War Lord

Chapter 320: Desperately (1)

w In a special room in Asgart, four capable persons occupy different angles, standing calmly with their eyes closed. Around them, energy halos of different colors floated up and flew around them. The four people were of different ages, three men and one woman, but without exception, they showed a touch of power. At this time, one of the old people with white hair took a deep breath, and the cyan light spots flying around him suddenly accelerated.

It was a manifestation of the energy of the wind element, and the light emitted by the dancing wind and clouds reflected the whole body of the old man. The old man put his hands together, then pointed down to the ground, his closed eyes suddenly opened. The next moment, Feng Yunsu screamed.

With bursts of green haze, centered on the old man, the flames of energy continued to surge, causing the old man's silver hair to flutter indefinitely.

After the old man, energy flames of different nature also appeared beside the other three. They are the three elements of red fire, yellow se soil, and blue water. Therefore, the room was colorfully illuminated by the energy flames of four different colors. The energy flames on the four people were agitated in a boiling manner. It was not until 10 minutes later that they gradually calmed down and maintained a consistent intensity.

The old man breathed in again, and the energy circulating around him was absorbed into his body. After him, the other three people also put away their energy breath, and the room finally became quiet.

"Remember the frequency and intensity just now. The use of'Doomsday Catastrophe' requires a very high energy synchronization rate. A little error is enough to cause the release of this ability to fail. And our chances are probably not more than three." The old man turned. Body, facing other people with a hand and said. His voice is not so loud, but it is full of indisputable majesty.

"Yes, Mr. Paul," the three said at the same time.

These three were thrown into the wilderness casually, and with their power, they could easily get into the position of the overlord of one party. But in front of this old man, they were respectful. In addition to the vast power of the old man, it was also because of his record.

In the battle thirty years ago, the old man in front of him was the cyan warhawk who was as famous as the steel tiger Cario!

Paul and Cario are considered Ben; Douglas' left and right arms help. Of the two of them, Paul is a strong player in Elemental Domain, while Cario has developed the ability of Fighting Domain to an unattainable level. Except for a very small number of people, the Kalio that the others know, his strength is only the power on the water.

As for the true power beneath the surface, no one knows about the younger generation.

And now listening to Paul's instruction is the Holy Spirit warrior secretly trained by Asgart. There are seven of them in total. The three men in front of Paul were selected from the Warriors of the Holy Spirit, for no other reason, because they were all capable of the elemental realm.

These three are the rough Bart, the handsome David, and the mature and **** Hannah. They are capable of the earth, fire, and water systems, and they all reach the tenth level!

The four people in the room, plus Thor, the **** of light, Badr, and the **** of darkness, Loki, gathered all the abilities needed to launch the "doomsday catastrophe".

Only an organization like the Hall of Valor can get a luxurious lineup of seven Tier 10 elemental domain abilities to launch the strategic skill "Doomsday Catastrophe."

As soon as Paul finished speaking, a dialogue window popped up on the light screen on the wall of the room. Cario’s secretary, the blonde girl, said in the light screen: "Mr. Paul, Officer Cario has informed you that you are ready to act. The coordinates of the Kingdom of the Living Dead have been sent back and have been passed to the Hall of the Twelve Lords!"

"Understood, we will pass." Paul said lightly to the woman in the light screen.

He turned around, and said solemnly to the three of Bart: "Fight up, boys, we have to live!"

"Yes! Sir!" Bart's trio replied in unison.

On this day, the citizens of Asgart saw a wonder that was hard to see in their lives. At the zenith in the middle of the city, the holographic plate descends, and then continues to shrink around. As if it had become magical, the holographic board kept being retracted, and a huge gap with a diameter of more than one kilometer opened in a blink of an eye. Looking up from the gap, you can see the sky outside the Julian Mountains.

Citizens living in Asgart probably never thought that a huge passage nearly one kilometer wide was opened between the sky and the top of the mountain in the city. When this passage was opened, the building of the Hall of the Twelve Lords also began to vibrate.

At this moment, Ben was standing in the center of his office. There are fixed brackets that rise from under the floor. After they fix desks, chairs, bookshelves and other furniture, they sink the furniture pieces under the floor. When all this was done, six mechanical arms extended from the outside of the building. After they fixed the six positions on the outside of the zenith of the building, the pillars that supported the zenith also shrank into the floor and disappeared.

Immediately after the top plate splits symmetrically, as the outer mechanical arms open, from a high altitude, the hall of the twelve main halls is like a blooming hua flower, and this office is huarui.

The only thing that still exists in the lobby is the elevator, and at this moment, the elevator made a "ding" sound. Following the opening of the elevator door, with Paul as the leader, seven capable people filed in, and finally lined up in front of Ben.

In addition to Paul's four, there are three legion commanders with Doomhammer, Dawn Shield, and Dark Blade.

Badr is still wearing his gorgeous military uniform and robe, no matter where he is or what happens, the **** of light always looks like Fu Ningding. He smiled, as if nothing could bother Badr.

Standing beside him was Thor, the leader of Doomhammer, who was burly tall, only a head shorter than the leader of the golden battle axe, Tyr. Thor has a wild, long blond hair that makes him look like an angry lion. There was a lazy smile on his face, his eyes seemed to be drunk but not drunk, but the ng light flickered in his eyes, which made Sol seem to have a languid temperament.

The last one is Loki, the man named after the **** of mischief in Norse mythology is so handsome and almost monster. The beautiful face of a woman seems to be carved from the finest jade ~lightnovelpub.net~ There is almost no flaw in it. Long and narrow eyes painted with purple eyeshadow, beautiful and curly eyelashes are curled up enough to make any woman jealous. The double chún painted in lavender chún color outlines a faint smile, but Loki's eyes have never smiled. In those phoenix eyes, some are only a few points colder than the tip of a knife.

"Everyone, our excellent warriors in Asgart have sent back the coordinates of the Kingdom of the Living Dead, and it is time to destroy it. The human world does not allow other alien kingdoms to exist. This is a battle of honor and dignity. Unfortunately, I I'm not good at the abilities of the element domain, so now, my old man can only cheer for you." Ben Zheng said, those drunk eyes flashed with ng light, and they swept across these different temperament faces one by one: "Go ahead, let us push this evil and evil kingdom down the abyss of doomsday!"*m