War Lord

Chapter 319: Coordinates

w Anger Archon, high-level biochemical weapon, an upgraded version of the butcher. [Has a height of nearly a hundred feet, and a strange power that matches the body. If the butcher is a human tank, then the Wrath Archon is the main ship of the war, possessing destructive power.

The angry archon in front of Agatha's eyes had six things on the back of the armor that looked like a locomotive exhaust pipe. From these six pipes, flames of energy are sprayed from time to time, and these energy flames are full of the aura of destruction.

The giant’s hand is carrying an exaggerated warhammer equal to the size of a tank. The bottom of the warhammer is covered with sharp but stubby steel nails. These steel nails are densely scattered across the base of the warhammer. From time to time, there are electric snakes jumping between the steel nails. Obviously these steel nails. The role of violent destruction is not as simple as that.

The huge disparity in size made Agatha completely overwhelmed by fear. In her body, there is no weapon to fight against this terrible monster. At this time, the Archon held the warhammer high and hit Agatha with a hammer.

If you hit her, Agatha must become a pool of blood.

Agatha screamed and escaped the hammer embarrassingly. The Archon’s warhammer smashed the ground of ten meters square, smashing several tons of stones into powder, but did not hit Agatha. The archon uttered a series of roars under the beast skull helmet, swung the sledgehammer, and continuously issued terrifying attacks at Agatha.

It is true that the power of the Archon is so great that it has been catching up with the power of Tier 10 in the ability system! But no matter how strong it is, it has to hit the enemy to be effective. The Archon has brute force, but he is not as good as strength in terms of agility. It doesn't necessarily move fast, so Agatha often catches the gap of the attack and avoids the attack of the warhammer.

This is also helpless. The angry archon is a weapon of war in the system of biochemical weapons. It is better at siege and land grabs, rather than one-on-one duels. However, this does not mean that it has nothing to do with Agatha.

After connecting ten records and all the attacks failed, the square where Agatha was located has become a ruin. There were deep pits after another on the ground of the square, and the floor tiles were shattered by the warhammer. During this period, the consul's warhammer almost fell on the base of the obelisk. But except for the first attack, the next few such attacks were stopped by the giant, as if the obelisk was an inviolable holy thing.

In this way, Agatha knew how to approach the obelisk to limit the archon's angle of attack.

The consul quickly realized this. Although it looks furious, it is not stupid. In fact, all high-end weapons possess a certain degree of intelligence, and they can think independently to solve a certain problem.

And now, Agatha has become the consul's problem, and it soon has a decision.

Raised the warhammer again, this time the steel needles at the bottom of the warhammer jumped wildly. At the same time, the energy pipe behind the Archon continuously spit out large swaths of blue flames, making the giant like a machine moving at full speed. In Agatha's induction, its bio-energy intensity suddenly increased.

The hammer falls!

It was not Agatha that was aimed at, but an open space nearly 100 meters away from Agatha.

When Agatha couldn't figure out the consul's intention, the warhammer had plunged into the ground deeply. But this time, while the ground was pulverized by the power of the ruling monster, a wave of electric snakes swept away in a ring.

Wherever the electrical fluctuations passed, the floor tiles bulged one after another, and then exploded into powder in the next moment. There was no time for Agatha to escape, and the electrical fluctuations quickly blew through Agatha's body. Agatha was numb all over, followed by the waves, and then slammed into the obelisk stone foundation at the back.

With a wow, Agatha sprayed a blood mist in midair. The blood mist was also mixed with some finely chopped pieces of meat, which were fragments of internal organ damage, which were ejected from the mouth with the blood under the pressure of the body.

After the electrical wave disappeared, with the warhammer's drop point as the center, nearly one thousand meters of floor tiles were destroyed by the shock wave, and even the base of the obelisk showed countless cracks. But it seemed that the material of the obelisk was very solid, and the archon's attack only caused it to crack.

Agatha fell to the ground and spewed another blood. In the shock just now, Agatha, whose body strength is not much stronger than that of ordinary people, has clearly heard the sound of her internal organs breaking. Electrical fluctuations are very overbearing. It is not a simple shock wave, but a shock wave. A terrible destructive force was produced through the mutual vibration of the electric ions. With just one blow, Agatha's internal organs and bones had been severely injured.

If it weren't for her permanent defensive field, if she were an ordinary person, she would have exploded and died all over her body. But even if he couldn't die for a while, it was already difficult for Agatha to escape the second blow.

She tried to breathe, even if every breath of air she took in turned into a blazing flame in her body. Only breathing can arouse the energy in the body. Agatha stored up a few of her strengths, and slammed off the glove on her right hand, and followed her to grasp her hand tightly.

I can't die yet! I have to fight!

The touch hints at Agatha's true ability. Ignoring the level of strength, once the life touched by her hand will fall into her hint. At this time, the competition is only the strength of will, and it has nothing to do with strength. But the object Agatha hinted at can include herself. So such hints can sometimes be a means of stimulating potential.

Just like now, Agatha, whose internal organs have been broken, actually stood up again after passing self-suggestion. It's just that there is a raging flame in her eyes. It is the flame of life. Agatha has burned her own life in exchange for energy to continue her activities!

With a tight hand, the spar in the palm of his hand finally shattered. A smile escaped from the corner of Agatha's mouth, the coordinates had been sent, and even if he died in battle, there would be no regrets.

In his mind, the figure of Zero suddenly passed.

It's a pity. If you get to know him earlier, you might be able to have a good relationship. Agatha thought to herself, but people ran towards the consul~lightnovelpub.net~ While standing up, Agatha had already taken out the last high-powered grenade.

This is her last kill!

Asgart, headquarters.

Cario chōu his cigar without saying a word, and there were already four cigars in the chief instructor's mouth. The cigar burned desperately, and there was a choking smoke that was enough to make people eye-catching. But in this kind of smoke, Cario didn't seem to need to breathe, as quiet as a volcano about to erupt at any time.

At this moment, the door of the office was knocked open. The blonde girl who had led Zero upstairs that day rushed into the office and said anxiously: "Sir Cario, the technical department...there is news from the technical department. Just now, they received the coordinates!"

The smoke in the office suddenly dispersed, Cario’s old face glowed, and he said loudly: "Good gan, those boys. Go, immediately call the technical department to transfer the coordinates to the Hall of the Twelve Lords, and at the same time inform Paul that old guy, gan Time to live!"*m