War Lord

Chapter 296: Fall (2)

[Thanks for the rebellious and forgotten monthly pass! 】

When the butcher jumped over, Zero had already jumped in. .+?(.+bsp;\s*He grasped the beam of the tavern with both hands, causing the butcher to pounce, crushing a table in vain, and crushing the bones of a few alcoholics on the ground who were too late to dodge. Butcher His temper was not mild, and he threw it into the air to make it very annoyed. So the giant grabbed the unlucky person next to him with both hands, and then pulled his head and body away before letting out a satisfying growl.

The blood was flying, and the emotions of the people in the tavern changed from inexplicable anger to deep fear. They began to retreat in the direction of the door, but the door was blocked by themselves just now, and it took a little more time to leave the tavern this time.

Ling didn't have time to pay attention to these people. For him, a tavern with a butcher was already a rare clue.

The clue is naturally not in the butcher, but in the bar owner Allen, so Zero doesn't mind killing this big guy. So he let go of his hand and fell easily on the butcher's shoulder. Zero's legs stood on the butcher's shoulders, allowing the butcher to sway vigorously, but Zero seemed to have fallen roots on it, showing an amazing balance.

The muzzle of the giant sniper rifle drooped, and it hit the hood behind the butcher's head. The butcher seemed to realize something, and reached out to catch Zero's feet. Ling smiled and pressed her fingers on the trigger heavily.

The next moment, the butcher's head and neck exploded into powder. The shock wave visible to the naked eye brought out a clear blood stain in the air, and finally blasted the wooden floor of the bar into a gap, exposing the rough ground under the floor.

When the butcher slowly fell, the rough gunfire rang. Zero fell to the ground as the butcher fell, and the giant's warm blood slowly flowed away, flowing through Zero's army boots.

There was silence in the tavern, and Allen's face was so bad that it couldn't be worse. The butcher is his assassin, but he didn't hold on for even one minute under the zero gun. No matter how stupid he is, he knows what kind of role he provokes.

With a bang, the walls and roof of the tavern were lifted off by Juli. The wooden iron windows were blown to pieces in midair, and there were fine electric lights floating in the debris, reflecting the constant changes in the light and shade of the faces of the people below. When the dust settled, Allen found that the tavern he ran only had the floor and the bar. Even if it were to be rebuilt, it would cost a lot of money. But this time he didn't feel painful, just at the edge of a broken place around the tavern, a fully armed soldier looked at the people in the tavern indifferently with the ability to wind an electric snake in his hand.

After a long time, the capable person said to Zero: "Captain Zero, your movements are too slow."

Zero picked up his sniper rifle and said nothing.

An hour later, regardless of men, women, old people and children in the eyes of the flames, they had to rush to the factory under the name of Tiesen Company in the suburbs. Tiesen Company is a thermal battery company that still operates as usual in the small town. There is a relatively open cargo loading and unloading yard there, but it is crowded with nearly a thousand people, but it is also crowded.

The citizens were naturally unwilling to gather here, but the weapons in the hands of the foreign soldiers and a few powerful capable people had to make them succumb. After arriving at the factory's loading and unloading yard, the citizens looked at each other, not knowing why they were gathered. At this time, a blonde woman walked out of the factory's gate. She just waved at the crowd and turned and walked back to the factory.

However, with this simple wave, even children can feel an invisible undercurrent in the air, but no one knows what effect this undercurrent has. Following the citizens, they were dispersed, which made them somewhat puzzled. But all citizens, including Allen, didn't know that their memories had changed slightly.

Those foreign soldiers had become soldiers recently hired by Tiesen Company in their memory, and even the bar that Allen had torn down for Berion had become an accident.

Of course, the butcher's corpse was thrown into the ubiquitous magma river outside the town for Asgart's servants, destroying the remains.

In Tiesen's factory, all machinery has stopped working, and workers have already left work. But the light on the factory shed was still on, so the shadows of the few people below were dragged straight and slender.

A few capable people formed a circle, with a leather chair in the middle of the circle. Sitting on the chair was a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man was dressed decently, even with an off-white silk scarf on his collar, just like a gentleman in the old days. But his eyes were blank, like a puppet, not half angry.

Agatha's hand is pressing on his forehead, and through the ability of "memory perception", the suggester is reading the man's memory.

The man's name is Tie Sen, who is the owner of this factory and the mayor of Eye of Flame. But he has another important identity, that is, a guide!

Zero's body is equipped with a pocket probe, which can broadcast the information he sees and hears back to the temporary camp halfway up the mountain in real time. If Zero is in danger, Agatha and others can start the action immediately. And when the people in the bar broke out, Agatha had already confirmed that the guide was not only in the eyes of the flames, but the whole town was also related to the Kingdom of the Living Dead. Otherwise, there won't be a butcher in Allen's tavern, and the men in the town will not attack Zero because of the three words "guide."

Agatha immediately adjusted the plan. She and Su Ji raided Tie Sen's company and took control of Tie Sen who was dining in one fell swoop. Berion is responsible for supporting Zero, and the other servants, led by Johnny and Jonah, control the entire town to prevent the citizens from escaping.

In this process, citizens naturally resisted, and the resistance was very fierce. But after the servants shot dozens of men, the citizens finally calmed down and accepted the fact that the town had been occupied.

Later, they were gathered outside the factory, but it was for Agatha to brainwash them. Agatha implanted the memories set in the morning into their minds, so that outsiders like them would not arouse any suspicion in the eyes of flames.

Now, Agatha is working on the last task, which is to read Tisen's memory. In this man's memory, Agatha saw the fact that he was a "guide".

When Agatha let go of Tie Sen's forehead, the man sprayed two thin mists of blood from his nostrils, and died when he tilted his head.

This is a side effect of "memory perception". Allowing energy to penetrate the brain and forcing the brain to reproduce clear memory fragments is a very heavy burden for ordinary people. So when Agatha's hand left Tie Sen, the man's head was already muddied by the invading energy.

"It's a deal."

Agatha's face was a little tired, and the ability to continuously use her perception domain was very exhausting, especially the memory perception, which was also a great burden for those with abilities. After using this ability, Agatha's face was white, and her breathing was slightly short.

After a few long breaths in a row, Agatha's face became slightly rosy. She continued: "Tiesen, including the entire Eye of Flame, has a huge money transaction relationship between them and Jotunheim."


"Yes, this is the name Tiesen and the others gave to the kingdom of living corpses. Jotunheim is the kingdom of frost giants in Norse mythology, and is also regarded as a synonym for hell." Agatha explained: "Close to the subject, Jotunheim’s first contact with the Eye of Flame was three months ago, and it was the creator Gullard that we met in the university town who met Tiesen. The creator used gold nuggets and the Eye of Flame. Trading thermal batteries and sulfur, the profit of the Eye of Flame is dozens of times the normal amount. But Jotunheim’s condition is that the Eye of Flame must provide them with a guide and be a guide."

Leading the way is not just as simple as leading the way. Jotunheim also asked the Eye of Flame to provide them with information on the distribution of human settlements behind the Twin Towers, the strength of their forces, and so on. Therefore, in the past three months, Tie Sen had to update his old information and information to meet the creator's requirements. Just half a month ago, Jotunheim finally sent his troops to cross the Twin Tower Mountain and attacked the z7 base through Tiessen's creation, thus kicking off the prelude to the attack on other settlements.

Jotunheim’s attack was fierce and rapid, and the creator walked along all the way. While replenishing energy, it also continuously created new sources of troops. They are like a swarm of locusts, and the settlements swept by them only have an empty shell, but Jotunheim's power continues to increase. By the time they came to Remte, they had surged from hundreds of zombies to three thousand, and the number had increased more than five times!

These materials all exist in Tie Sen's memory, but now they are presented in front of the zero class people. In this way, there is the best answer to the fact that the citizens of the Eye of Flame attacked Zero.

No matter when, gold is the best hard currency. Jotunheim’s generosity caused all citizens of the Eye of Flame to tie its chariot. For the great benefit, killing one or two outsiders who are searching for the secrets of the guide like Zero is normal.

Fortunately, Jotunheim sent troops to the human settlements along the coast, otherwise the Eye of Flame would not be as simple as having a butcher in Alan’s tavern. These advanced living corpses are weapons left to them by Jotunheim, and they must demand the killing of all curious people who are searching for the secrets of the kingdom of living corpses like Zero.

In this way, Jotunheim has not only an ambitious king, but also quite clever strategic means. No matter how you look at it, the living corpse is far from the usual, and it is also the first alien race to show surprising aggression towards humans.

Judging from the contact between Jotunheim and the Eye of Flame, the existence of this kingdom of living corpses may have existed for a long time. The scary thing is that it is completely out of sight of Asgart or Yongye City behind the Twin Towers. If it weren't for Remte's help, I am afraid that all the cities in the south of the coastline would have been eaten away by it and it would be known to everyone.

By then, it would be a hundred times more difficult to find out where Jotunheim was. After all, the southern land has become its home ground, and it is not difficult to block the intrusion of capable people. Just thinking about what to face at that time, it may be the incalculable guards, executioners, blasters, these new types of living corpse weapons, even the defiant Belion has to frown.

"It seems that our luck is not too bad." Feng said: "At least, the situation has not lost control so far."

"It is true." Agatha added: "The monthly transaction between Jotunheim and Eye of Flame happens to be these few days. If you are lucky, there will be living corpses tomorrow or the day after tomorrow to **** the goods to Jotunheim. Thermal batteries and sulphur should have other effects on Jotunheim, not just the goods traded with the Eye of Flame. At that time, we may be able to pretend to be the Eye of Flame and get into Jotunheim."

"This is a good way." Ling said, "Then these few days, let's get ready."

He looked at the colleagues in front of him, whether it was the friendly Agatha or the hostile Berion. Since crossing the Twin Towers, they have been a true lone army. The towering mountains and thousands of miles of radiation clouds have become the biggest obstacle to information traffic, and they are now unable to send out any information.

And this is why Cario asked them to bring the positioning spar. When the electronic information cannot be sent, only through the resonance between the elements can Asgart know the location of Jotunheim. This is also the main task of the zero class person's trip.

When Zero lay on the bed, it was already three o'clock in the morning. Now that they have occupied Tiesen's villa, Agatha and others are resting in other rooms. Zero people are in bed, but they are not sleepy. He turned his head inadvertently and looked at the night sky through the window beside the bed.

Even in the middle of the night, the sky above the Eye of Flame is still a red spot. In addition to the skylight of the radiation cloud itself, there is also the light emitted by hundreds of large and small magma rivers in the valley. These bright red lights shine directly into the sky, but are blocked by the clouds. Because of the diffusion, they form spots of different sizes, which become the unique night scene of the Eye of Flame.

Jotunheim has surfaced. As long as they find the correct position, Asgart can launch a long-range attack on the kingdom of living corpses by positioning the spar. Regardless of the reasons, Asgart will not allow Jotunheim to exist. But Zero thought of other questions. If there are more foreign kingdoms like Jotunheim, what impact will the human world suffer?

This is not impossible. In the turbulent years, the world familiar to mankind has quietly changed. In the new era, mankind’s vision is actually very narrow. In many places where humans are out of sight, God knows what will exist there?

When Ling was lying on the bed, Avignon, who was thousands of miles away, also threw himself onto a temporary sleeping bunk on the command vehicle.

Avenot was very tired, with heavy eyelids. After several days of sleeplessness, the ability of Avignon was also overwhelmed. Since Zero Class killed the creator Gullard that night, Va pointed to the command system of the living corpse. The army of corpses surrounding Remute quickly retreated, but Avignon didn't plan to let them leave like this, otherwise Remute would still have no safety at all if thousands of corpses regroup.

So under the leadership of Avignon, Asgart's army chased after the tail of the army of living corpses to kill. But the living corpse retreated into the ruins of the city, and the urban network like a cobweb made the pursuit very difficult. Unknowingly, Asgart's army has gone deep into the ruins these days. In such a battle, Asgart had little effect.

In a complex environment, neither firepower nor ability can be effectively used. The number of living corpses was also very limited. They no longer swarmed up like a siege of Remut, but used scattered but flexible attacks to harass Asgart's troops. This convinced Avignon that there were still messengers in the living corpses, otherwise it would be impossible for the living corpses to use such flexible tactics without these command nodes.

Of course, under absolute power, the living corpse is still at a disadvantage.

Before falling asleep, Avignon considered whether the front should be shortened in the direction of Remut tomorrow. After so many days, they are a little far away from Remte.

Including Avignon, except for the soldiers in charge of the night, everyone else has fallen asleep. The personnel of Remte were no exception. Only the defense line guarding the entrance of the base in a half-moon shape still had soldiers standing guard, and the people in the base also had an early rest.

It is true that this line of defense is constructed by the re-pulled high-voltage power grid, the temporary war bunker set up outside the power grid, and the rapid-fire heavy artillery disassembled from the off-road vehicle on the sentry tower. At the moment when Asgart’s main force left, even if the living corpse attacked on the face, they could still support it for a long time.

The soldiers on the sentry tower are monitoring the wilderness in the distance all day long, and whenever there is any movement, they will immediately report it to the commander of the defense line.

But this line of defense mainly guards against frontal attacks, so when several dark shadows appeared on the wilderness behind Remte, the soldiers in the sentry tower did not notice.

The lurker, who disappeared after being produced by the creator, appeared in the night at this moment. They are a little different from that day. In addition to the intestinal organs that are still flying on their backs, their four claws that support their bodies have also become larger and sharper.

Now, the lurkers occupy different positions, and follow the four claws like flying, scooping up the solid ground and fragmentary debris. UU reading www. uukanshu.com Only for a moment, a circular pit has appeared under them. The lurkers did not stop there, but accelerated their speed. They drilled into the ground like a soil drill, and as sand and rocks poured out of the ground like a fountain, five tunnels were taking shape.

While the lurker dug a tunnel, the port of the intestinal organs flying on his back was widened, and dark yellow liquid was continuously sprayed out. These liquids immediately penetrated into the soil as soon as they touched the walls of the tunnel. When the liquid disappeared completely, the originally soft soil layer continued to harden and finally became like concrete, making the tunnel strong and allowing other things to pass through.

Five tunnels were excavated from the ground, and after a hundred meters deep underground, they were changed from vertical excavation to horizontal excavation. When one of the lurker's claws suddenly drew a spark, a square alloy plate appeared in the monster's eyes. This is the exterior wall of Remute's base, which is constructed from a uniform specification of alloy plates.

Behind the outer wall is an undefended underground base. The lurker’s face showed a weird smile, and followed the bowel on his back to spray another green liquid toward the alloy wall. When this liquid touched the alloy wall, the alloy wall kept emitting "Zi". the sound of. While the foul-smelling black smoke floated, the metal outer wall was melting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The liquid sprayed by the lurker is actually a strong biological acid!