War Lord

Chapter 298: Jotunheim (1)

Winchester looked at the man before him in a bit of amazement. Theon who had dressed himself up like a nobleman of the old age, remained calm and calm even in the siege of living corpses, and possessed the wind of a general. .+?(.+bsp;\\s* Now, like a homeless man in the wilderness, he poured his throat desperately with the strong wine Winchester had brought him to warm up.

As the man who was given the responsibility of being a temporary commander by Avignon, Winchester knew that this was not the time to care about the changes in Theon. Theon, who ran out of the Remte base, brought shocking news. The living corpses did not know how to raid the underground base. Now the base has become a playground for the living corpses.

The news not only shocked Winchester, it even gave him a sense of slander.

The dignified elite warrior of Doomhammer let the unintelligent monster like the living corpse attack the place he wanted to protect. Whether out of honor or responsibility, Winchester could not accept this fact. He ordered the adjutant to report the situation of Remute to Avignon, and he assembled the troops on the line of defense to prepare to fight back to the Remute base and drive out the living corpses.

There has been no information from Avignon, and Winchester can no longer wait. Looking at the soldiers ready to go, he raised his arm and said, "Gentlemen, those filthy things sneaked into our back when we were not paying attention. I don't think anyone will allow this to happen. Our honor is being trampled on. Only by killing them can we restore our reputation! Only by killing them can we be worthy of the name of Asgart's warriors! Now..."

Winchester moved towards the base and waved his arm heavily: "Flush me!"

As soon as the commander's voice fell, five hundred celebrities roared and rushed towards the base. They not only want to redeem their reputation, but also shoulder the mission of avenging the victims of Remsky Land. The crowd was rolling, crashing into the entrance of the base like a torrent. Soon, a huge explosion sounded at the entrance. It was the sound of soldiers blowing up the armored door of the base.

Hearing this loud noise, Winchester put a machine gun quietly in front of Theon: "Chairman, no matter what setbacks you encounter, this is not the time to be downhearted. I am going to fight too. , You... take care of yourself!"

After all, Winchester strode away without looking at Theon again.

While walking slowly, Winchester's muscles soared, and his whole body grew nearly one meter tall. He was already nearly two meters tall, so he became a three-meter giant. But his ability is not a fighting domain, so crystal armor pieces continue to appear on the strong upper body that has burst the uniform. The nail pieces are stacked to form a crystal armor. In an instant, Winchester's whole body was already covered with a seamless crystal armor covering his whole body.

The shape of the crystal armor is full of magical style. There are natural crystal troughs walking around the crystal armor, and a mysterious symbol is naturally drawn on the chest on both sides. When the crystal armor was formed, Winchester shook his hands, and suddenly his five fingers were brought together, and the crystal armor on it was covered and multiplied continuously, finally forming two crystal knives one meter long and two palms wide.

The shape of the crystal knife is rough, the blade is uneven, and it is full of wildness. There is a crystal pattern on the knife face, during which the energy and brilliance are overflowing, making the double knives wrapped in the hazy phosgene. As Winchester traveled all the way, the two knives dragged out a faint blue flame, which remained in the air for a long time.

Winchester is a capable person in the mutant domain, and is a rare demon type in this ability domain. Unlike the most common wild beasts and plants in the mutation domain, there is almost no one with the ability of the demon. Winchester is an advanced blade warrior of the Demon Department, similar to a fighter with the ability to attack with weapons in close quarters. The difference is that no matter what kind of profession the demon type ability is, their attacks are accompanied by different types of energy.

Scholars who have studied various abilities have done a detailed ability derivation map for the demon system, and finally came to the conclusion that if the demon system develops to the top of its ability. That is, at the thirteenth level, it is likely to be in the form of a legendary angel or demon.

The demon-type ability has great potential, almost catching up with the theoretical rule area ability. Therefore, when Asgart's ability to have Winchester turned out to be the demon transformation of the mutant domain, Dangji recruited him. After perfect training, he was eventually promoted to a blade warrior and became an official member of Doomhammer.

The crystal armor covering the whole body is like a devil's stomach. In addition to having a certain defense against both physical and energy attacks, it also has a random rebound effect against energy attacks. This is the characteristic of the demon-type abilities, and it also makes them known as the nemesis of the element domain. After all, the abilities of the element domain are almost always good at attacking with energy.

As for the Living Corpse and the Ripper, their claws couldn't tear Winchester's crystal armor. Only the great power of the butcher can cause certain damage to the crystal armor. Therefore, for Winchester, there is no threat to him in the underground base.

This battle will win!

When Winchester strode into the underground base, the battle between the five hundred defenders against thousands of living corpses had already begun. Through the diamond-like eyes of the visor, Winchester's eyes were shot and fired. The firepower net of rapid-fire heavy artillery cuts the corpses of ordinary living corpses, and the powerful grenades thrown from time to time can be harvested in patches. The number of living corpses.

Although the number was not large, relying on absolute firepower, Winchester's troops drove in and harvested all the living corpses they saw along the way.

Starting from the entrance of the base, the defensive army continued to advance to the living quarters. Seeing the flames of war, Winchester sighed in his heart, I am afraid that even if this war can be won, Remute almost has no need to rebuild.

In a trance, Winchester's heart moved.

Turn around, cross the swords, and then cut out in an instant.

An "x"-shaped energy knife light instantly chopped the two rippers that sprang out of the burning building into sporadic pieces of meat. Winchester snorted, and the main force of the living corpse finally came on the field. .

Indeed, as he expected, the Rippers circumvented the blockade from the rear of the main force. With these speeds of action, the high-ranking living corpses with sharp minions threw out attacks from the shadows of the ground, ceiling, and ruins. The defensive army had to split up some troops to intercept these monsters. The ripper's speed was so fast that the dynamic vision of ordinary soldiers could not keep up with their speed. So after a moment of fighting, the defensive army had begun to suffer casualties.

After Winchester snorted and asked the adjutant to take charge of the advancement, he turned around and rushed to the rear of the troops.

Only those with the ability can easily solve these things, or use heavy firepower to bomb them indiscriminately. In the former, among the troops left by Avignon, there is only one capable person in Winchester; in the latter, if there is no discrimination, the life of the defensive military will probably be buried in the underground base.

Therefore, Winchester had to temporarily relieve the responsibility of command and temporarily act as a killer.

He leaped like flying, and all the basic statistics of Winchester have been improved after the demonization. Even if he has not deliberately strengthened the ability in the fighting domain, his current strength, agility and defense have reached at least the level of Tier 4. The two long crystal knives are extremely sharp. Usually, the monsters will fall apart after the crystal knives with blue flames flash past the ripper, and a drop of blood on Winchester's crystal knives has never been contaminated. pass!

After slaying five Rippers in a row, and seeing at least hundreds of these monsters around him, Winchester sneered, and the two swords dragged the flames towards the monsters. His double knives hovered like a ring, spinning out a ring of light, not only the ripper beside him was easily cut away by the crystal double knives. Those who were far away, were swept away by the flame of the crystal knife, and disintegrated one after another.

Winchester was like a gorgeous solo dance, passing through the tearer cluster like a hurricane.

When the blade warrior stopped, the last ripper was a hundred meters away, but his body suddenly fell into pieces.

Winchester's graceful move, under his Blade Warrior promotion skill "Hurricane Dance", hundreds of Rippers only took him 3 minutes and 27 seconds!

Hurricane Dance, while using a fast circular attack, pulls out energy cutting waves, covering the space of 100 meters around the capable person, and forming a fatal blow to multiple enemies. With the strength of the tearer's body, not to mention the extremely sharp crystal long knife after demonization, even the cutting wave of energy overflow can't stand it. These special living corpses are not good at defensive power in themselves.

Winchester looked at the corpse in this place, feeling uncomfortable, and wanted to turn around to follow the big army. At the corner of the eye, another tearer flashed past. Winchester snorted and decided to kill all the killers among the living corpses, lest they pose a threat to the defending army.

He quickly chased the ripper and turned into an alleyway. He saw the ripper with his hands and feet swiftly across the walls of the buildings, like covering the ground.

Winchester's double knives slumped down, leaning over and hard, and suddenly he was like a rocket. In the air waves exploding behind him, he chased him at a faster speed than the Ripper. The ripper made a weird cry, suddenly turned, turned into the side road, and disappeared in Winchester's eyes.

Winchester continued to castrate, seeing that there was no way ahead, only tall buildings lay across. He seemed to see no obstacles, and rushed straight towards the building. But when they came to Qiang Li, people sprinted up, stepping on the vertical wall and flying up. When he came to a high place, he looked down, and the figure of the tearer could not hide.

He sneered, bent his knees, flicked and turned with all his strength. Winchester hovered like an eagle, already changing direction and flying away!

The ripper heard a strange roar on his head, and the monster screamed again and crashed into a warehouse-like building frantically. The Winchesters were in the air and did not change their bodies. The whole body was covered with energy and brilliance, and the people blasted into the building like a cannonball. Immediately, the stone chips flew, the iron bars broke, and the building zenith gave the devil a three-meter-wide gap.

Winchester fell to the ground, took advantage of the flow, and had already unloaded his great power from the sky. He flicked away, the IP brilliance flashed in his crystal eyes, the two knives buzzed, and he instantly fitted himself and rushed towards the tearer.

As soon as the Ripper stood up, a blue flame passed by it. Following it, he lowered his head and watched a thin slit appear on his waist. The slits continue to expand, and blood and intestinal organs flow out uncontrollably. In the end, the tearer screamed, and his upper body fell straight to the ground, but he was chopped by the demon.

But it was a living corpse after all, and it was still dead for a while, and its eyesight and hearing were still there. So the Ripper heard the footsteps sounding behind his head, and he looked up, and first saw Winchester exuding energy and brilliance, followed by a growing foot.

This is the last picture it sees.

Winchester stomped its head with one foot, and the still active nerves of the tearer kept its body trembling. Like a centipede, it is dead but not stiff.

The two knives rubbed each other to wipe out the flamboyant sparks. Winchester wanted to leave without looking at the living corpse on the ground. As he lifted his foot, a blush suddenly lit up in the dark warehouse. Then came the second, third, fourth...

In Jing's eyes, Winchester flashed astonishment. In his eyes, the warehouse from west to east and from south to north, the four corners of the warehouse lit up with red lights one by one, reflecting the red light of the nearly thousand-square-meter warehouse, like a string of red light bulbs.

These things are naturally not light bulbs. Naturally Winchester still does not know what light bulbs can emit energy brilliance with high-energy response. Reflected in Winchester's eyes are blasters who are just like hungry ghosts. There are hundreds of these scrawny, movable biological bombs all over the warehouse!

And looking at their chubby bellies glowing, it was actually a precursor to an attack.

Winchester remembers that every blaster can be regarded as a powerful grenade. In the center of the explosion of a high-powered grenade, with the special properties of the crystal armor, Winchester asked himself to be able to retreat without injury. And if ten of them explode at the same time, then he will be seriously injured.

But what if it is a hundred?

Winchester did not think about this issue, nor did he experience it. And soon, he knew.

When the torrent of brilliant red energy burst out from the belly of each blaster, the world was quiet, and Winchester had only time to scream "bastard", and his figure was already overwhelmed by the red light. Not only him, but also warehouses, streets, living corpses, defensive forces... the entire Remute!

; On the ruins of psb kilometers away, a butcher held up a blood-stained sledgehammer and smashed Avignon on the head. Avignon seems to be unconscious, and the butcher's speed is becoming slow by a hundredfold. A cloud of frost floated from the ground, and all the functions of the butcher were constantly stopped due to the interference of the frost. In the end, the butcher's body was covered with frost, and at the end of his death, the internal organs formed ice.

At this moment, its warhammer was just about to fall.

Avignon looked at it at this time, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth at the same time. He stretched out his hand and pressed it gently on the butcher, and the energy ripples visible to the naked eye dispersed. This ripple doesn't have much offensive effect, it only has a shock characteristic. And after this shock wave wandered through the body, the surface of the butcher's body appeared like an ice sculpture, and the surface of the butcher's body appeared like a spider's silk, and the next moment it turned into fragments with the sound of "crashing".

Around Avignon's body, there is maintained a unique ability "Frost Frozen Domain" unique to the Deep Ice. This is an ability in a similar field, and its function is to maximize the ice element in the space within the scope of the ability to freeze and slow the opponent. From the sky, you can clearly see that at the feet of Avignon, the ground is frosty and cold.

This was the last butcher, and Avignon put away his abilities. He frowned, and just half an hour ago, the army was suddenly attacked by hundreds of butchers. Hundreds of butchers may be a disaster for many cities, but for the army where Avinot belongs, it is just a little troublesome harassment.

But what makes Avignont puzzled is why these hundred butchers attacked the troops for no reason.

At this time, the adjutant sent Winchester's message from Remte through the communication device. When he heard the news of Remte being attacked, Avignon seemed to know something, but for a while he could not figure out the key.

At this moment, a group of red flames rose in Remut's direction. The fire ball slowly lifted into the air, then exploded suddenly. Even at a distance of one kilometer away, Avignon could still hear the loud noise like a hundred muffled thunders!

After the fireball exploded, under the night, a smoke screen rose into the sky, reaching a height of 100 meters, and then swept in with the shock wave of the explosion. However, in the blink of an eye, he has reached the ruins where Avignon is located.

For a time, the wind rushed through the ears, and I couldn't see. Looking up, there is only wind and sand in the sky. Avenot supported the elemental force field to keep himself from being swept away by the wind. Ordinary soldiers have been blown by the wind, and even heavy tanks have been pushed into translation several meters.

The strong wind lasted for 5 minutes before it came to an end. When the wind stopped, the sky and the earth were misty. Arvinot called the adjutant with an iron face, and roughly tore off the telescope hanging from his neck. Then, Avignon rushed into a building next to him.

A few moments later ~lightnovelpub.net~ Avignon appeared on the zenith of the building. He raised the telescope and looked in the direction of Remute. As the line of sight in the telescope was getting closer, Avignon saw a huge crater with a diameter of at least one kilometer. As if hit by a meteorite, the entire Remute was blown up, revealing a dark crater. A high earth wall was built around the round pit, and at least within 500 meters of the round pit, everything was in black crystalline form, which was a trace of the raging high heat energy.

Avenot was silent for a long time before putting down the telescope.

At this moment, even the wind is desolate.

Avenot is still alive, but he lost. He lost by applying the human way of thinking to the living corpse. Judging from the final result, the living corpse didn't even want to win alive. At the beginning of the fight, they decided to bury the whole Remut and themselves.

The attacks of a hundred butchers were not only harassment, but also bait. In order to disperse the bait of Asgart's main force, they could not discover the real purpose of the living corpse in time, and then returned to Remut. Remte was gone, and the citizens didn't seem to escape. All the garrison troops were destroyed, and the interim commander Winchester was killed. All of this weighed heavily on Avignon.

Avenot put down the telescope and knelt down in the direction of Remte!