War Lord

Chapter 342: Awakening! Glory Knight (4)

Zero is not a saint, although he has the power that ordinary people don't have, he has also seen a wonderful world that ordinary people don't know. But the more he knew, the more confused he felt. The initial confusion stems from strength and evolution. I still remember that when Asgart participated in the boot camp, when Zero learned that he had a golden right eye called the "thing of the gods", he had a fear of power. .

Constantly evolve to gain more and stronger abilities and strengths. However, what will he get at the end of this road, can he still be called a human at that time? Or to put it simply, at that time, was zero still zero?

That was the first time he was confused about his own way.

Now, it is the second time.

If you put life or death on ordinary people in the old age, perhaps no one is willing to let go of this opportunity for rebirth. However, after experiencing all kinds of zeros in the new era, it was the first time to be confused about survival.

Is survival really better than death?


Being alive means that you will be burdened with more things. When he was alive, Zero didn't realize these, perhaps out of instinct, or perhaps Zero himself avoided certain problems. But when he could choose to die this time, Zero felt tired. Live and fight non-stop. With the same kind, and with the alien, the path of evolution means endless killing. Even if you can finally sit on the supreme throne, the road will be covered with blood and corpses.

There is no shortage of the quality of killing and decisiveness. When needed, Zero Gun never hesitated. But with such a lifestyle, will you be happy?

confused. The more I think about it, the more he feels lost.

"Living." Agradis, who has the same face as Zero, said: "Why is life desperate to live? No matter how difficult the environment is, you have to survive. This question, have you ever thought about Zero?"

After thinking for a moment, Zero spit out two words from his mouth: "Instinct."

"Yes, instinct. The instinct of life is survival. That is the deepest imprint engraved in life and genes, and it carries through life's continuity." Agradis made a casual stroke, and light was formed in the void. In the light, there are many shadows passing by. There are animals, human beings, and different races of life. They or they have left countless traces of life on this planet: "But zero, is survival really as simple as instinct? I don’t think so, if you live to live Don’t you think it’s too sad for such a life?"

Zero shook slightly, and Agradis' words seemed to touch a soft spot in his heart.

"Zero, do you have faith?" Agradis asked again.

This is a question that makes Zero feel familiar. Once, asked him the same way in Asgartriben. Now, zero is still the answer: "No, I don't believe in any gods."

"God?" Agradis shook his head: "The object of belief is not necessarily a god, it can be a belief. And more often, it is the meaning or reason for living!"

Ling opened his eyes wide, and for the first time seriously looked at this man who had the same face as him.

Agradis is like a mentor and a knowledgeable scholar. He stretched out his hand, and the scene in the light group changed again. Two deer figures appeared in the glory, one a mother and the other a child. They live freely on the grassland, the picture is so beautiful, the setting sun makes the grassland dyed with moving colors. However, as night fell, death came quietly.

In the darkness, a lion sprang out of the grass, leaping towards the young deer with its teeth and claws.

The lion, the overlord of the grassland. Whenever you see this beast, the doe will turn around and run away. Its speed and physical stamina are enough to get rid of a hungry lion. However, it chose to face the lion, and was eventually bitten by the lion's throat.

When she was dying, a clear liquid dripped from the doe's kind eyes. In the depths of the pupils, the figure of a young deer is reflected. Although it is dead, the full-fed lion will no longer attack the young deer. It uses its death in exchange for the child's chance of survival.

The screen ends.

"Zero, tell me why did that great mother do this?" Agradis asked softly.

There was zero silence, and he replied after a long while: "For the continuation of life!"

"You're right." Agradis nodded: "The continuation of life, this is the most basic belief that animals and even humans have. Let your offspring live, even if you fight for your own life, this is life. One of the beautiful qualities. But the meaning of life is much more than that. Under difficult circumstances. For example, in this new era, it may be difficult for one person to live, but a group of people is fine. Do you know what that is?"

Without waiting for a zero answer, Agradis replied for him: "It's mutual assistance, mutual encouragement, and bondage."

"The ties between people, companions and companions, mothers and children, young and old...zero. In many cases, life is not for ourselves. More, it is for other things we care about. , Or care about us. It is precisely because of these people's ties that you can't give up lightly. Just like you, can you give up them easily?"

Following the words of Agladis, another picture was formed in front of Zero's eyes. In the picture, there are several people fighting. They pounced on Ymir again and again, although there was no sound in the picture, from their expressions, Zero heard their shouts.

"Why are they desperately attacking a life form that has no chance of winning?" Agradis said softly: "It is also for the bondage, zero. For the bond between you and them, for the sake of not letting you Death becomes meaningless! This is the greatness of mankind, or all life. Because of the bondage, no matter how weak the life is, it has the courage to challenge the existence on the pyramid. Just like the doe, knowing that it is bound to die, it must rush towards Lion. So Zero, do you still choose to die? If so, I respect your choice."

After speaking, Agradis took a step back and waited quietly for zero choice.

Are you tied up?

Zero effort recalled when he had a companion. There is no doubt that it was in Asgart. Is this really the case?

Do not!

I remember waking up from a deep sleep two years ago, on the road to Silver Tree City, the hearty man said loudly to himself: We are companions!

After leaving the z7 base, the girl who gave everything for herself!

Crowder counted the time, the female swordsman who unexpectedly came to rescue herself!

When heading to the north, the strong kid with long silver hair who followed him all the way!

Zero suddenly discovered that UU reading www.uukanshu.com had had various companions since a long time ago, and it is precisely because of them that Zero can go to the present. After coming to Asgart, Zero met more people.

Feng, Mapei, Jonah, Johnny, Agatha! He even disgusted him at the beginning, but in the end he stayed firmly behind to defend against the powerful enemy Berion.

Countless faces flashed one by one in Zero Mind, and finally, he heard a voice.

"Remember my taste? As long as you remember me, I won't really die."

It was Agatha's last words.

Death means letting go of everything, but also means forgetting. But can I forget everything? Or, am I willing to forget them? Those lovely people, can I really forget them?

"No, if survival itself is a battle." Zero clenched his fists, raised his head and yelled at Agradis: "Then I would never be a deserter. Instinct is good, or stumbling. Agra Diss, let me go back!"

In Zero's right eye, I don't know when the raging golden flames ignited again! m