War Lord

Chapter 341: Awakening! Glory Knight (3)

w was in a trance, as if someone was calling. ()

Zero suddenly felt that his body was so heavy, and the assailant was so heavy. His gradually cold body has no extra strength to catch the invader, so he can only let it fall to the ground. Soon, Zero slid to the ground on Ymir's limbs. When the arthropod pulled away from his body, Ling could clearly hear the sound of the thing rubbing against flesh and blood.

Then I heard the call.


As if someone was calling his name, the sound seemed to be coming from a very far away, and then it weakly penetrated into his ears. Opening his eyes with zero reflex, he first saw the floor tiles stained red by his own blood, followed by three figures flying over.

In an instant, three shadows rushed towards each other, but it was Feng several people.

They did not leave.

"Stupid..." Ling cursed, but his voice was not much louder than that of a mosquito, but he had no energy to speak.

The body shook slightly, and I saw Su picking up. Su directly tore off his tactical uniform, exposing large areas of white skin. She hadn't cared about leaving herself alone. Su used her tactical uniform to suppress Zero's wound, but when she saw the huge cavity in Zero's abdomen, Su didn't know where to drop her hand.

Hot tears gushed from the corners of his eyes, and then rolled down on Zero's cold face like pearls. Su did not cry, but desperately covered Zero's wound with the fragments of the tactical uniform, doing all the first aid measures she knew in vain.

Zero's vision gradually blurred. The moment before sliding into the darkness, he vaguely heard Feng's roar.

In the impression of Zero, Feng had always been arrogant and roared like now. This was the first time. Zero suddenly felt that in this cruel age, it is great to have so many partners who will feel sad for your death!

Death came quietly at this moment. The moment Ling closed his eyes, Su felt his heartbeat slower and slower. In the end, Zero's heart completely stopped.

he died.

do you died?

Ask yourself zero.

Perhaps, Ymir's attack was deadly and accurate. With that kind of physical damage, Zero couldn't think of any reason for surviving.

But why, the thinking has not disappeared?

When this question popped into Zero's mind, he opened his eyes.

He found himself floating in the air.

This is a quiet world, the edge of the world is shrouded in darkness. However, the darkness did not make Zero feel flustered, but rather a kind of tranquility. Zero suddenly remembered that someone once said: Death is the ultimate deep sleep. It can make you let go of everything you have on your back, all you need to do is rest assured.

Although death is black, it is also peaceful. Zero is in its embrace, and can finally take off the burden on his body.

But are you willing?

Such a voice suddenly rang in Zero's mind.

Zero wanted to find the source of the sound, but he found that his body was not under control at all. The body is motionless, zero is like lying in the water, suspended in an endless void.

However, the darkness in his eyes gradually revealed light.

The light flashed from the slightest, and zero seemed to fall into the light, and he couldn't help closing his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, Ling was stunned.

He appeared in the z7 base.

Time seems to have returned to more than two years ago, and Zero stood on the working platform of the z7 base. He saw many familiar faces, including Zuog, old Jack, Leah, Lida, and Hans. And, zero two years ago!

Like a replay of the story, Old Jack is announcing Hans's crimes, and because Lida has contracted the virus, he needs to be exiled out of the wilderness.

Looking at all of this, Ling once heard people say that when a person dies, he will see his life again. Is that the case now?

This is an unanswered question.

Soon, Lida suddenly snatched Zuoge's gun while being taken away. The gun was pointed at zero two years ago, but Kelida looked at him at the moment: "You have not paid me what you owed me. Are you going to die now?"

Zero finally changed color.

The bright light came on again, and when Zero adjusted to the light, he found himself above the wilderness.

This is a piece of ruins, and the corpse of the city lies quietly on the wilderness. In front of a dilapidated building, Ling was surrounded by hundreds of celebrities. Among these soldiers, Ling saw a short blond hair.

Sauron, he looked into Zero's arms in astonishment.

What is he looking at?

Zero felt his hands heavy at this time, so he lowered his head, but saw Leah.

Leah's neck was bleeding, and she spoke to zero in a faint voice: "Aren't you going to resurrect me? After you let me come alive, how do I face your dead world?"

Zero jumped all over his chest like being hit by a sledgehammer.

The picture turned back again, and the darkness gently wrapped him again.

Zero is no longer floating in the void, he stands in the darkness, head down.

"Who is it?" he suddenly roared: "Why are you teasing me like this?"

Zero raised his head, his right eye was burning with an angry golden flame: "I'm already dead, can't you even let me be quiet after death?"

There was zero echo in the darkness, until someone said: "You are not dead, if you don't want to give up."

For a moment, Zero gave birth to the illusion that he was talking to himself. Because he couldn't hear it wrong, the voice belonged to him, and he even touched his lips with his hand to make sure he was not speaking.

"Hello, this is Agradis."

In the darkness, a golden halo lit up. In the halo, someone came towards zero. When he approached, Zero looked at this face in disbelief.

In Zero's pupils, a face exactly like him was reflected!

"Who are you?" Ling said almost dreamily, "Why do you have my face?"

"Face?" The man who called himself Agladis, but who looked the same as Zero, shook his head: "It's not appropriate to say that. I don't just look the same as you. Even the feelings, memory, and genes are no different from you. The only difference is that I am the future you. In other words, when you grow up, you and I will meet at a certain node in the future ~lightnovelpub.net~ There will be no difference."

"I don't understand?" Ling replied honestly.

Agradis shrugged his shoulders and opened his hands with a smile: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, I can explain it to you in detail. But before that, you still have to answer my previous question. Zero, you still want to Live it?"

"Are you a god? As long as I say yes, I can be resurrected?" Zero frowned.

Agradis shook his head and said, "You are so stupid. As I said before, you are not dead. But if you want to die, as long as your main consciousness disappears, your body will die. Listen, the big guy's attack Although it hurt you very badly. Of course, you can’t violate the rules of physics even if you don’t want to die if you put it on other people. But unlike you, at the moment of being attacked, I have used energy to protect your heart and brain. And cut off the connection with other organs. In other words, as long as you want to survive, I can use energy to regenerate those organs for you, and then connect them to your brain and heart, so that you will come back to life."

"Is that so? It sounds good, but..." Zero said to herself, "How wonderful is it to live? Keep fighting, becoming stronger, and then waiting in which battle to die again? If that's the case, What is the difference between dying early and dying late?" m