War Lord

Chapter 293: Guide

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Under the goggles, Zero's line of sight was constantly moving on this double-barreled shotgun. .+?(.+bsp;\\s*The sight passed through the old-fashioned shotgun with jet black, but the tube wall was obviously worn out. Then came to a pair of mud-stained hands, the hands were very slender, they did not look like men's hands. And the gaze continued to move down, confirming Zero's judgment. The sleeves of the plaid shirt were rolled up at the upper end of the arm. The collar of the shirt was worn out, and even the buttons had fallen off, so the collar was not fastened and widened.

There is a delicate collarbone under the neckline, and as the owner's breathing rises and falls, two bulges on the chest can be seen. It's just that her chest is obviously not full, indicating that she is still a green apple, not a ripe cherry.

Zero's gaze left her chest and continued to move up, passing through the slender neck, and finally fixed on a beautiful face. The long eyelashes were shaking, indicating that she was scared, and a pair of big turquoise eyes betrayed her. The girl's eyes shone with fear, so that the delicate lips were tightly pressed into a strange arc. Her face was white, so the small freckles on both sides of her cheeks became more obvious.

At first glance, Zero thought he saw Moni. Because this girl is about the same age as Moni, but she lacks Moni's composure, and she is more ostentatious with her short haircut.

The girl with short yellowish hair wears goggles that are obviously not hers. The goggles are pinned to the front of the forehead. In terms of style, they should only be used for ordinary sun protection, without any other special functions. The girl with short hair held up her shotgun, and a childish voice came from her mouth: "Who are you? Are you in a group with them?"

Zero smile, followed by his figure blurred in the girl's eyes. At a blurry moment, two zero points were saved from the left and right. The girl screamed, and the shotgun moved left and right, not knowing which was the real target.

It wasn't until some cold fingers were lightly resting on her delicate neck that the girl suddenly realized that her goal did not know when she was behind her.

Zero stood behind the girl, the other's head only came to his chest, so Zero's arms were drooping, but his palms naturally pressed gently on the girl's neck. As long as he wants, he can break this slender neck at any time.

Putting the other hand on the shotgun, Ling said softly: "Next time you choose an opponent, remember to shoot as soon as you catch the opponent. Otherwise, it will become the current situation."

While talking, Zero's finger lightly stroked the shotgun. The shotgun shook slightly and then scattered into parts.

Seeing the parts on the ground, the girl screamed and kicked in place. Her legs are very long and soft, so when she kicks, her toes point straight to her chest.

Zero said "Huh", which was surprised, but it did not prevent him from catching it with one hand and instantly grabbing the girl's ankle.

The skin on the tentacles was fine and slippery, and Zero could even feel the subcutaneous blood vessels roaring vigorously.

The girl's potential is good. While Zero made this judgment, the girl used her ankle as a fulcrum, and instantly got rid of her with her other hand bounced from the ground, and the remaining long leg kicked out with lightning, sweeping her face straight.

So when Agatha and others squeezed through the crack of the mine gate, they saw a small figure constantly attacking Zero with all kinds of powerful kicks. It's just that for Zero, such an attack is not yet in his eyes. So after a while, he had already subdued the girl, and instead of playing close combat with the girl, Zero took out the golden war eagle and pointed it on the girl's forehead, so that the girl was quiet.

"What a little pepper!" Feng whistled.

Agatha said in surprise: "Strength, defense and agility have reached the level of first-order. Unexpectedly, there should be such a kid here."

Hearing what Agatha said, Ling was also slightly surprised. The little guys with three basic abilities in the fighting domain in the z7 base, although they are all only Tier 1, are already surprising enough. He slowly retracted the pistol and said: "Well, no matter who you think of us, I can tell you that it will never be what you think. Now don't make any dangerous moves, then introduce yourself, My name is Zero."

When the girl heard the name of Zero, her eyes lit up suddenly: "Your name is Zero? Are you the one who left before the z7 base?"

"If no one else calls Zero after I leave, I think I am." Zero was surprised again, when did he become a celebrity?

"It's really you?" The fear in the girl's eyes was swept away, replaced by a look of excitement: "They told me that there was a great guy in the base before. I was a hillbilly at the z7 base, but left the base. And soon after, he has become a celebrity."

"You and the Parkland chaebol, they don't know how many times they have told me. They said that no one has ever dared to treat those noble lords like this, except you." The girl said as she said, her eyes began to mist: "It's a pity , They are all dead. Captain Neo, Jace, Kelson and many others..."

"I'm here for this. If you can, I want you to tell me what happened to this base?" Ling Shen said.

The girl raised her head and asked loudly: "Will you avenge everyone?"

Nodding heavily.

"Then I'll tell you, I..." Suddenly, there was a "gurg" sound in the girl's stomach, and she showed an embarrassed expression: "Do you have anything to eat? I'm hungry. I haven't had anything to eat for three days. ."

Ling immediately turned to Feng and said, "Go get food and water."

Feng nodded and turned to leave. Zero took the girl out of the mining area, this is not a good place to eat and chat. When he walked to the gate, one of Berrian's thunder guards looked at the girl's slender figure and his eyes lit up, reached out and patted the girl's **** and said, "The little girl should be good."

But the man's hand slapped empty, because Zero had already pulled her aside. Ling looked at the Thunder guard and said blankly: "I discovered her first. I don't allow you or anyone else to touch her. Otherwise, I will treat it as a provocation."

After all, Ling pulled a confused girl through the gate.

The Thunder Guard's face immediately turned scarlet, and he looked at Belion. Berion said indifferently: "He was right. These are the rules. You and I must follow the rules."

The official members of Doomhammer have their own private property, which can include real estate, funds, soldiers, or women. As for women, if they are found in the wilderness, then follow the principle of whoever finds first and who owns it. Of course, if the so-called principles of the turbulent years are not supported by powerful forces, they are nothing more than nothing.

Therefore, it is allowed to challenge this rule between members, or between subordinates and superiors, as long as you can afford it.

The Thunder Guard has Tier 5 strength and defense, and is already a fierce man to ordinary people. But as long as you have a brain, you will know that such power is not enough to provoke a Doomhammer captain. Even if Zero's ability is not known for frontal confrontation, his agile movement style with powerful weapons is enough for the Thunder Guard to challenge his mind.

So the Thunder guard just hummed heavily to express his unwillingness, but he didn't have any extra words.

—————— I am the dividing line, quack——————

"My name is Haiwei..." The girl squeezed a tube of nutrients into her mouth and showed a disgusting expression. It is true that the taste of nutrients is no different from toothpaste, but it can fill the stomach, which is enough. Then the girl took a sip of clean water before exhaling and continuing: "Hevi Joe Elizabeth, I wandered to the z7 base with my brother two months ago and stayed here temporarily."

When talking about her elder brother, the girl Hai Wei's eyes were misty again, and it seemed that her elder brother had already suffered.

"Your fighting skills are not bad, who did you follow?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Maple on one side broke the topic. People in this era are usually stronger, and the sufferings of life have long made people's hearts as hard as steel, otherwise they would not be able to live in this turbulent era. The same is true for the girl Haiwei, although the departure of her relatives and friends made her feel sad, but now she has survived. Hearing Feng complimenting herself, Haiwei triumphantly straightened up her not full chest, and patted her chest like a man, saying: "Captain Neo taught me. He said that my legs are very long. Suitable for kicking skills."

"He's right." A hearty voice came in, but Johnny, who followed Agatha's approach, said: "Your legs are very slender, and the muscle tissue is well-proportioned. This gives you powerful explosive power. It’s really suitable for practicing all kinds of kicking skills. How about it, do you want me to be your teacher? I also know a little about kicking skills."

With that said, Johnny landed on one leg and kicked out sweeping, throat piercing, hooking, forward kicking, down hitting and other leg skills like lightning. Johnny used several kicking skills in a series, unpredictable, so Hai Wei was dazzled, and his eyes gradually flooded with admiration.

Indeed, in the field of Zero, Johnny, as a master of fighting, is the most qualified person to be Teacher Hai Wei. What's more rare is that Johnny did not despise Hai Wei because of her identity. After all, not everyone in a base survivor was willing to teach her fighting skills, even if she did have a talent for kicking.

Hai Wei is also a smart girl. She saw that the Zero and others were well-equipped, and there were seven or eight powerful people including Zero, and she knew that they must belong to a powerful organization or chaebol. If Johnnyken were her teacher, then she could stay with these people for a while. In this way, both life and safety are guaranteed.

So Johnny finished speaking, Hai Wei nodded quickly, fearing that Johnny would regret it.

Johnny looked towards Zero, smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in Little Mind."

The implication is that, naturally, Zero does not have to worry that he will look at Shanghai Wei's body. Ling nodded, looking at Hai Wei, Ling thought of Moni. The girl who left with the teenager Grutan, don't know what happened now?

"Then Haiwei, can you tell us what happened to this base?"

Agatha's voice reminded Ling, and he also looked at Haiwei. The eyes of the short-haired girl became far-reaching, as if falling into a certain memory: "That morning, I woke up in a deep sleep as usual. My brother is ready to go to work in the mining area, and because of my first-order ability, I work. Much better than my elder brother. My job is as a lower-level **** for the base. Although I am a recruit, everyone including Captain Neo takes care of me..."

"After I got up and had breakfast, I went to the guard room to report. Because the shift was in the afternoon, I went to the practice range to exercise the skills that Captain Neo taught me. When I was about to leave, I heard the alarm sounded at the base. As soon as I left the practice range, I received an order from Captain Neo to evacuate the workers in the mining area.” Hai Wei said that, a light of fear began to appear in her big eyes: "But when I came to the mining area, they had already killed in. It was a living corpse, and there were butchers and rippers inside. These monsters are not something a guard team in the base area can contend. Captain Neo and these The monster fought fiercely, but retreated to the mining area while fighting. When he saw me in the crowd, he asked me and everyone to hide in the mining area and close the gate of the mining area!"

"I did what he said. Just when the gate was about to be closed behind the mine, a butcher attacked me. I was panicked, and suddenly someone pushed me away when I didn't know what to do. It was my brother, he took me away. After breaking away, he was killed by the butcher!" Hai Wei cried bitterly when he said this.

Agatha sighed softly and pulled the poor girl into her arms. After Haiwei cried for a while, she gradually stopped her crying and continued: "Later things were very chaotic. I remember that although the gate was closed, living corpses kept entering the mining area. Many people died, and those monsters even destroyed it. The operation platform was closed and the gate stopped closing. I and many people hid, many of them hid in the mine tunnel, and finally found the living corpses. Only me... only I survived..."

"Where are you hiding?" Ling asked.

Haiwei pointed upwards: "The ventilation pipe. I was relatively thin and hid in the ventilation pipe in the mining area. Sure enough, those monsters didn't expect anyone to hide in the ventilation pipe, so I didn't find them for them. Then I I hid in the ventilation duct for two days, and because of this, I saw strange things."

"What's the matter?" Agatha asked.

"People, people who can get along with living corpses, they call him a guide!" Hai Wei replied.

This sentence made the Ling-class people looked at each other, the living corpse would get along with people, and they heard it for the first time. Careful Agatha said: "Wait, you said they call him a guide. In other words, the living corpse can speak human language?"

Hai Wei hesitated: "I don't know if that thing is a living corpse, but it is indeed a monster, and it speaks human language right."

"Can you describe what it looks like?" Zero moved in his heart and said.

Hai Wei nodded and gestured with her hands and said, "It looks taller and fatter than other living corpses, and even the butcher is shorter. It looks like a big fat man, yes, it's a fat man. But. It’s very strange. It speaks human language. I was hiding in the ventilation duct and I saw it talking with a man on a work platform outside the mine. The man spread out a map on the ground and pointed it towards the fat man. Which human bases are there from the z7 base to the north. At that time, the fat man seemed to have spotted me, and looked at me, I was scared and left without hearing what they continued to say. It’s just that during the conversation, I heard The fat man called the man a guide."

The fat guy Hai Wei said was not much different from the creator Gullard that Zero they had met. And before he died, what Gurrard spoke to zero was the language of human beings. Therefore, this fat man who has visited the z7 base is undoubtedly the creator, which is why Agatha sensed the energy traces left by the creator in the z7 base.

"After I left the ventilation duct above the work area, I hid in the practice range. Unexpectedly, I hid in the practice range and an equipment warehouse before hearing a big movement outside. I was hiding behind the door and saw When the living corpses moved in with everyone's corpses, I thought it was very strange. Wouldn't the living corpses still be buried for everyone? At that time, thinking about this, the big fat man came in." Hai Wei gestured with a disgusting expression. Said: "The fat man has a lot of tentacles growing on his body, and he entangles the corpses of many people into his body. It turns out that the living corpses gather everyone’s corpses to make it easy for the fat man to swallow everyone’s corpses. But the fat man didn’t eat everything. It left nearly half of the human corpse, and then made a weird cry at the other living corpses. That call should be a command, just like the lord of the living corpse ordered its servants. When the other living corpses heard it, they rushed to the rest. On the corpse. As a result... the remaining corpses were transformed!"

"Transformed?" Zero pondered: "It turns out that this is the case. We found those empty bases along the way. The dead were either treated as food by the creator, or transformed into the same kind. Just like those transformed by Remute. Like the inhabitants of, they are the soldiers at the bottom, and when necessary, they are also the energy and materials needed by the creator to produce other biological weapons!"

"This is the most convenient way I have ever seen~lightnovelpub.net~ the cheapest way to supply supplies." Agatha smiled bitterly, but the others couldn't laugh.

As Agatha said, kill, eat, transform. The creator used this convenient way of supply to sweep more than 30 bases all the way, and while getting energy supplement like a locust crossing the border, they also continuously produced the lowest level of soldiers. It is conceivable that if there is not a certain number of capable people to garrison, ordinary settlements or bases with insufficient defense forces are simply ready-made supply stations in the eyes of living corpses!

"After completing the transformation of all the corpses, the guide expressed his intention to leave like a fat man. He could go back to the eyes of flames. Listening to the name, the place didn't seem to make people comfortable." Hai Wei emphasized.

"It's true." Agatha said solemnly: "The Eye of Flame is a human settlement behind the Twin Towers Mountain. It is a city built on ground ruins. Below the city is an active volcanic belt with extremely high temperatures throughout the year. The location of the city happens to be in a gap where the underground magma cannot reach, so it has the name of Eye of Flame."

After listening, Ling said lightly: "It looks like we have to go there. Since the guide can bring the creator to the coastline, we can let him be a guide to the kingdom of the living dead!"