War Lord

Chapter 321: Desperately (2)

w [Today is New Year's Eve, Xiaochen is here to wish everyone a happy Soul Day, family reunion, body and body health, the latest chapter of Evil Evolution! 】

At the top of the Hall of the Twelve Lords, the zenith opens up to form a small open square. This station is in the middle, and seven capable people, headed by Paul, form a circle. Ben stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the ground. A sphere of light immediately appeared on the ground. This sphere of light was actually a globe. When it came to my hand, it outlined the geography of the earth when it appeared, the super octopus clone.

The palm of my hand was imagining the ball of light and was constantly adjusting its surface. After a while, when the palm of my hand stopped, a red spot of light was flashing at a certain position on the ball of light. This is the coordinate passed back from Jotunheim. Allows Asgart's capable people to determine the location of the attack.

"It's time to start," Ben said lightly, and stepped back to the edge of the square.

Therefore, among the seven Paul, there is only the ball of light showing the coordinates.

"Let's get started, everyone, first adjust everyone's energy intensity to the same frequency." As the main person in charge of this long-range strike, Paul gave a series of instructions in a deep voice. As a powerhouse in the element domain, he has rich experience in energy control, so legion leaders such as Raytheon Sor are also meticulously implementing his instructions.

As Paul's body glowed with cyan energy, the six colors of red, blue, yellow, white, purple, and black glowed. The seven energy flames rushed straight to the sky, and they collided and annihilated each other, making the entire Asgart element very unstable. Under the hedge of the energy of the seven elements, the entire Asgart's power system has already ceased operation. Otherwise, in such an energy storm, I am afraid that the electronic circuits will have to be short-circuited and damaged.

Asgart shook lightly. At this moment, no matter soldiers or citizens, nobles or slaves, no matter what they were doing in the city. At this moment, they all stopped their work and couldn't help but look in the direction of the Twelve Lords Hall, where the light was like a pillar. And in the perception of the capable person, in those energy storms shining with seven colors of light, the intensity of the aura displayed is even more powerful as hell!

Ben half-squinted his eyes, the light of mili shining in his eyes. He touched his red nose and murmured: "Unexpectedly, when you actually use this trick, Paul, you old fellow, really have a foresight."

In the war with the Dark Council thirty years ago, although the two sides ended in a tie, I knew that the Hall of Valor was actually at a disadvantage. If it wasn't for accidentally discovering the existence of the holy relic, and then attracting the attention of both sides. The war continued. Although the Dark Council would pay a heavy price, the Hall of Valor would definitely suffer a devastating blow.

The key point is that the Hall of Valor does not have strategic weapons or capabilities. For this reason, after the war, as the chief powerhouse in the elemental domain of the Hall of Valor, Paul began to imagine the feasibility of using the strategic ability of "doomsday catastrophe" through the cooperation of seven high-level abilities. .

At the time, this was tantamount to fantasy. After all, it is not easy to find seven high-level talents of comparable strength, but in the next thirty years, listening to Paul's opinions focused on the cultivation of talents in this area. But he is not limited to the cultivation of elemental domain abilities, but seeks potential abilities in Asgart or the wilderness, and absorbs them to form the top combat power group of the Holy Spirit Temple, the Holy Spirit Warrior.

And now, Ben finally saw the fruits of thirty years of painstaking cultivation.

The seven capable persons flicked all over their robes, and their faces were colorfully illuminated by the flames of energy. They released their energy in accordance with Paul's instructions, and then contracted or strengthened their strength toward the specified intensity standard. When the seven energy flames reached the same pace, the elements and the elements began to merge, and a bright cloud of light formed above the hall of the twelve main gods, which was the energy required for the "doomsday catastrophe".

But at this critical moment, suddenly the coordinates on the ball of light among the seven disappeared!

Paul pulled a face down immediately, even though they knew the approximate location, if there is no coordinate as a guide, there will be a distance error in the ability to activate. And this kind of long-distance ability strike, the error that appears will usually be measured in kilometers. If you can't prepare to bring the "doomsday catastrophe" to the center of the kingdom of living corpses, then everything is meaningless.

In the headquarters office, the blonde rushed into Cario's room again. She couldn't care about polite knocking on the door, and the blonde said anxiously to Cario: "It's not good sir, the coordinates have disappeared!"

"What?" Cario fisted on the desk and shouted: "Is the technical department eating shit? Even the coordinates disappear?"

He got up and strode out of the office. As soon as Cario left with his front foot, the desk suddenly fell into pieces, and the blonde couldn't help sighing. It seemed that she had to buy a new desk for her boss again.

In the technical department of the headquarters building, the staff ran around like crazy. In this swarm of scenes, Cario's thunderous voice sounded: "Norton, get out of here, what is going on with the coordinates disappearing!"

Hearing this voice, Norton, the head of the technical department, crawled to Cario's side like a fire and said: "Reporter, we suspect that the transmission of the coordinates is blocked by the enemy's energy field, and we are now undergoing reverse osmosis and renewal. position."

Cario caught the thin supervisor and asked in a deep voice, "I just need you to tell me how long it will take to get the correct coordinates again!"

The head of the technical department wiped cold sweat and hesitated: "This is really hard to say, it depends on the strength and level of the other party's energy field. The fastest...the fastest it takes 30 minutes."

"Thirty minutes? No, it's too long. I'll give you ten minutes." Cario said seriously: "If I can't see the coordinates after ten minutes, dear Mr. Norton, you are waiting for the military Court it!"

Norton was crying and Cario had always been ruthless. It's almost useless to intercede with him~lightnovelpub.net~ The only thing Norton can do is to do what he says, and get the correct coordinates within ten minutes. But this is not easy to talk about. In the new era, radiation clouds cover the world, and the radiation from the clouds disturbs the use of all electronic instruments, making long-distance detection easy and difficult.

Although Asgart currently has some information about the Kingdom of the Living Corpse, this information is also obtained by positioning the spar when sending back data. At present, the data transmission of Spar is interrupted, and the technical department can only perform calculations with the current data. The large number of variables and the amount of data that need to be processed are beyond imagination.

To come up with a conclusion within ten minutes, it is no less than the challenge of stepping up among the capable people, which shows the difficulty of it.

If it were in the old days, Asgart would be able to discover through space satellites that the sky above Jotunheim is not known when an energy field is enveloped. It is this gray-white energy field that isolates the transmission of coordinates, making Asgart’s "Doomsday Catastrophe" impossible to cast. m