War Lord

Chapter 292: Dead Earth (2)

The night wind is very strong and very cold. .+?(.+bsp;\\s*The iron sheet on the window of a small building not far away made a real "pop", becoming another sound besides the sound of wind in the night.

Zero and Agatha did not speak, but the silence did not last long. After a while, Agatha's voice came into Zero's ears with the resounding wind.

"Captain Zero, do you have a dream?"

Ling was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Agatha in surprise.

Dream, what a beautiful word. However, the dream belongs to the old age. At that time, although resources had begun to be tight, the economy was not so prosperous, and unemployment rates remained high in many countries. But in general, the world is still beautiful. At least there is no ubiquitous radiation, no abnormal creatures competing with humans for living space. Although there are wars, wars are limited. They only occur in civil strife in certain countries, and not involve the entire continent or even the entire world.

The old age is a dream that all mankind cannot go back to. The sky was the blue sky, the clouds were white, the rain would not carry strong radiation, and the snowflakes were romantic. Judging from the present, the old age is like a fairy tale, which exists in everyone's heart.

Dream is a word that people in the old days often talk about. People at that time, no matter how hard life is, they always have their own dreams. As long as there is a dream, no matter how hard life is, it can be colorful.

In the new era, life is gray for most people in the sky. People who are struggling with life and death every day have dreams.

For these fighters of Zero, they are certainly better than ordinary people. But their mortality rate is not lower than that of ordinary people, but it may be higher. Ordinary people can live as long as they have food, and fighters don't know if they can survive today. Therefore, for them, the dream is even more distant, and no one even thinks about it.

Zero did not expect that Agatha would ask such a question. Perhaps, women’s nerves are always slenderer than men. Like Feng, Ling would bet that his thoughts would never include dreams.

"It's ridiculous." Agatha bent her legs and buried her face between her legs: "People like us shouldn't have extravagant dreams..."

"I think people who still have dreams are far more respectable than butchers who only know about killing." Ling asked indifferently: "What is Captain Agatha's dream?"

Agatha looked at the endless night sky, her eyes became a bit far-reaching: "My dream is to one day marry myself, own a house, plant some flowers, have one or two children..."

As she talked, she laughed herself: "It's very ordinary, a dream with no big ambitions."

"Dreams are not ordinary or noble." Ling shook his head in denial.

Agatha smiled: "Although Captain Zero is usually indifferent, he can't tell that he is a very gentle person. Then Captain Zero, do you have a dream?"

Ling also looked up at the sky, but for some reason, his breath became colder and colder. In the end, even mixed with a murderous opportunity. The cold wind didn't make Agatha feel cold, but at this time she shuddered at Zero's cold breath. At this time, Zero's voice rang, his voice was like a howling cold wind, with a strange howling in the hollow.

"Yes, my dream is to destroy this world!"

Agatha's breathing suddenly stopped because she felt that Zero was not a joke.

"It's night, Captain Agatha will go to rest, and tomorrow will be on the way." Ling's cold murderous intent disappeared, as if it was Agatha's illusion.

Perhaps because of the sporadic murderous intent, Agatha said nothing, nodded and left. After Agatha left, Ling looked at the sky and slowly said: "Only by completely destroying this **** world can you realize your dream..."

The voice gradually dissipated in the night breeze. Perhaps no one would understand the dream of Zero.

And zero, don’t need others to understand!

The wilderness is very quiet. Noon during the day is the time of the day when the radiation is strongest. No one or other creatures appeared at this time, and the heat rising from the earth made the scene distorted, as if it were so unreal.

On the roads along the coast, only hot winds occasionally pass by. With heat waves, even the most vigorous mutant grass on both sides of the highway lowered his body, looking listless. Although it is only spring, the temperature is as high as midsummer. In real summer, the daytime temperature can reach up to 60 degrees!

A living male corpse wandered on the road. It was wearing a dirty suit. The gray shirt was loosely wrapped around its thin body. The tie was loosely wrapped around its neck, as if it was maintaining the dignity of its lifetime. .

There was no flesh on the face of the living corpse, revealing a white skull. Occasionally, a maggot crawls out of its head. At this time, the living corpse will fumble to catch it, and then send it to the mouth, chew it with black and yellow fangs, turn the worm into mud, and then swallow it. . But the food for the living corpses was nothing more, and no other food was found.

The living corpse walked numbly across the road, and there was an endless wilderness in the distance, and occasionally a black shadow could be seen, which was the silhouette of a ruined city somewhere. Several towering but crooked electrical towers are the only decoration. There may not be humans there, but there may be alien beasts inhabiting. For the living corpse, in the absence of humans, the mutant beast can also be food.

It walked to the other side of the road, and when it reached the middle of the road, a whistling sound came from its ears.

It was not a natural sound, it was the thought in the mind of the living corpse, nothing more. With its intelligence, it is impossible to understand the special sound made by the power unit of a car engine when it is running. But this did not prevent the living corpse from turning around to observe, but it moved, and there was a gunshot in the distance.

The whole body of the living corpse was shaken, and a blood line bounced on its head. It fell heavily to the ground, and a bullet hole appeared in the center of its eyebrows. Following the eyes that were still open, the floor of a car was roaring past. After driving past another car in this way, a heavy tire was pressed heavily on its head, completely crushing the head of the living corpse!

At the back of the three off-road vehicles, there are five light motorcycles with them, and two knights on the motorcycles, a total of ten soldiers become the escorts of the convoy. It's just that none of the people on the three off-road vehicles need the protection of any soldiers. The black tight-fitting tactical suit shows that they are not only fighters, but also elite fighters.

Zero was sitting on one of the off-road vehicles, and he was wearing goggles. Although as far as the capable person is concerned, the very strong sky light will not cause any harm to ordinary people, but too strong light will still affect perception, at least the judgment of the field of view. Therefore, regardless of whether zero or anyone else, the face is wearing Asgart's standard goggles.

A topographical map was displayed on a tablet brain in his hand. Zero fingers were swiping across the screen, and the topographical map was constantly changing. The lens of the goggles reflects the topographic map in Zhinao. It can be seen that it is the environment near the coastline highway. There are some flashing red dots in it, which are obviously some marks. These marks represent all the settlements or bases that Zero and the others have traveled through in the past three days, and the thirty or so bases, large and small, are already empty.

Yes, there were no deaths, no corpses, but not a single person.

But the people in these bases are also not as simple as moving to other places, because they have found traces of fighting in these bases, which shows that violent conflicts have occurred in the bases. But apart from bloodstains, there is no base for a corpse, leaving only strangeness and doubts for the Zero class.

These bases were found because Agatha followed the traces of energy left by the creator Gullard all the way back and forth. Agatha's ability is mainly in the area of ​​inspection, and its other ability "energy perception" is also a very great reconnaissance method. In addition to being able to distinguish the nature and strength of energy, it can also trace the traces they leave. Because of this, zero class people can find such a base one after another.

There is no doubt that these bases have been visited by creators. But where the people in the base went is an unsolvable mystery.

And Agatha's description of the energy left by the creator made everyone feel heavy.

"That is a kind of energy that has no fluctuations and is almost horrible. If I have to describe it, then I would say it is a soulless energy." Agatha described it.

It is important to know that no biological energy is constant. Even a living corpse with only instincts, the energy of the living corpse will fluctuate during the two areas of eating and non-eating, let alone It is said that after entering the battle state, the fluctuation range of energy will be more obvious due to the different combat conditions.

But as far as Agatha recalled, until he was bombarded and killed by Zero One, the creator's energy remained the same, as precise as a machine. Biological weapons are often described by humans as machines, but since the word "biology" is used, it retains some biological instincts. For example, when you are afraid, you will retreat, when you are angry, your combat power will increase slightly, and so on.

And the creator gave Agatha the feeling that it was a machine draped in a biological cloak. It had no soul, no instinct, and only a series of procedures loyal to commands!

So, how did the creator Gullard and the other three companions come from? They are called creators, and who created them? All the answers point to the "queen" that Gullard said before his death.

The final question left to the Zero and others is also their mission on this trip. That is, where is the queen now?

It can be inferred that as long as you follow the energy traces left by the creator, you will eventually be able to find the queen and the kingdom of living corpses. But the problem is that the energy trace of the creator is waning.

Energy cannot remain permanently, and will gradually dissipate under the influence of the external environment. In fact, Agatha has been able to track for three days, and the creator's energy characteristics have made Agatha, a perceptive capable person, also surprised. The creator is a very special biological weapon. It does not have the slightest combat effectiveness in itself, but it can produce different types of living corpse weapons. In addition, it also has the ability to store energy for a long time, just like a bio-energy battery.

Also because of this characteristic, the energy traces left in the wilderness can be tracked by Agatha's perception, otherwise it would have dissipated in the air a long time ago.

But even so, the traces of creators have become scarcer, but they still have not found the existence of the kingdom of living corpses. Once the traces of energy are completely dissipated, Zero and their actions will become like finding a needle in a haystack, which will largely depend on luck.

Zero constantly observes the path of the creator in the brain in order to find certain rules. At this time, the convoy got off the highway, and under Agatha's command, they drove onto a branch road under the coastline highway. What appeared in front of Ling was the landform of the gorge that he was familiar with, and after driving out of the gorge, it was the wilderness landform of Yimapingchuan. At the end of the road is a rolling mountain range, and Zero knew there would be a base there.

z7 base!

That is the place where Zero wakes up from a deep sleep and has lived for two years. There, there are many memories of zero. Although in those memories, many things are not pleasant. But no matter what, the z7 base is the first home of zero.

Now, zero is back. But he didn't feel at all going home. In addition to the change in his mood, there was another important reason. The z7 base was found by Agatha, in other words, the creator has already been here!

The convoy stalled in front of the gate of the z7 base, and Zero jumped from the off-road vehicle. The army boots stepped on a few gravel, they splashed and fell to the ground, and the collision made a small noise. The sound was not loud, but it appeared abrupt in front of the gate of this silent base, making the feeling of dead silence even more serious.

There is no need to enter the base, and Zero has already confirmed that there is no one in the base. After all, too many bases have confirmed this. As long as they are visited by the creator, the people in the base have probably become food for the creator, otherwise there will be one or two corpses left behind. But no, not to mention the corpse, not even a little bit of meat.

The hydraulic steel door of the z7 base is still closed, but there is a gap in the middle of the door that is large enough for off-road vehicles to pass. The edge of the gap is smooth, and it does not look like violent damage, but is caused by the use of some substances like strong acid to melt through and corrode. Such gaps are not uncommon in the bases explored by the zero class. It seems that it should be a special skill possessed by the creator or the biological weapon under his command. Most of this skill is not used in combat, but used to destroy the base. Entrance.

Fortunately, the creator was killed by the zero class as soon as he arrived. Otherwise, if it were allowed to produce a living corpse with this special ability, it would be impossible for Remut to hold on to the arrival of Asgart's reinforcements.

Johnny and Jonah walked in front, and the six servants fanned out, guarding Agatha, who was walking behind. In the back, there are two teams, Zero and Berion. At the end were the remaining four servants. Such a team filed into the z7 base, and they quickly came to the operation area along the passage.

The z7 base is a semi-living and semi-industrial production base, and its power source is two high-power electric units deep in the base. Now the power unit has stopped operating, so the base is completely dark. In addition to the role of shielding glare, the goggles of Zero Class also have some other small functions. Infrared vision is one of them, so darkness is not difficult for them.

There is a slight deviation between the memory before the work area and zero, and the deviation comes from several minecarts parked in the work area. Zero remembers that only the old Jack had such a minecart before, but now there are four more. It seems that the production tools of the base have been improved a lot. In addition, Zero also saw five tactical platforms hanging above the entrance and exit of the mining area.

In addition to the deterrent effect on the workers, these things should also be used to defend against certain abnormal creatures that live underground. In general, the z7 base has been upgraded to a notch in terms of production kits and weapons and equipment. It seems that the Parkland chaebol has not given up this remote base. Only now, the z7 base is quiet like a ghost domain.

The sound of footsteps broke the thoughts of zero, but the servants who visited the living quarters came back. After listening to the simple report of the servants, Agatha shook his head towards Ling and the others: "Like the previous bases, there are traces of fighting and no corpses. Gentlemen, this is the last base on the coast. It can be said that from Lei Mute has no human beings here anymore!"

Base z7 is already the last base to the south of the coastline, and further on, the trend of the mainland will turn to the rolling mountains to the west. The Twin Towers mountain range with a length of nearly 10,000 kilometers stretches and entangles, lying in the middle of the western land and the coastline. There are peaks inserted into the clouds at both ends of the north-south direction of the mountain range, which are shaped like spires. Behind the Twin Tower Mountains, there is a flat land. There are also settlements built on the ruins of the old city. Occasionally, adventurous merchants pass by, but they rarely appear in the eyes of people in coastline cities.

After all, the Twin Towers Mountain Range makes the traffic on both sides of the mountains extremely difficult, which is also a common situation in the new era. The complex geographical environment makes the distribution of humans no longer as dense as in the old times, and the inconvenience of transportation and the lag of information make it very difficult to pass on knowledge and civilization. This makes a huge gap in human civilization in the region.

Maybe the human civilization on this side of the mountain is very advanced ~lightnovelpub.net~ but the humans on the other side of the mountain lead a primitive life. The gap in civilization is so great that it will bring about wars and conquests.

If the z7 base does not have any instructions from the Kingdom of the Living Corpse, then the zero class will inevitably change their way to the west, cross the Twin Towers Mountains and set foot on the land of the west that is known and mysterious.

No one knows what will be there?

When Ling and his party were about to leave the z7 base, Ling suddenly stood still and quickly looked in the direction of the gate of the mining area. The gate of the mining area was not completely closed, but a gap for only one person to pass through was exposed. In this gap, a dark shadow flashed in Zero Goggles.

It seems that the z7 base is not yet completely dead.

Zero immediately ran towards the door. His speed was so fast that it was almost a step. The next moment he swept to the door with a piece of afterimage. Zero did not stay, flashed inside the door. As soon as he entered the mining area, he suddenly stopped.

An old-fashioned double-hole shotgun is directly on his forehead, but judging from the constant shaking of the shotgun, it seems that the owner of the shotgun is not so calm at the moment.