War Lord

Chapter 347: The way home (4)

w is already the season of early summer, and the daytime temperature in the wilderness is as high as 50 degrees Celsius. (>The strong ultraviolet rays of the sun shoot to the earth through the radiation cloud, making the ground covered by the radiation cloud look like a giant microwave oven in operation. The rising heat distorts the distant scenery, and some special geographical environments in the wilderness also appear A view of the mirage.

Regardless, no creatures will be active in such a hot weather. The night is their time.

Therefore, when the engine sound came from the wilderness, an emperor scorpion looked strangely in the distance, then turned and dived into its shady crypt. Soon, a few large tires were spinning and rolling past the emperor scorpion's lair. When the sound faded away, Scorpion looked on again, and in its gray-brown compound eyes, images of several cars appeared.

Three off-road vehicles and a few light motorcycles drove through the wilderness, and they were so obvious and lonely on this quiet land. In the desolate wilderness, they are the only moving objects, and the vehicles are rushing all the way to the west.

The wind blew the broken hair in front of his forehead, and he was sitting behind the off-road vehicle. The back seat of the vehicle has been removed to form a square body. Zero was sitting in this carriage with one leg curled up, but the other leg was straight and flat. He leaned against the carriage in a comfortable posture, and his body showed a wonderful rhythm as the vehicle bumped.

It has been more than half a month since the destruction of Jotunheim, and he really woke up about ten days ago. According to Feng, he slept like a dead pig. And Zero knew that this deep sleep caused a wonderful change in his body.

Agradis not only allowed him to see his potential, but also transformed his identity. Zero's body now has a complete energy collection, drive and storage system. His heart has disappeared, replaced by a crystal-like organ. It is a source of zero energy and a storage. According to Agradis, what is called a nucleus crystal has a storage equivalent of more than a thousand times that of a human heart.

If the human heart is a small generator, then the convergent nucleus crystal is a nuclear power plant.

And some of Zero's organs and blood vessels have also undergone earth-shaking changes. All evolution is necessary to advance to the twelfth order, or even higher order power. Although this makes Zero can no longer be regarded as an orthodox human being, on the path of evolution, who can be sure that when humans evolve to the extreme, they will not be in their current form?

Zero doesn't mind the changes in his body. For him, strength is far more important than sticking to the original human form. Moreover, Zero does not believe that whether it can be called a human is determined by the shape of the body. For him, having a human mind is more important than a model of physical existence.

Persistence and not giving up are precisely human beings possessing such qualities, so they are good at creating miracles.

The way to come is going away, and the end point ahead doesn't know how far it is. But on this road, there are already three companions who will never be able to set foot on the way home.

Johnny, Ma Pei, Agatha. Ling read them silently in her heart, and engraved these three names in her mind forever. As long as he doesn't forget these lovely people, they can live in Zero Heart forever.

This is another form of immortality.

Zero no longer feels sad, the cruelty of the new era does not leave him much time to grieve. What's more, life is originally the cycle of life and death, just like although three familiar figures are missing from three cars, there is one more immature child.

Haiwei Joe Elizabeth, the child of Johnny's student less than a day before, lost her mentor forever. However, Zero has decided to replace Johnny to teach this child. Haiwei has the potential. In time, she may become a good fighter like Johnny. Even beyond him!

On Hai Wei, a short-haired girl, Zero always sees another child. Where will the girl with long hair like a galaxy be? If Zero had the current power and identity at the time, perhaps Moni would not have to leave.

Furthermore, if it is not zero and does not have enough power, he will not have to lose so many respectable and lovely people.

I'm not strong enough.

Zero placed his hand on the floor of the car and quietly clenched into a fist.

"Do you have something to eat?" Su, who was sitting in the passenger seat, poked her head and handed him a box of canned meat.

With a zero smile, he said, "Thank you, I'm not hungry. You can eat."

He wasn't talking politely, but it was the fact. After Agradis's transformation, the accuracy of zero food intake has been improved to an inhuman level. If it was said that his life system was only efficient before, then it is now squeezing and plundering food.

All food will be squeezed out after entering Zero's body, and the material will be dissociated into pure energy, which will maintain zero activity. If a single tube of nutrients can allow Zero to maintain regular activities for up to one day, then the same amount of food that Zero now can produce can produce enough energy for three to five days.

What's more, zero energy sources are not just food. Relatively speaking, the model of energy intake through food is rudimentary and backward.

But in any case, seeing Su, Zero is grateful that he didn't choose to sleep forever that day. Otherwise, he will lose more!

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the convoy drove into a ruined city. The size of the city is not large, but the facilities are complete. From the sewage system in the suburbs to the high-rise buildings in the center of the city, we can see the prosperity of the past. But now, it only has a crippled body.

The car stopped outside the library in the city. The Gothic building was barely preserved. Except for the broken windows on the first floor, the building is rarely damaged. So the servants first entered the first floor of the library to clean up. After a brief gunshot, the work was over. The two living corpses and a few violent rats were dragged out of the library by the servants, and randomly thrown into the ruins of the building on the other side of the street.

Soon, there was a sound of tearing muscles in the shadow of the ruins.

And what comes from this switch is a safe environment for the team members to take a short break.

The crowd sat on the ground in a circle, enjoying various meat products and pure water heated by the servants, while also talking loudly about the almost desperate battle in Jotunheim. After that battle, Berion's body has undergone a significant transformation. He no longer sits alone and arrogantly, but sits with everyone. Although he still looks like an unspeakable smile, the relationship with everyone is much better than before~lightnovelpub.net~ Looking at Berion, I don’t think of the time when he insisted on staying with him to hold Lilith. Absolutely. From that moment on, Ling Cai truly regarded Berion as a comrade-in-arms.

As if he noticed that Zero was looking at him, Berion said coldly: "Don't look at me, I don't have a strange orientation."

Hearing this, Feng, who was drinking water, couldn't help but spray all of Jona's body with a sip of water. Poor Jona had a pan of fried veal loin in his hand that was covered with Maple's saliva, causing Desu and Haiwei to laugh.

It's no wonder that men's friendship is not built on the wine table or on the battlefield, and it is really good. Zero heart.

As he was about to wipe out the food on his plate, Zero suddenly felt a warning sign.

The next moment, there was a sharp sound of breaking through the air. Zero bounced from the ground and swept over to the window for the first time. Looking outside, a missile reflecting the sky was flying high in the sky, and then turned a corner. The tail thruster erupted with thick white smoke and pulled out a perfect arc in mid-air to attack in the direction of the library.

Ling said coldly: "It seems that some people don't welcome us home." m