War Lord

Chapter 295: Fall (1)

While Alan was still in a daze, the guests outside had already taken a step forward. .+?(.+bsp;\\s*This step is very ordinary, nothing unusual. But it was this step that showed Alan the face wrapped in the cape. This face is very handsome , A little bit indifferent, but the lines are clear, like a marble head carved by the master, which is unforgettable at first sight.

What is even more peculiar is that this man has pupils of different colors. The pupil of the left eye was as black as ink, while the right eye was a piece of burning golden flames, so dazzling that Allen felt slightly dizzy.

When the man took this step in real time, the tips of their noses had almost reached one piece. Staring at that dreamlike eye, Allen saw his figure in it. His own shadow appeared in the golden flames, as if the city was burning with flames, and he couldn't escape anyway. A horror from the depths of the heart suddenly occupied Allen's heart, his face became very difficult to look at, and he could not even breathe.

"Is there any wine?"

It wasn't until the traveler's voice that was as indifferent as his face sounded that Allen was able to breathe a mouthful of unfresh air like a person who had surfaced.

Alan couldn't help coughing a few times because he sucked too quickly and quickly, and stepped back, stopping when he almost hit the back row of tables and chairs. After a while, Allen, who was relieved of his anger, said: "Yes, we have the most powerful spicy wine here."

As he said, Allen yelled backwards: "Pat, where is your boy dead, get me out of the volcano!"

After a while, there was a mess of footsteps in the lobby. A fourteen or five-year-old boy ran out wearing patched clothes, carrying a bottle of sprinkles in his hand. The bottle is eye-catching and flaming red, and the word "87%" on the bottle packaging reminds guests of the strength of this bottle of wine.

Blaze Volcano is the iron signature of the tavern and belongs to a type of cocktail, but the Blaze Volcano brewed by Allen secretly has an intensity that ordinary cocktails can’t match. It is very much in line with the tastes of the men in the town, so it is very popular.

The traveler took a corner position and sat down, ordered some other food, and then ate quietly. The big rugged gun that made Allen's heart beat faster was flat on the table, and the row of bullets next to him, including magazines, was the food. It is not uncommon for Allen to pay with hard currency such as bullets. In fact, no one runs around the world with a bag full of money. Moreover, because of regional differences, currencies circulating in other places are not necessarily universal in Eye of Flame.

After all, the so-called continental currency is more suitable for cities near the coastline. As for inland towns like Eye of Flame, bullets and metal are more popular.

Allen was not in a hurry to collect the money, except that the guest brought out enough things for him to eat the same specification more than five times, but also because the guest ate very slowly. The traveler has taken off his hat, revealing broken black hair, which is obviously of Asian descent. He didn't eat fast, whether it was food or wine, he ate small bites and small pieces. This shows that he is not in a hurry, and those who are willing to stay longer, Allen believes that they will need more services.

For example, women.

Zero really did not eat fast. The sum of the energy of these foods in front of me is not enough for a tube of nutrients. That bottle of wine is not bad. The alcohol content of the blazing volcano is quite high, and these can be directly converted into energy by zero. But regardless of food or wine, he must eat slowly to fully absorb the energy in these things.

But this is only one of the reasons, and the other more important reason is that he is here to inquire about the news.

No matter where, the tavern is the best place to inquire about news. But Zero came a bit early, so he was not in a hurry to leave. After eating up the food and wine, he put the tripod on the table and closed his eyes while holding the giant sniper rifle. His body is resting, but his brain is still working.

The Eye of Flame is indeed just a small town, which is no more than 1 km square vertically and horizontally, and it is quickly surrounded by zero. Now the three-dimensional map of the Eye of Flame is presented in Zero's mind, and with Zero's thoughts, he constantly adjusts the angle he needs. Out of instinct, one by one markers appear on certain positions on the three-dimensional map, and they represent some special functions. For example, the best sniper spot, the route to escape the town when in danger, and so on.

Zero doesn't like to fight unprepared battles, so recording the terrain around him can guarantee safety to a large extent.

There are nearly a thousand people living in this small town. Most of them are workers. There are also some women who sell meat. The few remaining people are capitalists and factory owners. They are the people at the top of the town's biological chain, controlling the life and death of hundreds of people in the Eye of Flame.

But for Zero, they are no different from bugs.

The town has a small guard force. From a strategic point of view, the Eye of Flame lacks the necessary defensive work. At least zero enters the town without any hindrance, which is very rare in turbulent times. If the owner of the Eye of Flame lacks common sense, then the town has enough abilities.

Judging from the situation observed by Zero now, it seems that the former is more likely. Of course, it may also be caused by the fact that there are no outsiders in the town for many years, so whether there is a line of defense is not so important.

In the information that Agatha knew, Eye of Flame did not have a clear management. It is more inclined to a kind of business alliance, with the bosses of five battery factories controlling the town, and the magma extraction machines distributed around the town belong to these bosses. Only after the natural thermal battery is no longer selling well, four of the five factories have closed down, and now only one factory’s machines are still working.

The work of the residents in the small town has also quietly changed. In addition to a small number of people still employed in the battery factory, more people are engaged in another occupation.

Sulfur collection.

Sulfur is mostly distributed near volcanoes, and most of the lava rivers on the ground that are thousands of square kilometers wide around the Eye of Flame are also produced by sulfur. Sulfur can be used in gunpowder, dyes, medicine, etc. The urban residents collected it and sold it to other cities on the west side of the valley outside of the valley, so it became another new industry in the Eye of Flame.

Although sulfur is highly toxic and exposure to it all year round will increase the chance of death, but in turbulent years, who can care about it. Of the ten men in the town, seven are engaged in this job. One is employed by a battery factory, and the other two are either private owners or skinners who sell meat through their wives.

In general, the Eye of Flame has to be born in Asgart for more than several generations, regardless of technology or culture, and has developed a deformed economic form due to the particularity of the geographical environment.

Of course, these are not important to zero. He only needs to know that after a day of work, in the evening, the workers will come to the Flame Bar to drink and have fun. That is the best time for zero inquiries.

Zero sat in that corner all afternoon, and when he opened his eyes, it happened to be seven o'clock in the evening.

Not a lot of points, a lot of points!

After a while, the dinner was set in front of him, and under Alan's puzzled expression, a piece of artificial beef was gently cut with a knife and then sent to the mouth to chew slowly. At this time, the door of the pub was pushed open, and several men dressed as workers strode into the bar while smoking inferior cigarettes. After discovering the existence of Zero, they took another look at the things tied with cloth on the table.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a gun, a huge gun!

Several men looked away subconsciously, no matter what the origin of the man sitting alone, the person who used a big gun was something they couldn't afford. Although the man saw the row of currency-symbolizing bullets on the table, his eyes inevitably glowed with scorching light.

Over time, the number of people in the bar gradually increased, and the atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic. By nine o'clock in the evening, the bar was already full of crazy and loud music. The dancers twisted their limbs and made various suggestive movements, which made the men in the bar more interested.

At this time, Zero drank his last bosom. At this moment, a drunk man sat on the opposite side of Zero carrying a wine bottle.

Ling raised his head slightly.

"How much do you cost a night?" the drunk man shouted, his voice immediately aroused the onlookers of many nearby guests.

Zero loneliness, and the weapons on the table have long made people notice him. It's just that the guests are restraining their sanity. Obviously, the man sitting across from Zero now has his sanity completely overwhelmed by alcohol.

"I can forgive your rudeness because you are drunk. But if you don't leave, I don't think the next experience will be pleasant for you." Ling said lightly.

The man laughed and said: "I know you are a man, but you are very beautiful, so I don't mind using my big guy to **** your **** [eye]. Come on, I'm out..."

Suddenly, the man was speechless.

Zero, who was sitting across the table a moment ago, had already raised his right hand at this moment. The gun lying flat on the table fell into his hands at some point, and the barrel of the gun wrapped in the cloth strip was now pierced into the man's mouth, making him speechless.

Despite being wrapped in cloth strips, the man can still feel the strong smell of gunpowder from the muzzle. What's more important is that the opponent's finger is pressing on the trigger.

The atmosphere in the bar immediately fell cold, the music was still ringing, the dancers were still dancing, but everyone's eyes fell on the zero table.

Ling An was sitting like a mountain, and the man stared at by countless eyes could not wait to find a gap on the ground to drill down, provided that Ling was willing to take back his gun.

"Please take back your gun, sir."

Allen squeezed through the crowd, looked at the big gun inserted into the mouth of the drunk, and took a breath: "Listen, sir, he offended you. This is his fault, but I don't want to make a big noise. Come quiet. Don't worry, I will teach him."

After listening to Alan's words, Zero retracted the sniper rifle. The drunkenness of the man who had spoken badly disappeared now, and he sat back in his chair again after he had recovered his life. Suddenly, there was a pain in the back of his head, followed by the sound of glass cracking in his ears.

The shock of the back of his head caused him to fall to the ground. The man got up and touched his head, his tentacles were sticky. He brought his hand back to his eyes, and the five fingers and palm were full of blood. The man looked at Alan in surprise. The bottle in Alan's hand was only a jagged bottleneck, and under his feet was a broken glass. Apparently, Allen beat him up with a wine bottle just now.

He just wanted to ask "why" when suddenly his eyes went dark, but Alan flew up and kicked him in the face. The man fell to the ground completely, making a heavy noise, and then heard Alan roar: "Get out of here, the guy who can't tell the situation will not allow you to come to my bar again!"

Alan is also a talkative person in the eyes of the flames, and he has a gang of fierce thugs. Instead of daring to ask him to reason, the man staggered out of the bar with his head in his hands. After driving away the drunk, Allen put on a smile and said to Zero: "I'm sorry to disturb the guest. If you don't drink tonight, just treat it like me."

Ling showed a faint smile: "You are too polite, boss."

With that said, he flipped through his head, took out another row of bullets from the hood and put them on the table. Allen's eyes shined immediately. This row of bullets was made in one specification, and the metal surface was as smooth as a mirror. Only delicate machine tools can produce bullets of this level. In the wilderness, this row of bullets is expensive.

"I want to find someone. I don't know if the boss can consult other people for me?" Ling could tell that Allen was very eating in the eyes of flames. Then again, whoever runs a bar is not a big-hearted person. Of course, Zero can also ask by himself, but the effect is much worse than Allen said: "If there is a definite clue, I can pay you another row of the same bullets."

Allen smiled and put the zero bullet into his pocket: "Speak, as long as people are in the eyes of flames, there is nothing I don't know. No need to ask other people!"

Zero tilted his body forward slightly, and Allen stretched his ears at the same time. Following him, he heard Zero whispering in his ear: "I want to find a guide."

Although the music in the bar shook the sky, a single sentence overwhelmed all the sounds. After a momentary blank in Allen's mind, a grudging smile appeared on his face: "What guide, I really don't know the one the guest is looking for."

He straightened up and turned around. But at the next moment he suddenly turned back, carrying another empty wine bottle in his hand and swept towards Zero's head!

Zero smile, as long as Alan's expression was stiff, he knew what the bar owner must know. Seeing the wine bottle swept, he kicked it hard and hit the load-bearing column under the table. As he slammed the table into Allen, Ling Lianren took the chair to move Michel in the opposite direction.

Allen not only swept away, but also hit the edge of the table in his stomach, and while knocking him into the air, he was so sad that Allen almost spat out the overnight meal.

He fell to the ground and shocked the nearby drinkers. Regardless of his image, Allen shouted on the ground: "Close the door! Kill this guy, he is looking for a guide!"

This sentence was like a bomb, which immediately stunned the drinkers. Then everyone became fierce, both men and women, and their faces became grimaceous. Among them, the drinkers sitting at the entrance of the gate stood up. They not only closed the door, but also pushed the table and chairs to the door to block the exit. Then Allen's workers rushed in from the back door of the bar, and apparently heard Allen's words, they had clubs and long knives in their hands, and assigned these weapons to the people in the bar.

For a while, almost everyone has a weapon in their hands. They squeezed the weapons in their hands and surrounded them layer by layer. Zero still sat in the field, slowly releasing the cloth strips on the giant sniper rifle.

"If you can tell me the news of the guide, I can treat it as nothing." Ling said silently.

Allen jumped up from the ground and roared, "Kill him!"

While screaming, Allen squeezed back, but some of the drinkers rushed towards Zero with a knife and stick in their hands. But the next moment, the men who rushed to the front flew up and fell heavily into the corner of the bar.

Zero retracted the sniper rifle. Just now, this weapon was used as a bat by him, and it shot several people into the air in an instant. This played a somewhat deterrent effect, but the men in the bar had already drunk a lot of alcohol. Under the influence of the alcohol, they forgot their fear, forgot the excessively large gun on Ling's body, and then roared and pounced. It seems to be far weaker than their zero.

In the next moment, they knew that something like strength had nothing to do with body size.

With zero sniper rifles on his back, his free hands waved like the wind. Each punch is focused on the strength of two ranks, and the drinkers are mostly ordinary people, so how can they be able to beat the fist of zero. As a result, figures fell all the time. When they fell to the ground, their bones were more or less broken, and for a moment they had no strength to stand up.

Seeing zero in the blink of an eye and knocking down nearly half of the people, Allen yelled back, "Go, let that thing out!"

Hearing this sentence ~lightnovelpub.net~Zero speeded up. The "that thing" in Allen's mouth should not be ordinary goods. The facts confirmed zero conjecture. When he put down the last man in the tavern, there was a beastly roar behind the bar. The sound ceased, and the door of the kitchen flew out flat, hitting several men nearby, and wailing instantly.

In the kitchen, a giant strode out from inside. It waved roughly and smashed the tables and chairs blocking the front.

Little surprise, this is the butcher. It is very strange that the butcher's head is hidden in the flame bar. What is even more strange is that the butcher's neck is wrapped with an iron hoop, and three iron ropes are welded to the iron hoop. The ends of the chains were held tightly by a sturdy man. They should be Allen's hands. Obviously, their strength was not enough to control the butcher's actions, so although everyone desperately pressed their bodies back, they still dragged the butcher forward in vain.

"Let go!" Alan yelled, and pointed to Zero at the same time and said to the butcher: "Kill this person!"

The butcher seemed to understand Alan's words, and when the three big men let go, it was already roaring towards Zero.

"It looks like you have made the worst decision." Ling said lightly.