War Lord

Chapter 287: Corpse City (3)

In Yongye City, the dark core is not big, but the most important room.

Dr. Shawner was staring straight at the light curtain in front of him, and his fingers swept over the countless light keys on the brain's "Omisga" operating platform as if playing a piano. With each passing of Dr. Shawner's hand over the light key, a halo formed like ripples in the water. But the appearance of each circle of ripples is reflected on the light curtain as a change in a certain set of functions, and the change in each set of functions will cause the floating data ball to release some other information.

This information is not much, but it is enough to inspire some associations of the doctor, and a lot of wild ideas have emerged from the surface.

Dr. Shawner has been working like this for three days without sleep. Except for occasional food and convenience, he has almost been stuck on Omisgar's operating platform. He is very excited now. With the input of commands, something crucial is gradually emerging.

The so-called something is actually the doctor's intuition. After it actually appears, it may be a shocking secret; or it is just an ordinary event, who knows?

Every minute and every second, Dr. Shawner's brain is running at a high speed. Although he is not a capable person, his brain's data processing ability is no less than an ordinary intellectual brain. But even those who are capable cannot perform high-intensity data calculations for 72 hours continuously like Dr. Shawner. Naturally, Dr. Shawner couldn't bear it. Therefore, he had already used up to nine special medicines in a small refrigerator in the corner of the room to stimulate the hormones on the kidneys to provide Dr. Shawner's work energy.

On average, Dr. Shawner used three potions in one day. This amount of medicine is no longer affordable by an ordinary person, so Dr. Shawner's pale face is full of unnatural blushes.

When Dr. Shawner ignored it, following the input of the last command. The data ball on the light curtain suddenly split, and the data light strips that were tightly wrapped together now resemble a star ring around the stars, circulating around a group of bright rays in the middle.

The most intense light is the core of the entire data sphere, and it is also the ultimate secret in the genes of Disorder. But the core of this group is protected by hundreds or even more passwords. Even if Omisga is used for all-weather calculations, it will take a thousand years at the earliest to be able to fully decipher it, if no miracle happens.

But those separated circular data bands can provide Dr. Shawner with a little bit of basic information about the disordered person. There will not be much information, but if he has enough imagination, Dr. Shawner can completely make up for the missing time. over. Of course, the degree of completion cannot perfectly copy all the information of the disordered person.

Obviously, Dr. Shawner ignored these. For a science fanatic, even if he finds a little information, he is as excited as Columbus when he saw the new world. As the doctor clicked on the light screen frantically with both hands and ten fingers, the data halo on the light screen was immediately decrypted. After a short while, a bunch of information and data quickly passed by the doctor's eyes.

For the entire core of the Disorder, this information may be like waves on the raging sea. But to the doctor, it was incredible. Data is still flying, and at this moment, a dialogue window pops up in the corner of the light curtain.

After a short delay, the majestic face of Speaker Oglock appeared in the window.

"My old friend Shawna, you look bad. It's best to stop working and rest for a few days." In the window, Oglock frowned and said.

Dr. Shawner didn't even look at him, but said excitedly: "How many days off? Oh my God, Ogg, I don't have so much extravagant time to waste. Look, what have I found?"

Oglock looked down, put aside his concern for his old friend, and asked instead: "Why, another breakthrough?"

"It's not a breakthrough, I can only say that some marginal information has been intercepted." Dr. Shawner smashed his mouth. When he was excited, he would usually do this: "Perhaps the **** of luck is looking after me recently, so I can see it. To these things. To put it simply, Ogg, our previous guess is wrong. Disorder is not as simple as a biological weapon created by humans. How to say it is more like the origin of a species. Just like the first A human being, the Disorder is the ancestor of this species. If the program set in the deep level of its genes runs as usual, then it will have offspring..."

"You mean they can reproduce?" Oglock asked.

"Yes, at least the information engraved in the genes tells me that. But it's not as simple as reproduction, Ogg, their offspring will evolve." Dr. Shawner swallowed nervously: "This information is not Complete, but by connecting them together, I can still see a rough prototype. Oh my God, Ogg, I don’t know what created them, but one thing is certain is that the creator’s original intention was to let nothing The sequencer becomes a new species, and their offspring multiply different abilities and status structures. Do you know what I see? Yes, it is society! No, or the kingdom is more appropriate."

"Think about it, if these terrible things develop their own kingdoms, the same species with different abilities. There are different combinations of defenses, attacks, transportation, calculations, etc., you think of it. What?" Dr. Shawner threw the question to the old friend in the window.

"A modifiable biological weapon..." Oglock's words were also full of surprise.

"Yes, it was our original idea. When we can determine the same species, but produce biological weapons with different types of abilities, it means the emergence of a kingdom. And this idea, perhaps earlier, has some of us. They have even planned out a complete kingdom blueprint and set up a reproduction and evolution program, and we don’t know how many years it will take to get to this point.” Dr. Shawner’s voice changed. Deep down: "In the body of the disorder, I see that technology far exceeds our civilization. But unfortunately, it seems that the disorder is the failure of a certain plan. Although the mysterious genetic code can make The owner’s ability is maximized, but the modules for reproduction and autonomous evolution are completely damaged. So until now, there is no kingdom of biological weapons that can be modulated!"

Dr. Shawner is not only a scientific madman, but also a genius. With only part of the parsed information, through independent completion and reverse derivation, he has seen the entire outline of the facts. What he lacks is only the details.

It's just that Dr. Shawner didn't know that the so-called modifiable biological weapon kingdom in his mouth was quietly appearing in the ruins of a city called Kadham south of the coastline.

The night is very dark and heavy; the wind is very strong and very urgent!

The oncoming wind is not only cold, but also a little bit of icy debris, under the reflection of the sky light in the night sky, a little bit of fluorescence is flashing. Beautiful, but deadly.

This extremely cold icy debris is as hard as a diamond. The body of an ordinary person is exposed to the wind with icy debris, but for a moment, the body will be cut to pieces by the icy debris.

The zero-class people stand on the rooftop, lacking cover, and the wind blows more swiftly and wildly. Although the intensity of the blood is much higher than that of ordinary people, the icy debris entrained in the wind still blows everyone's body pain, but no one There will be a snort.

"What is that?" Agatha put down the binoculars, her voice was very penetrating, even if the wind whizzed, she couldn't make her voice slightly blurred.

Obviously, Agatha uses certain abilities that Zero does not know. She is a perceptive person, and some such tricks are not surprising. It's just that Zero doesn't have such an ability, the wind is too strong, unless he shouts, otherwise even if Agatha is standing next to him, he will not be able to hear it clearly.

So Zero made a gesture, to the effect of going downstairs to talk. Agatha nodded and motioned for the servants to set the cordon on the floor under the roof. After a few people got off the roof, Agatha's servants had set up a safe area of ​​about 20 square meters in the library on this floor.

"I have a bad feeling about that big fat man." Zero said concisely.

Agatha nodded in agreement: "I agree very much. When I applied life induction to it, I found that its biological energy was incredibly large. If ordinary living corpses are matches, butchers and tearers are Electric tower, if the bomb corpse is a power station. Then, this big fat man is almost like a nuclear power station. But strangely, its life energy is in a stable state, and it seems to be very unaggressive."

"No matter what it is, there are two new species in the living corpse within a day, which always makes people feel uncomfortable." In Zero's words, with a trace of worry, he has never been worried about something as he does now. .

Mo Zhi was frightened, and there was a faint voice in his heart telling him: Some things have quietly changed in places beyond human sight.

"They're here." Feng said from outside the library window, his expression heavy.

Zero nodded, and clapped his hands: "Go, let's see what role that thing plays."

The bloated big fat man walked slowly but straight into the university town under the guard of a hundred corpses like a mountain of meat. However, this team did not go deep into the hinterland, but stayed on the track and field where the Spider Queen was in the Zero Final Battle.

A few people left the library under the cover of night. After sneaking into the track and field, they hid in the stands in the southwest corner. From a distance, the roshan-like living corpse stretched out his hands like a man preparing for morning exercises. When Agatha's servants couldn't help chuckles, they suddenly saw the living corpse suddenly stretched out, like a boneless thing, from a short arm of more than a meter to a length of five or six meters.

The living corpse grasped the ground with both hands, as if fixing his own body, and stretched out six feet from underneath. This time I saw clearly that the six limbs of the living corpse resembled the arthropods of a spider, and they were also covered with bristles, as if the legs of a giant spider were hardened on it. After the corpse had all six legs on its side, he also nailed the ground like his arms, and followed the corpse's body to sink, sitting firmly on the gravel ground.

The living corpse touched the ground, and the ground shook slightly. A thin ring of wind that can be seen by the naked eye blows the dust all over the floor, and it slowly spreads around. After sitting down, the fat man raised his head towards the sky, followed by a sharp howl. The howling soared into the sky, and then spread far away, and the entire university town was clearly audible.

And after making this sound, the fat corpse's fleshy body cracked a series of small slits. The slit opened, and there was a squeaky tearing sound. The two sides of the slit were like torn wounds, still connected with countless thin bloodshot eyes. But the fat corpse was so unconscious that he still had time to look up to the sky and yawn. Suddenly, black shadows pierced through the crevices.

There are as many black shadows as there are crevices. Like tentacles, they instantly rolled up the nearby living corpses that acted as guards. Regardless of ordinary living corpses or high-level monsters such as the Butcher Ripper, they did not resist, and were swept into the flesh of the fat corpse by their tentacles. Ordinary living corpses and rippers are relatively small, and they are immediately collected into the fleshy crevices and into the body of the fat corpse. The burly butcher was curled up by a few tentacles and torn apart on both sides, he tore him in half, and then the corpse was also drawn into the fat corpse.

When all the living corpses were drawn into the body, the fat corpse began to tremble. The flesh waves surged from top to bottom, and thin white smoke emitted from the pores of the fat corpse's body, like a huge machine starting to operate.

On the stand, Agatha said in surprise: "Its biological energy is climbing!"

At the end of the voice, Zero's pupils shrank slightly. In his eyes, I saw countless living corpses pouring in from the entrance of the track and field field. They rushed to the fat corpse's position quickly, and as these living corpses approached, the fleshy gaps on the fat corpse opened again, and tentacles popped out again. The living corpse underneath seemed to see something to please, and did not escape, but jumped up straight to meet the fat corpse's tentacles.

The tentacles kept rolling around the ordinary living corpses that were automatically sent to the door in the air, and then stuffed them into his body. Every time a living corpse is swallowed, the big fat man's biological energy rises by one point. In the end, the energy light visible to the naked eye enveloped the fat corpse. But even so, there are still living corpses constantly rushing and being swallowed into the fat corpse, becoming part of its energy.

At the entrance of the track and field field, there was a steady stream of living corpses. It should be that all the living corpses staying in the university city heard the call of the fat man coming. They didn't mind being a nourishment for the fat corpse. After the fat corpse had swallowed nearly half of the living corpses, its size had doubled as much as before.

Muscle tendons continue to grow out of the interlayer of fat meat, they are connected into a fleshy shape, followed by the formation of fleshy membranes. After the flesh membrane is formed, it is like forming the soil for the growth of plants, so more muscle tendons are generated from the membrane, evacuated, swelled, connected, and finally formed a pink muscle. In this way, the newly generated muscles spread out layer by layer on the surface of the fat corpse's body, but for a moment, the fat corpse had turned into a pile of fleshy flesh, but the big bald head still appeared on the Roshan.

"What are you doing? Do you eat?" Agatha whispered to herself.

No one can answer her question. Even the most ordinary servants know that this is not ordinary eating. After all, I have never heard of any kind of abnormal creature that needs to eat on such a scale. There are at least nearly a thousand living corpses swallowed by fat corpses!

"It's evolution..." Ling suddenly remembered that in the mining area of ​​the z7 base, he saw a few gold spitting bugs swallowing each other. In addition, while staying in Phoenix, the Fenry wolf also evolved a new wolf king by devouring the same kind.

Now, the scene of the fat corpse devouring the same kind is so similar to what I saw that day.

"Look, it seems to be evolving!"

Su's exclamation suddenly sounded in his ears, causing Ling's slightly divergent mind to quickly gather together. He looked into the track and field, and sure enough, the fat body had changed again.

The fat man raised his hair and let out a cry of pain, followed by sarcomas from the back to the top of his head. The sarcoma burst suddenly, and roots of black shadows pierced out in the splashing bluish-yellow body fluid. The black shadow appeared in the air, like spurs. The bone spurs stretched out in all directions centered on the fat corpse, they stuck to the walls of the stands around the track and field, and penetrated deeply.

The fat corpse in the track and field is as ridiculous as if it grows full of antennae, but no one in the field laughs.

After a while, a slight tremor appeared at everyone's feet. Before we could figure out what was going on, a pink liquid emerged from various cracks in the ground of the stand. These liquids condense into a jelly as soon as they come into contact with the air, like a pink fleshy membrane.

The fleshy membrane quickly spread to the surface of all the buildings, and a few people's complexion changed drastically. They immediately retreated to stay away from these weird fleshy membranes. But the expansion of the fleshy membrane seemed to have no limit. They quickly flooded the entire track and field and chased to other corners of the university city.

After the sarcocarpa is formed, red root-like threads will grow out of these substances, which are like nerve threads of something. If you observe carefully, it is not difficult to find that there are bursts of fluorescent light regularly in these nerve threads. The bursts rushed past.

This process lasted for nearly half an hour~lightnovelpub.net~ When the flesh membranes occupied the entire university city, they stopped growing and expanding. These things occupy the heights of all the buildings and wrap up the entire university town.

The zero class people appeared on the roof of a building near the track and field, under their feet is this kind of gel-like fleshy membrane. Su used the epee to tear off a piece at random on the ground, and new tissue quickly grew from the break of the ground flesh membrane, which was refilled in the blink of an eye.

"What are these disgusting things?" Su looked at the pink substance on the sword and frowned.

Zero shook his head. He is really not good at biology. If Eva is here, he should be able to see something. Unfortunately, the woman is now far away in Asgartri, assisting Victor in Leah's rebirth plan.

Aksha put her arms around her chest, lowered her head slightly, as if thinking about something. After a while, a deep voice sounded in her mouth: "Look, do the red lines in those things look like neural networks?"

Everyone was stunned. If Agatha's words were true, then these neural networks covering the entire university town were like a large signal transmission terminal. Suddenly, Ling some knew how the will that restrained a large number of living corpses conveyed his orders.