War Lord

Chapter 288: Corpse City (4)

The fat corpse is still changing.

Its eating speed has slowed down, and it is different from the speed of the windstorm cloud before. Now it will "swallow" an ordinary living corpse almost every minute. Obviously, the energy in the body has reached saturation, and it will naturally be excreted after eating. It was only excreted by this weird living corpse, but it was not feces.

The meat waves below the Roshan rolled up, and a strange organ quickly formed. It resembled a female's lower body, and as a gully formed, it splayed on both sides, followed by a ball of meat sprayed out of the discharge organ.

The meat ball rolled three meters away, it was not big, less than half a meter in diameter. But soon, something bulged on the meat ball. They are like sarcomas parasitizing on the ball, but the sarcomas continue to grow and form limbs, body and head. After a while, a skinny body, but a big-bellied living corpse threw away the juice, and slowly propped up the corpse on the track and field.

The people on the rooftop of this living corpse couldn't be more familiar, it was just like a bomb corpse for the capable!

After the first bomb corpse was spawned, more meat **** were discharged from the lower body organs of the fat corpse. Ten minutes later, there were more than thirty bomb corpses like this on the track and field field. They took shape quickly, and there was no difference in appearance or weight. They were almost like biological weapons made by sophisticated instruments.

After generating these bomb corpses, the production of fat corpses has not yet ended. The weird production organ suddenly expanded, and a dozen strange corpse beasts were ejected at once. These corpse beasts were about the size of a hunting dog, and were rotten all over. They looked like wolves, but their heads were huge, almost one-to-one in proportion to their bodies. After this big-headed corpse beast was spawned, they seemed to have received instructions early in the morning. When they flew on all fours, they swept on the high wall at the edge of the track and field, and squatted down like a wolf.

But they didn't simply squat down. When these monsters fixed their bodies, the rest of their bodies suddenly melted, except behind the head. The skin and the flesh are connected, and ultimately there is no distinction between each other. The corpse fluid even dripped onto the wall, and the corpse beast and the wall were tightly glued together. But the corpse beast wolf opened its kiss wide, and his eyes quickly closed, and finally turned into a stone statue.

But their internal active biological energy tells a few people that these things are not dead.

More corpse beasts continued to form, and they rushed to the commanding heights inside and outside the university town in an orderly manner, and then quickly solidified, turning into a respectable and bizarre beast sculpture. Judging from the position they occupy, they are more like preset forts.

Zero and they haven't had time to discuss what these things do, and a new corpse beast is produced by the fat corpse. It is still the type of crawling on the ground with four feet, but the new corpse beast is somewhat special. It looks like the corpse of a wild beast with insect-like arthropods, and then a human head is placed on the neck. This slippery bald head has eyes down and chin up, making people feel very twisted.

After this weird corpse beast was born, they did not move at will, but directly grabbed the nearby living corpses and ate them. When they finished eating for the first time, the back of the corpse beast cracked, followed by a dozen intestine-like things floating from their bodies, without knowing what the effect was.

The number of this corpse beast is extremely small, only about five. After something like intestines grew on their backs, they suddenly dispersed, hiding themselves in the darkness of various buildings.

At this time, the fat corpse trembled all over, and several pupas came out of its production organs. These pupas are wrapped in a thin layer of fleshy membrane. From the fleshy membranes with staggered tendons, one can vaguely see a curled up human-shaped shadow in the fleshy pupa. This is also true of the facts. After the pupae stretched out their hands to tear the fleshy membrane, as the blue-yellow nutrient solution was left, naked humans appeared on the empty track and field.

These people are no different from ordinary people on the surface, but their chests are not ups and downs, which means they don't need to breathe. In other words, even if they look like humans, they still haven't escaped the definition of a living corpse. It's just that they are much cleaner than ordinary living corpses, but under Agatha's observation, the energy level of these living corpses is extremely low, and it is almost indistinguishable from ordinary living corpses. In other words, these clean living corpses did not have much combat effectiveness.

So, what are the reasons why they were manufactured?

Like the previous corpse beasts, these human-shaped living corpses are also very rare, only about four people. After they tore through the pupa, they came to the fat corpse. The fat corpse let out a roar at them, they seemed to have received some order, and nodded like a human. Then they turned around and let out some short roars at the bomb corpse.

Those bomb corpses that made the capable people feel dangerous also seemed to obey the words of these four human-shaped living corpses. Immediately behind them, there are the four human-shaped living corpses.

After these living corpses left, the fat corpses began to eat again. But this time, after it ate 500 ordinary corpses, it did not produce any action, as if it had produced four types of corpses before, which had already consumed a lot of energy, and could not make new ones in a short time. Living corpse.

Zero and his party retreated silently from the roof and came to the floor below. This is a teaching building, and Class Zero is in a classroom. Most of the classroom has been damaged, but there is still a small part of the space left intact. Several large ton-heavy boulders were built together to serve as a load-bearing function, fixing the other half of the gravel and steel bars and other things to make a space for a few people to rest.

Several fluorescent sticks were overlapped and placed quietly in the middle of the crowd. The dim light illuminates the space within ten meters, but more places are still melted into the darkness. Zero held the root nutrient in his hand again, and he ate the nutrient in his hand little by little and turned them into the energy needed for fighting.

The rest of the people are doing similar things. From leaving Remte until now, they have maintained an active state for nearly ten hours. Even those with zero abilities are tired, let alone those servants of Agatha.

The servants assigned three persons to guard, while the others fell to the ground and fell asleep. But they don’t have much time to sleep, and each person is only allocated ten minutes. When time is up, they must wake up and take turns on guard.

The servants can sleep, but a few people can't. After eating the nutrients silently, Zero drank another drop of gel. With this drop, Ling's dry lips became moist again. His gaze swept across the faces of other people, seeing everyone almost finished eating, and Zero said: "That thing must be destroyed, now!"

When he left the rooftop and came to the classroom, Zero had already reported what he saw in the university town to Avignon through the communication device. Obviously, the fat corpse like a roshan is a movable arsenal, while the ordinary living corpse is material and energy. Among the four living corpses produced, the first bomb corpse has been seen. The second type of wolf-like living corpse should be a biological turret; the next type of human-headed living corpse is unknown; as for the last kind of human-shaped living corpse, Zero can be sure that they are commanders.

If the university town that has been covered by neuromembrane is a huge information terminal, then the final human-shaped living corpse is the node that receives information. The intelligent life is still missing, but it is certain that it has another way of its own to issue orders to the fat corpse, and then the fat corpse can communicate to the front-line commander, so as to adjust the tactics of the living corpse at any time.

This is a systematic and hidden information dissemination technology, and the appearance of the commander is almost the same as that of an ordinary living corpse. At least, it is not a simple matter to distinguish them from a large number of living corpses on the battlefield. In this way, it is very difficult to dismantle the command system of the living corpses.

And what makes humans more troublesome than the command system is the fat corpse on the track field. As long as this is a living corpse arsenal like a mother beast, new types of living corpses will continue to be produced. And the appearance of the biological fort, it is obvious that the living corpses intend to occupy the university city, turning it into a stronghold for the living corpses, or a supply station for attacking human territories.

No matter what it is, the fat corpse must be killed, otherwise the army of corpses attacking Remut will be continuously replenished!

Others, including Agatha, agreed to Zero's decision.

In the previous communication with Avignon, they heard a continuous cannon from the other side of the communication device, and it was the living corpse that had launched an attack again. This caused the excessively violent energy activity near Remute to suddenly stop communication, and a few people could not receive new instructions and could only judge by themselves.

Destroying fat corpses is tantamount to disintegrating the arsenal of living corpses, so that their new types of arms cannot be supplemented. As for the common high-level monsters of ordinary and living corpses and butchers, Zero believes that Avignon who is stationed in Remte can't be defeated.

Now that the goal has been set, the next step is to formulate a battle plan. Agatha put her portable brain on the ground, and a topographic map of the university city has been called up on the screen. On the flat map, a striking dot is marked on the track and field field, which represents their goal. The surrounding buildings are covered with fragmentary white spots, which represent the biological forts occupying the commanding heights.

In this map, there are five gray dots, and there is a question mark in the middle of the gray dots, which are those few human-faced corpse beasts that have not been traced.

As for the number of ordinary living corpses reduced to food, they are negligible for them. What makes them more concerned about is the biological fort on the commanding heights. It can be imagined that when they attack the fat corpse, those things will definitely not be as simple as display.

Therefore, the biological turret must be eradicated before attacking. It doesn't need to be much, as long as the fort near the track and field is removed, but that counts, there are more than twenty. When assigning tasks, the task of dismantling the fort fell to Agatha and Ma Pei. The former has limited combat power, while the latter’s ability is limited on this small-scale battlefield. Therefore, they take the initiative to take charge of this. Tasks.

Johnny and Jonah, as well as Agatha's servants, were temporarily handed over to Command Zero. Agatha’s Ma Pei will install time bombs on these forts, and when they detonate, they will attract the attention of the living corpses, and at the same time, there will be no time for them to launch a storm.

The five capable people, including Zero, all tend to have offensive abilities. Coupled with the help of the servants, even if the five missing human-faced corpse beasts appear, it is enough to kill the fat corpse's arsenal. And this action must be executed before the second wave of biological weapons is produced by the fat corpse, otherwise they will not only face monsters such as ordinary living corpses and human-faced corpses.

"Then, act..."

Zero stood up. Now that the task has been assigned, it is time to act. But at the end of the zero voice, Agatha seemed to perceive something and suddenly looked towards the window. The next moment, an explosion sounded outside the window. Zero's face changed slightly, and he rushed to the window. Looking in through the window where half of the window frame was turned into fragments, the corner of the southwest side of the track field was blown out.

The gravel mixed with steel bars jumped into the air, and then fell like a torrential rain. But the explosion still didn't stop, and several energy beams entwining the electric snake continued to blast in from outside, blasting the outer wall of the track and field field and the corner of the stand to fly ashes.

In the dust and smoke, various figures appeared in the smoke. While the explosions appeared one after another, the biological cannons on the commanding heights near the track and field also began to work. The dead gray eyes on the wolf's skull suddenly glowed red. If you stand closer and look at it, it is not difficult to find that the light in the wolf's eyes seems to be beating according to a certain pattern, as if receiving some instructions.

Following the turning of the twenty or so nearby forts at the same time, the muzzle was aimed at the cloud of dust and smoke around the corner. The next moment, a little red light condenses in the wolf's mouth. After a short period of energy storage, beams of brilliant red hot beams shot straight toward the target.

The beam is silent and extremely fast. Fang went out of the muzzle and shot into the dust and smoke in a blink of an eye. As a result, fireballs exploded, the explosion sound continued, and the track and field ground shook violently, almost like an earthquake!

The biological fort fired three times in a row before the attack stopped temporarily. Roads of hot smoke floated from the wolf's kiss that served as the muzzle, and the biological fort was undergoing the necessary procedures for heat dissipation and standby.

The southwest corner of the track and field field has become a ruin, and the wind gradually blows away the dense smoke, revealing the remains of the building with flame embers. The energy beams emitted by the bioturrets are not only powerful, but also contain high heat, and the places they have bombed are blackened. But after the smoke dissipated, a figure of Chuuchou appeared among the ruins.

The huge shields two meters high on one side are layered on top of each other to form a three-dimensional shield array. These huge shields were still not deformed or damaged after three rounds of bombardment from the biological turrets, but the surface was exuding high-heat white smoke. The giant shield is made of composite materials, and the shield surface is covered with intricate and beautiful patterns. These patterns are by no means as simple as decoration, they are also responsible for channeling energy.

If not, the shield array would have been disintegrated in the bombing of the biological battery.

At this time, the shield array moved, exposing a gap. And in this gap, suddenly there were several flashes like cannons. The lightning flashed several times, hitting several turrets at the high points of the stronghold. Under the impact of this torrent of energy, the turret cracked, collapsed, and shattered. When the thunder light dissipated, the low base of the biological fort was left.

In the ruins of the stands, the shield array was scattered, and behind the huge shield was a strong man. There are six of them, scattered around with huge shields. Under the protection of the shield guard, Berion strode towards the track and field with a sullen expression on his face.

In Berion’s squad "Kuang Lei", there are no pouncers. Except for Berion himself who is capable of promotion, the other six are also capable. It's just that they didn't advance to the ranks, and their abilities were very single, with only the strength and defense of the fifth rank. But their job is not to fight, but to protect Berion in all aspects.

In Kuang Lei's team, only Berion is an offensive capable person. With his "hand of thunder", there is no need for extra firepower. The six shield guards that protect him are the Thunder guards specially trained by Belion. The giant shields in their hands have good defensive performance in two different attack methods, physical and energy.

"So majestic, Captain Berion."

After seeing that it was Berion who suddenly attacked, even Agatha's tone became cold. With the appearance of Berion, the plan made by Zero and the others suddenly changed. No wonder Agatha was unhappy.

"Leave him alone, we act according to the plan." Ling said lightly.

The crowd nodded, and they separated outside the classroom. Ling took Feng and thirteen people sneaked to the vicinity of the track and field, and only waited for Agatha and Ma Pei to blow up the nearby biological fort, and then launched a general attack on the fat corpse.

In the track and field, the battle between the living corpse and Belion had already begun.

The biological cannons on the heights of the building were still bombing, but the bright red high-heat beams were blocked one by one by Berion's Thunder Guards. Most of the energy of the beam is diffused and dispersed by the crystal pattern on the shield, and the defense power of each guard up to the fifth order makes the remaining small part of the energy into a harmless explosion.

In the fireballs that exploded around him, Berion wandered. Electric lights are constantly popping up in his hands, and every time there is a flash, a stream of energy entwining the electric snake pierces through the air~lightnovelpub.net~ Although it is the most basic skill of the lightning system, "Thunder Light Arrow", it is in Beibei. Under the control of Lien's tier six ability, every ray of lightning is no less powerful than the bombing of a biological turret.

After a few flashes, the same number of bio-turrets were directly smashed by Berion. Seeing the rays of light tearing the sky, Ling couldn't help worrying for the two Agatha, don't be accidentally injured by Berion.

Seeing that in an instant, the fort near the track and field was nearly half damaged by Berion's hands. The fat corpse opened its mouth and let out a scream, and the ordinary living corpse that was serving as food immediately rushed towards Berion like being ordered madly.

Belien, who was under the shield formation, let out a chuckle, he took it with both hands, and then opened the palm of his hand, and there was a ball of leaping electric light in his palm. The electric light jumped out of Berion's palm and hit a living corpse in an instant. But the electric light finally disappeared, and it bounced towards another living corpse. So beating among the living corpses, and then disappearing into the air after flashing straight for more than ten times.

The living corpse hit by the electric light was smoked from seven holes, but the internal tissue was instantly burned into coke by the high-voltage current.

One of the abilities of the Thunder Hand, "Lightning Chain", can carry out multiple pass attacks. The number of current transfers depends on the attacker's ability. With Berion's current power, the chain of lightning can be transferred twelve times!