, my mother is really great..." Andrei said with interest.

When she heard the word "mother" in Andrei's words, Tiss's expression suddenly chilled, and a flame of energy appeared under her feet, but it quickly disappeared.

Looking at this detail, Andre didn't say anything. In the picture, Tiss continued to say: "This kind of disorder gave me an inspiration. In the previous research on the magic weapon, we focused too much on the human form. It is true that the human form can make the magic Soldiers can more easily intervene and penetrate into human warfare. But the human form has serious defects. This is not a perfect life form, but a semi-finished product that has evolved to adapt to the environment of the planet. What if. If you want to make a warrior of the fifth rank or above, why not just abandon the human coat. Therefore, I have a plan, referring to the structure of the crystalline disorder, and using the structure of the crystal stone to create greater potential. The magician..."

While speaking, two windows appeared again on the screen in front of Andre. In the window are full-length portraits of the three generations of magic soldiers, and a new gene chart. The two windows converged in the middle, and when they finally overlapped one, the three generations of magic soldiers crystallized immediately. Tiss seems to have been improved. On the body of the new magic soldier, there is a round energy crystal ball on its chest. The shoulders of the demon soldiers formed a biological cannon, and the spar spines on the arms and back made the demon soldiers look fierce and terrifying.

"The fourth generation of magic soldiers, or called the first generation of magic soldiers..." Tiss said on the screen: "According to my design, the body structure that exists with the energy spar can hold more and greater energy. Preliminary calculations, sparification The magic commander has a potential of at least Tier 5, and the body is less likely to be damaged. But at the same time, there are also defects, firstly the stability of energy, and secondly there are problems with energy supplementation and structural balance..."

"This is related to the second news, which is the bad news." Tiss said blankly: "The petrified disordered person only lasted an hour and forty-five minutes from appearance to death, so I got what I got. The data is very limited. There are many areas that need to be considered and completed. If there are no accidents, it will take at least six months to make the first incomplete version of the magician."

"Has it half a year? This is already very fast, so let's do it, Tiss." Andre nodded.

"In that case, don't interrupt my research at will." After speaking, Tiss took the initiative to cut off the communication.

After the electronic screen flickered for a while, the image of the sky above Asmo City was projected again. At this time, there was another electronically synthesized sound in the room: "Master Andre, Master Caesar has returned. He is currently in the first meeting room and is requesting to meet you."

"Kaiser?" Andre's expression was a little surprised, and then he said: "I understand, let him wait."

The isolation door opened and closed again, and Andre's figure disappeared into the room. After a while, he came to another room, the first living room. The living room is still in this building. Although the exterior of the building is triangular, the hall is square. The square hall has an area of ​​about two hundred square meters, and the layout is very simple. The soft lighting comes from the sconces hidden in the four walls, and the ceiling is a giant painting of the crucifixion made of colorful glaze.

In the painting, **** was nailed to the cross, underneath the cross there are moving human heads. There are expressions of hatred on these people's faces, which are in stark contrast to the calmness of **** on the cross. Jesus' hands and feet were pierced with steel nails, and some of the blood that shed even stained other people's faces, making them look hideous.

There is a group of sofas in the middle of the hall, and in front of the sofa is a long table. The long table is full of fruits and delicacies, if these things appear on other continents. After all, the wealthy lords have their own farms. Although they cannot be compared with the old times, it is still possible to grow some fruits for their own consumption. But they appear on the extremely ice land, which shows their preciousness even more.

The sofa was covered with Blizzard bear fur. The fur was intact without any flaws. It can be seen that the deconstruction of Blizzard Bear is very professional. With just this bear skin, you can sell one hundred thousand common coins on the mainland, and even more than that. But now, it is like a cheap seat felt, on which people sit casually.

Sitting high on the fur is a handsome man. He has smooth black black hair, which falls naturally from behind his head like a waterfall, and drapes softly on the sofa and armrests. He was wearing a medieval-style black military uniform. The tailored tailoring made his tall figure, and the golden piping embellished the luxury of the military uniform. There is a seraph badge on the left chest of the military uniform, but I don't know if it is a personal hobby or some kind of logo.

A long sword with a scabbard dotted with countless gems lies quietly on the sofa next to the man. Although the long sword is not out of the sheath, it is not difficult to see the luxury of this long sword from the unique shape and fine workmanship of the handguard. . It can be said that the greater use of this long sword is to set off the identity of the man, rather than to kill the enemy on the battlefield.

The black-haired man is holding a copy of "Old Testament", and like Tiss, he wears a pair of rectangular flat glasses on his face. A pair of eyes as bright as black jade fell on the text of the Bible through a square mirror, and slowly read it out: "The era that has passed has no one to remember; no one will remember it in the future. My preacher Served as the king of Israel in Jerusalem to concentrate on..."

His voice is gentle and gentle, deep and beautiful. The voices are endless, as if the piano is playing, and the beautiful sounds circulate in the hall euphemistically. But at this moment, the sound suddenly stopped, and after that, the isolation door of the hall was silently separated from both sides.

With her purple hair fluttering in the air, Andre strode in, and opened his hands as if to embrace the black-haired man and said loudly: "My brother, the great preacher Caesar von Alexander. I did not expect you. How about returning from the East Continent so soon? The journey is going smoothly."

The black-haired man called Caesar didn’t mean to stand up and hug Andre at all. He closed the bible and said quietly: “The beloved Marshal Lord Andre Alfred, a five-year journey, It's far from fast."

Although the tone was plain, it was full of gunpowder. But Andre didn't pay any attention to it, put his hands away, and just sat casually on the sofa opposite Caesar.

In Asmore, the highest ruler is Andre. He named himself a marshal, and below, there were four generals. They are the preacher Caesar, the flame monarch Tiss, the sanctioner Albert, and the prophet Nicholas. Except for Andre and Tis who are permanently stationed in Asmo, the other three generals have traveled to other continents to perform Andre's tasks.

The task is simple and difficult. The simple thing is that Andre only asks the generals to find the remains of Atlantis. The difficulty is that although most of the remains of Quaternary civilization surfaced after the cataclysm, finding them is not easy. They may be in the depths of endless seas, under the magma of a volcano, or in the ground of a powerful city on the mainland.

But if it weren't for this, Andre wouldn't send out the generals with all the abilities of Tier 11.

Sitting across from Andre was one of the generals and preachers, Caesar. He is a devout Catholic believer, and his unwavering faith has made this general a great swordsman with high-level ability in the fighting domain. Even Andre didn't underestimate his attainments in swordsmanship.

"Well, forgive me for the improper use of words." Andre spread his hands and smiled: "Then can you tell me, General Caesar. Will the five-year journey be reaped?"

"Under the guidance of the Lord, I have traveled almost all over the East Continent. Although I found several holy sites during the journey, judging from the buildings in the holy sites, most of them live in the living quarters of ordinary civilians. There are too few things with civilized information, I personally think it has no value." Caesar still said in his flat tone: "Of course, I have sent back the three-dimensional information of all the ruins, presumably Tice has already received mine. The file ~lightnovelpub.net~ However, although the journey to the East Continent did not find useful holy sites, it allowed me to see some other interesting things."

"Oh? What is that?" Andre asked.

"War." A faint smile appeared on Caesar's face: "It's different from the increasingly stable Mid-Continent or the theocracy West-Continent. The East-Continent is even more barbaric, like China, India, Japan, and South Korea in the old days. There are also sporadic associations of small countries that have entered a stage of full-scale melee in order to compete for the question of who belongs to the mainland. At present, the Yanhuang Empire, which has risen from the ruins and regained the feudal system, has the most advantage. The solar empire, which ranks second in the number of capable people, has united with other countries to fight against it, so this war should not be over in a short time."

At the end, Caesar added: "The so-called short time, in my definition, means within a hundred years."

Andre nodded vigorously and said: "Great, war, how many wonderful words. If there is no war, who would buy our man-made magic soldiers? If there is no war, where can we get the money to realize the wish of liberating our mother. If Without war, perfect life cannot be born on this planet. My dear brother, only war can achieve all our goals. So you see, what you bring is more useful information than the discovery of holy sites!"